
本站原创 2023-11-28 07:09:23



  中共中央 国务院关于做好2023年工作的通知


  (2023 年 1 月 2 日)

  中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会描绘了全面推进中华民族伟大复兴、中国式现代化的宏伟蓝图。 全面建设社会主义现代化国家,最艰巨、最艰巨的任务仍然在农村。 世界百年未有之大变局正在加速发生。 我国发展进入战略机遇与风险挑战并存的时期,不确定性、不可预测因素增多。 守住“三农”基本盘至关重要,不容忽视。 党中央认为,必须坚定不移把解决“三农”问题作为全党工作的重中之重,动员全党全社会力量,全面推进乡村振兴、加快现代化农业和农村地区。 强国必先强农,方能强国。 要立足国情、农业国情,体现中国特色,建设供给保障强、科技装备强、管理体系强、产业韧性强、竞争力强的农业强国。

  做好2023年和今后一个时期的“三农”工作,必须坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想党的第二十次全国代表大会,深入贯彻落实习近平总书记“三农”工作。 重要讨论,坚持和加强党对“三农”工作的全面领导,坚持农业农村优先发展,坚持城乡一体化发展,加强科技创新和体制机制建设创新驱动,坚决守住保障粮食安全、防止大规模返贫的底线,扎实推进乡村发展、乡村建设、乡村治理等重点任务,加快农业强国建设,建设宜居、宜业、美丽的美丽乡村,为全面建设社会主义现代化国家的良好开局奠定坚实基础。


  (一)全力保障粮食生产。 为确保全国粮食产量保持在1.3万亿公斤以上,各省(区、市)必须稳定面积,聚焦单产,努力增产。 全面夯实粮食安全基础,强化粮食存地和科技利用的物质基础,健全保障农民种粮有钱有效益、地方政府履行职责的机制。处理食品的责任。 实施新一轮粮食增产1000亿公斤行动。 开展吨粮田创建。 推动南方省份发展复种粮食生产,鼓励有条件的地方发展再生稻。 支持实施小麦“一喷三防”措施。 实施玉米增产工程。 继续提高小麦最低收购价,合理确定大米最低收购价,稳定大米补贴,完善应对机制,保障农业投入品供应稳定价格。 完善主产区利息补偿机制,扩大粮食主产县奖励资金规模。 逐步扩大水稻、小麦、玉米全额成本保险和种植收益保险范围。 实施优质粮食工程。 鼓励发展粮食订单生产,实现优质低价。 严防“断绿毁粮”。 严格考核省委、省政府耕地保护和粮食安全责任制。 推动出台食品安全法。

  (二)加大大豆油料扩大种植力度。 深入推进大豆、油籽产能提升工程。 扎实推进大豆和玉米带状复种,支持东北、黄淮、海南地区粮豆轮作,稳步开发利用盐碱地种植大豆。 完善对玉米、大豆生产者的补贴,开展大豆全额成本保险和种植收入保险试点。 协调油菜综合扶持措施,推进稻油轮作,大力开发利用冬季休耕地种植油菜。 支持木本油料作物发展,实施加快油茶产业发展三年行动,落实扩大油茶种植和低产低效林改造任务。 深入实施饲料豆粕减量和替代行动。

  (三)发展现代设施农业。 实施设施农业现代化和提升行动。 加快发展水稻集中育苗中心和蔬菜育苗集约化中心。 加快粮食烘干、农产品产区冷藏、冷链物流设施建设。 集中持续推进老旧蔬菜设施改造升级。 推动规模畜禽养殖场、养殖池塘改造升级。 在保护生态、不增加用水总量的前提下,探索科学利用戈壁、沙漠发展设施农业。 鼓励地方政府对设施农业建设给予信贷贴息。

  (四)构建多元化食品供应体系。 树立大粮食理念,加快构建粮食、经济、饲养协调、农林牧渔一体化、植物、动物、微生物并重的多元化粮食供应体系,制定不同领域实施方案。 建设优质、节水、高产、稳定的饲料生产基地,加快发展苜蓿等草产业。 大力发展青贮饲料,加快推广秸秆畜牧业。 发展林下农业。 进一步推进草原畜牧业转型升级,合理利用草原资源,推广分区轮牧。 科学划定限制养殖区域,发展大水面生态渔业。 建设现代化海洋牧场,发展深水网箱、养殖工作船等深海养殖业。 培育壮大食用菌、藻类产业。 加强食品安全和农产品质量安全监管,完善追溯管理体系。

  (五)协调粮食和重要农产品监管。 加强粮食应急保障能力建设。 加强储备和购销等方面的监管。 落实全省稳定生猪生产供应总体责任,加强生猪产能调控,重点关注能繁母猪。 严格落实“菜篮子”市长责任制考核。 完善棉花目标价格政策。 继续落实甘蔗良种和技术推广补贴政策。 完善天然橡胶扶持政策。 加强化肥等农业投入品生产、储运监管。 充分发挥农产品国际贸易作用,深入实施农产品进口多元化战略。 深入开展粮食节约行动,推动全链条节约减损,健全常态化、长效工作机制。 促进健康饮食。


  (六)加强耕地保护和利用管制。 严格耕地占用与补偿平衡管理,实行部门联合开展补充耕地验收评估和“市县审核、省级审核、社会监督”机制,确保补充耕地数量对等、质量相当,产能不降低。 严格控制耕地转为其他农用地。 探索建立种植业耕地利用调控机制,明确利用优先顺序,加强动态监测,有序开展试点。 提高废弃耕地的利用率。 开展第三次全国土壤普查。

  (七)加强高标准农田建设。 完成高标准农田建设改造升级年度任务,重点补齐土壤改良、农田排灌设施等短板,统筹推广高效节水灌溉,完善长效管理和保障。保护机制。 制定实施方案,逐步将永久基本农田全部建设为高标准农田。 加强黑土保护和坡耕地综合治理。 严厉打击非法挖黑土、电诱蚯蚓等毁土行为。 加强干旱半干旱耕地和红黄壤耕地生产力技术研究,继续推动由以经营适应盐碱地的作物为主向多选育耐盐碱植物的转变适应盐碱地,开展盐碱地等耕地后备资源综合开发利用试点。

  (八)加强水利基础设施建设。 扎实推进重大水利工程建设,加快国家水网骨干网建设。 加快大中型灌区建设和现代化建设。 实施一批中小型水库、引水和抗旱备用水源建设。 加强田渠连通、灌区骨干工程等农田水利设施建设。 支持重点地区开展地下水超采综合治理,推进黄河流域深度节水和农业节水。 在干旱半干旱地区发展高效节水旱作农业。 加强蓄滞洪区建设管理、中小河流管理和山洪灾害防治,加快实施中小型水库除险加固小型水库安全监测。 深化农业水价综合改革。

  (九)加强农业防灾减灾能力建设。 研究开展新一轮农业气候资源普查和农业气候区划工作。 优化完善农业气象观测设施和站点布局,分区域、分灾害类型发布农业气象灾害信息。 加强旱涝灾害防御体系建设,保障农业生产防灾救灾。 健全基层动植物病虫害监测预警网络。 做好非洲猪瘟等重大动物疫病常态化防控和重点人畜共患病源头防控。 完善重点地区森林草原火灾综合防治。


  (十)推进农业关键核心技术研究。 坚持产业需求导向,构建层次清晰、分工协作、竞争适度的农业科技创新体系,加快前沿技术突破。 支持农业领域国家实验室、国家重点实验室、制造业创新中心等平台建设,加强农业基础长期观测实验站(点)建设。 完善农业科技领域基础研究稳定支撑机制。

  (十一)深入实施种业振兴行动。 完成全国农业种质资源普查。 构建开放、协作、共享的种质资源精准鉴定与评价应用机制。 全面实施生物育种重大工程,扎实推进国家联合育种研究和畜禽遗传改良计划,加快高产高油大豆、短生育期油菜、盐碱等新品种培育耐受作物。 加快玉米、大豆生物育种产业化,有序扩大试点范围,规范种植管理。

  (十二)加快先进农机研发和推广。 加强适合丘陵山区的大型智能农业机械装备、小型机械和园艺机械研发。 支持北斗智能监控终端和辅助驾驶系统集成应用。 完善农机购置和使用补贴政策,探索与工作量挂钩的补贴方式,地方政府要履行法定支出责任。

  (十三)推动农业绿色发展。 加快农业减投入增效技术推广应用,推进水肥一体化,建立健全秸秆、农膜、农药包装废弃物、畜禽粪便等农业废弃物收集、利用和处理体系。家禽粪便。 推进农业绿色发展试验区和观测试验基地建设。 完善耕地轮作制度。 加强农田土壤镉等重金属污染源防治。 加强污染农田安全利用和风险管理。 建立农业生态环境保护监测体系。 出台生态保护补偿条例。 严格落实休渔期制度,落实长江十年休渔期,巩固退役渔民安置成果。 继续开展母亲河修复行动,科学实施农村河湖综合整治。 加强黄土高原淤地坝建设和改造。 加大草原保护和恢复力度。 巩固退耕还林还草成果,落实好相关补贴政策。 严厉打击非法引进外来物种行为,实施重大有害入侵物种防控重点行动,加强“外来宠物”交易和放养规范管理。


  (十四)坚决守住防止大规模返贫底线。 我们要压实各级责任,巩固扩大脱贫攻坚成果,确保不松懈、不误入歧途。 加强动态监测,防止返贫。 实施对有劳动能力和意愿的家庭进行监测的发展援助措施。 完善分级分类的社会救助体系,提供综合保障。 巩固提高“三保障”和饮水安全成果。

  (十五)增强贫困地区和脱贫群众发展内生动力。 要把增加脱贫群众收入作为根本要求,把推动脱贫县加快发展作为主攻方向。 要更加注重支持民意民智,聚焦产业就业,不断缩小收入差距和发展差距。 中央财政将力争将乡村振兴补助资金用于产业发展的比例提高到60%以上,重点支持技术、设施、营销等短板。 鼓励贫困地区有条件的农民发展庭院经济。 深入开展多种形式的消费救助,持续推进消费救助示范城市和产地示范区创建,支持贫困地区打造区域公共品牌。 财政资金、帮扶资金支持的经营性帮扶项目要完善利益联动机制,带动农民增收。 妥善管理和利用扶贫项目资产。 深化东西部劳务合作,落实就业返贫重点举措,确保脱贫劳动力就业规模稳定在3000万人以上。 继续开展就业援助研讨会和其他产业援助项目。 充分发挥农村公益性岗位的就业保障作用。 深入开展“雨露计划+”促进就业行动。 在国家乡村振兴重点县实施一批补短板促振兴重点工程,深入实施医疗、教育干部人才“抱团式”帮扶,更好发挥乡村振兴作用——以干部和科技特派员为主的产业帮扶。 深入开展巩固易地扶贫搬迁成果和易地搬迁群众就业援助专项行动。

  (十六)稳定和完善支持政策。 落实政策,将巩固扩大脱贫成果与乡村振兴有效衔接。 开展国家支持乡村振兴重点县发展成效监测评价。 保持对脱贫地区信贷投放力度不减,扎实做好脱贫小额信贷工作。 按照市场化原则加大对帮扶项目的资金支持。 深化东西部合作,组织更多东部地区经济发达县(市、区)与贫困县共同推动振兴,带动贫困县承接和发展更多劳动密集型产业。 继续对中央单位进行精准帮扶,调整完善结对关系。 深入推进“千企兴万村”行动。 研究转型后农村低收入人群和欠发达地区常态化救助机制。


  (十七)做大做强农产品加工流通业。 实施农产品加工业提升行动,支持家庭农场、农民合作社、中小微企业发展农产品原产地初加工,引导大型农业企业发展农产品精深加工。 引导农产品加工企业向产区下沉、向园区集中,统筹粮食和重要农产品主产区农产品加工产业园区建设。 完善农产品流通骨干网络,改造升级产区批发市场、集散中心、销区,布局建设一批城郊仓储基地。 支持产区冷链配送中心建设。 协调疫情防控和农产品市场供应,保障农产品物流畅通。

  (十八)加快发展农村现代服务业。 全面推进县域商业体系建设。 加快完善县域和农村电子商务和快递物流配送体系,建设县域集散中心,推动农村客货邮一体化发展,大力发展联合配送、即时零售等新模式,促进农村客货邮融合发展。冷链物流服务网络下沉农村。 发展乡村餐饮购物、文化体育、旅游休闲、养老托幼、信息中介等生活服务业。 鼓励有条件的地区发展新能源汽车和农村绿色智能家电。

  (十九)培育农村新产业新业态。 继续支持创建农业产业强镇、现代农业产业园区和优势特色产业集群。 支持国家农村产业融合发展示范园区建设。 深入推进农业现代化示范区建设。 实施文化产业赋能乡村振兴规划。 实施优质乡村休闲旅游项目,推动乡村民宿升级。 深入实施“电商促农”和农产品进城“互联网+”工程,鼓励发展农产品电商直购、定制生产等模式,建设电商基地农副产品直播。 提高洁净餐具、中央厨房等行业规范化、标准化水平。 培育和发展调理蔬菜产业。

  (二十)培育壮大富县产业。 完善县域乡村产业空间布局,增强县域产业承载和配套服务功能,增强重点镇集聚功能。 实施“一县一业”强县富民工程。 引导劳动密集型产业逐步向中西部地区和县域转移,支持大中城市在周边县域布局相关产业和配套企业。 支持国家高新区、经济开发区、农业高新区联合主办县域产业园区。


  (二十一)促进就业,增加农民收入。 加强各项稳岗救助政策落实,加大中小微企业稳岗工作力度,稳定农民工就业。 促进农民工职业技能提升。 完善农民工工资支付监测预警机制。 保障超龄农民工就业权益。 加快完善灵活就业人员权益保障体系。 加强返乡创业园区和农村创业孵化培训基地建设。 推进政府重点投资项目和农业农村基础设施建设项目以工代赈,适当提高劳动报酬比例。

  (二十二)提升农业经营效益。 深入开展农业新型经营主体推广行动,支持家庭农场组建农民合作社、合作社根据发展需要办企业,鼓励小农户合作经营,共同增收。 实施农业社会化服务推进行动,大力发展耕种、管收、全程托管等社会化服务,鼓励区域综合服务平台建设,促进农业降本增效、提质增效、营销效率提升。 。 引导土地经营权有序流转,发展农业适度规模经营。 总结当地“并小田成大田”的经验,探索在农民意愿前提下,通过农田建设与土地整理相结合,逐步解决碎片化问题。 完善社会资本投资农业农村指引,加强资金下乡、使用、退出全过程监管。 完善社会资本通过流转取得土地经营权的资格审查、项目审查和风险防范制度,切实保护农民利益。 坚持农业服务与政治、社会事业分开,继续深化供销社综合改革。

  (二十三)赋予农民更加充足的财产权益。 深化农村土地制度改革,把权利扎牢,稳步推进赋权,有序实现主动权利,让农民更多分享改革红利。 研究制定第二轮土地承包期满后再延长30年试点工作指导意见。 稳妥稳妥推进农村宅基地制度改革试点,明确底线,加快宅地合一确权登记发证,强化规范管理,妥善解决历史遗留问题探索实现宅基地“三权分置”的有效途径。 深化农村集体经营性建设用地入市试点,探索建立兼顾国家、农村集体经济组织和农民利益的有效土地增值收入调节机制。 保护进城农民合法土地权益,鼓励依法自愿有偿流转。 巩固完善农村集体产权制度改革成果,构建产权关系清晰、治理结构科学、经营方式健全、收益分配合理的运行机制,探索资源转包、房产租赁等多元化渠道、中介服务、资产参与发展新型农村集体经济。 。 完善农村集体资产监管体系。 保障妇女在农村集体经济组织中的合法权益。 继续深化集体林权制度改革。 深入推进农村综合改革试点示范。


  (二十四)加强村庄规划建设。 坚持全县统筹,支持有条件、有需要的村庄分片编制村庄规划,合理确定村庄布局和建设边界。 将村庄规划纳入村级讨论协商清单。 规范优化农村行政区划,严禁违背农民意愿吞并村庄、设立大社区。 推进以乡镇、村为单位的全区土地综合整理。 积极盘活现有集体建设用地,优先保障农民住房、农村基础设施、公共服务空间和工业用地需求,出台乡村振兴用地政策指引。 We will compile guidelines for improving village appearance, improve village appearance based on local characteristics, regional characteristics and ethnic characteristics, and prevent large-scale demolition and construction, and blindly build archways, pavilions and corridors to "pile bonsai". Implement demonstrations for the centralized and contiguous protection and utilization of traditional villages, and establish and improve systems for traditional village investigation and identification, pre-clearance review for demolition and mergers, and disaster prevention. Formulate guidelines for rural areas to basically have modern living conditions.

   (25) Solidly promote the improvement of rural living environment. We will increase efforts to renovate public spaces in villages and continue to carry out village cleaning operations. Consolidate the results of rectification and rectification of household toilet problems in rural areas, and guide farmers to carry out indoor toilet renovation. Strengthen the construction and maintenance of rural public toilets. Focusing on villages and towns with concentrated populations and villages surrounding water source protection areas, rural domestic sewage treatment will be promoted in a classified and tiered manner. Promote the source classification and reduction of rural domestic waste, and promptly remove and dispose of it. Promote the utilization of toilet feces, perishable garbage, and organic waste as resources nearby. Continue to carry out patriotic health campaigns.

   (26) Continue to strengthen rural infrastructure construction. Strengthen rural highway maintenance and safety management, and promote the integrated construction of supporting facilities along the routes, industrial parks, tourist attractions, and key rural tourism villages. Promote the construction of large-scale water supply projects in rural areas and the standardized transformation of small water supply projects, and carry out special actions to improve water quality. Promote the consolidation and upgrading of rural power grids and develop rural renewable energy. Support the renovation and earthquake-resistant renovation of dilapidated rural houses, basically complete the investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards in rural houses, and establish a full-process supervision system. Carry out demonstrations on the construction of modern and livable farm houses. Deeply implement digital rural development actions and promote the research and development and promotion of digital application scenarios. Accelerate the application of big data in agriculture and rural areas and promote the development of smart agriculture. Implement management and maintenance responsibilities for village public infrastructure. Strengthen the construction of basic rural emergency management capabilities, and carry out in-depth efforts to control hidden risks in key areas such as rural transportation, fire protection, and self-built houses for profit.

   (27) Improve basic public service capabilities. Promote the sinking of basic public service resources and focus on strengthening weak links. Promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education within the county and improve the level of rural schools. Implement the living subsidy policy for rural teachers. Promote county-level coordination of medical and health resources, and strengthen the construction of rural-level medical and health and medical security service capabilities. We will coordinate and resolve the issues of salary distribution and benefits security for rural doctors, and promote the professionalization and standardization of the rural doctor team. Improve rural infectious disease prevention, control and emergency response capabilities. We must do a good job in the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic in rural areas, consolidate responsibilities at all levels, strengthen medical protection for key groups such as the elderly, the young, the sick, the disabled and pregnant women in rural areas, and maintain the health and normal production and living order of rural residents to the greatest extent. Optimize the subsistence allowance review and confirmation process to ensure that eligible needy people receive all the benefits they deserve. Deepen rural social work services. Accelerate the construction of regional elderly care service centers in townships and promote elderly care services such as day care, mutual assistance for the elderly, visiting care, and elderly canteens. Implement the plan to improve the quality of rural women, strengthen the protection of rural minors, improve the social security system and care service system for rural disabled people, and care for people with mental disabilities.

   8. Improve the rural governance system led by party organizations

   (28) Strengthen the political and organizational functions of rural grassroots party organizations. Highlight the clear direction of focusing on the grassroots, strengthen the responsibility of county-level party committees to focus on townships and promote villages, and further promote party building to promote rural revitalization. Comprehensive training is provided to improve the ability of township and village teams to lead rural revitalization. Pai Qiang makes good use of the first secretary and work team stationed in the village, and strengthens the dispatched unit's joint village assistance. Carry out rectification of corruption and work style issues in the field of rural revitalization. Continue to carry out city and county inspections, promote the effective connection between grassroots discipline inspection and supervision organizations and village affairs supervision committees, and strengthen all-round management and regular supervision of village cadres. Centralized training will be carried out for rural party members in phases and in batches. Through methods such as setting up posts and setting responsibilities, rural party members can play a pioneering and exemplary role.

   (29) Improve rural governance efficiency. We must adhere to party building as the guide for rural governance, strengthen the functions of the three-level county and rural governance system, consolidate county-level responsibilities, promote the expansion of power and empowerment of townships, and consolidate the foundation of the village level. Comprehensively implement the system for county-level leadership team members to visit villages, township leadership team members to village joint households, and village cadres to visit households regularly. Improve the villagers' self-governance mechanism under the leadership of the party organization and fully implement the "four discussions and two disclosures" system. Strengthen rural legal education and legal services, and carry out in-depth creation of "democratic and legal demonstration villages (communities)". Uphold and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era and improve the multi-dimensional prevention, mediation and resolution mechanism for social conflicts and disputes. Improve the grassroots governance platform with grid management, refined services, and information support. Promote the regularization of crackdowns on gangs and evil in rural areas. Carry out special operations to crack down on illegal gambling crimes in rural areas. We will severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts that infringe on the rights of rural women and children in accordance with the law. Improve and promote pragmatic and effective governance methods such as point system, list system, digitalization, and immediate handling of complaints. We will deepen pilot projects in building rural governance systems and organize the creation of national rural governance model villages and towns.

   (30) Strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization in rural areas. We will carry out in-depth publicity and education on socialist core values, and continue to carry out publicity and education activities in rural areas to listen to the Party, express gratitude to the Party, and follow the Party. Deepen the creation of mass spiritual civilization in rural areas, expand the construction of new era civilization practice centers, county-level integrated media centers, etc., and support rural self-organized mass cultural activities. Pay attention to the construction of family education and family tradition. We will further implement the farming culture inheritance and protection project and strengthen the protection and utilization of important agricultural cultural heritage. Let's hold the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival well. Promote various localities to formulate norms for changing customs according to local conditions, strengthen the binding role of village regulations and civil covenants, party members and cadres take the lead in demonstrating, and solidly carry out special treatment of prominent issues in key areas such as high-priced betrothal gifts and grand events. Promote the reform of rural funeral customs.

   9. Strengthen policy guarantees and institutional innovation

   (31) Improve the diversified investment mechanism for rural revitalization. We will insist on treating agriculture and rural areas as a priority area for general public budget protection, and consolidate local government investment responsibilities. Steadyly increase the proportion of land transfer proceeds used in agriculture and rural areas. Include qualified rural revitalization projects into the scope of local government bond support. Support the establishment of rural revitalization funds in a market-oriented manner. Improve the linkage mechanism between government investment and financial and social investment, encourage qualified projects to be bundled and implemented by market entities in accordance with regulations, and leverage financial and social capital to invest more in agriculture and rural areas in accordance with market-oriented principles. Make good use of policies such as re-lending and re-discounting, differentiated deposit reserves, differentiated financial supervision, and assessment and evaluation to promote financial institutions to increase loans in areas related to rural revitalization, focusing on ensuring the demand for credit funds for food security. Guide the credit guarantee business to tilt towards the agricultural and rural areas and give full play to the role of the national agricultural credit guarantee system. Strengthen agricultural credit information sharing. Give full play to the role of multi-level capital markets in supporting agriculture and optimize "insurance + futures". Accelerate the reform of rural credit cooperatives and promote the structural restructuring of rural credit cooperatives. Encourage the development of fishery insurance.

   (32) Strengthen the construction of rural talent teams. Implement the talent support plan for rural revitalization, organize and guide talents in education, health, science and technology, culture, social work, spiritual civilization construction and other fields to serve at the grassroots level, and support the cultivation of urgently needed local talents. Implement a plan to cultivate high-quality farmers, launch an action to cultivate rural entrepreneurial leaders, and improve the effectiveness of training. Vigorously develop vocational education oriented towards rural revitalization, and deepen the integration of industry and education and school-enterprise cooperation. Improve the incentive mechanism for urban professional and technical talents to regularly serve the countryside, and give appropriate preference in job promotion and professional title evaluation to those who have long-term service to the countryside. Guide urban professional and technical personnel to work part-time in rural areas and start businesses after leaving their jobs. Those who meet certain conditions and return to their hometowns for employment and entrepreneurship are allowed to settle in their place of origin or place of employment and entrepreneurship. Continue to implement the free training program for rural order-oriented medical students, the "Excellent Teacher Plan" for teachers, the "Special Post Plan", the "National Training Plan", and implement the special plan for "College Rural Doctors". Implement the Rural Revitalization Women Action and the Youth Talent Development Action.

   (33) Promote the integrated development of urban and rural areas in counties. Improve the institutional mechanisms and policy systems for urban-rural integrated development and smooth the flow of urban and rural factors. Coordinate urban and rural planning and construction in counties, promote urbanization in counties to make up for weak areas, and strengthen the construction of municipal and service facilities in central towns. We will further promote the citizenization of migrant workers in counties and establish a sound mechanism for basic public services to be linked to the permanent population and provided by their place of residence. Provide financial services to migrant workers. Gradually allocate county and rural public resources, develop urban and rural school communities, close medical and health communities, and elderly care service complexes, promote the coordinated urban and rural construction and management of universal service facilities such as county power supply, gas supply, telecommunications, and postal services, and promote it in areas where conditions permit. Municipal pipe networks, rural micro-pipe networks, etc. are extended to households. We will solidly carry out demonstration and establishment of rural revitalization.

   The key to running rural affairs well and achieving rural revitalization lies in the party. Party committees and governments at all levels must conscientiously study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, thoroughly understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", put "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in a prominent position, pay close attention to it, and continuously improve "Agriculture, rural areas and farmers" work level. To strengthen the construction of work style, party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, must firmly establish the masses' viewpoints, implement the mass line, go to the grassroots more, be more down-to-earth, and promote the style of investigation and research. Give full play to the main role of farmers and mobilize their enthusiasm, initiative and creativity to participate in rural revitalization. Strengthen the concept of systems, coordinate and solve the dilemmas and multiple difficulties in the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and ensure the timeliness and efficiency of the work. Deepen the rectification of various formalism, bureaucracy and other problems in rural revitalization, effectively reduce the burden of grassroots officials in receiving evaluations and submissions for inspections, filling in forms and reporting data, and leaving excessive traces, and encourage the grassroots to focus on development, governance and service. The peasant masses are doing practical things. Comprehensively implement the rural revitalization responsibility system, adhere to the five-level secretarial work, coordinate the performance assessment of the rural revitalization strategy, consolidate and expand the assessment of the effective connection between poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and focus on party building to promote rural revitalization as city, county and township party committee secretaries to focus on grassroots party building An important part of the work review and assessment. Strengthen statistical monitoring of rural revitalization. Formulate a plan to accelerate the construction of an agricultural power, make overall plans and systematic arrangements, connect with existing plans, and advance solidly and steadily in stages.

   Let us unite closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, strengthen our confidence, work hard, and work hard to comprehensively promote rural revitalization and accelerate the construction of an agricultural power, so as to comprehensively build a modern socialist country and comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. make new contributions.
