
本站原创 2024-02-24 01:36:00


时间过得很快,等待我们的是新的机遇和挑战。 让我们一起学习写计划吧。 计划如何写才能发挥最大的作用? 以下是小编为您整理的农村科普工作方案。 欢迎阅读,希望您会喜欢。




1、xx年农村科普服务队将继续做好解决农民技术难题,围绕主导产业开展科技培训。 同时,重点帮助各乡镇(办事处、区)解决共性技术难题,支持发展重点产业。 要加大服务力度和深度,采取强强联合的形式拓展培训服务。 专业农村科普服务队和小分队全年开展农业科技培训100场次,培训人数1万人。

2、加强对35个农民科技点的协调指导服务,让广大农民充分感受到依靠科技致富的重要性,进一步提高农民科技文化素质。 35个基地每年至少开展200期农业科技培训,培训学员2万余人次。

3、XX年,继续实施科技中心户培训工程。 今年培训的人数较XX年有所增加。


5、积极探索新的培训方式,充分发挥电视台、广播电台等新闻媒体的作用,加大科技培训覆盖面。 进一步调动各乡镇(办事处、区)科技培训的积极性和创造性,努力培育科技示范户,在乡镇科技培训中发挥重要作用。


为进一步调动全村力量,深入扎实地开展科普工作,通过创新机制,不断探索建立社会化、群众化、常态化科普长效机制。深入开展普及活动,全面提高群众素质,促进农村各项事业发展,不断满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需要,推动社会主义新农村建设。 根据合资村具体情况,制定村科普专项工作方案。


以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,贯彻落实《中华人民共和国科学技术普及法》和《中央关于《中共中央、国务院关于加强科学技术普及工作的意见》和《以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展观》; 通过政府的组织领导和加强科普工作的措施,实现科普资源整合,促进部门联动,促进我村科普工作的发展。



要把科普工作作为贯彻落实《科普条例》和科普能力建设的重要举措,扎实抓好。 加强《科普法》和科普知识的宣传教育活动,提高村民的科学文化素养。 继续利用街道、社区宣传栏、黑板报等广泛宣传《中华人民共和国科学技术进步法》,不定期举办科学知识讲座、咨询等活动,扩大科普宣传力度。科普知识普及率。






借助现代远程教育信息技术,利用网络资源搜索农民致富科普教育信息,做到信息量大、图文丰富、通俗易懂。 充分发挥新闻媒体作用,动员现有科普人员并聘请专家,撰写科普知识讲座内容,广泛开展科普知识教育,贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,扩大科普宣传的社会影响。


在充分挖掘全镇科普资源的基础上,全镇基础设施蔬菜、优质粮食、林果、养殖、食用菌等产业将通过市场化运作,吸引企业和社会资金投资农村科普。 引导和支持企业通过培训农民、推广新技术新产品,推动农村科普工作深入持续发展。



科普工作是政府的公益事业。 这是一项赢得民心、顺应民意、顺应民情的永久性工程。 全村要加强领导,加大力度,精心组织,狠抓落实,狠抓科普工作,取得成效。


结合“科技下乡”、“科技活动周”和“世界环境日”、“世界卫生日”、“世界爱牙日”、“爱鸟周”等国际纪念活动周(日)和我国传统节日活动必须主题明确,面向基层,开展内容丰富、形式多样的活动。 同时,结合科技送基层活动,通过科技讲座、咨询、培训、捐赠科技图书、资料、音像制品等方式,直接将科学知识带入基层。送给农民。



(四)加强科普联席会议制度的沟通与合作。 加强与科普领导单位的联系,经常邀请有关单位检查科普工作,汇报工作情况,讨论新的工作措施,定期检查和公布科普计划的实施情况。


重大科普活动新闻媒体应当提前预告并积极报道。 同时,在科普栏目、栏目中大力宣传和普及科技知识,报道科普工作先进单位和先进个人典型事迹。

4. 实现目标







20xx年全镇科普工作的总体思路是:以科学发展观为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,紧紧围绕县委、县政府的中心工作,全面开展科普工作。我镇科普工作不断深化,科普活动效果不断深化。 是全镇广大科技工作者创新发展的平台。 为落实好今年的科普工作,现对我镇20xx年科普工作作出如下安排。


按照县委、县政府《关于大力推进国家科学质量工程建设的意见》和《实施方案》的要求,切实抓好国家科学质量工程建设全镇农民素质大纲建设工作科学全面深入推进。 工作任务落到实处。


(一)要进一步巩固、完善、提高科普示范镇创建验收成果。 继续发挥示范辐射带动作用,不断扩大示范效应,组织开展一系列内容丰富多彩的科普活动,通过一系列科普活动,促进城镇居民科学化、文明化转变。健康的生活方式和科学文化素质的提高。

(二)要继续健全科普组织和各项科普工作制度及各类档案资料。 确保年初有科普工作安排计划、年末有工作总结、宣传计划、有记录,全年都要开展科普活动。

(三)充分发挥村级党组织科普领导小组的职能。 注重宣传内容的更新、宣传形式的创新、注重宣传活动的效果。 利用现有科普基础设施,加大科普力度,定期组织村民开展科普活动。 科普公告栏应及时更新宣传内容,每年更换不少于4期。



充分发挥成人技工学校的教育功能,定期组织农民科技培训、展览等科技活动。 开展岗位培训、技术竞赛、科技培训和科技讲座等活动。 要有岗位、有设施、有人员、有活动。 通过一系列科普活动,不断丰富和深化科普工作内涵,增加农民收入。 一是进一步建立健全科协组织,健全组织机构,保障科普活动正常开展; 二是制定20xx年科协科普活动工作安排方案; 三是创新科技服务科技工作者和农民的有效形式。 四是进一步完善和规范科协章程和各项工作管理制度、会议纪要、科普工作档案等,把组织机构和各项规章制度做成墙上的。


完成年度科普工作,领导是关键。 各村、各学校要高度重视科普工作,早谋划、周密部署,制定实施方案和工作方案,狠抓工作落实。 召开班子会议研究安排部署,切实把科普工作摆上日常工作重要议事日程,狠抓落实,明确人员具体任务,认真把握科普活动成果和特点。


公众科普工作努力做到“两个结合”:科普与公众需求相结合、科普与社区文明建设相结合; 实现“三个融入”:融入社会进步、融入经济发展、融入和谐宣武建设; 强化“四个单项能力”:增强科技传播能力、增强机制创新能力、增强市场运作能力、增强队伍建设能力; 做大“五个品牌”:科普进社区、青少年科技、科技支军、科普周、街头科普精品工程。


1.科普网络发展规划。 完善区、街道、社区科普组织和地区高校、企业、社会团体立体网络体系。

2、科普队伍建设计划。 选拔培养一批优秀干部充实科普队伍,加强科普工作者培训,加强科普志愿者队伍建设和管理,定期表彰和奖励做出突出贡献的科普工作者。

3、科普拓展计划。 新建“街道科技创业服务中心”,建设市级社区科普大学,新增一批美观新颖、高标准的科普长廊和电子科普橱窗,扶持新街口街道社区青少年机器人活动中心扩张。

4、科普市场运营方案。 动员社会各界力量兴办科普事业,支持企事业单位或者(权利归米纸印,更多信息请登录互联网)个人创办非营利性科普组织,鼓励一切形式的科普活动。社会各界共建科普场所、科普画廊,联合举办科普院校、科普活动中心资助大型科普活动和科普理论研究项目。 选择1-2个问题,加强科普工作的调查研究,积极将科普工作的理论研究纳入国家和省有关部门的课题研究。


1、组织好宣武区xx届科技周和xx届科普周活动。 精心谋划、精心安排、统一部署、组织协调、广泛动员,营造了浓厚的科普氛围。

2、组织开展“全国科普行动日”活动。 突出主题、要点、特色,增强科普活动的趣味性、双向性、互动性,促进社会各界广泛参与,务求实效。

3、组织第xx届军民计算机应用大赛。 既要借鉴前几年的经验,又要创新发展,打造优质科普产品、科普知名品牌。

4、组织青少年开展系列科技活动。 继续举办以“拥抱21世纪”为主题的系列青少年科技夏令营。 组织和参加省、市青少年科技创新大赛、机器人大赛、“三模”等科技竞赛。 、举办XX宣武科技发展论坛。 围绕宣武区科技产业发展,选好主题,找准切入点,成功举办“第十届宣武科技与发展论坛”。



以党的十八大精神、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻落实《科普法》,积极参加科普各项工作和活动乡镇科协,围绕提高自主创新能力,以建设创新型国家的宏伟目标,加强科普能力建设,着力推进科普社会化、大众化、信息化、国际化、区域化、标准化、专业化、科普活动资源化利用和科普工作产业化。 开展各类特色鲜明、成交意义重大的科普活动,提高村里村民的科学文化素质,倡导村民健康科学的生活方式,促进生产全面发展。

















2. 总体目标


3. 活动


① 安排固定的公众开放时间(上午8:00-12:00、下午14:30-17:00、晚上19:00-21:30),每周开放时间(包括周末和夜间)不得少于40小时。








1、做好春耕春植服务。 根据各村种植、养殖习惯,有针对性地及时开展现场服务、科技咨询或发放宣传资料。 防治技术等科学种植“快餐”送到了群众手中。




1、充分发挥村级积极性,联系各级涉农科研生产单位,组织专家、技术人员开展各类专题种植养殖技术培训班。 喜欢:












以党的十八大精神、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,认真贯彻落实《科普法》,积极参加科普各项工作和活动乡镇科协,围绕提高自主创新能力,以建设创新型国家的宏伟目标,加强科普能力建设,着力推进科普社会化、大众化、信息化、国际化、区域化、标准化、专业化、科普活动资源化利用和科普工作产业化。 开展各类特色鲜明、成交意义重大的科普活动,提高村里村民的科学文化素质,倡导村民健康科学的生活方式,促进生产全面发展。










建立健全以党总支书记为组长、居委会主任负责、专人负责的科普工作领导小组。 充分发挥社区共建单位、科普志愿者、宣传员、辅导员、科普爱好者的作用,积极推动科普示范社区创建。 结合社区实际情况,建立健全科普示范社区创建的各项规章制度,做到有章可循、有章可循。











6. Seriously organize and participate in major science popularization activities in cities, districts and streets (including science and technology festivals, science and technology activity weeks, etc.)

7. Use the advanced means of the network to obtain popular science information, and the Internet access rate of residential households has reached more than 25%. Prepare a series of publicity PPTs on "Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction" on the computer, and use residents' meetings, lectures, etc. to broadcast to residents. Open up a "blog" on the Internet - "The World of Guiyangyuan", take advantage of the fast speed of the network and wide popularization, announce the website of "The World of Guiyangyuan" to the majority of residents, and convey to the residents in time the establishment of a science popularization demonstration community, etc. kind of information. Interact with residents on the network of our establishment of popular science demonstration communities and various tasks, listen to residents' opinions and suggestions, and make our various tasks in line with public opinion and better.

8. Actively play the role of co-construction units, actively carry out the co-construction of science popularization demonstration communities, sign a co-construction agreement, and effectively implement the co-construction agreement.

9. According to the standards, complete and improve the science popularization work files, so that the materials are complete, tidy and uniform (including the science popularization leading group, work network, volunteers, propagandists, counselor teams, annual plans, summaries, meeting records and photo materials for science popularization work , publicity materials, manuscripts, etc.).

Rural Science Popularization Work Plan Part 9

1. Taking demonstration as a carrier to further improve the scientific and cultural quality of residents

In the science popularization work, the selection of popular science families makes the science popularization work closer to residents and people's lives. This year, we continue to increase the intensity of this selection activity, establish a model and promote it in the village, and take the village's science popularization work to a higher level. At the same time, increase the interests of all levels of the village in learning scientific knowledge, and meet the requirements of different personnel in terms of culture, health preservation, environmental protection, and technology.

2. Strengthen the construction of science popularization activities with popular science training as the carrier

Public participation is the main body of science popularization. This year, we will continue to hold science popularization lectures and activities to satisfy people's desire for scientific knowledge. Every quarter, we plan to carry out large-scale science popularization activities. This year, we plan to train safety knowledge in the first quarter, health knowledge in the second quarter, general life technology knowledge in the third quarter, and science popularization promotion skills for village representatives in the fourth quarter.

In addition, we also use the youth holidays to carry out educational and entertaining activities to lead them close to nature, embrace nature, and stimulate their imagination and hands-on ability to technology, nature, which not only broadens the horizons of students, but also cultivates them. Love life and create self-confidence in the future.


1. Based on the actual situation, various science popularization training lectures will be held regularly, no less than four times throughout the year, to promote scientific civilization and healthy lifestyles. This year's plan is to train safety knowledge in the first quarter, health knowledge in the second quarter, life science and technology knowledge in the third quarter, and popular science promotion skills for village representatives in the fourth quarter.

2. The books in the popular science reading room are opened regularly and regularly, and all kinds of popular science books, newspapers and magazines are available.

3. Actively carry out youth science popularization activities based on the characteristics of teenagers. Give full play to the leading role of the Youth League branch, mobilize the majority of young people to participate in the village's science popularization and learning new village construction work, and form a wide range of new trends of learning science and establishing a new style of civilization.

4. Oppose heresy, sublime science

To intensify opposition to pseudoscience and cult organizations, we use the existing propaganda positions in the village to organize residents to watch DVDs and posters, so that residents can consciously join the team against cults and pseudoscience. At the same time, it activates the leisure life of village residents with rich and colorful culture.

5. Use popular science education as a carrier to continuously strengthen self-construction

Conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, integrate the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into the popularization of science work, guide the popularization of science work with the important thought of "Three Represents", strive to enhance the consciousness and sense of responsibility of the popularization of science work in the new era, go deep into the masses, and widely Listen to the needs of the masses for understanding of scientific knowledge, formulate practical measures, and change the work style, so that the popularization rate of scientific knowledge has been strengthened, and the awareness of popular science has been significantly improved.

6. Earnestly complete other routine tasks assigned by the subdistrict office and the Party Working Committee

Based on the purpose of promoting science, disseminating civilization, and serving the villagers, the leading group of science popularization will continue to develop and innovate, give full play to the role of the village science popularization workers, advocate the participation of the whole people, and make our science popularization work better and better, and build our village into a better place. Form a new situation where everyone learns science and believes in science.

Rural Science Popularization Work Plan 10

In order to create a popular science atmosphere for urban and rural residents, vigorously advocate a scientific, civilized, and healthy lifestyle and way of thinking, and improve the scientific and cultural quality of the majority of residents, the work plan is formulated as follows:

1. Study hard and continuously strengthen self-construction

Conscientiously study and implement the "Science Popularization Law" and the "Outline of Action for the National Science Literacy Plan", use the scientific development concept to guide the science popularization work in the township, and strive to enhance the consciousness and sense of responsibility of township cadres in the science popularization work in the new era, go deep into the masses, and listen to the masses To understand the demand for scientific knowledge, formulate practical measures and change the work style, so that the popularization rate of scientific knowledge has been strengthened, and the awareness of popular science has been significantly improved.

Further improve the organization, expand the team of science popularization volunteers, and make full use of the resource advantages of the units under the jurisdiction, organize the elderly art team to go deep into the villages and groups to carry out science popularization propaganda, so that science popularization awareness can penetrate into every household and disseminate scientific knowledge in a timely manner.

2. Use the “National Science Popularization Day” and “Science and Technology Activity Week” as carriers to carry out various activities

Public participation is the main body of science popularization. This year, we will continue to hold science popularization lectures and science popularization activities every quarter to satisfy people's curiosity for scientific knowledge.

20XX is the twelfth science and technology activity week carried out across the country. During the activity week, it is planned to carry out science knowledge promotion with public health as the core content. Through screening and popularizing health science knowledge, ordinary people can master health science and technology skills and establish scientific knowledge. Lifestyle, improve health quality.

According to the spirit of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China's “Notice on Holding 20XX National Science Popularization Day Activities” (Science and Technology Coordinating Office issued Puzi [20XX] No. 29), the theme of our township's 20XX National Science Popularization Day was determined to be “Food Safety and Public Health”. Promote the "Food Safety Law" and "Science Popularization Law" on the event day, and provide consultation and services on food purchasing and sales, food safety, and how to identify authentic and fake food. Through wall charts and display boards, we popularize food safety and consumption knowledge to urban and rural residents, and guide them to establish safe, nutritious and healthy consumption concepts.

3. Demonstrate and highlight characteristics to further improve the scientific and cultural quality of residents

Continue to increase the publicity of production materials, establish models and promote them in village groups, and use point-to-point and area-based science popularization work to take the village group's science popularization work to a higher level. At the same time, we will increase the interest in learning scientific knowledge at all levels of the village group, and provide information on culture, health, environmental protection, and science and technology. Master, and strive to meet the requirements of different people to the greatest extent, by making science popularization bulletin boards, posting science popularization wall charts, writing science popularization slogans, etc., to further facilitate residents to popularize and learn scientific knowledge and apply it in daily life. In the new year, under the leadership and guidance of the County Science and Technology Association and the County Science and Technology Bureau, our township's science popularization work will be based on "expanding the application of science and technology as the starting point, improving farmers' science popularization quality as the breakthrough point, and adjusting the industrial structure as the approach. "With the purpose of developing the economy to help farmers increase production and income", we should innovate science popularization work methods, closely focus on the science popularization requirements that urban and rural residents are most concerned about and need to be widely carried out, further improve on the basis of the original work, and strive to reach a new level.

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