156 2024-01-07
2014年12月,习近平总书记在江苏考察时明确要求江苏“推动现代农业建设迈上新台阶”,殷切希望“带好引领、引领好方向,真正把发展现代农业落到实处”。工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化。 采取切实措施”、“力争在全国率先实现农业现代化”。 五年多来,全省坚持以习近平总书记关于“三农”重要论述和对江苏工作重要讲话指示为指导,把总书记的殷切期望转化为强大动力着力推动“三农”发展。 党委、省政府不断加大改革创新、政策落实和工作推进力度,稳步推进农业供给侧结构性改革,加快建设现代农业产业体系、生产体系、管理体系。 现代农业发展水平不断提高,探索出了一条独具特色的道路。 中国特色、江苏特色的农业现代化发展道路
进入工业化中后期的江苏,连续多年生产了占全国5.6%的粮食、6.5%的蔬菜、3.6%的肉类、6.5%的鸡蛋,占全国耕地面积的4%,人均不到0.9英亩。 农林牧渔业总产值占全国6.1%,全省8000万多人的就业岗位牢牢掌握在他们手里。 习近平总书记评价说:“这对于东部沿海省份来说并不容易。”
“十三五”以来,江苏现代农业发展水平持续提升。 粮食总产量稳定在3500万吨以上,2020年达到3729万吨,比2015年增加168万吨,单产增加22.2公斤。 农业科技进步贡献率年均提高1个百分点,农业劳动生产率提高20%左右。 农民收入保持较快增长。 2020年,农村居民人均可支配收入达到24198元,比2015年增长48.8%。城乡居民收入比由2.29:1下降到2.19:1。
习近平总书记指出,保障国家粮食安全比任何时候都更加重要。 在资源环境约束趋紧的背景下,江苏推行粮食基本自给、口粮绝对安全的新粮食安全理念,是艰巨而有意义的; 它强大而精确。
“食物是政治的领袖。” “十三五”以来,江苏在率先推动高质量发展的同时,粮食保持平稳增长,在人口密度最大的省份口粮自给自足、粮食产量略有下降的情况下取得了显著成效。盈余,为国家粮食安全做出了积极贡献。 2020年,江苏粮食总产量3729万吨,单产459.9公斤,分别居全国第七位和第三位。
江苏深入实施“土地囤粮、科技储粮”战略,坚持稳面积、增单产、增产能。 把物质装备和科技手段作为现代农业生产力的关键,确保以大米为重点的口粮绝对安全。 实施主要粮食作物新品种协同研究,建立高质量导向的农作物品种研发和推广体系。
“缩小了数千,但颗粒面积却无法缩小!” 江苏省委、省政府始终保持清醒。 大力发展和推进耕地数量、质量、生态“三位一体”保护,全面完成永久基本农田划定。 按照山水林田湖草系统化治理要求,加大土地综合整治力度。 五年来,完成土地复垦861.2万亩,新增耕地198.7万亩,粮食生产功能区和重要农产品生产保护区划定工作全面完成。 2020年,江苏粮食播种面积达到8109万亩。
“一花独开,不是春天”。 粮食生产稳定,蔬菜、肉类、禽蛋、水产品等重要农产品供应充足。 2019年蔬菜产量5700万吨,比2014年增加200万吨以上,位居全国第四。 肉类产量298万吨,禽蛋产量220万吨,原奶产量56吨。 淡水渔业产值1185亿元,居全国第一。
农产品稳定生产供应离不开高标准农田基础设施。 “十三五”以来,江苏实施“责任制、承诺制、奖惩制”三项制度联动措施,通过综合配套设施建设高标准农田和电灌站2070万亩田地、土壤、水、道路、森林和电力。 8145座,渠道11500公里,暗管113公里,农业桥梁18490座,机械耕作道路12660公里。 建成的高标准农田改善了农业生产条件,增强了防灾减灾能力。 在推进海安市崖州镇1.4万亩高标准农田建设过程中,同步培育优质水稻、优质蚕桑、果蔬种植等特色产业。 “锦湖大米”每公斤售价5元,在上海市场畅销。
科技创新成为江苏农业发展的“新引擎”。 尽管资源环境约束趋紧,江苏农业仍能保持良好发展,科技创新发挥了重要作用。 江苏高度重视农业科教优势。 拥有涉农院校70多所,农业科技人员12000余人,拥有一大批国家重点实验室和工程中心。
“十三五”以来,江苏坚持把科教兴农作为推动现代农业发展的主要战略和增强农业核心竞争力的关键举措。 大力推动农业科技创新,加快农业科技成果推广。 2019年全省农业科技贡献率达到70%,高出全国平均水平10个百分点,位居全国各省份之首。 农业科技创新与推广成效显着。 全省农业产业荣获国家科学技术奖19项。 全省已评选审定主要农作物新品种200多个。 17个水稻品种列入农业农村超级稻名录,占总数的10%。 占全国总量的1/8。
人才是科教兴农的关键。 提高农业职业院校办学水平,主动与地方政府对接,有针对性地合作,培养现代农业建设急需的高技能实用人才。 宜兴市以提高农业科技进步贡献率为目标,积极实施“陶都人才工程”,成立“青年农民联盟”,鼓励原籍高校毕业生回乡创业,引进签约服务年限5年以上的农业农村人才。 对高端实用人才给予一定奖励,推动科技成果下乡转化。
生产效率的提高离不开装备水平的提高。 江苏着力优化农业生产体系,大力推进生产手段和生产方式现代化,全面提高农业资源利用率、土地产量和劳动生产率。 加快发展设施农业,提高农业机械化水平,推动农业生产智能化、精细化、绿色化。
“十三五”以来,江苏不断加大农机化推广力度,规模化、效益化的现代规模化农业生产格局逐步形成。 2020年,全省农机总动力达到5194万千瓦,比2015年农机总动力4825万千瓦增长近7.6%。 全省农业机械化水平达到88%。 水稻机械插秧率超过70%,粮食产区烘干能力达到63%,高效植保机械化能力达到70%,位居全国前列。
农业结构战略性调整需要树立多点观念。 江苏创新机制、多方位协调配合、各部门共同参与,构建了现代农业产业体系新格局,不仅增强了农业整体素质,还提高了竞争力!
现代农业的载体是农业产业体系。 习近平总书记在江苏考察时明确要求“积极推进农业结构战略性调整,形成完整的现代农业产业体系,提升农业整体质量和竞争力”。
“中央有要求,江苏有行动,落实有成效。” 毫不犹豫地推进农业供给侧结构性改革,推动产业升级动力转变,是江苏提升农业整体质量和竞争力的关键。
推进农业结构战略性调整,坚持走市场化发展道路是工作重点。 江苏坚持以市场需求为导向,立足资源禀赋和区位优势,重点打造优质稻米、绿色蔬菜等8个千亿元优势特色产业,推进特色畜禽、特色渔业布局、时令鲜果产区,因地制宜开展农业结构调整。 统筹安排农业生产结构和区域布局,推动农业由增产向提质转变。 全省优质食用稻面积增至1450万亩,稻虾混作等稻田综合种养殖面积增至250万亩,特产比重水产品种植养殖面积增至80%,农业结构优化。
随着我国经济社会发展加快新旧动能转换,扎根江苏农村的新产业、新业态也不断涌现,农业与文化、旅游、教育、医疗等跨界融合等行业也越来越明显。 南京市依托山水田园优势,打造美丽乡村精品旅游线路和特色乡村旅游景点。 休闲旅游农业综合收入位居全省前列。 南京市江宁区大力引导国有企业通过市场化机制开发乡村生态资源,打造了千家渡、黄龙仙等一批乡村旅游“网红村”,让当地村民创业致富坐在家里的时候。 通过江苏实施“百园千村万点”休闲农业精品行动,2020年全省休闲旅游农业综合收入达到800亿元,比2015年增长150%以上。目前,不少县区走上了三产融合发展的道路。 “快车道”。
作为互联网经济大省,江苏“互联网+”农业发展速度和规模始终走在全国前列,尤其是农产品电子商务。 2020年,全省农产品网上交易额达843亿元,同比增长35.6%。 这已连续多年。 保持20%以上增幅。 新农民正在利用互联网“新农具”,不断谱写三业融合发展的新篇章。 红杜鹃农业生态园,占地近3700亩,位于南京市栖霞区八卦洲。 园区已开发55个地铁接送点、37个社区服务站,连接线上线下超过3万客户。 2019年,其营业收入突破3500万元。 在互联网经济引领下,园区收入持续快速增长。
农村特色产业是乡村产业的重要组成部分。 它们是小众、多元、地域特色鲜明、乡土气息浓厚的乡村产业。 涵盖特色养殖、特色食品、特色工艺品、特色文化,发展潜力巨大。 从种苗到制作盆景,如皋市古庄社区花木经营户的思维和经营方式的转变,也是江苏传统产业“继承”、打造特色产业的具体例证。 20世纪90年代,古庄家家户户都种花种树。 以前,他只靠卖苗赚到一点钱。 现在他的发展重点变成了根据市场需求研究盆景制作技术,他确实赚了很多钱。
“十三五”以来,江苏坚持“产业思维、项目机制”的发展思路做大做强乡村产业,聚焦重点、补短板、强优势,补齐短板,大力推进现代农业产业园区和农产品加工区建设。 打造资金、技术等集聚平台,全省已建成10个国家现代农业产业园区、52个省级农业产业示范园区、53个省级农产品加工区。 以完善产业体系为目标,全力以赴招商、促招商、建项目,切实发挥农业项目保供给、强产业、增效益的作用。
既要大声喊,又要抓牢。 2020年3月底,江苏省政府在盱眙县绿色食品产业园召开2020年全省农业农村重大项目建设现场推进会。 283个省市县三级农业农村重大项目密集开工。 每个项目单项投资超过1000万元,其中亿元以上项目118个,75%以上集中在现代种植、农产品加工、现代农业服务业等领域。 截至2020年底,全省在建重大农业农村项目近1000个,总投资超过2200亿元。
江苏按照“产业结构优、优质高效、主体强、技术装备精、路径新”的发展思路,深化农业供给侧结构性改革,保障重要农产品有效供给。农产品,加快建设江苏特色现代农业。 工业体系。 同时提出,到2022年,现代养殖业总产值达到1万亿元,农产品加工业总产值达到1.5万亿元,约200个县域10亿元以上级特色产业集群,农村一二三产业融合增加值占县域生产总值比重显着提升。 苏稻、苏鱼、苏菜、苏猪、苏禽五大主导产业产能和质量效益显着提升,培育一批地方特色产业、一批新兴产业和一批地方特色产业。产业集群、蓬勃发展。
“万物需要和谐才能生存,万物需要滋养才能成熟。” 习近平总书记多次强调,“经济发展必须有前提,生态环境首先要保护”。 江苏认真践行“绿水青山就是金山银山”理念,坚持以绿色引领农业农村发展,把绿色发展作为农业农村高质量发展的主旋律,统筹推进现代农业建设和生态环境保护,真正践行绿色发展。 贯穿农业农村工作,要真正以绿色发展引领农业现代化。 江苏农业复种指数高,资源开发利用强度高。 如何正确处理保障重要农产品供应、农业效益和生态环境保护的关系,让农业生产资源要素弦不再紧张?
江苏积极推进化肥农药减量增效,推进有机肥替代、绿色防控、果树、茶叶、蔬菜统一防治。 在全国率先实行农药零利润率统一配送,控制高毒高残留农药的使用。 主要农作物测土配方施肥基本覆盖,2020年农作物病虫害绿色防治覆盖率达47%以上。 重点推广水肥一体化等高效施肥技术,全省化肥、农药使用量不断下降。 2019年,全省化肥施用量、农药使用量比2015年分别下降10.6%和13.7%。
降低耕地利用强度,提高耕地养分含量,必须促进耕地资源休养生息。 江苏是全国第一个开展省级轮作休耕试点的国家。 省政府对苏南地区统筹推进进行了部署。 太湖一级保护区等重点区域全年实行轮作休耕。 苏南其他地区原则上每三年实行一次轮作休耕。 在苏中、苏北沿江、湖泊、河流地区,积极探索扩大轮作休耕规模,力争实现重要水域和重要生态环境保护区域轮作休耕全覆盖。 2020年,全省轮作休耕面积新增200万亩。
农村是生态环境的主要领域,生态是农村最大的发展优势。 江苏正在探索发展农业农村绿色生态,努力开创人与自然和谐共生的乡村建设新格局。 农村人居环境改善全面推进。 全省1.2万个村庄建成生活污水处理设施,农村无害化卫生户厕所普及率超过95%。 培育打造邳州、宿迁“公共空间治理”规划,推动乡村景观、森林、道路、住房整体整治。 通过优化山水、田野、村落等空间要素,全省共建成省级田园村221个。 美丽乡村建设新实践,成为“力、富、美、高”最直接、最实在的体现。
确保农产品质量安全,既是食品安全的基本保障,也是绿色发展的内在要求。 江苏主动创建国家农产品质量安全示范省,率先建立省、市、县、乡、村五级农产品质量安全监管体系。 重要农产品例行监测合格率连续多年稳定在98%以上。 。 绿色优质农产品比重达到70.4%,绿色食品和有机农产品总数达到2981个,位居全国前列。
江苏还加快探索绿色发展模式,推广一大批种养业生态循环新技术新模式,推动畜牧业绿色转型发展,进一步推进规模化养殖场管理、突出非规模养殖场农牧一体化,推进畜禽粪便一体化。 将农田归还该地区并就近使用。 多渠道积极推广农作物秸秆综合利用,开展废旧农膜、农药包装废弃物回收利用试点,建立健全回收利用体系。 全省畜禽粪便综合利用率、秸秆综合利用率分别达到97%、95%,均位居全国前列。 推动实施水产养殖规划,实施养殖池塘生态改造,推广生态健康的养殖技术和模式,全力提升水产养殖水平。
江苏省南通市以能源化肥为主要技术路径,因地制宜、因县情、因地制宜施策,形成多模式、多层次的畜禽粪便资源化利用新格局。 规模化养殖场粪便处理设施设备配套率100%。 建立畜禽废弃物处理中心,培育畜禽废弃物社会化服务组织,集中处理畜禽废弃物,并利用产生的沼气发电并入电网,打造绿色优质畜牧业符合生态文明建设的要求。 发展路径。
“十三五”以来,绿色生态成为江苏农业农村可持续发展的鲜明特色。 正如习近平总书记强调的那样,江苏正在坚定不移加快转变农业发展方式,走出一条产量高、产品安全、资源节约、环境友好的现代农业发展道路。
习近平总书记指出,改革开放只能进行,不能完成。 江苏走在潮流前列,一次又一次的改革探索,不仅为农业农村发展积蓄动力,也为江苏农民迈向高水平、全面小康开辟了新天地。 ——脱离社会!
率先发展乡镇企业,较早开展农村税费改革,大力推动城乡协调发展……改革开放以来,江苏农村改革波澜壮阔。 党的十八大以来特别是“十三五”时期,江苏坚持用新发展理念引领改革创新,推动重点领域突破发展,充分激发农业活力让改革红利持续惠及农民。
农村改革如何在体制机制创新上实现突破? 江苏本着“为国家探索道路”的使命,着力推进重点领域改革,加强试点示范,做好农村土地承包经营权确权登记发放工作,推进承包权与经营权分离,积极发展农业适度规模经营。 、加快完善社会化服务体系,提高农民生产经营活动组织化、社会化水平; 加快完善农业支持保护体系,切实加强支农项目资金整合,创新农业补贴方式,促进农业科教产学研融合,完善农业金融服务体系创新丰富农业金融产品和服务方式,扩大农业保险品种范围,为突破制度障碍提供有力支撑。 总结推广一批“江苏经验”,打造一批“江苏模式”。
江苏在全国率先出台土地制度改革实施意见,引导土地经营权规范有序流转和发展适度规模经营。 全省土地流转面积占承包土地面积的比例达到60%。 “十三五”以来,江苏进一步依托农村产权交易平台,推广土地经营权流转网上交易和流转合同网上签订,建立土地经营权抵押融资、履约保证保险等机制,并利用信息技术为农民提供服务。 交易项目数量、交易金额、流通面积、抵押贷款金额均位居全国前列。 截至2020年底,省级平台土地经营权出让累计交易额728亿元。
江苏以“有序”“适度”“多形式”推进适度规模经营。 According to the different levels of rural labor force, agricultural production means improvement and socialized service level, various forms of moderate scale such as land concentration, farmland trusteeship, family farm clusters, joint farming and cooperative farms should be developed according to local conditions, focusing on supporting the scale of 100 to 300 acres. operations, the proportion of moderate-scale operations in the province reached 67%. Huai'an City's Jinhu County has developed a total of 181 model family farms, 206 model cooperatives, and 16 various types of consortiums. It has successfully been approved as a county-wide pilot project for improving the quality of professional farmer cooperatives across the country. The county's contracted land transfer area totals 496,000 acres, and the proportion of moderate-scale agricultural operations reaches 87%. Adopting the form of "government guidance, village collective leadership, farmer participation, and professional cooperative organization and implementation", we promoted joint farming and joint planting management of thousands of acres of farmland, and implemented "nanny-style" order service covering an area of 31,200 acres, involving 24 villages and 3,892 households. Farmers and 24 cooperative organizations save the cooperative organizations 110 yuan/mu in agricultural input costs every year. The average annual income of cooperative organizations increases by more than 140,000 yuan, solving the problems of aging farmers, side-line production, and fragmented land management.
Looking at Jiangsu, new agricultural management entities are constantly emerging from the streets. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the total number of family farms exceeded 170,000, including 2,290 provincial model family farms. 10 new farmers' cooperatives have been promoted to pilot counties across the country for quality improvement. The total number of farmers' cooperatives ranks among the top in the country. A total of 408 national model cooperatives, 1,374 provincial model cooperatives, and 8,671 model cooperatives at or above the county level have been cultivated. There are more than 13,000 agricultural machinery service organizations of various types, including 8,987 professional agricultural machinery cooperatives. According to incomplete statistics, the operating service area of agricultural machinery cooperatives in the province accounts for more than 65% of the total agricultural machinery operating area, and the annual operating service income exceeds 30 billion yuan. There are 897 leading enterprises at or above the provincial level, including 77 at the national level, ranking second in the country. The province's leading agricultural enterprises have taken the lead in organizing 500 agricultural industrialization consortiums, driving more than 3,500 business entities of various types.
Since the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", Jiangsu has established a "three-in-one" model of education and training, certification management and policy support around the goals of "three types of collaboration" of production and operation, professional skills and social services, and vigorously promoted the cultivation of new professional farmers. Over the past five years, The total number of farmers who have received free education and training has exceeded 1 million. A new team of professional farmers who are educated, understand technology, and know how to operate is rapidly forming in Jiangsu.
International experience shows that when the urbanization rate reaches 70% and the per capita GDP exceeds US$15,000, the relationship between industry, agriculture, and urban and rural areas will enter a critical period of profound adjustment, showing a development trend of accelerated industrial integration and urban-rural integration. By the end of 2019, the urbanization rate of Jiangsu's permanent population had reached 70.6%, the per capita GDP exceeded US$18,000, and the proportion of secondary and tertiary industries reached 95.7%. Based on this development situation, Jiangsu has carried out the action of "Ten thousand enterprises linking thousands of villages to jointly walk the road of revitalization", taking village-enterprise cooperation as the starting point to promote the effective connection of modern production factors such as urban capital, technology, talents, and information with agricultural and rural resources, Deep integration and common development.
"Speaking a thousand words and preaching ten thousand words, increasing farmers' income is the key." Jiangsu, with a per capita GDP of more than 18,000 US dollars, not only did not fall into the "income gap trap", the per capita disposable income of rural residents reached 24,198 yuan in 2020, with a growth rate higher than that of urban residents for 11 consecutive years. It also became the national urban-rural income ratio with an income ratio of 2.19:1. One of the areas with the smallest disparity.
During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the whole province implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's new development concept, not only digging into the potential and building a solid foundation from traditional ways of increasing income, but also finding ways out and thinking of more ways to deepen reform and innovation, and constantly opening up new opportunities for farmers. New revenue growth points. Focusing on increasing farmers' income, Suqian City actively explores and promotes the "enterprise + cooperative + farmer" joint operation model, "land stock ownership + farmer employment" and other interest linkage mechanisms during project construction. Currently, among the agricultural projects settled and put into production in the city, 70 projects implement the "order production" mechanism to link farmers' interests with farmers, accounting for 25.5%; 59 projects implement the "shareholding dividend (including guaranteed dividend)" mechanism, accounting for 21.5% ; There are 161 projects that have signed long-term stable employment agreements with labor cooperation organizations, accounting for 58.5%. At present, a single project has created employment for an average of more than 80 people, with an average income increase of 15,000 yuan per capita. Among them, the Hualv factory-based edible fungi project in Siyang County has created more than 1,200 jobs. The company pays 48 million yuan in wages to migrant workers every year, with an average salary of 15,000 yuan per capita. Annual income is more than 50,000 yuan.
Loufeng Street was the place where the first shovel of soil was dug for the development and construction of Suzhou Industrial Park in the 1990s. The street household registration population is 110,300, of which 29,427 are landless farmers. In order to allow landless farmers to share the fruits of park development, each subdistrict community ensures that the share dividends of landless farmers increase year by year through the operation of 12 community joint-stock cooperatives. At the end of 2019, community joint-stock cooperatives distributed a total of 20.22 million yuan in cash dividends to farmers, of which farmers aged 60 to 79 years old received 2,100 yuan each, farmers aged 80 to 90 years old received 4,100 yuan each, and farmers over 90 years old received 4,600 yuan each. 。
Jiangsu summarizes the "Southern Jiangsu Model" and its early exploration experience in cooperative economy and share-based economy, and takes the opportunity of the first batch of province-wide pilot projects for the reform of the rural collective property rights system in the country to focus on key aspects such as member definition and equity quantification, and promote the quantification of collective operating assets. It reaches people and solidifies into households. Promulgated and implemented Jiangsu Province's Rural Collective Asset Management Regulations to promote the province's rural collective asset management into a legalized track. Various forms of collective economic models have been explored and formed. The total operating assets of village-level collective economic organizations are nearly 180 billion yuan, and the average village collective operating income is 1.92 million yuan. The reform of the rural collective property rights system has been basically completed. More than 99% of villages (residents) in the province have basically completed the reform. More than 17,000 collective economic organizations have completed registration and assigned codes and obtained special legal person status. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the average annual growth rate of rural residents' property income exceeded 10%, and the proportion of disposable income increased year by year.
During the historical convergence period of realizing the "Two Centenary Goals", Jiangsu will deepen the implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on Jiangsu work, and always strive to move forward in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, forge ahead and continue to struggle. , make every effort to plan and strive to start a new journey of agricultural and rural modernization, and strive to turn the beautiful blueprint drawn for us by General Secretary Xi Jinping into reality step by step.
(Jiangsu Provincial Committee Agricultural Office, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)