作物科学前沿进展李国田 教授基因编辑基因驯化
131 2024-01-17
做好“三农”工作是建设中国特色自由贸易港的前提和基础。 在外部环境复杂多变、RCEP协议正式生效、农产品竞争压力明显加大、生物安全风险加大的情况下,需要把解决问题摆在更加突出的位置。 “三农”问题。 做好2022年全省“三农”工作,必须坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大精神贯彻落实党的十九大和历次全会精神,深入贯彻落实中央经济工作会议和中央农村工作会议精神。 要按照会议精神,坚持稳中求进总基调,牢牢守住保障粮食安全和防止大规模返贫两条底线,统筹推进乡村振兴重点任务,保持农业农村发展良好势头。
(一)完成粮食等重要农产品生产任务。 严格落实党政粮食安全共同责任,强化粮食安全责任制度考核。 实施土地储粮、科技储粮战略。 加大良种、良法推广力度。 确保粮食播种面积407.2万亩,产量29亿斤以上。 完善农民种粮收入保障体系,充分发挥农地保力补贴的杠杆作用,提高农民种粮积极性。 实施节约粮食行动计划,进一步推动粮食生产、运输、储存、消费全链条减少损失,加强食品安全教育。 完善天然橡胶生产保护区划定,加强橡胶园管理保护,改造老残低产橡胶园2万亩。
(二)推动海南种业振兴。 制定《国家南方硅谷建设规划(2021-2030年)》。 加快南繁硅谷“一城两地三园”建设,打造国家种业重大科研设施平台,加快崖州湾种子实验室建设,全力支持南繁科研攻关。繁育基地开展种源关键核心技术研究。 以南繁科技城为主体,以“一体两翼”的方式推动陵水安马洋、乐东包空洋的南繁种业发展。 加强农业种质资源收集和保护,建设国家新型热带野生稻种质资源苗圃。 深入推进第三次畜禽遗传资源普查和首次全国养殖种质资源系统普查。 加强种业知识产权保护,严厉打击种业侵权和生产、销售假冒伪劣种子等违法行为。 举办2022中国种子大会暨南繁硅谷论坛。
(三)确保不出现大规模返贫现象。 准确确定监测对象,将有返贫风险、突发严重困难的农户纳入监测范围,简化工作流程,缩短识别时间。 对因疾病、灾害、疫情等问题新增监测对象,要及时落实医疗保障、社会救助等支持措施,确保早发现、早干预、早救助。 强化监测帮扶责任落实,强化精准帮扶,确保工作和政策不留差距。 巩固提升贫困地区特色产业,完善农农挂钩“六促全覆盖”机制,增加脱贫家庭经营收入。 加强脱贫成果巩固扩大和乡村振兴项目库建设,扩大项目储备数量和资金规模,加强项目示范,提高库内项目质量。 加强产业指导,指导市县建立健全乡村振兴产业发展规划,因地制宜探索建立特色产业可持续发展模式,中央配套资金用于产业发展的比例不低于55%不低于2021年,巩固扩大光伏扶贫工程成效。 开展资产收益援助试点,探索建立扶贫项目资产收益援助机制。
(四)落实硬措施,长牙保护耕地。 按照耕地和永久基本农田、生态保护红线、城市发展边界的顺序,统筹规划实施3条控制线。 党和政府要分担耕地保护责任,全面落实耕地保护“田长制”,严守耕地保护红线。 省与市、县签订耕地保护目标责任书,对“十三五”期间市、县耕地保护责任目标进行考核。 落实耕地“进出平衡”,进一步规范永久性基本农田调整划定,确保永久性基本农田面积和质量不减少。 严格控制耕地“非粮”转化,明确耕地利用优先顺序,以永久性粮食生产基本农田为重点,高标准农田原则上全部用于粮食生产。 引导林果产业新发展上好台阶。 要坚决遏制耕地“非农化”,强化耕地用途管制,加大耕地执法监管力度,开展农村住房建设违法占用耕地专项整治试点稳妥有序,巩固“大棚屋”问题专项清理整治成果。 巩固和提高污染农田安全利用水平。 落实农村土地审核和工商资本转移风险防范制度。
(五)完成高标准农田和农田水利建设任务。 研究制定高标准农田建设、全区土地综合整治、废弃耕地整治五年行动计划。 2021年总结推广我省高标准农田建设经验,建设高标准农田26万亩。 加强高标准农田建设调度,定期通报垫底市县。 探索建立高标准农田管护机制,提高工后管护水平。 开展耕地质量提升试点,探索退化耕地治理。 加快红岭灌区田间工程、南繁基地水利设施工程等重点农田水利工程建设,实施松桃灌区续建现代化工程和四个中型灌区续建工程包括宝芳、合水、北投、驼星。 建设节水改造工程,逐步提高灌区水利用率。 引导农田建设项目采用节能、环保、节水工艺路线,建设生态友好型排灌渠系。 开展小农田水利设施建设试点,深化小农田水利设施管理保护制度改革。
(六)完成“菜篮子”供应保障任务。 加大落实“菜篮子”市长负责制力度。 加强常年蔬菜基地监管,完成15万亩常年蔬菜基地的上述图谱和仓库,纳入“多规合一”平台进行跟踪管理。 提高多年生蔬菜基地种植率,扩大设施蔬菜种植面积。 全省蔬菜自给率将达到60%。 大力推进光伏蔬菜大棚建设,制定光伏蔬菜大棚技术规范,建设农光互补蔬菜大棚2万亩,总容量4万亩。 利用菜篮子基地建设项目资金,加大简易蔬菜大棚建设力度,力争到2022年达到2万亩以上。稳定生猪基础生产能力,确保能繁母猪存栏不少于30.7万头。 调整优化瓜菜种植结构和布局,推进冬瓜菜基地建设和升级,保持冬瓜菜种植面积290万亩,产量保持450万吨以上,创造国家“南北蔬菜运输”基地。
(七)多渠道增加农民收入。 以增加工资性收入为主攻方向,增设农民工工资性收入增速指标,开展促进农民工就业专项行动。 创新农民工技能培训方式,有针对性地开展就业技能培训,稳定和扩大农民工就业。 加大脱贫人员稳定就业力度,积极落实以工代赈,拓宽脱贫人员和监测对象就业渠道,确保脱贫人员就业规模脱贫和监测人数不低于2021年。加大农村养老、合作医疗等惠农富农政策支持力度。 年内,全面消除集体经济“空壳村”,优化集体经济发展模式。 发展优质高效农业,稳定经营收入,确保农村常住居民人均可支配收入增长9.5%以上。 加大对脱贫群众持续增收的支持力度,继续运用“四动四全”机制促进消费帮扶。
(八)积极推进特色发展。 加大新品种引进选育力度,组织引导农民优化品种结构,更新部分热带水果、瓜类品种。 加强燕窝果、榴莲蜜、黄玉果等高附加值热带珍稀水果的引进和推广,引进品种100多个。 大力发展椰子、咖啡产业,做大做强南药产业。 加快槟榔深加工研究和药用价值开发。 推广油茶、沉香、红木、特种花卉种植。 打造国家级天然橡胶产业集群,发展特种橡胶种植和特种橡胶加工。 加强畜禽遗传资源繁育场、保护区、基因库建设,开展海南猪、文昌鸡、海南黑鸡等地方特色品种资源收集、保护、纯化、复壮和开发利用山羊、海南牛、嘉积鸭。
(九)积极推进规模化建设。 推动种植业适度规模高质量发展。 2022年新增特色产业种植面积6万亩,扩大椰子、油茶、沉香、咖啡等种植规模。 新增椰子种植面积2万英亩,咖啡种植面积1.5万英亩,总面积达到3万多英亩。 全省热带水果种植面积达260万亩,总产量340万吨,优质水果率达75%以上。 推动渔业转型升级,推进3个渔港、3个海洋牧场建设,完成50艘渔船升级换代任务。 全省水产品总量170万吨,水产苗木1800亿株。 积极推进农业园区建设,促进规模化发展,形成农业规模效益。 力争创建新型国家现代农业产业园区,创建1-2个省级现代农业示范园区。 鼓励有条件的市县试点创建市县现代农业示范园区。 培育壮大农业经营主体,推动小农户与现代农业有机衔接,引进培育省级以上农业龙头企业200家以上,认定示范合作社300家以上,创建家庭农场2000个以上、农业产业化联合体数量达到10多家。
(十)积极推进品牌建设。 实施“品牌强农”战略,围绕主导产业和特色产业发展需求,制定海南农产品品牌发展规划,建立农产品质量评价、产地环境监测、质量安全追溯等支撑体系。 整合现有农产品品牌,打造核心品牌。 提高科技为品牌价值增值的能力,加强品牌农产品的包装、策划、精选、宣传,以品牌为纽带开展资产重组。 采取多种形式加大对区域农产品公共品牌的支持力度。 整合打造荔枝、芒果、咖啡、火龙果等区域公共品牌,新增“两品一标”农产品20余个。 推动在建10个省级区域公共品牌农产品,完善生产、质量、储运标准和质量追溯体系,新增省级区域公共品牌农产品和2个县级区域公共品牌的农产品。
(十一)积极推动绿色发展。 制定全省“十四五”重点流域农业面源污染综合治理综合建设方案,推动化肥农药减量、畜禽粪便资源化、养殖尾水处理、农业投入废物回收和处置。 继续开展“两严禁一促”行动,发展生态循环农业。 鼓励创建国家级健康水产养殖示范区。
(十二)以共享农场为抓手,推动农村产业融合发展。 落实支持共享农场发展的各项政策措施,实行共享农场动态认定机制,创建认定5个以上特色主题共享农场。 主办 2022 年共享农场会议。 因地制宜发展乡村旅游和休闲农业,评定20个乡村旅游点为椰子级。 深化休闲渔业试点,出台休闲渔业船舶管理办法。 打造海南农旅融合高端品牌。 支持海南澳斯卡国际粮油有限公司继续在洋浦等园区扩建新建生产线,带动全省建设一批智能化、数字化农产品加工企业。 引导农产品加工产业集群壮大。 继续打造工业强镇和特色产业集群。 推动形成“一县一业”发展格局。
(十三)加强农村商业流通体系建设。 加快农村物流快递网点布局,实施“快递进村”工程,鼓励发展“多站合一”乡镇综合服务站、“一点多能”村级配送物流综合服务点,推进县乡物流联合配送。 做好国家级农村电子商务综合示范工作,培育地方电商平台,推广“电商+合作社”模式,开展网上年货购物等活动节日和直播嘉年华。 大力开展农商对接,推动批发市场、大型超市、外贸公司等市场主体与农村建立长期稳定的产销关系。 举办2022年中国(海南)国际热带农产品冬季博览会,组织名优农产品参加省内外知名展会。 推动冷链物流服务网络向农村延伸。 支持供销社开展全县流通服务网络建设和完善行动,建设全县集散中心,加快乡镇农民服务中心和村级综合服务合作社建设。
(十四)健全乡村建设实施机制。 落实乡村建设行动实施方案,继续开展特色产业小镇和美丽乡村建设。 做好村庄规划审批和资料入库管理。 统筹县域村镇建设,严格规范村庄撤并。 加强海南传统村落和特色民族村落保护。 推动全省农民住房建设审批“零滞后”。 加强农民住房建设质量安全管理。 推行村庄小型建设项目简易审批,推广村民自治组织、农村集体经济组织、农民参与农村建设项目的有效做法。 明确农村建设项目产权,市县组织编制村庄公共基础设施管理维护责任清单。
(十五)继续实施农村人居环境改善五年行动。 打响农村“六水源联治”攻坚战,农村生活污水处理率提高10个百分点以上。 三亚市、东方市启动农村黑臭水体治理试点。 统筹厕所垃圾综合治理,完成5万余座厕所防渗漏改造,推动全村495个村厕所粪便资源化利用。 完成全省30%以上行政村(居)生活垃圾分类房(亭)建设。 巩固提升植草绿化农村裸地专项行动成果。 开展万人千吨农村饮用水水源地水质监测。 建设100个美丽新村、10个农村人居环境整治示范村。
(十六)扎实开展重点地区农村基础设施建设。 推动5G网络覆盖向乡镇延伸。 有序提高乡镇通三级及以上公路比例,建设10条“美丽乡村路”示范路,同步推进村庄“户户通”公路建设,实施溢流安全防护工程桥梁(道路)。 推进城乡供水一体化,农村自来水普及率达到90%,大型水厂服务人口达到55%。 农村电网改造升级。 按照“修则改则修”的原则,继续推进农村危房改造,保障农村低收入群体的住房安全。 实现“燃气代柴”覆盖所有乡镇。
(十七)大力推进数字乡村建设。 加强农村信息基础设施建设,推进海南农业农村大数据中心建设,打造海南数字“三农”服务平台。 推动海口市琼山区国家数字农业示范区建设。 积极推动5G、物联网、大数据、区块链、人工智能等信息技术在农业生产中的应用,拓展农业农村大数据应用场景。 发展智慧乡村旅游,探索“手机游海南”。 推进数字乡村标准化建设,持续开展数字乡村试点。
(十八)提高农村基本公共服务水平。 继续深化“县乡、乡镇、村”县管招录中小学教师和基层卫生专业技术人员改革。 改善和提高200所义务教育学校的基本办学条件。 深入推进紧密县医疗共同体建设。 琼海市、东方市、保亭县启动省级“2+3”卫生服务包试点。 继续实施农村敬老院升级改造三年行动计划。 继续推进区域儿童福利机构建设,建立乡(街道)未成年人保护工作站。 推进党群服务中心和大型社区综合服务中心一体化建设。 继续实施农村困难妇女“同舟工程紧急救助”行动和“两癌”救助计划。 确保困难群体基本养老保险保障足、代缴足、享受足。
(十九)充分发挥农村基层党组织的战斗堡垒作用。 加强党支部规范化、规范化建设,全面排查薄弱、散乱的村党组织,坚持一村一策,抓好整改提升。 继续在5个行政村开展村级协商协商创新试点,研究制定城乡社区协商工作标准。 探索推广乡村治理名单制度和“七倡导”积分制度。 实行村级基本信息统计“一张表”制度,减轻村级组织负担。 开展乡村振兴村党组织书记“大比拼”,市县党委书记定期主持召开村党组织书记工作交流会。 按照地理就近、资源整合的原则,探索建立党建联盟。 继续推进红色乡村组织振兴和美丽乡村建设试点。
(二十)创新农村精神文明建设有效平台载体。 依托新时代文明实践中心、县级综合媒体中心等平台,开展有对象、有针对性的宣传教育。 创新在农村开展“听党话、感恩党、跟党走”宣传教育活动。 组织好中国农民丰收节、3月3日等活动。 推动黎锦、苗绣、蜡染、陶艺等黎苗族传统非物质文化遗产的保护和利用。 大力倡导转变风俗,推广绿色殡葬,研究制定公益性墓园建设项目奖励补贴机制,提高乡镇、乡村公益性墓地覆盖率。 扩大省级婚姻习俗改革试点范围。
(二十一)持续推进法治平安村建设。 研究印发加强基层法治建设的实施意见,广泛开展民主法治示范村创建活动,大力培养农村“知法人”,提高农村法治化水平乡村治理。 开展市县社会治理现代化试点。 健全农村社会矛盾纠纷根源排查化解机制。 开展扫黑除恶常态化专项行动,持续打击“村霸”、“菜霸”、“渔霸”。 加强农村宗教工作。 严厉打击农村黄赌毒和侵害农村妇女儿童人身权利的违法犯罪活动。 继续开展新一轮禁毒三年行动。 加强农业行政综合执法能力建设。 协调推进应急管理和乡村治理资源整合。 完善农村新型冠状病毒疫情常态化防控体系,严格落实联防联控、群防群控措施。
(二十二)守住生态环境底线。 加快创建国家农业绿色发展先行区。 化肥施用量、化学农药使用量均下降3%。 推动畜禽粪便综合利用率达到85%以上。 各市县已完成秸秆禁烧高等级远程视频监控安装,实现300万亩秸秆直接还田,秸秆综合利用率稳定在86%以上。 按时完成中央环保督察和国家海洋督察整改任务。 加强水生生物保护,规范鱼类增殖放流。 加快热带雨林国家公园建设。
(二十三)保障农产品质量安全。 修改《海南省人民政府关于加强农产品质量安全监管的若干意见》。 提高市县农产品质量安全检测能力。 市、县定量检测每千人不少于1批次。 推动万宁市、文昌市创建国家级农产品质量安全示范县。 Improve the "horizontal and vertical" grid management system for the quality and safety of agricultural products at the city, county, township, and village levels. We will continue to carry out the three-year action of "controlling illegal drugs, controlling drug residues, and promoting improvement" and special rectification of pesticide supervision, focusing on carrying out special rectification actions for cowpea quality and safety, strengthening inspections in fields, markets, and out of the island, and establishing a full traceability system. , ensuring that the cowpea testing pass rate throughout the year is not lower than the national average. Implement the "double certificate" out-of-island system for the edible agricultural products' origin inspection (origin quarantine) qualification report and the edible agricultural products' commitment to meet the standards.
(24) Improve the biosafety risk prevention and control system in the agricultural field. Improve the prevention and control capabilities of animal and plant diseases, and strengthen the prevention and control of animal and plant diseases and pests such as African swine fever, red imported fire ants, and Spodoptera Frugiperda. Do a good job in preventing and controlling the sources of zoonotic diseases. Strengthen the supervision of research and testing of agricultural genetically modified organisms, import and processing, seed production and operation, etc. Carry out prevention and control of invasive alien pests. Establish long-term fixed-point observation stations (points) for agricultural biosecurity risk prevention and control in key areas and ports across the province. Strengthen the construction of biosafety risk prevention and control teams. Improve supporting laws and regulations for agricultural biosafety.
(25) Effectively prevent and respond to major agricultural disaster risks. Timely repair water-damaged agricultural and water conservancy infrastructure, and strengthen ditch dredging and the construction and management of reservoirs, dams, and pumping stations. Strengthen wind protection work for fishing boats and strengthen the construction of wind shelters and anchorages in fishing ports. Strengthen emergency supplies reserves for flood prevention, wind and drought relief. Strengthen the construction of agricultural and rural, water conservancy, and meteorological disaster monitoring and early warning systems, strengthen guidance on the prevention and control of production risks in the planting industry, and animal husbandry, and enhance the ability to respond to extreme weather. Strengthen research on the impact of medium- and long-term climate change on agriculture.
6. Strengthen rural revitalization policy support and guarantees
(26) Expand investment in rural revitalization. Continue to regard agriculture and rural areas as a priority area of fiscal expenditure to ensure that investment intensity continues to increase and the total amount continues to increase. Strengthen assessment and supervision, and steadily increase the proportion of land transfer revenue used in agriculture and rural areas. Expand the scale of local government bond issuance to support rural revitalization, and encourage cities and counties to use local government bond funds to implement qualified rural revitalization public welfare projects. Improve the quality of project reserves in the field of rural revitalization. Strengthen budget performance management and supervision, ensure the security of fiscal funds, and accelerate expenditure progress in accordance with laws and regulations.
(27) Strengthen financial services for rural revitalization. Increase the credit extension for “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”. Actively guide various types of low-cost funds to accurately support agriculture-related entities. We will increase the amount of micro-credit for people who have been lifted out of poverty, and support entrepreneurship and employment for people who have been lifted out of poverty, households at risk of poverty, and households with sudden serious difficulties. Increase financial support for key areas such as the seed industry and grain. Promote agricultural insurance to increase standards and expand coverage, and launch vegetable income insurance pilot projects. All cities and counties should speed up the collection and credit assessment of credit information of farmers and new agricultural business entities, consolidate the rural credit foundation, and support financial institutions in providing whole-village credit for "credit villages".
(28) Implement the key tasks of rural reclamation reform. We will issue guidance on regulating the transfer of rural land management rights and management measures for rural property rights transactions, and accelerate the construction of a provincial rural property rights trading platform. Promote the construction of rural property rights trading centers in some cities and counties (districts), explore the establishment of rural property rights trading stations in qualified towns and villages, gradually expand the scope of rural property rights trading, and enrich the types of transactions. Formulate management measures for rural collective assets and strengthen the management of rural collective assets. Promote the integrated and high-quality development of reclaimed land.
(29) Improve the level of agricultural equipment and infrastructure. Make good use of the preferential policies of the Hainan Free Trade Port and encourage qualified enterprises to import advanced agricultural equipment, components and raw materials. Encourage the research and development and manufacturing of high-end intelligent agricultural machinery. Implement subsidy policies for the purchase and use of agricultural machinery and expand the scope of subsidies for small agricultural machinery. Create a full mechanization demonstration zone for rice production in Qiongshan District, Haikou City. A pilot program of subsidies for scrapping agricultural machinery was implemented, and more than 3,000 modified tractors were written off and cleared. Support the development of new breeding facilities such as factory-based intensive breeding, deep-sea intelligent large-scale equipment breeding, and three-dimensional ecological breeding. Concentrate on building factory-like nursery facilities. Accelerate the construction of key fishing ports such as Wenchang Puqian, Wanchang Wuchang and Ledong Yinggehai.
7. Strengthen the Party's overall leadership over “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”
(30) Consolidate the responsibility for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization. In accordance with the central government's requirements for carrying out performance assessments of provincial party and government leadership groups and leading cadres in promoting rural revitalization strategies, the responsibilities of five-level secretaries in rural revitalization are consolidated. Implement the contact point system for rural revitalization of responsible comrades of party committees and governments at all levels. Use the performance assessment results of city and county party and government leadership groups and leading cadres in promoting the rural revitalization strategy as an important basis for the annual assessment of leadership groups and leading cadres and the evaluation and appointment of cadres, and strengthen the application of assessment results. Incorporate party building and promoting rural revitalization into an important part of the performance evaluation and evaluation of party organization secretaries. Organize and carry out rural revitalization activities to compare learning and catch up. Carry out a summary and evaluation of the implementation of the "Hainan Province Rural Revitalization Strategic Plan (2018-2022)". Conduct rural revitalization themed training for party and government leading cadres at all levels across the province, especially those in charge of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers".
(31) Improve the party's rural work institutions and operating mechanisms. The rural work leading groups of party committees at all levels should play the role of taking the lead, overall planning and coordination in the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and assume the responsibility of consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization discussion and coordination; they must pay attention to and strengthen the standardization and institutionalization of discussion coordination, Make full use of working mechanisms such as plenary meetings of the leading group, special meetings, and supervision and inspection to accurately and effectively promote key rural revitalization tasks. Strengthen the construction of the office of the Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group, enrich the work force, improve the operating mechanism, and strengthen the responsibilities of decision-making advice, overall coordination, policy guidance, supervision and inspection, and promotion of implementation.
(32) Strengthen the construction of rural revitalization talent team. Implement the rural talent cultivation action, continue to implement the "dual degree and double training" education project, run the rural revitalization TV night school, launch the demonstration project for cultivating urgently needed talents for rural revitalization, and increase the intensity of cultivating practical technical talents in rural areas. Support colleges and universities in the province to expand enrollment in agriculture-related majors. We will continue to implement talent projects such as the "Three Districts" Talent Support Plan and the Science and Technology Deputy Township Mayor Dispatch Plan, and organize talents in culture, tourism, sports, planning, architecture, and engineering to provide services to the countryside. Organize talents in medical, education and other fields to carry out "group-style" assistance. Encourage the creation of youth alliances for rural revitalization.
(33) Do a good job in rural revitalization pilot projects. Earnestly implement the central government's deployment of “one hundred counties, one thousand townships and ten thousand villages” rural revitalization demonstration work, support qualified cities and counties in establishing rural revitalization demonstration counties, and create 1-2 demonstration towns and 10 demonstration villages in different levels. Promote the construction of the national agricultural modernization demonstration zone in Yazhou District, Sanya City. Organize hundreds of enterprises and hundreds of villages to carry out "pair-up" activities to promote rural revitalization, and commend and encourage those with outstanding performance in accordance with relevant regulations.
Let us unite closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, work hard, work hard, strive to create a new situation of rural revitalization in the context of the Hainan Free Trade Port, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party with outstanding results!
Concept annotation
1. The "six-drive full coverage" mechanism for cooperating with farmers and coordinating farmers: enterprises, cooperatives, talented people, family farms, shared farms, and industrial parks.
2. The "Four Actions and Four Completes" mechanism: adhere to the strong promotion of the party and government to ensure full coverage; adhere to the active linkage of all parties to achieve full coverage; adhere to efficient network interaction to achieve full service; adhere to the initiative of poor households to achieve Full participation.
3. Two products and one label: green food, organic agricultural products and geographical indications of agricultural products.
4. Two strict prohibitions and one promotion: it is strictly prohibited to burn straw, it is strictly prohibited to smoke betel nuts with local methods, and the comprehensive utilization of straw is promoted.
5. Six water management: treating sewage, ensuring water supply, draining water, preventing floods, saving water, and optimizing sea water.
6. "2+3" health service package: a health service package for five diseases including hypertension, diabetes and tuberculosis, hepatitis, and severe mental disorders (referred to as "2+3").
7. Seven advocates: namely, advocating getting rich through hard work, drinking in a civilized manner, rejecting illegal lottery tickets, practicing thrift, being filial to the elderly and caring for the young, being hygienic and tidy, and equality between men and women.
8. "Three Areas" talent support plan: talent support plan for remote poverty-stricken areas, border ethnic areas and old revolutionary areas.