
本站原创 2023-11-20 12:37:38



  涓叡涓ぎ 鍥藉姟闄㈠叧浜庡仛濂?023骞村伐浣滅殑閫氱煡



  锛?023 骞?1 鏈?2 鏃ワ級

































  锛堜簩鍗佷簩锛夋彁鍗囧啘涓氱粡钀ユ晥鐩娿€?娣卞叆寮€灞曞啘涓氭柊鍨嬬粡钀ヤ富浣撴帹骞胯鍔紝鏀寔瀹跺涵鍐滃満缁勫缓鍐滄皯鍚堜綔绀俱€佸悎浣滅ぞ鏍规嵁鍙戝睍闇€瑕佸姙浼佷笟锛岄紦鍔卞皬鍐滄埛鍚堜綔缁忚惀锛屽叡鍚屽鏀躲€?瀹炴柦鍐滀笟绀句細鍖栨湇鍔℃帹杩涜鍔紝澶у姏鍙戝睍鑰曠銆佺鏀躲€佸叏绋嬫墭绠$瓑绀句細鍖栨湇鍔★紝榧撳姳鍖哄煙缁煎悎鏈嶅姟骞冲彴寤鸿锛屼績杩涘啘涓氶檷鏈鏁堛€佹彁璐ㄥ鏁堛€佽惀閿€鏁堢巼鎻愬崌銆? 銆?寮曞鍦熷湴缁忚惀鏉冩湁搴忔祦杞紝鍙戝睍鍐滀笟閫傚害瑙勬ā缁忚惀銆?鎬荤粨褰撳湴鈥滃苟灏忕敯鎴愬ぇ鐢扳€濈殑缁忛獙锛屾帰绱㈠湪鍐滄皯鎰忔効鍓嶆彁涓嬶紝閫氳繃鍐滅敯寤鸿涓庡湡鍦版暣鐞嗙浉缁撳悎锛岄€愭瑙e喅纰庣墖鍖栭棶棰樸€?瀹屽杽绀句細璧勬湰鎶曡祫鍐滀笟鍐滄潙鎸囧紩锛屽姞寮鸿祫閲戜笅涔°€佷娇鐢ㄣ€侀€€鍑哄叏杩囩▼鐩戠銆?瀹屽杽绀句細璧勬湰閫氳繃娴佽浆鍙栧緱鍦熷湴缁忚惀鏉冪殑璧勬牸瀹℃煡銆侀」鐩鏌ュ拰椋庨櫓闃茶寖鍒跺害锛屽垏瀹炰繚鎶ゅ啘姘戝埄鐩娿€?鍧氭寔鍐滀笟鏈嶅姟涓庢斂娌汇€佺ぞ浼氫簨涓氬垎寮€锛岀户缁繁鍖栦緵閿€绀剧患鍚堟敼闈┿€?/p>

  锛堜簩鍗佷笁锛夎祴浜堝啘姘戞洿鍔犲厖瓒崇殑璐骇鏉冪泭銆?娣卞寲鍐滄潙鍦熷湴鍒跺害鏀归潻锛屾妸鏉冨埄鎵庣墷锛岀ǔ姝ユ帹杩涜祴鏉冿紝鏈夊簭瀹炵幇涓诲姩鏉冨埄锛岃鍐滄皯鏇村鍒嗕韩鏀归潻绾㈠埄銆?鐮旂┒鍒跺畾绗簩杞湡鍦版壙鍖呮湡婊″悗鍐嶅欢闀?0骞磋瘯鐐瑰伐浣滄寚瀵兼剰瑙併€?绋冲Ε绋冲Ε鎺ㄨ繘鍐滄潙瀹呭熀鍦板埗搴︽敼闈╄瘯鐐癸紝鏄庣‘搴曠嚎锛屽姞蹇畢鍦板悎涓€纭潈鐧昏鍙戣瘉锛屽己鍖栬鑼冪鐞嗭紝濡ュ杽瑙e喅鍘嗗彶閬楃暀闂鎺㈢储瀹炵幇瀹呭熀鍦扳€滀笁鏉冨垎缃€濈殑鏈夋晥閫斿緞銆?娣卞寲鍐滄潙闆嗕綋缁忚惀鎬у缓璁剧敤鍦板叆甯傝瘯鐐癸紝鎺㈢储寤虹珛鍏奸【鍥藉銆佸啘鏉戦泦浣撶粡娴庣粍缁囧拰鍐滄皯鍒╃泭鐨勬湁鏁堝湡鍦板鍊兼敹鍏ヨ皟鑺傛満鍒躲€?淇濇姢杩涘煄鍐滄皯鍚堟硶鍦熷湴鏉冪泭锛岄紦鍔变緷娉曡嚜鎰挎湁鍋挎祦杞€?宸╁浐瀹屽杽鍐滄潙闆嗕綋浜ф潈鍒跺害鏀归潻鎴愭灉锛屾瀯寤轰骇鏉冨叧绯绘竻鏅般€佹不鐞嗙粨鏋勭瀛︺€佺粡钀ユ柟寮忓仴鍏ㄣ€佹敹鐩婂垎閰嶅悎鐞嗙殑杩愯鏈哄埗锛屾帰绱㈣祫婧愯浆鍖呫€佹埧浜х璧佺瓑澶氬厓鍖栨笭閬撱€佷腑浠嬫湇鍔°€佽祫浜у弬涓庡彂灞曟柊鍨嬪啘鏉戦泦浣撶粡娴庛€? 銆?瀹屽杽鍐滄潙闆嗕綋璧勪骇鐩戠浣撶郴銆?淇濋殰濡囧コ鍦ㄥ啘鏉戦泦浣撶粡娴庣粍缁囦腑鐨勫悎娉曟潈鐩娿€?缁х画娣卞寲闆嗕綋鏋楁潈鍒跺害鏀归潻銆?娣卞叆鎺ㄨ繘鍐滄潙缁煎悎鏀归潻璇曠偣绀鸿寖銆?/p>


  锛堜簩鍗佸洓锛夊姞寮烘潙搴勮鍒掑缓璁俱€?鍧氭寔鍏ㄥ幙缁熺锛屾敮鎸佹湁鏉′欢銆佹湁闇€瑕佺殑鏉戝簞鍒嗙墖缂栧埗鏉戝簞瑙勫垝锛屽悎鐞嗙‘瀹氭潙搴勫竷灞€鍜屽缓璁捐竟鐣屻€?灏嗘潙搴勮鍒掔撼鍏ユ潙绾ц璁哄崗鍟嗘竻鍗曘€?瑙勮寖浼樺寲鍐滄潙琛屾斂鍖哄垝锛屼弗绂佽繚鑳屽啘姘戞剰鎰垮悶骞舵潙搴勩€佽绔嬪ぇ绀惧尯銆?鎺ㄨ繘浠ヤ埂闀囥€佹潙涓哄崟浣嶇殑鍏ㄥ尯鍦熷湴缁煎悎鏁寸悊銆?绉瀬鐩樻椿鐜版湁闆嗕綋寤鸿鐢ㄥ湴锛屼紭鍏堜繚闅滃啘姘戜綇鎴裤€佸啘鏉戝熀纭€璁炬柦銆佸叕鍏辨湇鍔$┖闂村拰宸ヤ笟鐢ㄥ湴闇€姹傦紝鍑哄彴涔℃潙鎸叴鐢ㄥ湴鏀跨瓥鎸囧紩銆?We will compile guidelines for improving village appearance, improve village appearance based on local characteristics, regional characteristics and ethnic characteristics, and prevent large-scale demolition and construction, and blindly build archways, pavilions and corridors to "pile bonsai". Implement demonstrations for the centralized and contiguous protection and utilization of traditional villages, and establish and improve systems for traditional village investigation and identification, pre-clearance review for demolition and mergers, and disaster prevention. Formulate guidelines for rural areas to basically have modern living conditions.


  (25) Solidly promote the improvement of rural living environment. We will increase efforts to renovate public spaces in villages and continue to carry out village cleaning operations. Consolidate the results of rectification and rectification of household toilet problems in rural areas, and guide farmers to carry out indoor toilet renovation. Strengthen the construction and maintenance of rural public toilets. Focusing on villages and towns with concentrated populations and villages surrounding water source protection areas, rural domestic sewage treatment will be promoted in a classified and tiered manner. Promote the source classification and reduction of rural domestic waste, and promptly remove and dispose of it. Promote the utilization of toilet feces, perishable garbage, and organic waste as resources nearby. Continue to carry out patriotic health campaigns.


  (26) Continue to strengthen rural infrastructure construction. Strengthen rural highway maintenance and safety management, and promote the integrated construction of supporting facilities along the routes, industrial parks, tourist attractions, and key rural tourism villages. Promote the construction of large-scale water supply projects in rural areas and the standardized transformation of small water supply projects, and carry out special actions to improve water quality. Promote the consolidation and upgrading of rural power grids and develop rural renewable energy. Support the renovation and earthquake-resistant renovation of dilapidated rural houses, basically complete the investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards in rural houses, and establish a full-process supervision system. Carry out demonstrations on the construction of modern and livable farm houses. Deeply implement digital rural development actions and promote the research and development and promotion of digital application scenarios. Accelerate the application of big data in agriculture and rural areas and promote the development of smart agriculture. Implement management and maintenance responsibilities for village public infrastructure. Strengthen the construction of basic rural emergency management capabilities, and carry out in-depth efforts to control hidden risks in key areas such as rural transportation, fire protection, and self-built houses for profit.


  (27) Improve basic public service capabilities. Promote the sinking of basic public service resources and focus on strengthening weak links. Promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education within the county and improve the level of rural schools. Implement the living subsidy policy for rural teachers. Promote county-level coordination of medical and health resources, and strengthen the construction of rural-level medical and health and medical security service capabilities. We will coordinate and resolve the issues of salary distribution and benefits security for rural doctors, and promote the professionalization and standardization of the rural doctor team. Improve rural infectious disease prevention, control and emergency response capabilities. We must do a good job in the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic in rural areas, consolidate responsibilities at all levels, strengthen medical protection for key groups such as the elderly, the young, the sick, the disabled and pregnant women in rural areas, and maintain the health and normal production and living order of rural residents to the greatest extent. Optimize the subsistence allowance review and confirmation process to ensure that eligible needy people receive all the benefits they deserve. Deepen rural social work services. Accelerate the construction of regional elderly care service centers in townships and promote elderly care services such as day care, mutual assistance for the elderly, visiting care, and elderly canteens. Implement the plan to improve the quality of rural women, strengthen the protection of rural minors, improve the social security system and care service system for rural disabled people, and care for people with mental disabilities.


  8. Improve the rural governance system led by party organizations


  (28) Strengthen the political and organizational functions of rural grassroots party organizations. Highlight the clear direction of focusing on the grassroots, strengthen the responsibility of county-level party committees to focus on townships and promote villages, and further promote party building to promote rural revitalization. Comprehensive training is provided to improve the ability of township and village teams to lead rural revitalization. Pai Qiang makes good use of the first secretary and work team stationed in the village, and strengthens the dispatched unit's joint village assistance. Carry out rectification of corruption and work style issues in the field of rural revitalization. Continue to carry out city and county inspections, promote the effective connection between grassroots discipline inspection and supervision organizations and village affairs supervision committees, and strengthen all-round management and regular supervision of village cadres. Centralized training will be carried out for rural party members in phases and in batches. Through methods such as setting up posts and setting responsibilities, rural party members can play a pioneering and exemplary role.


  (29) Improve rural governance efficiency. We must adhere to party building as the guide for rural governance, strengthen the functions of the three-level county and rural governance system, consolidate county-level responsibilities, promote the expansion of power and empowerment of townships, and consolidate the foundation of the village level. Comprehensively implement the system for county-level leadership team members to visit villages, township leadership team members to village joint households, and village cadres to visit households regularly. Improve the villagers' self-governance mechanism under the leadership of the party organization and fully implement the "four discussions and two disclosures" system. Strengthen rural legal education and legal services, and carry out in-depth creation of "democratic and legal demonstration villages (communities)". Uphold and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era and improve the multi-dimensional prevention, mediation and resolution mechanism for social conflicts and disputes. Improve the grassroots governance platform with grid management, refined services, and information support. Promote the regularization of crackdowns on gangs and evil in rural areas. Carry out special operations to crack down on illegal gambling crimes in rural areas. We will severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts that infringe on the rights of rural women and children in accordance with the law. Improve and promote pragmatic and effective governance methods such as point system, list system, digitalization, and immediate handling of complaints. We will deepen pilot projects in building rural governance systems and organize the creation of national rural governance model villages and towns.


  (30) Strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization in rural areas. We will carry out in-depth publicity and education on socialist core values, and continue to carry out publicity and education activities in rural areas to listen to the Party, express gratitude to the Party, and follow the Party. Deepen the creation of mass spiritual civilization in rural areas, expand the construction of new era civilization practice centers, county-level integrated media centers, etc., and support rural self-organized mass cultural activities. Pay attention to the construction of family education and family tradition. We will further implement the farming culture inheritance and protection project and strengthen the protection and utilization of important agricultural cultural heritage. Let's hold the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival well. Promote various localities to formulate norms for changing customs according to local conditions, strengthen the binding role of village regulations and civil covenants, party members and cadres take the lead in demonstrating, and solidly carry out special treatment of prominent issues in key areas such as high-priced betrothal gifts and grand events. Promote the reform of rural funeral customs.


  9. Strengthen policy guarantees and institutional innovation


  (31) Improve the diversified investment mechanism for rural revitalization. We will insist on treating agriculture and rural areas as a priority area for general public budget protection, and consolidate local government investment responsibilities. Steadyly increase the proportion of land transfer proceeds used in agriculture and rural areas. Include qualified rural revitalization projects into the scope of local government bond support. Support the establishment of rural revitalization funds in a market-oriented manner. Improve the linkage mechanism between government investment and financial and social investment, encourage qualified projects to be bundled and implemented by market entities in accordance with regulations, and leverage financial and social capital to invest more in agriculture and rural areas in accordance with market-oriented principles. Make good use of policies such as re-lending and re-discounting, differentiated deposit reserves, differentiated financial supervision, and assessment and evaluation to promote financial institutions to increase loans in areas related to rural revitalization, focusing on ensuring the demand for credit funds for food security. Guide the credit guarantee business to tilt towards the agricultural and rural areas and give full play to the role of the national agricultural credit guarantee system. Strengthen agricultural credit information sharing. Give full play to the role of multi-level capital markets in supporting agriculture and optimize "insurance + futures". Accelerate the reform of rural credit cooperatives and promote the structural restructuring of rural credit cooperatives. Encourage the development of fishery insurance.


  (32) Strengthen the construction of rural talent teams. Implement the talent support plan for rural revitalization, organize and guide talents in education, health, science and technology, culture, social work, spiritual civilization construction and other fields to serve at the grassroots level, and support the cultivation of urgently needed local talents. Implement a plan to cultivate high-quality farmers, launch an action to cultivate rural entrepreneurial leaders, and improve the effectiveness of training. Vigorously develop vocational education oriented towards rural revitalization, and deepen the integration of industry and education and school-enterprise cooperation. Improve the incentive mechanism for urban professional and technical talents to regularly serve the countryside, and give appropriate preference in job promotion and professional title evaluation to those who have long-term service to the countryside. Guide urban professional and technical personnel to work part-time in rural areas and start businesses after leaving their jobs. Those who meet certain conditions and return to their hometowns for employment and entrepreneurship are allowed to settle in their place of origin or place of employment and entrepreneurship. Continue to implement the free training program for rural order-oriented medical students, the "Excellent Teacher Plan" for teachers, the "Special Post Plan", the "National Training Plan", and implement the special plan for "College Rural Doctors". Implement the Rural Revitalization Women Action and the Youth Talent Development Action.


  (33) Promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas in counties. Improve the institutional mechanisms and policy systems for urban-rural integrated development and smooth the flow of urban and rural factors. Coordinate urban and rural planning and construction in counties, promote urbanization in counties to make up for weak areas, and strengthen the construction of municipal and service facilities in central towns. We will further promote the citizenization of migrant workers in counties and establish a sound mechanism for basic public services to be linked to the permanent population and provided by their place of residence. Provide financial services to migrant workers. Gradually allocate county and rural public resources, develop urban and rural school communities, close medical and health communities, and elderly care service complexes, promote the coordinated urban and rural construction and management of universal service facilities such as county power supply, gas supply, telecommunications, and postal services, and promote it in areas where conditions permit. Municipal pipe networks, rural micro-pipe networks, etc. are extended to households. We will solidly carry out demonstration and establishment of rural revitalization.


  The key to running rural affairs well and achieving rural revitalization lies in the party. Party committees and governments at all levels must conscientiously study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, thoroughly understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", put "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in a prominent position, pay close attention to it, and continuously improve "Agriculture, rural areas and farmers" work level. To strengthen the construction of work style, party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, must firmly establish the masses' viewpoints, implement the mass line, go to the grassroots more, be more down-to-earth, and promote the style of investigation and research. Give full play to the main role of farmers and mobilize their enthusiasm, initiative and creativity to participate in rural revitalization. Strengthen the concept of systems, coordinate and solve the dilemmas and multiple difficulties in the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and ensure the timeliness and efficiency of the work. Deepen the rectification of various formalism, bureaucracy and other problems in rural revitalization, effectively reduce the burden of grassroots officials in receiving evaluations and submissions for inspections, filling in forms and reporting data, and leaving excessive traces, and encourage the grassroots to focus on development, governance and service. The peasant masses are doing practical things. Comprehensively implement the rural revitalization responsibility system, adhere to the five-level secretarial work, coordinate the performance assessment of the rural revitalization strategy, consolidate and expand the assessment of the effective connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and focus on party building to promote rural revitalization as city, county and township party committee secretaries to focus on grassroots party building An important part of the work review and assessment. Strengthen statistical monitoring of rural revitalization. Formulate a plan to accelerate the construction of an agricultural power, make overall plans and systematic arrangements, connect with existing plans, and advance solidly and steadily in stages.


  Let us unite closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, strengthen our confidence, work hard, and work hard to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and accelerate the construction of an agricultural power, so as to comprehensively build a modern socialist country and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. make new contributions.

上一篇:盐城市人民政府 盐城要闻 扛起农业大市担当 奋
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