125 2023-11-29
主要由全国政协无党派委员、全国政协人才库专家、科普和科技战略研究领军专家组成。 本学科学术依托单位为中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院、中国科普研究院等单位。 参加研讨会的还有来自国内科技界、经济界、教育界、社会组织、国防、气象等重点领域的40余位院士、专家学者。 课题组围绕习近平总书记“科技创新和科普是实现创新发展的两翼,要把科普放在与科技创新同等重要的位置”的重要思想(以下简称科普) “双翼理论”)。 从4月下旬到9月,持续深入开展调研工作,在专家研讨、征求意见的基础上,“深刻领会习近平总书记关于科技创新“两翼理论”的重大意义科普形成,建议实施“大科普战略研究报告”。
该研究报告现分三期出版,以飨读者。 (这个问题排在第二位)
习近平总书记指出,“要把科学普及摆在与科技创新同等重要的位置”。 这是实现创新发展的重要原则。
纵观人类科技发展和文明演进的历史,我们可以清楚地看到,随着科学发现和技术突破在全社会的普及应用,科学技术逐渐成为生产函数中最重要的变量。 。 在人类历史和文明的演变过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。 科技创新和科普在历次科技革命和世界科学中心转移中发挥了极其重要的作用,为人类改造自然、推进文明提供了强大动力。
科普与科技创新齐头并进、相辅相成。 科学产生新知识、新思想,科普将新知识、新思想转化为公众能够理解和接受的大众知识和大众文化,形成科技创新和社会发展的内在动力。 在当今知识经济时代,一个国家的科普水平直接反映了该国的物质文化发展水平,影响着该国的创造力和软实力。
文明的传承和交流是人类文明进步和世界和平发展的重要动力。 科普与科学技术齐头并进。 在古代,不同文明的经验、知识和技术是通过商业往来、文化交流、战争和征服等方式传播的。中国古代印刷术、火药、指南针三大发明的传播可以说是人类历史上重大发明和创造的全球传播。 马克思在《机器、自然力和科学的应用》一书中指出:“火药、指南针、印刷术——这是预示着资产阶级社会到来的三大发明。火药把骑士阶级炸得粉碎,指南针打开了世界市场。殖民地建立了,印刷术成为新教的工具,总的来说,成为科学复兴的手段,是为精神发展创造必要先决条件的最强大的杠杆。”
科学技术的发展、进步、变革、应用和普及深刻影响着人类历史和文明的走向。 任何偏袒都可能导致国家的衰弱甚至文明的灭亡。
在古希腊文明出现之前,埃及、美索不达米亚、印度的德干高原和恒河流域以及古代中国都曾产生过辉煌的科技成就。 公元前5世纪左右到公元2世纪,雅典涌现出一批文化巨人,如苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德、毕达哥拉斯等,在哲学、数学、天文学、诗歌、戏剧、迄今为止取得的令人惊叹的成就。 与此同时,中国正处于春秋战国时期,也涌现出孔子、孟子、老子、庄子等一批大师,呈现出百家争鸣、百家争鸣的学术景象。百花盛开。 从此,古罗马文明异军突起,影响的不仅是欧洲,还有埃及、美索不达米亚和波斯。 公元5世纪至15世纪,随着古罗马帝国的迅速分裂,欧洲进入科技发展相对停滞的中世纪。 公元9世纪至12世纪,阿拉伯文明开始对近东、中亚、南欧产生重要影响。 阿拉伯人不仅创造了丰富的科技文明,而且在东西方科技交流中发挥了桥梁作用,将先进技术传播到欧洲和亚洲其他地区。 公元3世纪至18世纪,中国创造并延续了灿烂的东方文明。 16世纪科学革命和18世纪工业革命期间,欧洲成为科技中心。 欧洲先进的科学技术开始向世界传播。 科技发展的速度越来越快,多个世界科学中心相继形成。 从16世纪到20世纪,世界科学中心经历了五次重大变化。 经济繁荣、思想解放、教育繁荣、政府支持、科技革命成为科学中心创新发展的五个必要因素。
达尔文的《物种起源》逐渐使进化论的生命观、价值观和世界观为社会所接受,最终启发和教育人们从宗教迷信的束缚中解放出来,引起了整个人类思想的巨大革命。 在世界历史进程中具有广泛而深远的影响。 费曼的路径积分理论在当时也令人震惊。 面对众多物理专家的反对,他用自己迷人的个性、幽默迷人的讲课风格和简单易懂的物理理论,不仅让路径积分观对年轻人更具吸引力。 这一代物理学家产生了巨大的影响,并逐渐被老一代人认可,架起了经典物理学和量子物理学之间的桥梁。 为了将放射性元素“镭”应用到更广泛的医疗领域,居里夫人拒绝向政府申请专利,垄断“镭”的生产技术。 她还联合大批科学家组成科学讲师团,向孩子们开放实验室,亲自为他们进行科学启蒙教育。 在她的影响下,她最终培养了10多名诺贝尔奖获得者。 雷切尔·卡森是20世纪美国杰出的科普作家。 她于1962年撰写并出版了科普读物《寂静的春天》,以超越时代的视野将现代污染对生态的影响彻底展现在读者面前,唤起了人们的环保意识,引发了科学发展的浪潮。现代环保主义。
真正意义上的科学传播始于16世纪至17世纪的欧洲科学革命。 由于伽利略、牛顿、笛卡尔等天才的伟大成就,欧洲许多地区的物理学、天文学、生物学、医学、化学的思想发生了根本性的变化,冲破了中世纪神学和经院哲学的束缚。 建立了现代自然科学体系。 通过科学家的着书,科学从科学界内部传播到社会,使科学逐渐成为一种重要的文化力量。 科学提倡观察和实验,推崇理性和逻辑,打破迷信,否定造物主的设计,阐明人类在宇宙中的真实地位,也带来社会和政治领域的变革。
18世纪,在科学革命的推动下,欧洲爆发了启蒙运动。 启蒙运动是继欧洲文艺复兴之后人类精神领域的一次伟大进步。 它为现代社会奠定了重要的思想基础。 法国启蒙运动的旗舰人物狄德罗在巴黎编辑出版了《百科全书》等包括自然科学在内的一部巨著,推动了以崇尚理性精神为特征的欧洲启蒙运动。
科技革命是通过新技术带来新产品、形成新产业、创造新供给、引发新需求、创造新生活、发展新经济来实现的。 在此过程中,科学技术的普及程度影响着科技革命的发生以及新的世界科技革命中心的形成。
西方现代科学技术传入中国后,科学技术的普及和应用表现出了强大的推动力和生命力。 严复于1898年翻译了赫胥黎的《天理论》,使“适者生存”成为1898年维新运动中中国人民求变富强的思想动力,深刻影响了孙中山等中国现代作家。 ——森、毛泽东、鲁迅、胡适。 现代革命家。 1949年9月,中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议召开。 会议讨论了作为临时宪法的《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》。 著名气象学家、教育家竺可桢等多位科学家率先提出将普及科学知识写入《共同纲领》,明确“努力发展自然科学,服务工农业和国防建设”。 .奖励科学发现和发明。” ,普及科学知识”。 把科普作为基本国策,充分体现了党和国家对科技创新和科普的重视,开启了新中国科普事业的新篇章。 华罗庚是我国现代著名数学家。 他在数学领域做出杰出贡献的同时,撰写了许多科普书籍和文章。 他还曾走遍全国数百万人,就“优化方法和统筹方法”进行讲座和应用。 他还说:“人有两个肩膀,我要让两个肩膀都发挥作用。一个肩膀担负‘送货上门’的重任,向工农群众传递科学知识、科学方法;另一个肩膀承担‘上门送货’的重担,向工农群众传递科学知识、科学方法。”肩膀充当‘人梯’”,让年轻一代把肩膀扛在肩上攀登更高的科学山峰,再让年轻人放下绳子,把我拉上去,成为人梯。徐迟关于陈景润的报告文学《哥德巴赫猜想》使陈景润在1978年春天家喻户晓,唤起了社会和公众对科学、知识、人才的尊重,也让许多热爱科学的热心青年无数中国人纷纷加入,证明了这一点。一系列猜想,都试图夺取数学皇冠上的这颗明珠。《哥德巴赫猜想》的报道一定程度上推动了一个伟大时代的早日到来。尊重科学、尊重知识、尊重人才。
习近平总书记指出,当前,新一轮科技革命和产业变革突飞猛进。 科学研究的范式正在发生深刻的变化。 跨学科融合不断发展。 科学技术与经济社会发展加速渗透融合。 科技创新广度大幅提升,宏观世界大到天体运动、星系演化、宇宙起源,微观世界小到基因编辑、粒子结构、和量子控制。 他们都处于当今世界科技发展的前沿。 科技创新深度显着深化,深空探测成为科技竞争制高点。 ,深度探索不断拓展人类认识自然的新视野。 科技创新速度明显加快,以信息技术、人工智能为代表的新兴技术快速发展,极大扩展了人们认知的时间、空间和范围。 人类正在进入一个‘人、机、物’立体融合的万物智能互联时代。”
随着人工智能与其他技术加速融合、创新、融合发展,人类社会日益接近新一轮变革的临界点。 社会形态将全面系统演化,智能社会将成为继农业社会、工业社会、信息社会之后的下一步。 更先进的社会形态正在加速到来。 新科技革命和产业变革,给人们带来了前所未有的科普需求。 科普活动在现代化建设中的作用日益凸显。
大科学时代,许多科学问题的范围、规模和复杂性不断扩大,并具有多学科、多目标、多主体、多要素的特点。 其复杂性、经济成本、实施难度以及协同创新的多样性往往超出一国之力,但其作用和影响需要通过国际科技合作来落实。
大科学时代,政府对科学研究的财政投入巨大,研究目标往往深刻而雄心勃勃。 理解和参与的门槛很高。 因此,更需要获得广大民众的支持和理解。 只有这样,才能进展顺利,才能取得成果。 快速推广转化,科普在其中发挥着关键作用。 同时,科普在信息流通、知识配置、促进协同创新等方面发挥着独特的作用,为大科学发展提供支撑。
激发创新活力的关键是营造良好的创新生态,不仅需要基础设施等硬件支撑,还需要形成创新驱动发展的实践载体、制度安排和环境保障,形成各方面协同互动。创新主体、创新要素、创新资源畅通。 良好的创新生态系统、高效的配置。 人才是第一资源。 完善科技创新生态系统,必须不断加强创新人才教育培养,营造全社会尊重创新、支持创新、参与创新的软环境,让创新人才脱颖而出。
生产函数表示在给定的工程技术条件下,一个企业或组织乃至整个社会在给定的投入与所能获得的最大产出之间的关系。 创新就是建立新的生产函数,即将前所未有的生产要素和生产条件的“新组合”引入生产系统。 依靠资源、资本、劳动力三大传统要素的持续投入,是典型的要素驱动型经济发展方式。 创新驱动的本质是用科技要素改造和替代传统要素,比如用新技术替代旧技术、用新模式替代旧模式、用新管理制度替代旧制度、科普提高效率等。工人的素质和技能。 德国前总理默克尔表示,德国制造业享誉世界,因为德国拥有世界上最优秀的产业工人队伍。 对提高劳动力素质的作用显而易见。
在我国抗击新冠肺炎疫情的斗争中,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,“尊重科学”已成为伟大抗疫精神的重要组成部分,始终是主线。全社会的主题。 《办法》,科研、临床、防控一线相互配合,产学研各方紧密合作,有效形成可诊、可治、可防的局面,凝聚新国家力量系统得到有效压缩。 同时,全面开展疫情防控科普工作,抵制谣言谣言,传播健康生活方式和生活理念,提高家庭防控意识和能力,引导公众采取正确行动,开展科学防治。 ——抗击疫情,推动科学思维发展,自觉培育科学价值观。 以钟南山为代表的中国科学家成为抗疫英雄、民族明星。
面向未来,各国争夺科技制高点的竞争将更加激烈。 我国经济社会发展将全面走向创新驱动发展。 智能化、数字化、绿色化将成为未来社会的新形态。 科技的双刃剑特性也将更加凸显。 这都需要科普发挥更大的作用。
科技作为经济增长最重要的推动力之一,已成为各国政府必然的战略选择。 各国争夺科技制高点的竞争日趋激烈,科技领域日益成为大国竞争的主战场和必胜之地。 各国竞相谋划和布局新兴前沿技术,将技术优势转化为产业优势,主导未来产业,同时将关键技术掌握在自己手中,力争在全球科技竞争中掌握主动。
主要发达国家越来越多地滥用“国家安全”之名,利用国家力量打击新兴发展中国家的领先科技企业,加强对关键敏感技术领域外资的监管,限制外资涉足国内技术,加强技术出口。 控制国内技术流向国外。 围绕高技术的封锁与反封锁、脱钩与反脱钩将逐步展开,成为大国科技竞争的“新常态”。
未来中国要实现经济升级,从全球经济分工的中低端向中高端迈进,这将是一个非常艰难的跨越。 这比改革开放初期从劳动密集型产业起步,逐步迈向小康社会要复杂得多,因为中国的经济以前可以说中国的活动和西方在这方面是互补的关系。宏观层面,走向经济链前端,意味着决定性竞争的开始。
在此背景下,面向未来的创新产业需要高素质人才的孵化。 国家科技创新的根本源泉在于人。 科技发展史证明,谁拥有一流的创新人才和科学家,谁就能在科技创新中占据先机。 这自然对劳动者素质、创新人才培养、科普普及提出了更高的要求。
随着科学技术的发展,经济社会将朝着智能化、绿色化的方向发展。 这个过程需要新知识、新技术、新理念的传播。 数据已成为与土地、劳动力、资本同等重要的新生产要素,赋能各行各业数字化转型,重塑商业模式,推动创新增长,释放效率,创造以数字化为标志的生产生活方式新变革。 这一切都需要公众有心理准备和能力。 未来是数字技术与实体经济深度融合的发展时代。 用好数字技术,可以催生一大批新产业、新模式,进一步扩大就业、提高经济效益。 加强科普,可以用技术知识和科学思维武装各行业。 凝聚优秀人才和广大劳动者的力量,为科技创新奠定人才基础和社会基础,凝聚加速发展的强大力量。
面对新一轮科技革命和产业变革的重大、共性、基础性技术突破,要加大科普力度。 在“十四五”强调的人工智能、量子信息、集成电路、脑科学、基因技术、临床医学、深空、深地、深海和极地等七大领域,广大民众而基层生产者普遍缺乏相关知识。 认知和理解。 要发挥科普作用,加强领导干部对新兴产业技术的知识储备和应用能力。 通过提高产业工人新兴技术的科学素质和应用能力,引导广大工人了解相关知识,提高生产力。
科技双刃剑的特点更加凸显,低风险技术研究越来越受到关注。 人类精准基因工程、干细胞、合成生命、核能、智能机器人等在给人类带来福祉的同时,也引发新的伦理问题或社会风险,促使人类反思技术,发展低风险技术。 科普对于增强公众对科技发展的信心、缓解公众对未来的困惑和焦虑具有重要作用。
“绿色”是一种生产方式、一种生活方式、一种价值取向。 党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央从人与自然和谐共生的高度谋划推动发展方式和生活方式的深刻变革,不断完善发展方式和生活方式。生态环境质量。 中国在2020年向国际社会做出了2030年碳达峰、2060年实现碳中和的庄严承诺。我国承诺的碳达峰和碳中和的时间只有30年左右。 这样的转变是前所未有的。 实现碳达峰和碳中和,需要全社会的动员和支持。 通过科普向公众宣传碳达峰和碳中和相关政策和科学知识,促使人们转变观念、付诸行动,推动重点行业和重要领域低碳转型和技术升级,形成人人享有的制度体系。知情、参与、人人履行责任的良好局面,将为如期实现碳达峰和碳中和目标、实现经济高质量发展奠定基础。
综上所述,从历史、现实、未来三个维度,充分阐释了习近平总书记关于科技创新和科学普及“同等重要”重大判断的意义; 充分说明了科技创新和科学普及无论在哪里的意义。 发展阶段,都在创新发展中发挥“同等重要”的驱动作用; 充分说明了科技创新与科学普及高原与高峰相辅相成、相辅相成的逻辑关系。 抓科技创新就等于抓国家整体发展的“鼻尖”,抓科普就等于抓持续创新的“关键点”。
进入新时代,我国科技产业蓬勃发展。 虽然科技创新和普及取得了长足进步,但面对内外部形势的新变化和“三新一高”的总体要求,落实“两翼理论”仍需破解了一系列长期制约创新发展的突出短板和问题。
(1) Science popularization work has achieved remarkable results, creating a good social atmosphere for innovative development
Since the promulgation and implementation of the "Science and Technology Popularization Law of the People's Republic of China", "National Medium and Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan Outline (2006-2020)" and "National Science and Technology Literacy Action Plan Outline (2006-2010-2020)", especially the Party's Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, science popularization work has achieved remarkable results. The mass media's science and technology communication capabilities have been greatly improved, and the level of science popularization informatization has been significantly improved. Science popularization infrastructure has developed rapidly, and the modern science and technology museum system has been initially completed. 科普人才队伍不断壮大。 The internationalization of science popularization has achieved new results. Breakthrough; establish a policy and regulatory system with science popularization as the core; build an organizational implementation system at the national, provincial, municipal, and county levels to explore the citizen scientific quality of "party leadership, government promotion, national participation, social collaboration, and open cooperation" Construction model, the scientific literacy level of citizens has been greatly improved, and the proportion of scientific literacy will reach 10.56% in 2020, entering the ranks of innovative countries.
Science popularization has played an important supporting role in building an innovative country and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Interactive science popularization activities attract tens of millions of primary and secondary school students every year, subtly cultivating the scientific interest, innovation consciousness and practical ability of the next generation. Innovation and entrepreneurship competitions and funding projects for college students have promoted the formation of a massive army of innovative and innovative talents and incubated a large number of high-quality entrepreneurial projects. Vocational skills training, continuing education and competition for urban workers have strengthened the innovative backbone of economic and social development. Knowledge and skills related to life safety, natural disasters, and accidents have been widely publicized, and people's risk prevention, emergency avoidance awareness, and escape skills have generally improved. Popular science knowledge on COVID-19 prevention has been widely disseminated in a timely manner, effectively supporting anti-epidemic work and response to major crises. The integration of popular science content with industries such as tourism, science fiction, education, and the Internet has injected new vitality into industrial development and formed new economic growth points. Vigorously promote the scientific spirit, strengthen the construction of scientific research integrity, and gradually form an innovative cultural atmosphere that respects knowledge, advocates creation, and pursues excellence. Science popularization work such as the "Three Rural Areas" of science, culture and health, science caravans, science trains, and science aid to Tibet have gone deep into rural grassroots and remote and impoverished areas, promoting science and technology education, dissemination and popularization of science and technology education, dissemination and popularization of science and technology in an equitable and inclusive manner and social harmony. It has created a good social atmosphere for innovative development, and made positive contributions to ensuring that we can win the battle against poverty as scheduled and ensure that we build a moderately prosperous society in all respects as scheduled.
During the development of science popularization work, we have gained a lot of experience and inspiration. For example, strengthening science education for young people is the most important foundation for improving citizens' scientific quality; prospering science popularization creation is a living source for improving citizens' scientific quality; strengthening science popularization informatization construction, It is the most effective way to improve citizens' scientific literacy; strengthening the construction of science popularization facilities is a basic project to improve citizens' scientific literacy; promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements is an important responsibility of science popularization work to serve the country's innovative development; strengthening science popularization statistical monitoring is an important step in promoting citizens' scientific literacy Effective means of construction, etc., provide us with valuable experience in carrying out science popularization work in the new era.
(2) At the strategic level, there is insufficient understanding of the importance of implementing the "Two Wings Theory", and there are obvious shortcomings in scientific popularization, which restricts the overall improvement of innovation capabilities.
We should be soberly aware that there is still a certain gap between my country's current science popularization service capabilities and the level of citizens' scientific literacy compared with developed countries. It is about the same as the level of some developed countries in the early 21st century, and cannot meet the strategic needs of building a world power in science and technology. Mainly manifested in:
First, there is insufficient understanding of the equal importance of science popularization work and scientific and technological innovation. There is insufficient analysis of the new situation, new missions, and new requirements of science popularization work. Departments and localities do not fully understand the value of innovative development of science popularization services, and fail to form a strategic consensus that scientific and technological innovation and science popularization are "equally important." Scientific and technological innovation and science popularization are developed separately, with emphasis on scientific and technological innovation and neglect of science popularization. The development of the "two wings" is obviously unbalanced.
Second, the institutional arrangements for science popularization, which is equally important, are imperfect. The system of science popularization policies and regulations is imperfect. For example, it has been nearly 20 years since the "Science and Technology Popularization Law of the People's Republic of China" was promulgated. There is an urgent need to solve problems that are incompatible with the development requirements of science popularization in the new era. The incentive and evaluation mechanism for science popularization work is imperfect, and science popularization supervision and inspection are lacking. The institutional mechanism that effectively guarantees the equal importance of the "two wings" is not perfect, and there is a lack of top-level design and institutional arrangements for the coordinated development of scientific popularization and scientific and technological innovation.
Third, the overall level of scientific literacy of our country's citizens needs to be further improved. Although the overall improvement is rapid, there are large gaps between regions, urban and rural areas, and groups. The digital divide and knowledge divide are widespread, making it difficult to meet the needs of economic and social development.
Fourth, the effective supply of science popularization services is insufficient. The content, form, and channels of science popularization work are difficult to meet the growing and diversified needs of the people. There is a large gap between the east and the west in the public service capabilities of science popularization. Urban and rural development is unbalanced, and the west and minority areas are seriously weakened. The whole society has insufficient science popularization resources, weak science popularization creative ability, few excellent original works, and less than 0.5 science and technology museums per million people.
Fifth, the value-leading role of science popularization has not been fully exerted. The cultural atmosphere of innovation in the whole society is not yet strong, the value orientation of advocating innovation has not yet been firmly established, the culture of questioning, inquiry and courage to innovate has not yet been effectively formed, and the initiative of citizens to improve their scientific literacy and participate in public scientific and technological affairs has not yet been fully mobilized.
Sixth, the development of science education for adolescents in my country is still relatively weak. Scientific education is not taken seriously, teachers are insufficient, allocation is unreasonable, subject construction is weak, and the stimulation and protection of young people's curiosity are seriously insufficient.
Seventh, the socialized collaborative science popularization pattern has a long way to go. In the fields of cultivating science popularization talents, raising science popularization funds, holding science popularization activities, constructing science popularization infrastructure, and creating science popularization works, the common interests with various social entities have not yet been accurately discovered, and a sustainable and healthy market in which the market plays a decisive role in resource allocation has not yet been formed. mechanism, the creativity of various social entities in science popularization supply-side reform needs to be further stimulated.
(3) The phenomenon of “new science illiteracy” has an increasingly prominent impact on the overall national strategy, and science popularization needs to play a greater role
In recent years, the phenomena of "new science illiteracy" represented by "mathematical illiteracy", "ecological illiteracy" and "scientific and cultural illiteracy" have emerged one after another and are becoming more and more serious. The "digitally illiterate" cannot understand and adapt to the modern digital and intelligent way of life and work. The "ecologically illiterate" puts environmental protection and development in opposition and does not understand that "lucid waters and lush mountains are valuable assets." The "scientific and cultural illiterate" are irrational and counterproductive. Intelligence is against science. In some places, there are some blind spots in new scientific and technological knowledge and a lack of scientific rationality. The consequences of insufficient scientific rationality and blind and reckless behavior not only affect the realization of national strategic goals such as ecological civilization and rural revitalization, but also affect the credibility of the government and the healthy and sustainable development of scientific and technological undertakings. constituted harm.
"New science illiteracy" mainly refers to people with limited scientific knowledge reserves, imperfect scientific thinking and insufficient ability to apply scientific methods. Generally speaking, the "new science illiterates" in the technological era often lack the ability to distinguish the authenticity of information, think independently, and make correct judgments when facing emerging things. Under the cross-influence of rapid scientific and technological progress and emerging media technologies, some anti-scientific and pseudo-scientific rumors have repeatedly appeared and spread, thus presenting the phenomenon of "new science illiteracy". Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, it can be said that "new science illiteracy" is the "illiteracy" of the new era.
Science popularization work has not yet achieved the transformation of high-quality development. Most of the science popularization knowledge that the broad masses of people come into contact with on a daily basis is relatively simple. There is a lack of science popularization content and products that can express obscure scientific principles in simple and easy-to-understand terms. The channels for the dissemination and diffusion of high-quality science popularization content are also relatively narrow. Traditional science popularization usually focuses on the rapid popularization and dissemination of scientific knowledge to guide the people's work and life. Some emerging work priorities, such as emergency science popularization, can directly output the scientific knowledge most needed by the public to ensure and guide the public to successfully respond to sudden public crises. The guidance of scientific spirit, scientific ideas and scientific methods is not timely and effective enough. Enlightenment of the scientific spirit and cultivation of scientific thinking among the general public is a difficult but imperative project. Only by fully promoting the scientific spirit and cultivating scientific thinking can the proportion of "new science illiterates" among the population be reduced.
(Science popularization task force of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)
Deeply understand the significance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's “Two Wings Theory” on scientific and technological innovation and popularization of science and recommend the implementation of the “Big Science Popularization Strategy” (Series 1)
Deeply understand the significance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's “Two Wings Theory” on scientific and technological innovation and popularization of science and recommend the implementation of the “Big Science Popularization Strategy” (Series 3)