171 2024-01-07
2011年,各地区、各部门认真贯彻落实中央决策部署,齐心协力,努力克服各种困难和挑战,农业农村保持强劲发展势头。 粮食生产稳定迈上新台阶,农民收入大幅增加,水利建设明显加快,农村民生持续改善,农村社会安定祥和。 农业农村形势良好,有力支撑了经济平稳较快发展,有力维护了改革发展稳定大局。
做好2012年农业农村工作,稳定发展农业生产,保障农产品有效供给,对于推进工作全局、赢得战略主动至关重要。 当前,国际经济形势复杂严峻,全球气候变化影响加深,我国耕地和淡水资源紧缺加剧,农业发展面临的风险和不确定性明显增加,巩固农业发展任务发展农业农村的良好局面更加艰巨。 全党必须始终保持清醒认识。 我们决不能因为多年来生产和收入的增长而瘫痪。 不能因为农村面貌改善了就削弱投资。 决不能因为农村发展不断好转而放松工作。 我们必须继续努力,面对困难。 、锐意进取,努力在高起点上实现新突破、新成就。
实现农业持续稳定发展、保障农产品长期有效供给的根本出路在于科技。 农业科技是保障国家粮食安全的基础支撑,是突破资源环境约束的必然选择,是加快建设现代农业的决定性力量。 它具有明显的公共性、基础性、社会性特征。 我们要牢牢抓住世界科技革命方兴未艾的历史机遇,坚持科教兴农战略,把农业科技摆在更加突出的位置,决心突破体制机制障碍,大幅增加农业科技投入,推动农业科技跨越式发展,开创农业科技美好未来。 农业增产,农民收入增加,为农村繁荣注入强劲动力。
2012年农业农村工作的总体要求是:全面贯彻落实党的十七大和十七届三中、四中、五中、六中全会和中央经济工作会议精神,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论为指导,以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,同步推进工业化、城镇化、农业现代化,着力加强科技保发展、强生产保供给、强民生保稳定,农业效益进一步增强。 强化农民富农政策,努力实现农业丰收,共同促进农民收入快速增加,努力维护农村社会和谐稳定。
一、粮食生产毫不放松。 保障农产品有效供给,首先要稳定粮食生产,确保不出现滑坡。 要切实落实“米袋子”省长负责制,持续开展粮食稳定增产行动,千方百计稳定粮食播种面积,扩大紧缺品种生产,努力提高单产和质量。 继续实施国家新增1000亿公斤粮食生产能力计划,加快提升800个粮食主产县(市、区、农场)生产能力。 继续实施粮食高产科技工程和超级稻新品种选育示范工程。 支持优势产区加强棉花、油籽、食糖生产基地建设,进一步优化布局,注重单产、提高效益。 深入推进粮棉油糖高产创建,积极扩大规模,选择基础条件好、生产潜力大的县镇,大力开展巩固体系建设。 大力支持重点农时、重点地区防灾减灾技术指导和生产服务业发展,加快推进农作物病虫害专业统一防治,完善农作物病虫害防治支持政策。重大病虫害。
2、狠抓“菜篮子”产品供应。 抓好“菜篮子”,就要建设好菜园、经营好菜摊。 要加快推进区域布局、标准化生产、规模化种植,提高“菜篮子”产品整体供应保障能力和质量安全水平。 大力发展设施农业,继续建设园艺作物标准园和畜禽水产品示范场,启动农业标准化示范县建设。 落实国家蔬菜产业发展规划,支持优势地区加强菜地基础设施建设。 稳定发展生猪生产,支持牛羊主产县标准化养殖和原生养殖场建设,发起实施奶业苜蓿振兴行动,推进规模化生猪奶牛养殖小区建设。 制定实施第二阶段动物疫病防治方案,及时处置重大疫情。 开展养殖生态环境修复试点,支持远洋渔船更新改造,加强渔政建设和管理。 充分发挥农业产业化龙头企业在“菜篮子”产品生产和流通中的积极作用。 加强食品质量安全监管综合协调,加强检验检测体系和追溯体系建设,开展质量安全风险评估。 大力推广高效安全肥料、低毒低残留农药,严格规范食品和饲料添加剂使用。 落实“菜篮子”市长负责制,充分发挥都市农业应急保障功能。 大中城市要坚持保持蔬菜等生鲜食品一定的自给自足。
3.加大农业投入和补贴力度。 继续增加“三农”财政支出,继续增加国家对农业农村的固定资产投资,继续加大农业科技投入,确保增量和比重双双提高。 充分发挥政府对农业科技投入的主导作用,确保财政农业科技投入增速明显高于财政经常性收入增速,逐步提高农业研发投入比重农业增加值,建立投资稳定增长长效机制。 按照增加总量、扩大范围、完善机制的要求,继续加大农业补贴力度,新增补贴向主产区、种养殖大户、农户倾斜’专业合作社。 提高对粮农的直接补贴水平。 实行农业综合投入补贴动态调整机制,及时加大补贴力度。 加大良种补贴力度。 扩大农机购置补贴规模和范围,进一步完善补贴机制和管理办法。 完善主产区利息补偿机制,加大对粮(油)主产县的奖励资金力度,加大对生猪出境重点县的激励力度。 探索完善森林、草原、水土保持等生态补偿制度。研究建立公益林补偿标准动态调整机制,进一步加大湿地保护力度。 加快转变草原畜牧业发展方式,加大对畜牧业、牧区、牧民的支持力度。 草原生态保护补助奖励政策覆盖国家确定的牧区、半牧区县(市、旗)。 加大对村级公益事业建设的财政奖励和补贴力度,积极引导农民和社会资金投向“三农”。 有效整合国家投资,提高资金使用效率。 切实加强财政“三农”投入和补助资金使用监管,坚决制止并严厉查处虚报、截留、挪用等违法行为。
4.提高农村金融服务水平。 加大农村金融政策支持力度,继续加大农村信贷投入,确保银行业金融机构涉农贷款增速高于全部贷款平均增速。 完善涉农贷款税收优惠政策,完善金融机构县域金融服务考核评价办法,引导县域银行业金融机构加强农村信贷服务。 大力推进农村信用体系建设,完善农户信用评价机制。 深化农村信用社改革,稳定县(市)农村信用社法人地位。 发展多元化农村金融机构,鼓励民间资本进入农村金融服务领域,支持商业银行在中西部地区县域设立村镇银行。 有序发展农村金融互助组织,引导农民专业合作社规范信用合作。 完善符合村镇银行金融机构和业务特点的差异化监管政策,适当提高涉农贷款风险承受能力,实行适度宽松的市场准入和灵活的存贷比政策。 继续发展农民小额信贷业务,加大对县域农户、农民专业合作社、小微企业的信贷支持。 加大对科技型乡镇企业和科技特派员下乡创业的信贷支持,积极探索农业科技专利质押融资服务。 支持农业发展银行增加农业科技贷款。 鼓励有条件的涉农企业开展直接融资,积极发展涉农融资租赁业务。 扩大农业保险种类和覆盖面,开展设施农业保费补贴试点,扩大森林保险保费补贴试点范围,支持渔业互助保险发展,鼓励地方政府发展设施农业保险。优势农产品生产。 完善农业再保险制度,逐步建立中央财政支持的农业灾害风险转移和分散机制。
5.稳定和完善农村土地政策。 加快修改完善相关法律,落实政策,保持现有土地承包关系稳定、长期不变。 按照依法自愿有偿的原则,引导土地承包经营权流转,发展多种形式的适度规模经营,推动农业生产经营模式创新。 加快农村地籍调查。 2012年,基本完成各类农村集体土地确权登记发证工作。 推进农民宅基地等农村集体建设用地使用权确权登记发证,稳步扩大农村土地承包。 试点企业产权登记,并适当财政补贴工作经费。 加强土地承包经营权流转管理和服务,完善土地承包经营纠纷调解仲裁制度。 加快修改土地管理法,完善征用农村集体土地相关规定,健全严格规范的农村土地管理制度。 加快牧区草地承包工作。 深化集体林权制度改革,稳定林地家庭承包关系,基本完成2012年明晰产权、承包到户改革任务,完善相关配套政策。 开展国有林场、国有林区改革试点。 深入推进农村综合改革,加强农村改革试验区工作。
六、明确农业科技创新方向。 着眼长远发展,超前部署农业前沿技术和基础研究,力争在世界农业科技前沿领域占据重要地位。 面向产业需求,着力突破农业重大关键技术和共性技术,切实解决科技与经济脱节问题。 立足我国基本国情,遵循农业科技规律,保障国家粮食安全是首要任务,提高土地产量、资源利用率和劳动生产率是主要目标。 增产增效并重,配套良种良法,农机农艺一体化,生产生态协调,是推进农业技术一体化、劳动过程机械化、生产和生产信息化的基本要求。构建适应高产优质高效生态安全农业发展要求的技术体系。
7.突出农业科技创新重点。 稳定支持农业基础性、前沿性、公益性科技研究。 大力加强农业基础研究,突破农业生物基因调控与分子育种、农林动植物抗逆机制、农田资源高效利用、农林生态修复、病虫害防治等一批重大基础理论和方法。控制、生物安全和农产品安全。 。 加快推进前沿技术研究,在农业生物技术、信息技术、新材料技术、先进制造技术、精准农业技术等方面取得一批重大自主创新成果,抢占现代农业科技制高点。技术。 着力突破农业技术瓶颈,在良种栽培、降本降耗、节水灌溉、农业机械装备、新型肥料农药、病害防治等领域取得一批重大实用技术。控制、加工、储运、循环农业、海洋农业、农村民生。 结果。
8.完善农业科技创新机制。 打破部门、地区、学科界限,有效整合科技资源,建立协同创新机制,促进产学研和农业科教紧密结合。 按照事业单位分类改革要求,深化农业科研院所改革,完善现代院所制度,扩大院所自主权,努力营造科研人员投身科研的政策环境。研究。 完善农业科研项目立项机制,实行定向委托与自主选题相结合、稳定支持与适度竞争相结合。 完善农业科研评价机制,坚持分类评价,着力解决实际问题,改变重论文轻发明、重数量轻质量、重成果轻应用的局面。 大力推进现代农业产业技术体系建设,完善以产业需求为导向、以农产品为单元、产业链为主线、综合实验站为基础的新型农业科技资源组合模式。基础上,及时发现和解决生产中的技术问题,充分发挥技术创新、实验示范和辐射的积极作用。 落实税收减免、企业研发费用加计扣除、高新技术优惠等政策,支持企业加强技术研发和升级改造,鼓励企业承担各类国家科技项目,增强自主创新能力。 积极培育企业主导的农业产业技术创新战略联盟,发展涉农新兴产业。 加快农业技术转移和成果转化,加强农业知识产权保护,稳步发展农业技术交易市场。
九、改善农业科技创新条件。 加大国家各项科技计划对农业领域的支持力度,提高公益性科研机构运行经费保障水平。 支持农业科技创新基金发展,积极引导和鼓励金融信贷、风险投资等社会资金参与农业科技创新创业。 继续实施转基因生物新品种培育重大科技专项,加大涉农公益性行业科研专项项目实施力度。 推进国家农业高新技术产业示范区和国家农业科技园区建设。 按照统筹规划、共建共享的要求,增加农业领域国家工程实验室、国家重点实验室、国家工程技术研究中心、科技资源共享平台数量,支持部门建设开放实验室和实验示范基地。 加强市、地两级涉农科研机构建设,鼓励有条件的地方由省级科研机构直接管理。 加强农业科技国际交流与合作,加大引进、消化、吸收国外先进农业技术力度。 加强农业气象研究和实验,加强人工影响天气基础设施和科技能力建设。
10.注重种业技术创新。 科技兴农,先改良种子。 加大种业基础性和公益性研究投入,加强种质资源采集、保护和鉴定,创新育种理论方法和技术,打造良种育种材料,加快培育一批突破性新品种。 重大育种科研项目要支持种子企业育种、育种、推广一体化,加快建立以企业为主体的商业育种新机制。 优化调整种子企业布局,提高市场准入门槛,推动种子企业兼并重组,鼓励大企业通过兼并、收购、参股等方式进入种业。设立种业发展基金,培育种子企业培育一批集选育、繁育、推广于一体的大型骨干企业,支持企业和优势科研单位建立育种平台,鼓励科研院所、高校科研人员与企业合作共享。 加大动植物改良工程实施力度,加强西北、西南、海南等地区优势良种繁育基地建设,鼓励种子公司和农民专业合作社共同建立相对集中、稳定的种子生产基地,建设新的种子生产基地。品种分布于粮棉油主要生产县。 示范现场。 开展合格种子生产保险试点,加大种子储备财政补贴力度。 完善品种审定、保护、退出制度,强化种子生产经营行政许可管理,严厉打击生产销售假冒伪劣产品、侵犯名牌、抢购乱伦等违法行为。套利。
11.加强基层公益性农业技术推广服务。 充分发挥各级农技推广机构作用,着力提升基层农技推广服务能力,推动家庭经营向采用先进技术和生产方式转变。 普遍健全乡镇或区域农业技术推广、动植物疫病防治、农产品质量监督等公共服务机构,明确公益性定位,结合产业发展实际设立公共服务阵地。 全面落实人员招聘制度,严格岗位要求,落实岗位责任,落实县、乡、农三方考核办法。 对扎根农村、服务农民、埋头苦干的农业技术推广人员,要切实提高其薪酬水平,实行工资倾斜和绩效工资政策,实现工资收入与上岗人员工资收入挂钩。岗位人员和基层事业单位人员平均工资收入。 进一步完善乡镇农业公共服务机构管理体制,加强农业技术推广工作的管理和指导。 切实改善基层农业技术推广工作条件,根据种养规模和服务绩效安排推广工作经费。 2012年,基层农技推广体系改革建设示范县项目基本覆盖农业县(市、区、农场),农技推广机构条件建设项目覆盖所有乡镇、村庄。 大幅增加对农业防灾减灾稳产增产关键技术和方法的补贴。 加快基层农技推广机构经营职能分离,实行市场化运作,探索多种形式的公益性服务。 完善基层农业技术推广服务方式,充分利用广播电视、报纸、互联网、手机等媒体和现代信息技术,为农民提供高效便捷、简洁直观、双向互动的服务。 加强城镇或小流域水利、基层林业公共服务机构建设,完善农业标准化服务体系。 扩大农业农村公共气象服务覆盖面,提高农业气象服务和农村气象防灾科技水平。
12.引导科研教育机构积极开展农业技术服务。 引导高等院校和科研院所成为公益性农业技术推广的重要力量,强化服务“三农”的责任,完善激励机制,鼓励科研教学人员从事农业技术基层延伸服务。 支持高等院校和科研院所承担农业技术推广项目,将农业技术推广服务绩效纳入专业技术职务评价和工作考核,实行推广教授、推广研究员制度。 鼓励高等院校、科研院所建立农业实验示范基地,实行专家院、校市共建、校县共建等服务模式,整合、成熟、推广农业科技成果。 大力实施科技特派员农村科技创业行动,鼓励设立和经营科技企业和技术合作组织。
13.培育和扶持新型农业社会服务组织。 通过政府订购、定向委托、招标等方式,支持农民专业合作社、供销社、专业技术协会、农民水务合作组织、涉农企业等社会力量广泛参与农业生产。 - 制作、中期制作和后期制作服务。 充分发挥农民专业合作社在组织农民进入市场、应用先进技术、发展现代农业方面的积极作用,加大支持力度,加强辅导服务,推进示范合作社建设,促进农民规范经营’专业合作社。
支持农民专业合作社兴办农产品加工企业或参股龙头企业。 壮大农村集体经济,探索有效的实施形式,增强集体组织为农民生产经营的服务能力。 Encourage qualified grassroots stations to establish agricultural service enterprises, implement enterprise pilot projects integrating science, industry and trade services, and have the government purchase public services from them. Support the development of rural comprehensive service centers. Comprehensively promote the informatization of agriculture and rural areas, and strive to improve the level of information services in agricultural production and operation, quality and safety control, and market circulation. Integrate and utilize modern distance education and other network resources for rural party members and cadres to build a fast channel for information services integrating three networks. Accelerate the construction of a national rural informatization demonstration province, focusing on strengthening the construction of rural-related information service sites and information demonstration villages for grassroots level. Continue to implement the Spark Plan and promote the action of enriching the people and strengthening the county with science and technology, and the plan of promoting science and technology to benefit farmers and revitalize villages.
4. Strengthen education, science and technology training and comprehensively cultivate new agricultural and rural talent teams
14. Revitalize and develop agricultural education. Promote the joint construction of higher agricultural colleges by ministries and provinces, implement excellent agricultural and forestry education and training plans, run a number of agriculture-related majors, and strengthen the construction of agricultural science and education cooperation talent training bases. Further increase the per-student funding standards for agriculture-related disciplines (majors). Increase the support of national inspirational scholarships and grants to students majoring in agriculture-related majors in colleges and universities, and improve the quality of students majoring in agriculture-related majors. Increase the targeted enrollment of colleges and universities in rural areas, especially in poverty-stricken areas. Encourage and guide college graduates to work at the grassroots level in rural areas, and implement tuition compensation and national student loan reimbursement policies for those who meet the conditions. We will further promote the "Village Official" program for college students, and implement programs such as "Three Supports and One Support" and college student voluntary service in the western region according to local conditions. We will speed up the process of free secondary vocational education, implement vocational skills training subsidy policies, encourage agriculture-related industries to set up vocational education, and strive to enable every rural reserve labor force to master a skill.
15. Accelerate the training of agricultural science and technology talents. Major national talent projects should be tilted towards the agricultural field, continue to implement the innovative talent promotion plan and the agricultural scientific research outstanding talent training plan, and accelerate the cultivation of agricultural science and technology leading talents and innovation teams. Further improve the incentive mechanism and independent flow mechanism for agricultural scientific research talents. Develop evaluation standards oriented towards scientific research quality, innovation capabilities and application of results. Extensively carry out hierarchical and classified regular training for grassroots agricultural technology extension personnel. Improve the professional title evaluation standards for grassroots agricultural technology extension personnel, focus on work performance and extension effectiveness, and tilt the number of evaluation positions towards townships and production front lines. We will launch a pilot program for special posts in agricultural technology extension services and select a group of college students to serve as special posts in towns and villages. Actively give play to the demonstration and leadership role of farmer technicians and provide corresponding subsidies according to the amount of tasks undertaken.
16. Vigorously train rural practical talents. With the core of improving scientific and technological quality, vocational skills, and business capabilities, we will carry out large-scale rural practical talent training. Give full play to the role of various departments and industries, increase the implementation of various rural talent training plans, expand the scale of training, and improve subsidy standards. Accelerate the training of rural development leaders such as village cadres, heads of farmers' professional cooperatives, and college students who work in villages; rural skilled service talents such as farmer plant protection workers, epidemic prevention workers, water conservancy workers, information workers, and biogas workers; large farmers, agricultural machinery owners, Brokers and other rural production and operation talents. Vigorously cultivate new types of professional farmers, provide free agricultural skills training to rural high school and junior high school graduates who have not yet entered higher education, and provide subsidies and loan support to qualified rural youth to start agricultural businesses and migrant workers to return to their hometowns to start businesses.
5. Improve facilities and equipment conditions and continuously consolidate the material foundation for agricultural development
17. Unremittingly strengthen farmland water conservancy construction. Accelerate the construction of water source projects, the management of large rivers, large lakes, and small and medium-sized rivers, the removal and reinforcement of dangerous reservoir gates, and the prevention and control of mountain torrents and geological disasters. We will intensify efforts to continue the construction of supporting facilities and water-saving renovations in large and medium-sized irrigation areas, and upgrade and upgrade large and medium-sized irrigation and drainage pumping stations. A number of new irrigation areas will be built in places with adequate water and soil resources, and efforts will be made to expand the effective irrigation area. Continue to increase the central government's special funds for subsidies for the construction of small farmland water conservancy facilities, and realize the construction of key counties for small farmland water conservancy to basically cover major agricultural counties. We will intensify the construction of "five small water conservancy" projects in hilly areas, comprehensive improvement of rural rivers, and dredging of pond weirs, and develop water conservancy in pastoral areas. Vigorously promote new technologies and equipment for efficient water-saving irrigation, expand the scope of equipment purchase subsidies and loan interest discounts, and improve preferential tax policies for water-saving irrigation equipment. Innovate the farmland water conservancy construction management mechanism, accelerate the central and provincial level coordination of land transfer proceeds for farmland water conservancy construction funds, and implement the policy of appropriate fiscal subsidies for agricultural irrigation and drainage project operation and management costs. Develop specialized service organizations in the promotion of water conservancy science and technology, flood control and drought relief, and irrigation experiments.
18. Strengthen the construction of high-standard farmland. Accelerate the demarcation of permanent basic farmland and launch a pilot program for farmland protection compensation. Formulate a national high-standard farmland construction master plan and related special plans, raise funds through multiple channels, increase investment in comprehensive agricultural development, carry out major rural land remediation projects and demonstration construction, focus on accelerating the construction of farmland with high and stable yields despite droughts and floods, and implement high-efficiency measures in the four northeastern provinces and autonomous regions. Water-saving agricultural irrigation projects comprehensively enhance the ability of cultivated land to continuously increase production. When constructing major projects occupying cultivated land, we must actively implement the experience and practice of "moving soil and cultivating fertilizers". Continue to do a good job in surveying and monitoring agricultural land quality, further promote soil testing and formula fertilization, expand the scale of subsidies for improving soil organic matter, and continue to implement dry farming projects. Strengthen the construction of facility agricultural equipment and technology demonstration bases. Accelerate the construction of modern agricultural demonstration zones and support reclamation areas to take the lead in developing modern agriculture.
19. Accelerate agricultural mechanization. Give full play to the important role of agricultural machinery integration technology, save costs and increase efficiency, and promote scale operations, continuously expand the field of agricultural machinery operations, and improve the level of agricultural machinery services. Efforts will be made to solve outstanding problems such as mechanical planting of rice and mechanical harvesting of corn, rape, sugarcane, and cotton, vigorously develop machinery and equipment such as facility agriculture, livestock and aquaculture, and explore the full mechanization of agricultural production models. Actively promote technologies such as precision sowing, deep application of chemical fertilizers, and conservation tillage. Strengthen the research and development of key agricultural machinery components and key products, support the technological transformation of the agricultural machinery industry, and improve product applicability, convenience, and safety. Increase credit support and encourage large planting and breeding households, large agricultural machinery households, and agricultural machinery cooperatives to purchase large and medium-sized agricultural machinery. Implement preferential tax and fee policies to support the development of agricultural machinery and promote the marketization and industrialization of agricultural machinery services. Effectively strengthen agricultural machinery after-sales service and agricultural machinery safety supervision.
20. Do a good job in ecological construction. Consolidate the results of returning farmland to forests, and appropriately expand the scale of returning farmland to forests in key national ecological functional areas such as the source of rivers and around lakes and reservoirs. Implement the second phase implementation plan of the natural forest resources protection project, and coordinate to solve the issue of social insurance subsidies for one-time resettled employees with employment difficulties. Gradually increase the central subsidy standard for investment in shelterbelt afforestation, and strengthen the construction of shelterbelt system projects in the "Three Norths", coastal areas, and the Yangtze River. We will speed up the preparation of the second phase project plan for the control of sandstorm sources in Beijing and Tianjin, expand the implementation scope of comprehensive control of rocky desertification, and launch a pilot program of subsidy for the closure and protection of desertified land. Build an ecological security barrier on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and launch key regional ecological projects. Appropriately expand the scale of improved forest varieties and afforestation subsidies, and improve the forest tending subsidy policy. Improve the management measures for forest rights mortgage loans and increase the scale of loan interest discounts. Explore the national public welfare forest redemption mechanism. Support the development of woody grain and oil, understory economy, forest tourism, bamboo and rattan and other forest industries. Encourage enterprises and other social forces to use industrialized methods to prevent and control desertification. Expand the scope of implementation of the project to return grazing land to grassland, support the construction of grassland fences, forage bases, livestock sheds and the improvement of severely degraded grassland. Strengthen grassland supervision in pastoral and semi-pastoral areas. Continue to carry out fishery enhancement and release. We will intensify the implementation of key national water and soil conservation projects, accelerate the pace of renovating sloping farmland, promote the construction of clean small watersheds, and strengthen the monitoring and forecasting of water and soil loss and the supervision and management of water and soil conservation in production and construction projects. Make the improvement of rural environment the focus of environmental protection work, improve the policy of promoting treatment through rewards, and gradually implement the same treatment between urban and rural areas. Promote cleaner agricultural production, guide farmers to rationally use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, strengthen the construction of rural biogas projects and small hydropower generation fuel ecological protection projects, speed up agricultural non-point source pollution control and rural sewage and garbage treatment, and improve the rural living environment.
6. Improve market circulation efficiency and effectively ensure a stable and balanced supply of agricultural products
21. Strengthen the construction of agricultural product circulation facilities. Make overall plans for the layout of agricultural product circulation facilities across the country and accelerate the improvement of the agricultural product circulation network covering both urban and rural areas. Promote the construction and transformation of national and regional backbone agricultural product wholesale markets, focusing on supporting the construction of trading venues, electronic settlement, information processing, inspection and testing and other facilities. Incorporate the construction of agricultural product wholesale markets, urban community vegetable markets, and township bazaars into the overall land use plan and urban and rural construction planning, and study and formulate land use policies to support the construction of agricultural product processing and circulation facilities. Encourage qualified localities to build a number of non-profit agricultural product wholesale and retail markets through investment and shareholding, property rights replacement, public construction supporting facilities, buy-back and lease-back, etc. Continue to promote the construction of warehousing and logistics facilities for bulk agricultural products such as grain, cotton, oil, and sugar, and support supply and marketing cooperatives with national operating networks and postal logistics, grain circulation, and large-scale commercial and trade enterprises to participate in the construction and operation of agricultural product wholesale markets and warehousing and logistics systems. Accelerate the development of chain distribution and logistics centers for fresh agricultural products and support the establishment of an integrated cold chain logistics system. Continue to strengthen rural road construction, management and maintenance. Support the construction of supporting facilities for the collection, processing, packaging, and storage of agricultural products in production areas, with a focus on providing subsidies to farmers' professional cooperatives for the construction of primary processing and storage facilities.
22. Innovate the circulation method of agricultural products. Make full use of modern information technology means to develop modern trading methods such as e-commerce for agricultural products. Explore and establish a flexible and diverse agricultural production and marketing model that effectively connects production and consumption, reduce circulation links, and reduce circulation costs. Vigorously develop order agriculture, promote direct connection between producers and wholesale markets, farmers' markets, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, schools and corporate canteens, etc., support production bases and farmers' professional cooperatives to increase direct supply and direct sales outlets in urban communities, and form a stable supply and demand relationship for agricultural products. 。 Support supply and marketing cooperatives, farmers' professional cooperatives, etc. to develop two-way circulation networks that connect urban and rural markets. We will carry out comprehensive pilot projects for modern circulation of "transporting vegetables from the south to the north" and "transporting fruits from the west to the east". Carry out rural business information services, hold multi-form and multi-level agricultural product exhibitions and sales activities, and cultivate agricultural product exhibition brands with national and local characteristics. Give full play to the positive role of agricultural product futures markets in guiding production and avoiding risks. We will exempt vegetable wholesale and retail from value-added tax, carry out pilot projects for determining and deducting input tax on agricultural products, implement and improve green channel policies for the transportation of fresh agricultural products, and clean up and reduce fees at agricultural product wholesale markets, urban community wet markets, township fairs and supermarkets.
23. Improve agricultural product market regulation. Accurately grasp changes in domestic and foreign agricultural product markets, adopt targeted regulatory measures, ensure effective supply of major agricultural products and market stability, and maintain reasonable prices. Steadyly increase the minimum purchase price of wheat and rice, initiate temporary purchase and storage of corn, soybeans, rapeseed, cotton, sugar, etc. in a timely manner, and improve the reserve system for agricultural products such as grain, cotton, oil, and sugar. Efforts will be made to improve the market control measures for fresh agricultural products, improve the price control plan for the live pig market, and explore the establishment of a price stabilization mechanism for major vegetable varieties. Strengthen domestic and foreign agricultural product market monitoring and early warning, and comprehensively use import and export, throughput adjustments and other means to stabilize the domestic agricultural product market. Improve the management of import tariff quotas for agricultural products and severely crack down on illegal smuggling. It is urgent to establish a national and regional agricultural product information sharing platform, strengthen agricultural statistical surveys and forecast analysis, improve the statistical survey capabilities of major agricultural production counties, implement a timely disclosure and authoritative release system of major information, and prevent all kinds of false information from affecting industrial development and harm the interests of farmers.
Party committees and governments at all levels must always insist on solving the "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" issues as their top priority, continuously strengthen and improve their leadership in agricultural and rural work, effectively implement various policies and measures, and strive to form a "whole-of-society concern and support" A good atmosphere for “Three Rural Areas and Rural Areas”. Comprehensively implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, promote the integrated development of urban and rural culture, increase the total amount of rural cultural services, and narrow the gap between urban and rural cultural development. Accelerate the construction of a new socialist countryside, effectively protect and improve rural people's livelihood, vigorously develop rural public utilities, and conscientiously implement the "China Rural Poverty Alleviation and Development Outline (2011-2020)". Promote the construction of rural grassroots organizations with party organizations as the core, improve the rural grassroots autonomy mechanism, improve the rural legal system, strengthen and innovate rural social management, and ensure the harmony and stability of rural society.
We will effectively strengthen agricultural and rural work, accelerate agricultural scientific and technological innovation, and continue to enhance the ability to ensure the supply of agricultural products. We have a glorious mission, heavy responsibilities, and arduous tasks. We must unite closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary, strengthen our confidence, work hard, and welcome the successful convening of the 18th National Congress of the Party with outstanding results!