
本站原创 2024-01-21 02:47:00








围绕推动旅游业转型升级和提质增效,以推动全域旅游发展为总体着力点,深入实施“旅游+”发展战略,推动旅游业融合发展产业与其他行业相结合,努力提高旅游管理和服务水平。 加快培育旅游市场新主体,发展旅游产业新业态,构建旅游产业新体系,拓展旅游发展新空间,实现全县旅游产业发展新水平。



2、加快推进恒大儿童世界项目、金龙湾度假酒店项目、汤池李公林书画院、万佛湖环旅游扶贫道路配套设施、万佛山客运索道、万佛山登山步道升级改造、万佛山旅游配套设施等重点工程 旅游项目建设中,万佛山游客中心、停车场建设已启动。








旅游新业态是指围绕旅游市场发展和消费需求而产生的新的旅游产品和消费运营形式。 主要包括新型旅游组织形态、新型旅游产品形态、新型旅游运营形态三大类。







建设全域旅游,必须对区域外部发展环境和内部发展条件进行全面研究,从全域旅游和旅游目的地两个维度重新诊断发展条件。 一方面要结合现状,比较全行业的参与情况,对全要素投入、全空间整合、全季节活动、全旅游体验、以及全社会的福利; 另一方面,根据国际、国内旅游目的地评价标准进行系统评价,以量化评分的形式确定区域。 统筹旅游与旅游目的地建设的差距,明确统筹旅游规划的重点任务。


结合产业功能布局,进行分区布局规划,划分公共景点聚集区(包括自然保护区、风景名胜区、国家湿地公园、地质公园、世界遗产区等)和限制开发区(农业用地)区)各功能区。 划分土地、滩涂、草原、林地等生态脆弱区和优化开发区(城镇、村庄、旅游区以及荒山、荒坡、荒地等具备建设条件的地区)等空间,重点关注划定区域边界。 明确用地性质和条件,分析片区空间结构,确定片区重点发展空间,配置片区旅游生产要素。 各功能区内容重点围绕如何建设片区核心景点、如何整合引领新项目、如何完善现有项目、如何配置片区旅游产业、如何测算环境承载力、如何提供配套公共服务设施等


全域旅游的发展不能遵循传统思路,需要创新规划。 要把旅游规划理念融入经济发展全局,创新经济社会发展规划理念,合理配置旅游资源和其他资源。 全域旅游模式的规划与景区旅游模式的规划不同。 不仅仅是景区、酒店的规划,还需要对景区内外的各种资源要素进行系统、全面的规划。 发展全域旅游,必须按照五大发展理念,树立科学的旅游理念,创新相关统计监测和评价体系。 将旅游业发展作为各级政府和本地区有关部门的重要发展目标和重要考核内容,形成明确的任务分工要求,形成推动全区旅游业发展的合力; 创新旅游数据采集和分析体系,适应旅游发展新趋势。 建立业态、新特征、新趋势评价体系。


农业与文化旅游产业交叉融合是指农业产业跨越传统产业边界,与文化旅游产业相互改变产业链的过程。 同时,文化旅游产业的无形元素也跨越产业边界应用到农业产业中,并修改相应的功能模块。 创新的过程。




▶旅游业将旅游文化、旅游推介、旅游消费等功能运用到农产品产业链中,打造“看山、看水、记乡愁”的农产品销售和体验,可以提高农产品的销售和体验。农产品质量。 文化内涵和感染力。


文化旅游是文化与旅游深度融合的现代服务业。 它是新世纪最具活力的新兴产业。 今天,以安徽省宣城市旌德县为典型案例进行调查分析,以借鉴和思考中国县乡文化旅游产业发展中存在的问题。 景德地处“两山一湖”核心区,生态优良,环境优美。 景德也是历史悠久、名人众多、文化底蕴深厚的徽州文化核心区。 具有发展文化旅游得天独厚的条件。 为进一步理清思路,推动文化旅游产业做大做强,旌德县专门组织力量围绕文化旅游产业发展进行调查研究。


(一)独特的资源优势。 景德地处黄山脚下,享有“两山一湖”的灵气,吸收徽州文化的精髓。 它就像一颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在皖南山区。 境内生态环境优越,自然资源丰富,森林覆盖率达60%。 物产丰富,素有“徽州粮仓”之称。 灵芝、茶叶、山珍品品质优良,远近驰名。 近年来先后荣获全国绿色小康县、国家生态示范建设试点县、中国灵芝之乡、中国十佳休闲养生旅游县、中国最具投资开发价值旅游县等称号。

(2)交通区位良好。 205国道、323省道、217省道穿境而过。 京福高铁即将建成通车。 阳济高速公路、徐福高速公路黄山连接线已列入“十二五”规划。 205国道景德段改造竣工,梅岭隧道建成通车,323线一级公路黄新段改造启动。 “十二五”期间,景德将有一条高速铁路开通,至少一条高速公路在建,国道、省道、县道全部升级改造,全县路网更加完善。 加之杭黄高铁开工建设,景德对外交通进一步畅通,成为名副其实的长三角后花园。 黄山、九华山、太平湖、西递、宏村等著名景点近在咫尺。 一个小时之内,旅游景点星罗棋布,景色令人叹为观止。

(三)完善政策措施。 近年来,县委、县政府审时度势,提出了“融入黄山圈、弘扬灵芝品牌、做好徽文化”的旅游发展思路,成立了以县长为组长的全县旅游工作指导委员会,“发展特色旅游”。 以“突出生态休闲、建设旅游强县”为目标,坚持绿色发展,打造区域特色,加快交通基础设施建设,大力整合旅游资源,修编《景德县旅游发展总体规划》,完成《黄山市东部生态旅游产业园总体规划》和《景德县创建全国自驾游示范县方案》,出台《景德县加快旅游产业发展优惠政策》,建立旅游项目库,积极推动旅游产业拓展,发展升级,文化旅游发展氛围日益浓厚,生态环境日益优化,成为潜在的最佳投资旅游目的地。

(四)逐渐显现的特征。 近年来,我县着力打造“徽州文化核心区”,深入挖掘景德深厚的历史文化,加大历史文物保护开发利用力度,建立了景德革命历史纪念馆、江村历史文化旅游、红色旅游、乡村旅游取得长足发展; 围绕“中国灵芝主产区”建设,该县制定了灵芝产业发展规划,配套政策已形成。 目前已形成以旌德为中心,辐射皖南、皖西、浙西,赣东山区等地集生产、加工、销售于一体的产业体系; 围绕“黄山旅游中心区”打造黄山东线旅游走廊,编制了黄山东线生态休闲文化旅游走廊项目,已列入安徽省政府861重点项目清单。

(五)良好的政策机遇。 2014年初,经国务院批准,国家发改委正式批复《皖南国际文化旅游示范区建设发展规划纲要》,景德被纳入皖南国际文化旅游示范区核心区。皖南国际文化旅游示范区的建设,为我县文化旅游产业的发展提供了良好的基础。 政策机遇。 近年来,我县先后出台了《关于进一步扩大开放促发展的若干规定(试行)》《关于进一步加快乡村旅游发展的实施意见》《景德县加快发展的优惠政策》等文件《文化旅游产业发展若干意见》,从土地、税收、招商引资、基础设施建设、人才队伍建设、旅游对接、宣传营销等方面对文化旅游产业给予大力支持。同时,从2014年开始,每年安排500万元专项资金,为文化旅游产业发展壮大提供财政支持。



一是旅游产品品种结构过于单一。 目前,我县仅开发了“景德一日游、二日游、自驾游”等少数旅游产品,均以观光产品为主,结构单一。 没有观光休闲产品、度假产品、特色产品、特色产品。 成龙产品及其他配套多元化旅游产品体系,有效旅游资源尚未有机整合,一些旅游项目针对性不强、特色不明确、缺乏市场差异化、社会关注度低。 与周边县市相比,仍有较大差距。 例如:2013年,我县接待游客107万人次,旅游综合收入4亿元; 绩溪县接待游客403万人次,旅游综合收入18亿元; 接待游客492.3万人次,旅游综合收入15亿元。

二是旅游发展要素和内部结构不合理。 这主要体现在旅游购物、旅游娱乐、旅游交通、酒店、旅行社、景区等重点行业依然十分薄弱。 例如,我县三星级宾馆(含准三星级宾馆)仅有3家,在建的四星级、五星级宾馆各1家,A级景区仅有几家。江村4A级景区; 旅行社仅有三四家等,一定程度上影响了整个行业质量的提升。 由于交通、土地等因素尚未根本解决,缺乏有影响力的大好项目; 项目推进不力,建设进度缓慢。 环境资源保护刻不容缓。 加强矿山管理、古民居保护和合理开发利用、加强河流综合治理等工作不尽如人意。

三是旅游人才队伍建设亟待加强,行业管理水平有待提高。 长期以来,我县旅游队伍人才缺乏、老化、知识结构不合理。 绝大多数干部群众对文化旅游产业的认识还局限于历史文化资源的浅层开发。 发展历史文物,就必须修复古建筑。 当谈到探索文化内涵时,他们想到了建造寺庙。 说到休闲活动,他们就会想到建造寺庙。 旅游业只想建造人造景点。 缺乏引导产业发展方向的创新思路和创意理念,不能很好地挖掘、整合和盘活全县旅游资源。 同时,旅游从业人员专业素质较低。 文化旅游产业在文化产品创意、策划、生产、包装、营销等各个环节都缺乏相应的人才。 产业团队整体素质有待提高,难以适应新形势下的文化旅游产业。 发展需要。


文化是旅游的灵魂,旅游是文化的载体。 当前,我国旅游业已进入大众化、产业化的黄金发展时期。 旅游产业与文化产业融合发展加快,也对旅游产业发展提出了新要求。 面对新机遇、新挑战、新要求,我县必须遵循旅游产业和文化产业发展的客观规律,把握文化旅游产业发展繁荣的基本原则,坚持有效发展保护、合理利用、自觉传承,不断提高文化旅游产业发展的科学水平。

(一)注重整合旅游要素。 进一步整合旅游资源,串联全县主要景区。 立足景德资源禀赋、人文特色和区位特点,对黄山东线生态休闲文化旅游廊道建设进行科学规划和规划,与区域经济社会发展规划、土地利用相协调总体规划、城市建设总体规划、生态环境建设规划等相关规划有效衔接,做强做大旅游地产,最大限度释放景德旅游发展空间。

(二)着力打造优质景区。 依托祥云生态风景区、马家溪国家森林公园、丁家山生态休闲度假村、仙人谷风景区、王镇农场、灵芝产业园、紫山公园等生态休闲养生旅游项目,打造休闲养生目的地,实现回归自然的休闲旅游。 依托中国红色旅游经典线路江村,建设江村、黄峰峰、景德农民暴动旧址、黄花岭新四军旧址等综合旅游项目,打造革命教育基地,实现红色教育洗礼之旅。 依托大量保存较为完好的明清古建筑群,建设一批以江村古建筑群、朱王村古村落、景德文庙为代表的具有鲜明徽州特色的旅游项目。 打造名人故里、千年古村品牌,实现地方文化欣赏游。 进一步加大投入,完善景区基础配套设施,改善景区环境质量,提高景区管理和服务水平,规范景区商品交易秩序,着力建设一批创意园区,特色鲜明,风景秀丽,人与自然融合度高,景点数量较多。 具有较高文化内涵和艺术观赏性的旅游胜地。 精心策划特色旅游线路,逐步形成“特色品牌”效应,不断增强我县旅游产业的核心竞争力。

(三)夯实旅游基础。 一要加快以旅游交通为重点的基础设施建设,提高主要景区交通便利性。 二是加快生态建设,将交通建设与生态环境保护建设结合起来,引导沿线农村调整农业种植结构,增加果树、茶叶等特色经济作物种植面积,形成绿色风景带、绿色旅游带。 三是加快文明城镇建设,加强城市卫生秩序、商业秩序和交通秩序管理,加强城市居民文明素质和行为习惯教育,提升景德对外整体形象。 完善旅游住宿、餐饮、娱乐、购物等配套服务设施,强化旅游功能。 充分利用地域文化优势,着力打造特色旅游点和民俗风情点。 四是加快旅游产品开发,在县城和重点乡镇开发建设旅游产品购物网点,利用我县特有的灵芝、茶叶、山野菜等土特产品以及奇石、盆景等工艺品吸引游客,扩大消费。

(四)不断加强资金投入。 一是加大政府引导投资。 旅游业是一个综合性很强的产业。 实现大发展、大跨越,必须坚持政府战略主导、政府投资引导。 近年来,我县每年都安排一定的专项资金,用于完善基础设施、开展宣传推介等专项活动,有效引导和激发了社会各方投资旅游建设的积极性。 。 二是积极争取项目投资。 要把争取旅游政策、项目、资金作为争夺上述资金的重要内容。 遴选一批重点旅游项目,建立项目库,加大从上取胜的力度。 力争能够重点抓好旅游开发、生态环境建设、基础设施建设。 、文明城镇建设等方面争取项目资金投入旅游建设。 三是大力开展市场化运作。 以产权制度改革为核心,采取股份制改造、出售、拍卖、承包、招商引资等方式,鼓励各类投资主体和社会资本参与旅游资源开发,推动旅游景区企业化、市场化运作。 这将进一步提升我县风景名胜区的建设规模、景区质量和配套设施。

(五)不断加强宣传推广。 2008年以来,旌德县先后被授予“中国灵芝之乡”、“中国灵芝制品之乡”、“中国玄砚之乡”称号。 我县要充分利用这些国家名片,立足长三角,面向全国,广泛采取文化旅游节庆、推介会、媒体报道等形式,加强文化旅游对外推介,建立建立政府整体形象推广与企业产品营销相结合的文化旅游推广体系,努力扩大景德文化旅游力量的对外影响力。 精心制作文化旅游宣传片和宣传册,建立文化旅游信息咨询服务体系,采取切实可行的方法和办法,开展形式多样的旅游宣传和旅游节庆活动。 加大网络宣传力度,与国内知名网络媒体建立文化旅游宣传战略合作伙伴关系,进一步扩大宣传覆盖面。 充分调动和发挥旅行社在旅游营销中的积极性和市场主体作用,鼓励旅行社拓展客源市场,大力发展地接业务,提高景德旅游的知名度。

(六)不断强化发展合力。 一是明确县文化旅游发展委员会各部门职责。 文化旅游涉及面广、工作量大。 只有举全县之力,集全民智慧,才能保证快速推进。 要把目标任务细化为项,分解为目标,明确到各个职能部门,层层落实。 二要加大政策支持力度,建立健全文化旅游的政策保障、运营支持和激励政策,调动和引导各级部门和广大干部群众的积极性、创造性,凝聚社会力量,共同创造景德旅游的辉煌。 三要加快旅游人才引进和培养。 Further implement preferential policies for talents, vigorously introduce high-level talents from tourism colleges, hotel management groups, tourism marketing planning agencies and travel agencies, and encourage the tourism industry to cultivate and introduce tourism project planning, product development, e-commerce, capital operations, marketing, hotels The urgently needed talents in management and other aspects are needed to improve the structure of tourism talent team. Implement the tourism industry talent training project, strengthen the training of employees in tourist attractions (spots), tourist hotels, farmhouses, travel agencies, etc., support cooperation between tourism enterprises and tourism schools, cultivate talents, and promote the formation of several relatively complete talent development systems and corporate cultural characteristics. A learning and innovative tourism enterprise with distinctive and continuous innovation capabilities.

8. What is the role of industrial integration on tourism development?

Agricultural industry integration covers not only the production process of primary agricultural products, but also food processing, fertilizer production processes and processes such as circulation, sales, and information services. On this basis, a chain integrating production, processing, sales, and services is generated.

Focusing on building a modern industrial system that integrates agriculture and secondary and tertiary industries has not only gradually been regarded as an important strategic path to achieve the goal of a comprehensively well-off society, but also as accelerating the transformation of agricultural development methods, promoting agricultural supply-side structural reform, and implementing An important starting point for the rural revitalization strategy.

In fact, with the drive of industrial transformation and upgrading, the boundaries between industries are constantly blurring and showing the trend of integrated development. In addition, the competition in the global agricultural product market is gradually becoming fiercer. Traditional agriculture is gradually glowing with new vitality, while ecological agriculture, information agriculture, and factoryization New agriculture, such as agriculture, tourism and leisure agriculture, are gradually emerging in developed agricultural countries, thereby continuously increasing the added value of agricultural products and enhancing the market competitiveness of agricultural products.

1. Current status of integrated development of agriculture and tourism

At present, the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in my country's rural areas continues to advance, the agricultural industry chain continues to extend, agricultural multi-functions continue to expand, and new rural business formats continue to emerge, which have become an important feature of my country's economic development entering a new normal and agricultural development entering a new stage. Developing leisure agriculture and rural tourism and promoting the deep integration of agriculture and tourism are powerful driving forces to promote agricultural transformation and upgrading and realize agricultural modernization.

Of course, the problems existing in the process of exploring the integration of agriculture and tourism cannot be ignored. The development of rural industrial integration in China is generally in its primary stage. The level of industrial integration development is low, the chain of industrial integration is short, the added value is low, interests are loosely connected, and the cooperation method is single; the supply of land, talents, funds, etc. is insufficient. According to the Ministry of Land and Resources, It stipulates that various sites relying on agriculture need to be managed according to construction land. Many rural industrial integration development projects are difficult to implement normally. Rural financial products are extremely limited. Agricultural land and various facilities cannot be mortgaged. Borrowing and financing difficulties make it difficult to scale. Expansion, and rural industrial integration in most areas lacks professional talents and comprehensive talents; the driving ability of industrial integration entities is weak, and there are few powerful new operating entities. Some new operating entities have a single structure, extensive management, and weak operating capabilities. The main innovation capabilities are insufficient, and services are insufficient in promoting regional standardization and brand building.

2. Agricultural tourism integrated development model

1. Pastoral agricultural tourism model

That is, using rural pastoral landscapes, agricultural production activities and special agricultural products as tourist attractions, develop agricultural tourism, forest and fruit tourism, flower tourism, fishery tourism, animal husbandry tourism and other theme tourism activities with different characteristics to satisfy tourists' desire to experience agriculture and return to nature. psychological needs.

Pastoral agricultural tourism mainly includes pastoral agricultural tourism, garden sightseeing tours, agricultural technology tours, and farming experience tours.

2. Folk customs tourism model

That is to use rural customs and folk culture as tourist attractions, fully highlight the characteristics of farming culture, local culture and folk culture, develop farming exhibitions, folk skills, seasonal folk customs, festivals, folk songs and dances and other tourism activities to increase the cultural connotation of rural tourism .

The most typical one is the Water Splashing Festival of the Dai people. The Water Splashing Festival is not only about splashing water, but also includes many other activities, such as cultural performances, bag throwing and other activities. "Bao throwing" is a special game for unmarried Dai people, and the "bao" is a symbol. As a token of love, if you lose the bag to a certain extent, you can communicate your feelings quietly. The parade is also one of the main events of the Water Splashing Festival. The parade site is usually located in a wide area on the bank of a river or in the middle of a field dam. There are elevated stands on the side of the site, and there is a site specially used for lighting sparklers and setting off flying lanterns.

3. Village and town tourism model

Develop sightseeing tourism by using ancient village and town house buildings and new rural patterns as tourist attractions. For example, Sangua Commune located in Chaohu Economic Development Zone in Hefei, Anhui Province, carries out industrial planning based on the ideas of "one village, one product" and "one household, one speciality", focusing on the creation of Pumpkin Nong Special E-commerce Village, Winter Melon Folk Culture Village, and Watermelon Bed and Breakfast Food. Cunhe Impression Bantang Resort has developed more than a thousand kinds of Bantang high-quality agricultural products in four series: tea, spring, agricultural specialties and culture, built various product bases, and promoted the industrial development of agricultural specialties through various professional cooperatives, so that Villagers sell their products to the whole country without leaving home, forming a new model of "Three Gua Communes" that focuses on the cultivation, production and processing of agricultural specialties, e-commerce logistics, catering and accommodation, and leisure tourism, and integrates the development of the three industries.

4. Leisure and vacation travel mode

Relying on the natural and beautiful countryside scenery, the comfortable and pleasant fresh climate, the unique geothermal hot springs, environmentally friendly and ecological green spaces, and combined with the surrounding pastoral landscape and folk culture, some leisure and entertainment facilities will be built to provide tourists with rest, vacation and entertainment. , catering, fitness and other services. For example, the Zhanjiang Charcoal Therapy Leisure Villa located in Longtou Mo Village, Potou District, on the east coast of Zhanjiang City, is divided into six functional areas: Charcoal Entertainment Area, Tourism Area, Tourist Catering Area, Charcoal Barbecue Area, Fishing Area and Charcoal Culture Exhibition Area. The charcoal therapy leisure villa mainly uses the far-infrared rays, negative ions, and pure oxygen heat energy left in the charcoal kiln during the high-temperature charcoal burning process to have beneficial physical effects on the human body, stimulating skin sweating and promoting human body and cell metabolism.

5. Popular science education tourism model

Use aerospace agricultural science education bases, agricultural sightseeing parks, agricultural science and technology ecological parks, agricultural product exhibition halls, agricultural expo parks or museums to provide tourists with tourism activities to understand agricultural history, learn agricultural technology, and increase agricultural knowledge. For example, EDEN in the UK combines plant display + scientific research and education + special activities to build an isolated "Garden of Eden" through environmental regeneration.

6. Farmhouse tourism model

That is to say, farmers use their own yards, their own agricultural products and the surrounding pastoral scenery and natural attractions to attract tourists at low prices to come for food, accommodation, play, travel, entertainment, shopping and other tourism activities.

7. Return to the natural tourism model

Utilize the beautiful natural landscapes, strange mountains and rivers, green forests, and calm lakes in rural areas to develop tourism activities such as mountain viewing, scenery appreciation, mountain climbing, forest bathing, skiing, water skiing, etc., so that tourists can appreciate nature, get close to nature, and return to the great outdoors. 自然。

The integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries is the integration of agricultural product production, processing and sales service industries. Integration means close connection, interdependence and mutual promotion.

The reason why we should advocate and promote the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries is that this integration has many benefits. People usually focus on the benefits to farmers and producers, and generally believe that the value of agricultural raw materials obtained by simply engaging in agricultural production is relatively low.

If the raw materials of agricultural products are processed, the value can be greatly added, several times or more; the sales and service process of agricultural products can also add value. Through the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, farmers can participate in the distribution of this added value, thus increasing their income.

In our country, the important role of the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries is to connect the production of small farmers with the needs of the large market, so that thousands of small-scale producers can better meet the needs of processors (and thus consumers) for their products. 要求。

These requirements involve variety, quantity, quality, specifications, brand, safety, etc. The integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries can benefit producers, processors and consumers. Producers can grow well and sell well; processors can obtain the raw materials they need and gain greater profits from processing; consumers can better meet food consumption needs.

9. Integration of tourism and primary industry

As the tertiary industry of Chaoyang, tourism can drive upstream and downstream industries and peripheral industries directly related to it. The details are as follows: Taking the tourism industry in a certain place as an example, the development of tourism directly drives the development of local catering, hotels, and entertainment facilities.

The tourism industry will in turn promote the construction of infrastructure, and the steel, cement and other building materials industries and the architectural design industry will develop.

Tourism has led to the migration of people, and side industries such as transportation and local specialties have developed.

Tourism promotes overall capital flow, and the financial industry and lending industry develop.

The tourism industry promotes the development of third parties, and the advertising industry, scenic spot and city brand promotion, online tourism industry, and Internet companies have developed simultaneously.

Tourism can drive tourists to directly purchase tourism products, and simultaneously promote the raw materials, processing, production, design, sales and other industries related to tourism products.

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