115 2023-11-26
2022 年 6 月 30 日
“十四五”时期是开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程的第一个五年。 当前是我省农业特色转变、实现高质量高效发展的关键时期。 农业现代化的关键是农业科技现代化。 根据《国家农业和农村科技发展“十四五”规划》、《山西省“十四五”农业现代化三大省战略规划》和培育十大产业集群巩固扶贫规划扶贫成果》和《全国农业“十四五”农村科技发展规划》和《山西省“十四五”农业现代化三大省战略》、《培育十大产业集群和脱贫攻坚规划》 《扶贫攻坚成果》等,制定了本方案。
“十三五”期间,省委、省政府把创新作为农业、农村、农民发展的第一动力。 农业科技创新能力和支撑能力大幅提升。 科技进步为农业农村经济社会发展作出了重要贡献。
一、农业科技支撑能力显着提升。 “十三五”时期是农业创新驱动和绿色发展实现关键转折时期。 玉米薄膜侧播机机一体化、旱地小麦一优四变土水沟播等一批绿色高效旱作技术得到广泛推广应用。 农业科技进步贡献率超过60%,农作物良种覆盖率达到96%,主要农作物种植收获综合机械化率达到72.6%,支撑保障粮食稳定在27年以上亿斤。 全省已认证“三级”农产品5289个,注册保护农产品地理标志165个。 科技支撑能力显着增强。
二、农业科研创新基础不断夯实。 “十三五”期间,获得各类科技农业研究成果3596项,其中国家审定品种39项、国家标准2项、行业标准3项、国际专利2项、植物新品种权53项。 。 获各级各类成果奖励132项,其中国家科技进步二等奖2项,省部级一等奖8项,二等奖39项。 全省已建成农业领域科技创新与推广应用平台137个,其中国家级7个,省部级130个。 拥有省部级创新团队24个,国家现代农业产业技术体系科学家17人,综合实验站30个。
3.基层农技推广体系建设不断加强。 依托基层农业技术推广体系改革建设补助工程,建设农业科技示范基地916个,培育农业科技示范主体8.3万人,培训基层农业技术人员2.1万人。 基层农技人员利用信息技术开展农业技术推广。 服务率超过90%。 农业技术推广队在普及农业技术、促进农业高产稳产、农村科技进步、提高农民素质等方面发挥着十分重要的作用。
4、高素质农民队伍发展壮大。 全省培训高素质农民31.7万人,考核颁发证书8.5万人。 其中,培训农业管理人员和青壮年农民4350人,轮训新型经营主体10.48万人,培训种植业、养殖业等技能农民20.78万人,为全省打造了一支熟练的农业工人大军。
五、加快农业农村绿色发展。 农业资源保护和利用得到加强。 全省畜禽粪便综合利用率达到75%,秸秆综合利用率达到90%,农膜回收率达到80%以上,化肥、农药施用量连续五年负增长。 农村人居环境科技供给能力显着增强,全省农村基础设施和公共服务补短板步伐显着加快。
从国际环境看,百年变局和百年疫情交织,经济全球化遭遇逆流,新一轮农业科技革命和产业变革加速推进。 科技创新成为国际战略博弈的主战场,给农业科技发展带来重大机遇。 实现高水平农业科技自力更生、自力更生已成为战略选择。
从国内形势看,我国经济已从高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段。 发展与安全协调发展。 最重要的是国家粮食安全。 关键是种子和耕地。 根本出路是科学技术。 构建新发展格局、促进城乡经济循环,亟待增强创新第一动力、提供科技解决方案。
从全省发展看,我省已进入全面推动高质量发展的新阶段。 习近平总书记指出,山西农业出路在于“专”、“优”,为我省农业发展指明了方向、提供了指引。 晋中农业高区和太谷国家农业科技创新中心建设,为我省农业科技发展提供了更高水平的支撑。 加强现代农业产业技术体系、农业技术推广体系、高素质农民培训体系建设,开展专家团队、项目团队、营销团队等“三队”打包服务,为农业现代化提供了前所未有的机遇。农业农村科技发展。
总的来看,我省农业科技发展有很多优势和条件,但也存在一些不足和薄弱环节。 农业关键技术供给不足,农业抗灾减灾能力不强,土地产量、劳动生产率、资源利用率不高,粮食单产低于全国平均水平。 科研创新能力不能适应农业农村高质量发展的要求。 科研与生产、科技与经济脱节仍然存在。 科技成果转化有待加快。 农业企业创新主体地位有待提高。 农业农村科技发展任重而道远。 我们要抓住机遇、克服困难,充分发挥科技创新关键变量作用,打造强项、补短板,推动产学研深度融合,努力实现“夯实基础、谋求新局面、走新路”。
以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届五中全会精神,深入学习贯彻习总书记重要指示精神习近平在山西考察调研时以全面推进农业农村高质量发展为主题。 以提高农业农村科技供给质量和效率为目标,以全面推进乡村振兴科技需求为重点,提高科技创新能力,优化科技创新体系,培育科技创新人才。培养科技人才,创新科技体制机制,推动产学研深度融合,为推进农业农村高质量发展提供强有力的科技支撑。
以需求为中心,以问题为导向。 围绕“吃得好、吃得好、吃得放心”,加快构建适应高产优质高效生态安全农业发展要求的技术体系。
整合资源,共同协作。 优化整合创新资源,围绕产业链布局科技链和创新链,构建产学研深度融合的协同创新体系,形成推动农业科技发展的合力。
创新机制,提高效率。 坚持农业科技创新与体制机制创新双轮驱动,创新科研组织方式,完善评价激励体系,激发各类创新主体的积极性和创造性。
到2025年,农业农村科技创新体系基本完善,农业技术推广服务更加高效,高素质农民队伍更加强大,农业科技体制机制改革取得重大成果农业科技支撑引领作用显着提升,农业科技进步贡献率达到全国水平。 平均的。
——农业科技创新取得新突破。 建立农业重大科技突破清单,明确农业科技创新方向。 培育一批高产、优质、多抗、适应性广的新品种,集成创新一批农机农艺一体化关键技术、高产高效主要技术、生产生态安全技术。 建立17个现代农业产业技术体系、9个联合育种攻关团队、10个重大技术协同推广团队,形成支撑农业农村高质量发展的科技创新力量。
——产学研一体化平台实现新发展。 晋中农业高新区(太谷国家农业科技创新中心)建设升级,在有机旱作农业、功能农业等领域形成了一批高转化性科技成果。 农业“硅谷”和区域经济增长极作用日益凸显。 支持省级以上重点实验室、技术研发中心、科研试验基地建设,打造一批科技创新平台,争取更多省级科技资源进入国家农业科技和技术战略布局。 支持企业牵头组建创新联合体,催生一批专精特新涉农企业。
——农业技术推广服务实现新跨越。 编制农业重大技术集成推广清单,整合农业重大技术和主要技术。 组织产业系统专家、农业技术推广人员、地方专家开展“专家团队”打包服务。 培育200个农业科技服务组织,建立200个现代农业科技综合示范基地,培养2000名以上农业技术推广骨干人才。 依托中国农业技术推广信息平台、“12316”信息服务平台等,开展网上技术服务,提高农业技术推广服务信息化水平。
——高质量农民教育培训开创新局面。 短期培训、职业培训、学历教育相互衔接的高素质农民培养新格局逐步完善,农民培育体系不断完善。 培训高素质农民45万人,力争培训合格农民占培训人数的80%以上。 催生一批带动能力强的家庭农场、农民合作社、农业产业化龙头企业等新型农业经营服务主体。
1.建设晋中国家农业高新区(太谷国家农业科技创新中心)。 落实省委、省政府关于统筹建设晋中国家农业高区和太谷国家农业科技创新中心的决策部署,共建省有机旱地农业重点实验室和协同创新中心黄土高原特色农作物优质高效生产重点实验室、功能农业重点实验室等一批国家级农业科技创新平台,在有机旱作农业、特色农业绿色培育、特种粮食提质增效、功能食品创制。 充分发挥神农科技集团等农业科技企业的创新作用,加快科技成果转化应用。 大力培育和引进高新技术企业,吸引和培养科研人才参与农业高新区建设,提升晋中国家农业科技创新中心(太谷国家农业科技创新中心)专业化、国际化水平创新中心)。
2.建设农业科技创新平台。 建立农业农村部盐碱地改良利用(干旱半干旱地区盐碱地)与创新牧草高效生产模式重点实验室、黄土高原功能农业公共研发中心和黄土高原特色粮食,建设科学实验基地和国家观测实验站等一批科研平台,开展重点领域创新研究。 支持农作物种质资源库(苗圃)、畜禽水产种质资源保育场(区)、粮食种质创新与分子育种省级重点实验室等高水平生物育种平台建设,做大做强种业技术。 支持省中兽医现代化重点实验室、农业废弃物资源化利用中心等省级创新平台建设。
3.建设全国一流的研究型应用型大学。 支持山西农业大学(省农科院)等涉农高校发挥应用基础研究和关键核心技术突破的主体作用,开展农业应用基础研究、应用技术研究和重要产品研发。 围绕全产业链加强跨学科合作,建立联合实验室和实验室联盟,扩大农业科研能力。
4.强化企业创新主体地位。 构建以企业为核心、产学研紧密结合的协同创新格局。 围绕现代种业、现代农机装备、营养健康食品开发、保鲜物流等农业主导产业和战略性新兴产业,评选推广100家涉农高新技术企业。 支持“连锁业主”企业建立高水平研发机构。 鼓励中小企业与“链主”企业合作,推动技术成果规模化应用。 推动农业研发创新向产业链后端拓展,提高农业全产业链质量和效率。
1.重塑现代农业产业技术体系。 加强玉米、小麦、杂粮、谷子、油料作物、马铃薯、果树、蔬菜、食用菌、中药材(药茶)、猪、鸡、牛、羊、渔业、牧草和功能性食品。 体系建设方面,首席专家工作室部署在中国农业高新区(太谷国家农业科技创新中心)。 支持系统开展全产业链技术研究和集成示范。 依托山西农业大学(省农科院)、推广机构、农业科技企业,建立了种业创新、农田资源利用与保护、绿色低碳、智慧农业等5个重要共性技术创新团队。农业、工业经济,加强系统间有效衔接。
2.加强农业技术推广体系建设。 健全以公益性农技推广机构为主体,市场化服务力量为重要补充,以高等院校、科研机构等广泛参与、分工合作,充满活力的农技推广体系。农业技术推广机构履行公益性职责。 用好基层农业技术推广体系改革和建设补助项目,支持农业技术推广机构开展关键适用技术试验示范、动植物病害监测与控制、农业防灾减灾等。创建农业科技示范展示基地,培育示范主体,整合推广领先技术和主要技术。 释放高校和科研院所的服务动力。 完善高等学校和科研院所农业科技服务考核机制,把服务“三农”和科技成果转移转化作为学科评价、人才评价和项目资助的重要依据。 依托产业技术体系,实施农业重大技术协同推广计划。 增强社会科技服务实力。 支持社会化农业科技服务力量承担可量化、易于监管的农业科技服务,培育一批专业化、社会化农业科技服务企业,创新“技术与物资结合”“技术托管”“线上服务+线下推广”的等待服务模式。 全面落实农技推广服务专人预约计划。
3.完善优质农民培育体系。 构建公益机构与社会资源各展所长、优势互补的农民教育培训体系。 充分发挥农业院校、农业技术推广机构等公益性教育培训机构作用,吸引农业龙头企业、农民合作社等市场主体积极参与,服务农民多元化、多层次教育培训打造教育联动高素质农民培养新格局,促进不同阶段学习成果互认互通,推动一批高素质农民为乡村振兴培养人才的优质学校。 建立由农业部门、院校专家教授、农业技术推广人员、本土人才等组成的教学团队,建立教学效果考核评价机制。
4.构建农业科普体系。 建立健全农业农村科普体系,加强知识产权保护,加大宣传普及力度,提高公众科学文化素质。 建设科普基地。 充分发挥涉农高校、科研院所和企业作为农业科普主阵地的作用,引导和鼓励科技人员开展多种形式的科普工作和志愿服务。 突出应用科普。 着力构建宣传部门与农业农村部门联动、线上线下联动、主流媒体与新媒体联动的生物育种和生物安全科普体系。 加强生物育种和生物技术应用的科学普及。
1、培养农业科研人才。 以农业科研和教学人才为重点,充分发挥重点实验室和现代农业产业技术体系等平台作用,培养能够解决“稳产、保供、保供”等产业难题的农业领军人才和创新团队。破解难题、防范风险、绿色转型”。 聚焦农业产业化龙头企业科技人才,支持农业商业养殖、农药、兽药、化肥、饲料、农机装备、农产品加工等领域技术创新发展,大力培育农业企业拔尖人才。
2、培养一支农业技术推广人才队伍。 着力充实一线、强化服务,加强农技推广人才队伍建设。 依托基层农技推广体系改革建设补助工程,实施基层农技人员素质提升工程。 培养公费农业生,引进高校毕业生,通过“定向招生、定向培养、定向就业”充实基层农业技术推广队伍。 加快培养一批农业社会化服务组织领导干部和技术骨干,提高社会化服务质量和水平。 开展优秀基层农技人员评选树活动,鼓励农技人员积极参与农业技术推广。
3.培养高素质农民。 实施农业经营管理者、农村返乡创新企业家、新型农业经营主体和服务主体带头人、乡村治理和社会事业发展带头人、种养能手、能工巧匠五个专项培养计划一支有文化的队伍,一支懂技术、善于管理、懂得管理的高素质农民队伍。 承担国家试点任务,培养一批高素质女农民。 完成农业“机田证”一体化试点培训任务,促进“人、地、机”一体化发展。
1.鼓励农业科研创新。 建立协同创新机制。 推动农业科研资源、平台、信息开放共享,建立健全以行业需求为导向、任务驱动、平台资源共享、激励激励的农业科研长效协同创新机制。兼容的。 建立人才流动绿色通道。 引导农业科技人员到企业兼职、兼职、牵头创办企业等,推动相关奖励激励政策落实。 完善分类评价机制。 构建以技术研发创新性、产业需求关联度、产业发展贡献度为导向的分类评价体系。 Improve the intellectual property protection mechanism, strengthen the creation and reserve of agricultural intellectual property rights in key areas, and improve the overall quality of agricultural intellectual property rights.
2. Deepen the reform of the promotion system. Implement the spirit of the "Guiding Opinions on the Reform of the Province's "Three Teams" of Agricultural Technology, Agriculture, Economics and Agricultural Machinery" (Jin Bian Ban Zi [2021] No. 161), and build an agricultural system that organically connects administrative decision-making, effectively undertakes the requirements of superiors, and effectively meets market demand. A new pattern of technology promotion. Promote the standardized establishment of agricultural technology extension centers, animal husbandry and veterinary service centers and other agricultural technology extension institutions to undertake public welfare service functions. Promote towns and villages to set up specialized agricultural technology service posts such as agricultural technology, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, and undertake agricultural and rural public welfare service responsibilities. Specialized personnel in townships and towns are integrated into the grassroots agricultural technology extension system and receive business guidance from higher-level agricultural and rural departments. Agricultural scientific research and teaching personnel are encouraged to go deep into the grassroots and frontline to provide agricultural technology extension services. Cultivate and expand market-oriented service entities and support government purchases of agricultural technology services.
3. Innovative technical service model. Coordinate the strength of cadres in the agricultural and rural system, recruit personnel from scientific research institutes, agriculture-related enterprises, and social organizations to form expert teams, project teams, and marketing teams, and carry out "three-team" joint service. The team of experts focuses on production problems, with the primary task of speeding up the application of agricultural technologies, varieties, and key promotion standards. Baoxian, Baocun, and the main body, from villages to households to fields, send technologies, policies, and information to carry out agricultural production Technical Services. Project team. Focus on project bottlenecks, ensure project implementation, commencement, and effectiveness, implement full-process tracking services, and promote the formation of new production capacity as soon as possible. 营销团队。 Focus on marketing linkage services, create a provincial agricultural brand image of "Organic Dry Farming·Jinpin", and enhance industrial formats and product forms. Continue to improve the matching degree of Baolian, service accuracy, and people's satisfaction to provide strong support for comprehensively promoting high-quality development of agriculture and rural areas.
4. Create a national agricultural science and technology demonstration county. Support Shanxi Agricultural University (Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences), Taigu District, and Linyi County to jointly build a national pioneer county in agricultural science and technology modernization. Actively explore in eight aspects, including agricultural science and technology supporting rural revitalization mechanism, carrying out scientific and technological shortcomings, building display bases, smart agricultural test areas, technical service platforms, supporting new business entities, creating livable villages, and cultivating scientific and technological entrepreneurial talents to promote county-level Transform and upgrade advantageous and characteristic industries to improve quality and efficiency. Support Xiaoyi City and Lin County in building a national soybean science and technology self-improvement action demonstration county, and Youyu in building a national rapeseed industry green revolution science and technology action demonstration county.
4. Major actions
Focus on key core technology stuck points for high-quality development of agriculture and rural areas, pain points of industrial development and upgrading, and focus on strengthening scientific and technological support for rural construction and development.
(1) Science and Technology Support Action to Strengthen the Province with Characteristic Seed Industry
In view of the lag in the excavation and utilization of crop germplasm resources in our province and the insufficient accurate identification of genotypes, an accurate identification and evaluation of germplasm resources was carried out. Establish a platform for the identification and evaluation of agricultural germplasm resources and gene discovery, identify and select high-yield, high-quality, stress-resistant, and opportunistic germplasm resources, and use gene chips, genome resequencing and molecular marker technologies to carry out precise genotype identification of germplasm resources, Combined with phenotypic identification, key genetic loci for breeding are mined and a DNA molecular fingerprint library of germplasm resources is constructed. Carry out accurate phenotype and genotype evaluation of Mashen pig, Jinnan cattle, Bian chicken and other livestock and poultry local breeds, cultivated breeds, and introduced breeds, excavate excellent germplasm traits and genetic resources, and construct livestock and poultry breed phenotypes and DNA characteristics Library. Carry out joint breeding research. Precisely select new varieties of major crops, characteristic miscellaneous grains and oil crops, characteristic vegetables, characteristic, authentic medicinal materials, and main edible fungi, and carry out joint breeding of Jinfen white pigs, Jinnan cattle, and Taihang goats.
(2) Scientific and technological support actions to protect and improve farmland quality
In view of the large proportion of low- and medium-yielding fields in the province, low soil organic matter content, and low basic soil fertility, etc., carry out research and development of green farmland construction technology, high-standard farmland monitoring and evaluation and research on fertilizer management and protection technology, promotion of degraded farmland treatment technology, and comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land Technology integration. Establish a large database of cultivated land quality across the province to clarify the main controlling factors for rapid improvement of cultivated land quality and the key technologies for targeted cultivation. Establish a quantitative relationship between changes in cultivated land quality and measures such as fertilization and tillage, and integrate and promote precise application technology of organic materials and fertilizers. Develop key technologies, improvers, and biological preparations for the rapid improvement of soil organic matter and the reduction of soil barrier factors, integrate and promote advanced and practical technologies and products for high-standard farmland construction, demonstrate the construction of high-standard green farmland, and improve the quality of cultivated land in the province by 0.5-1.5 level.
(3) High-efficiency planting and green production technology support actions
Carry out technology research and development, product creation, and equipment application for efficient planting of crops and healthy livestock and poultry aquaculture, improve the adaptability of agricultural green development technology supply, and improve land output, labor productivity, and resource utilization.
Organic dry farming techniques. Improve the dry farming technology system, speed up the national key research and development plan of "organic dry farming agriculture resistance to barrenness, stress resistance, water saving and efficiency enhancement", "key technology research and application demonstration of miscellaneous soybean industry", and carry out research on improving the quality and water conservation of farmland. A number of breakthrough achievements have been made in technological aspects such as centralized utilization of resources, intelligent supplementary irrigation, and integration of art and machinery. Formulate a number of organic dry farming agricultural standards, build a number of scientific research demonstration bases, integrate organic dry farming drought-resistant, stress-resistant and water-saving technologies, and form a number of organic dry farming technology models that save resources, increase green production, and ensure quality and safety.
Green and healthy breeding of livestock, poultry and aquatic products. Strengthen breeding livestock and poultry breeding, efficient use of feed, large-scale healthy breeding and other technical research, integrate and promote the main livestock and poultry precision feeding technology, healthy breeding mode, new processing technology and complete sets of breeding equipment. Improve livestock and poultry yields and feed remuneration, reduce the intestinal methane emission intensity of ruminants, and improve the utilization of poultry manure resources. Focus on key areas such as aquatic seed industry, compound feed, epidemic prevention and control, aquaculture mechanization, and aquatic product processing, and accelerate research and development, introduction, and localization of a number of core technologies and products.
Prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution. Integrate and promote the comprehensive technical model of agricultural non-point source pollution prevention and control, carry out pilot demonstrations of agricultural non-point source pollution control, and continue to promote the county-wide governance of agricultural non-point source pollution in key watersheds. Integrate and promote the technical model of reducing fertilizer dosage and increasing efficiency. Research on agricultural waste collaborative processing technology models such as farming, planting, and processing in rural areas, and integrate and establish agricultural waste utilization models that adapt to different regional characteristics. Integrate and promote a comprehensive utilization technology model system for on-site reduction, on-site treatment, and on-site consumption of agricultural waste.
(4) Intelligent agricultural machinery equipment technology support actions
In view of the low level of comprehensive mechanization of miscellaneous grains and specialty crops in our province, the low level of mechanization in hilly and mountainous areas, the low level of mechanization in animal husbandry, forestry and fruit industry, facility agriculture, and primary processing of agricultural products, etc., R&D and promotion are suitable for large-scale operations in various forms and moderate scales. Medium-sized, high-performance, intelligent, compound operation tools; economical and practical small agricultural machinery such as farming and harvesting suitable for hilly and mountainous operations; suitable for characteristic agriculture, livestock and poultry breeding, development of miscellaneous grains, facility agriculture, Chinese medicinal materials, forage feeding, livestock and poultry manure high-efficiency special agricultural machinery such as sewage treatment; adapt to green agriculture and develop new energy agricultural machinery and new products such as energy-saving grain, fruit and vegetable drying equipment. Promote the demonstration application of smart agricultural machinery, and promote the application of information technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, mobile Internet, and intelligent control in agricultural machinery equipment and agricultural machinery operations.
(5) Actions to support value-added science and technology in the circulation and processing of agricultural products
Aiming at the problem of reducing costs, reducing consumption and increasing efficiency in the circulation of major fresh agricultural products such as grain, oil, fruit, vegetables, livestock and poultry in our province, we will speed up the research and development of technologies and equipment such as pre-cooling, pre-selection and grading, and cold storage in production areas, and form a technical model for the circulation of fresh agricultural products suitable for different categories. Research, develop and promote key post-production loss reduction technologies and equipment such as primary processing of major agricultural products, intelligent screening and green storage, and energy-saving drying. Develop multi-functional and diversified processed products to promote technological progress and industrial upgrading of the food processing industry and livestock product processing industry.
(6) Major risk and disaster prevention and control science and technology support actions
Carry out research on disaster monitoring, early warning and impact assessment technology, and build an agricultural meteorological disaster monitoring and early warning information service system. Build an accurate monitoring system for major crop diseases and pests, and integrate and promote comprehensive prevention and control technologies for crop diseases and pests. Build a monitoring and early warning system for major animal epidemics, integrate and promote large-scale farm biosafety technologies, African swine fever and other epidemic-free community technologies, and animal epidemic purification technologies such as brucellosis. Develop accurate identification, rapid detection, monitoring and early warning technologies for invasive alien species.
(7) Scientific and technological support actions for comprehensive rural management
Establish a technical support system for high-quality rural development in our province, focus on supporting research on comprehensive rural environmental management technologies and rural digital governance technologies, research, develop, integrate and mature according to local conditions, and promote comprehensive utilization of rural biomass energy, domestic waste and domestic sewage treatment, and new rural models The integration of new business formats and other key technologies and models will create a number of demonstration models of beautiful villages that are livable and suitable for business. Support research on key technologies such as intelligent sensing, model simulation, and intelligent control, and accelerate the in-depth integration of new generation information technology with agricultural production and operations.
(1) Strengthen organizational leadership
All localities should place agricultural and rural scientific and technological innovation in a more prominent and priority position and strengthen leadership in agricultural scientific and technological work. It is necessary to do a good job in decomposing and implementing major tasks, and actively carry out agricultural scientific and technological innovation with distinctive characteristics and respective focuses. It is necessary to establish a work responsibility system for the implementation of planning, strengthen the supervision and inspection of planning implementation, and provide a strong organizational guarantee for innovation-driven high-quality agricultural and rural development.
(2) Strengthen overall planning and coordination
All localities should establish and improve the policy support system for the priority development of agricultural and rural science and technology, coordinate and promote the interconnection and interaction of relevant departments, support scientific and technological research and development, technology promotion, farmer training, and subject cultivation, and promote the transformation of agricultural scientific and technological advantages into industrial and economic advantages.
(3) Publish technology requirements
Give full play to the role of the organizer of major scientific and technological innovations of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, determine the direction and focus of agricultural scientific and technological innovation, organize the selection and release of major agricultural scientific and technological needs in the province, and focus on solving the major problems that restrict safety and development for the weak links of high-quality agricultural and rural development. Technological problems.
(4) Strengthen financial support
We will continue to increase the intensity of financial investment and promote the proportion of agricultural and rural science and technology research and development investment in total agricultural output value to increase year by year. Improve the level of funding guarantees for public welfare agricultural research institutes and grassroots agricultural technology extension agencies. Strengthen science and technology finance and increase the tilt towards high-quality farmers and agricultural science and technology enterprises. Encourage social capital to enter the field of agricultural innovation and promote the formation of a stable, diversified and efficient agricultural and rural science and technology investment mechanism.