92 2023-11-22
涓昏鐢卞叏鍥芥斂鍗忔棤鍏氭淳濮斿憳銆佸叏鍥芥斂鍗忎汉鎵嶅簱涓撳銆佺鏅拰绉戞妧鎴樼暐鐮旂┒棰嗗啗涓撳缁勬垚銆?鏈绉戝鏈緷鎵樺崟浣嶄负涓浗绉戝闄㈢鎶€鎴樼暐鍜ㄨ鐮旂┒闄€佷腑鍥界鏅爺绌堕櫌绛夊崟浣嶃€?鍙傚姞鐮旇浼氱殑杩樻湁鏉ヨ嚜鍥藉唴绉戞妧鐣屻€佺粡娴庣晫銆佹暀鑲茬晫銆佺ぞ浼氱粍缁囥€佸浗闃层€佹皵璞$瓑閲嶇偣棰嗗煙鐨?0浣欎綅闄㈠+銆佷笓瀹跺鑰呫€?璇鹃缁勫洿缁曚範杩戝钩鎬讳功璁扳€滅鎶€鍒涙柊鍜岀鏅槸瀹炵幇鍒涙柊鍙戝睍鐨勪袱缈硷紝瑕佹妸绉戞櫘鏀惧湪涓庣鎶€鍒涙柊鍚岀瓑閲嶈鐨勪綅缃€濈殑閲嶈鎬濇兂锛堜互涓嬬畝绉扮鏅級 鈥滃弻缈肩悊璁衡€濓級銆?浠?鏈堜笅鏃埌9鏈堬紝鎸佺画娣卞叆寮€灞曡皟鐮斿伐浣滐紝鍦ㄤ笓瀹剁爺璁ㄣ€佸緛姹傛剰瑙佺殑鍩虹涓婏紝鈥滄繁鍒婚浼氫範杩戝钩鎬讳功璁板叧浜庣鎶€鍒涙柊鈥滀袱缈肩悊璁衡€濈殑閲嶅ぇ鎰忎箟绉戞櫘褰㈡垚锛屽缓璁疄鏂解€滃ぇ绉戞櫘鎴樼暐鐮旂┒鎶ュ憡鈥濄€?/p>
璇ョ爺绌舵姤鍛婄幇鍒嗕笁鏈熷嚭鐗堬紝浠ラ(璇昏€呫€? 锛堣繖涓棶棰樻帓鍦ㄧ浜屼綅锛?/p>
鍦ㄥ彜甯岃厞鏂囨槑鍑虹幇涔嬪墠锛屽焹鍙娿€佺編绱笉杈剧背浜氥€佸嵃搴︾殑寰峰共楂樺師鍜屾亽娌虫祦鍩熶互鍙婂彜浠d腑鍥介兘鏇句骇鐢熻繃杈夌厡鐨勭鎶€鎴愬氨銆?鍏厓鍓?涓栫邯宸﹀彸鍒板叕鍏?涓栫邯锛岄泤鍏告秾鐜板嚭涓€鎵规枃鍖栧法浜猴紝濡傝嫃鏍兼媺搴曘€佹煆鎷夊浘銆佷簹閲屽+澶氬痉銆佹瘯杈惧摜鎷夋柉绛夛紝鍦ㄥ摬瀛︺€佹暟瀛︺€佸ぉ鏂囧銆佽瘲姝屻€佹垙鍓с€佽縿浠婁负姝㈠彇寰楃殑浠や汉鎯婂徆鐨勬垚灏便€?涓庢鍚屾椂锛屼腑鍥芥澶勪簬鏄ョ鎴樺浗鏃舵湡锛屼篃娑岀幇鍑哄瓟瀛愩€佸瓱瀛愩€佽€佸瓙銆佸簞瀛愮瓑涓€鎵瑰ぇ甯堬紝鍛堢幇鍑虹櫨瀹朵簤楦c€佺櫨瀹朵簤楦g殑瀛︽湳鏅薄銆傜櫨鑺辩洓寮€銆?浠庢锛屽彜缃楅┈鏂囨槑寮傚啗绐佽捣锛屽奖鍝嶇殑涓嶄粎鏄娲诧紝杩樻湁鍩冨強銆佺編绱笉杈剧背浜氬拰娉㈡柉銆?鍏厓5涓栫邯鑷?5涓栫邯锛岄殢鐫€鍙ょ綏椹笣鍥界殑杩呴€熷垎瑁傦紝娆ф床杩涘叆绉戞妧鍙戝睍鐩稿鍋滄粸鐨勪腑涓栫邯銆?鍏厓9涓栫邯鑷?2涓栫邯锛岄樋鎷変集鏂囨槑寮€濮嬪杩戜笢銆佷腑浜氥€佸崡娆т骇鐢熼噸瑕佸奖鍝嶃€?闃挎媺浼汉涓嶄粎鍒涢€犱簡涓板瘜鐨勭鎶€鏂囨槑锛岃€屼笖鍦ㄤ笢瑗挎柟绉戞妧浜ゆ祦涓彂鎸ヤ簡妗ユ浣滅敤锛屽皢鍏堣繘鎶€鏈紶鎾埌娆ф床鍜屼簹娲插叾浠栧湴鍖恒€?鍏厓3涓栫邯鑷?8涓栫邯锛屼腑鍥藉垱閫犲苟寤剁画浜嗙伩鐑傜殑涓滄柟鏂囨槑銆? 16涓栫邯绉戝闈╁懡鍜?8涓栫邯宸ヤ笟闈╁懡鏈熼棿锛屾娲叉垚涓虹鎶€涓績銆?娆ф床鍏堣繘鐨勭瀛︽妧鏈紑濮嬪悜涓栫晫浼犳挱銆?绉戞妧鍙戝睍鐨勯€熷害瓒婃潵瓒婂揩锛屽涓笘鐣岀瀛︿腑蹇冪浉缁у舰鎴愩€?浠?6涓栫邯鍒?0涓栫邯锛屼笘鐣岀瀛︿腑蹇冪粡鍘嗕簡浜旀閲嶅ぇ鍙樺寲銆?缁忔祹绻佽崳銆佹€濇兂瑙f斁銆佹暀鑲茬箒鑽c€佹斂搴滄敮鎸併€佺鎶€闈╁懡鎴愪负绉戝涓績鍒涙柊鍙戝睍鐨勪簲涓繀瑕佸洜绱犮€?/p>
瑗挎柟鐜颁唬绉戝鎶€鏈紶鍏ヤ腑鍥藉悗锛岀瀛︽妧鏈殑鏅強鍜屽簲鐢ㄨ〃鐜板嚭浜嗗己澶х殑鎺ㄥ姩鍔涘拰鐢熷懡鍔涖€?涓ュ浜?898骞寸炕璇戜簡璧儱榛庣殑銆婂ぉ鐞嗚銆嬶紝浣库€滈€傝€呯敓瀛樷€濇垚涓?898骞寸淮鏂拌繍鍔ㄤ腑涓浗浜烘皯姹傚彉瀵屽己鐨勬€濇兂鍔ㄥ姏锛屾繁鍒诲奖鍝嶄簡瀛欎腑灞辩瓑涓浗鐜颁唬浣滃銆?鈥斺€旀.銆佹瘺娉戒笢銆侀瞾杩呫€佽儭閫傘€?鐜颁唬闈╁懡瀹躲€? 1949骞?鏈堬紝涓浗浜烘皯鏀挎不鍗忓晢浼氳绗竴灞婂叏浣撲細璁彫寮€銆?浼氳璁ㄨ浜嗕綔涓轰复鏃跺娉曠殑銆婁腑鍥戒汉姘戞斂娌诲崗鍟嗕細璁叡鍚岀翰棰嗐€嬨€?钁楀悕姘旇薄瀛﹀銆佹暀鑲插绔哄彲妗㈢瓑澶氫綅绉戝瀹剁巼鍏堟彁鍑哄皢鏅強绉戝鐭ヨ瘑鍐欏叆銆婂叡鍚岀翰棰嗐€嬶紝鏄庣‘鈥滃姫鍔涘彂灞曡嚜鐒剁瀛︼紝鏈嶅姟宸ュ啘涓氬拰鍥介槻寤鸿鈥濄€?.濂栧姳绉戝鍙戠幇鍜屽彂鏄庛€傗€? 锛屾櫘鍙婄瀛︾煡璇嗏€濄€?鎶婄鏅綔涓哄熀鏈浗绛栵紝鍏呭垎浣撶幇浜嗗厷鍜屽浗瀹跺绉戞妧鍒涙柊鍜岀鏅殑閲嶈锛屽紑鍚簡鏂颁腑鍥界鏅簨涓氱殑鏂扮瘒绔犮€?鍗庣綏搴氭槸鎴戝浗鐜颁唬钁楀悕鏁板瀹躲€?浠栧湪鏁板棰嗗煙鍋氬嚭鏉板嚭璐$尞鐨勫悓鏃讹紝鎾板啓浜嗚澶氱鏅功绫嶅拰鏂囩珷銆?浠栬繕鏇捐蛋閬嶅叏鍥芥暟鐧句竾浜猴紝灏扁€滀紭鍖栨柟娉曞拰缁熺鏂规硶鈥濊繘琛岃搴у拰搴旂敤銆?浠栬繕璇达細鈥滀汉鏈変袱涓偐鑶€锛屾垜瑕佽涓や釜鑲╄唨閮藉彂鎸ヤ綔鐢ㄣ€備竴涓偐鑶€鎷呰礋鈥橀€佽揣涓婇棬鈥欑殑閲嶄换锛屽悜宸ュ啘缇や紬浼犻€掔瀛︾煡璇嗐€佺瀛︽柟娉曪紱鍙︿竴涓偐鑶€鎵挎媴鈥樹笂闂ㄩ€佽揣鈥欑殑閲嶆媴锛屽悜宸ュ啘缇や紬浼犻€掔瀛︾煡璇嗐€佺瀛︽柟娉曘€傗€濊偐鑶€鍏呭綋鈥樹汉姊€欌€濓紝璁╁勾杞讳竴浠f妸鑲╄唨鎵涘湪鑲╀笂鏀€鐧绘洿楂樼殑绉戝灞卞嘲锛屽啀璁╁勾杞讳汉鏀句笅缁冲瓙锛屾妸鎴戞媺涓婂幓锛屾垚涓轰汉姊€傚緪杩熷叧浜庨檲鏅鼎鐨勬姤鍛婃枃瀛︺€婂摜寰峰反璧寽鎯炽€嬩娇闄堟櫙娑﹀湪1978骞存槬澶╁鍠绘埛鏅擄紝鍞よ捣浜嗙ぞ浼氬拰鍏紬瀵圭瀛︺€佺煡璇嗐€佷汉鎵嶇殑灏婇噸锛屼篃璁╄澶氱儹鐖辩瀛︾殑鐑績闈掑勾鏃犳暟涓浗浜虹悍绾峰姞鍏ワ紝璇佹槑浜嗚繖涓€鐐广€備竴绯诲垪鐚滄兂锛岄兘璇曞浘澶哄彇鏁板鐨囧啝涓婄殑杩欓鏄庣彔銆傘€婂摜寰峰反璧寽鎯炽€嬬殑鎶ラ亾涓€瀹氱▼搴︿笂鎺ㄥ姩浜嗕竴涓紵澶ф椂浠g殑鏃╂棩鍒版潵銆傚皧閲嶇瀛︺€佸皧閲嶇煡璇嗐€佸皧閲嶄汉鎵嶃€?/p>
涔犺繎骞虫€讳功璁版寚鍑猴紝褰撳墠锛屾柊涓€杞鎶€闈╁懡鍜屼骇涓氬彉闈╃獊椋炵寷杩涖€?绉戝鐮旂┒鐨勮寖寮忔鍦ㄥ彂鐢熸繁鍒荤殑鍙樺寲銆?璺ㄥ绉戣瀺鍚堜笉鏂彂灞曘€?绉戝鎶€鏈笌缁忔祹绀句細鍙戝睍鍔犻€熸笚閫忚瀺鍚堛€?绉戞妧鍒涙柊骞垮害澶у箙鎻愬崌锛屽畯瑙備笘鐣屽ぇ鍒板ぉ浣撹繍鍔ㄣ€佹槦绯绘紨鍖栥€佸畤瀹欒捣婧愶紝寰涓栫晫灏忓埌鍩哄洜缂栬緫銆佺矑瀛愮粨鏋勩€佸拰閲忓瓙鎺у埗銆?浠栦滑閮藉浜庡綋浠婁笘鐣岀鎶€鍙戝睍鐨勫墠娌裤€?绉戞妧鍒涙柊娣卞害鏄剧潃娣卞寲锛屾繁绌烘帰娴嬫垚涓虹鎶€绔炰簤鍒堕珮鐐广€? 锛屾繁搴︽帰绱笉鏂嫇灞曚汉绫昏璇嗚嚜鐒剁殑鏂拌閲庛€?绉戞妧鍒涙柊閫熷害鏄庢樉鍔犲揩锛屼互淇℃伅鎶€鏈€佷汉宸ユ櫤鑳戒负浠h〃鐨勬柊鍏存妧鏈揩閫熷彂灞曪紝鏋佸ぇ鎵╁睍浜嗕汉浠鐭ョ殑鏃堕棿銆佺┖闂村拰鑼冨洿銆?浜虹被姝e湪杩涘叆涓€涓€樹汉銆佹満銆佺墿鈥欑珛浣撹瀺鍚堢殑涓囩墿鏅鸿兘浜掕仈鏃朵唬銆傗€?/p>
鍦ㄦ垜鍥芥姉鍑绘柊鍐犺偤鐐庣柅鎯呯殑鏂椾簤涓紝鍦ㄤ互涔犺繎骞冲悓蹇椾负鏍稿績鐨勫厷涓ぎ鍧氬己棰嗗涓嬶紝鈥滃皧閲嶇瀛︹€濆凡鎴愪负浼熷ぇ鎶楃柅绮剧鐨勯噸瑕佺粍鎴愰儴鍒嗭紝濮嬬粓鏄富绾裤€傚叏绀句細鐨勪富棰樸€? 銆婂姙娉曘€嬶紝绉戠爺銆佷复搴娿€侀槻鎺т竴绾跨浉浜掗厤鍚堬紝浜у鐮斿悇鏂圭揣瀵嗗悎浣滐紝鏈夋晥褰㈡垚鍙瘖銆佸彲娌汇€佸彲闃茬殑灞€闈紝鍑濊仛鏂板浗瀹跺姏閲忕郴缁熷緱鍒版湁鏁堝帇缂┿€?鍚屾椂锛屽叏闈㈠紑灞曠柅鎯呴槻鎺х鏅伐浣滐紝鎶靛埗璋h█璋h█锛屼紶鎾仴搴风敓娲绘柟寮忓拰鐢熸椿鐞嗗康锛屾彁楂樺搴槻鎺ф剰璇嗗拰鑳藉姏锛屽紩瀵煎叕浼楅噰鍙栨纭鍔紝寮€灞曠瀛﹂槻娌汇€?鈥斺€旀姉鍑荤柅鎯咃紝鎺ㄥ姩绉戝鎬濈淮鍙戝睍锛岃嚜瑙夊煿鑲茬瀛︿环鍊艰銆?浠ラ挓鍗楀北涓轰唬琛ㄧ殑涓浗绉戝瀹舵垚涓烘姉鐤嫳闆勩€佹皯鏃忔槑鏄熴€?/p>
(1) Science popularization work has achieved remarkable results, creating a good social atmosphere for innovative development
Since the promulgation and implementation of the "Science and Technology Popularization Law of the People's Republic of China", "National Medium and Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan Outline (2006-2020)" and "National Science and Technology Literacy Action Plan Outline (2006-2010-2020)", especially the Party's Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, science popularization work has achieved remarkable results. The mass media's science and technology communication capabilities have been greatly improved, and the level of science popularization informatization has been significantly improved. Science popularization infrastructure has developed rapidly, and the modern science and technology museum system has been initially completed. 绉戞櫘浜烘墠闃熶紞涓嶆柇澹ぇ銆?The internationalization of science popularization has achieved new results. Breakthrough; establish a policy and regulatory system with science popularization as the core; build an organizational implementation system at the national, provincial, municipal, and county levels to explore the citizen scientific quality of "party leadership, government promotion, national participation, social collaboration, and open cooperation" Construction model, the scientific literacy level of citizens has been greatly improved, and the proportion of scientific literacy will reach 10.56% in 2020, entering the ranks of innovative countries.
Science popularization has played an important supporting role in building an innovative country and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Interactive science popularization activities attract tens of millions of primary and secondary school students every year, subtly cultivating the scientific interest, innovation consciousness and practical ability of the next generation. Innovation and entrepreneurship competitions and funding projects for college students have promoted the formation of a massive army of innovative and innovative talents and incubated a large number of high-quality entrepreneurial projects. Vocational skills training, continuing education and competition for urban workers have strengthened the innovative backbone of economic and social development. Knowledge and skills related to life safety, natural disasters, and accidents have been widely publicized, and people's risk prevention, emergency avoidance awareness, and escape skills have generally improved. Popular science knowledge on COVID-19 prevention has been widely disseminated in a timely manner, effectively supporting anti-epidemic work and response to major crises. The integration of popular science content with industries such as tourism, science fiction, education, and the Internet has injected new vitality into industrial development and formed new economic growth points. Vigorously promote the scientific spirit, strengthen the construction of scientific research integrity, and gradually form an innovative cultural atmosphere that respects knowledge, advocates creation, and pursues excellence. Science popularization work such as the "Three Rural Areas" of science, culture and health, science caravans, science trains, and science aid to Tibet have gone deep into rural grassroots and remote and impoverished areas, promoting science and technology education, dissemination and popularization of science and technology education, dissemination and popularization of science and technology in an equitable and inclusive manner and social harmony. It has created a good social atmosphere for innovative development, and made positive contributions to ensuring that we can win the battle against poverty as scheduled and ensure that we build a moderately prosperous society in all respects as scheduled.
During the development of science popularization work, we have gained a lot of experience and inspiration. For example, strengthening science education for young people is the most important foundation for improving citizens' scientific quality; prospering science popularization creation is a living source for improving citizens' scientific quality; strengthening science popularization informatization construction, It is the most effective way to improve citizens' scientific literacy; strengthening the construction of science popularization facilities is a basic project to improve citizens' scientific literacy; promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements is an important responsibility of science popularization work to serve the country's innovative development; strengthening science popularization statistical monitoring is an important step in promoting citizens' scientific literacy Effective means of construction, etc., provide us with valuable experience in carrying out science popularization work in the new era.
(2) At the strategic level, there is insufficient understanding of the importance of implementing the "Two Wings Theory", and there are obvious shortcomings in scientific popularization, which restricts the overall improvement of innovation capabilities.
We should be soberly aware that there is still a certain gap between my country's current science popularization service capabilities and the level of citizens' scientific literacy compared with developed countries. It is about the same as the level of some developed countries in the early 21st century, and cannot meet the strategic needs of building a world power in science and technology. Mainly manifested in:
First, there is insufficient understanding of the equal importance of science popularization work and scientific and technological innovation. There is insufficient analysis of the new situation, new missions, and new requirements of science popularization work. Departments and localities do not fully understand the value of innovative development of science popularization services, and fail to form a strategic consensus that scientific and technological innovation and science popularization are "equally important." Scientific and technological innovation and science popularization are developed separately, with emphasis on scientific and technological innovation and neglect of science popularization. The development of the "two wings" is obviously unbalanced.
Second, the institutional arrangements for science popularization, which is equally important, are imperfect. The system of science popularization policies and regulations is imperfect. For example, it has been nearly 20 years since the "Science and Technology Popularization Law of the People's Republic of China" was promulgated. There is an urgent need to solve problems that are incompatible with the development requirements of science popularization in the new era. The incentive and evaluation mechanism for science popularization work is imperfect, and science popularization supervision and inspection are lacking. The institutional mechanism that effectively guarantees the equal importance of the "two wings" is not perfect, and there is a lack of top-level design and institutional arrangements for the coordinated development of scientific popularization and scientific and technological innovation.
Third, the overall level of scientific literacy of our country's citizens needs to be further improved. Although the overall improvement is rapid, there are large gaps between regions, urban and rural areas, and groups. The digital divide and knowledge divide are widespread, making it difficult to meet the needs of economic and social development.
Fourth, the effective supply of science popularization services is insufficient. The content, form, and channels of science popularization work are difficult to meet the growing and diversified needs of the people. There is a large gap between the east and the west in the public service capabilities of science popularization. Urban and rural development is unbalanced, and the west and minority areas are seriously weakened. The whole society has insufficient science popularization resources, weak science popularization creative ability, few excellent original works, and less than 0.5 science and technology museums per million people.
Fifth, the value-leading role of science popularization has not been fully exerted. The cultural atmosphere of innovation in the whole society is not yet strong, the value orientation of advocating innovation has not yet been firmly established, the culture of questioning, inquiry and courage to innovate has not yet been effectively formed, and the initiative of citizens to improve their scientific literacy and participate in public scientific and technological affairs has not yet been fully mobilized.
Sixth, the development of science education for adolescents in my country is still relatively weak. Scientific education is not taken seriously, teachers are insufficient, allocation is unreasonable, subject construction is weak, and the stimulation and protection of young people's curiosity are seriously insufficient.
Seventh, the socialized collaborative science popularization pattern has a long way to go. In the fields of cultivating science popularization talents, raising science popularization funds, holding science popularization activities, constructing science popularization infrastructure, and creating science popularization works, the common interests with various social entities have not yet been accurately discovered, and a sustainable and healthy market in which the market plays a decisive role in resource allocation has not yet been formed. mechanism, the creativity of various social entities in science popularization supply-side reform needs to be further stimulated.
(3) The phenomenon of 鈥渘ew science illiteracy鈥?has an increasingly prominent impact on the overall national strategy, and science popularization needs to play a greater role
In recent years, the phenomena of "new science illiteracy" represented by "mathematical illiteracy", "ecological illiteracy" and "scientific and cultural illiteracy" have emerged one after another and are becoming more and more serious. The "digitally illiterate" cannot understand and adapt to the modern digital and intelligent way of life and work. The "ecologically illiterate" puts environmental protection and development in opposition and does not understand that "lucid waters and lush mountains are valuable assets." The "scientific and cultural illiterate" are irrational and counterproductive. Intelligence is against science. In some places, there are some blind spots in new scientific and technological knowledge and a lack of scientific rationality. The consequences of insufficient scientific rationality and blind and reckless behavior not only affect the realization of national strategic goals such as ecological civilization and rural revitalization, but also affect the credibility of the government and the healthy and sustainable development of scientific and technological undertakings. constituted harm.
"New science illiteracy" mainly refers to people with limited scientific knowledge reserves, imperfect scientific thinking and insufficient ability to apply scientific methods. Generally speaking, the "new science illiterates" in the technological era often lack the ability to distinguish the authenticity of information, think independently, and make correct judgments when facing emerging things. Under the cross-influence of rapid scientific and technological progress and emerging media technologies, some anti-scientific and pseudo-scientific rumors have repeatedly appeared and spread, thus presenting the phenomenon of "new science illiteracy". Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, it can be said that "new science illiteracy" is the "illiteracy" of the new era.
Science popularization work has not yet achieved the transformation of high-quality development. Most of the science popularization knowledge that the broad masses of people come into contact with on a daily basis is relatively simple. There is a lack of science popularization content and products that can express obscure scientific principles in simple and easy-to-understand terms. The channels for the dissemination and diffusion of high-quality science popularization content are also relatively narrow. Traditional science popularization usually focuses on the rapid popularization and dissemination of scientific knowledge to guide the people's work and life. Some emerging work priorities, such as emergency science popularization, can directly output the scientific knowledge most needed by the public to ensure and guide the public to successfully respond to sudden public crises. The guidance of scientific spirit, scientific ideas and scientific methods is not timely and effective enough. Enlightenment of the scientific spirit and cultivation of scientific thinking among the general public is a difficult but imperative project. Only by fully promoting the scientific spirit and cultivating scientific thinking can the proportion of "new science illiterates" among the population be reduced.
(Science popularization task force of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)
Deeply understand the significance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's 鈥淭wo Wings Theory鈥?on scientific and technological innovation and popularization of science and recommend the implementation of the 鈥淏ig Science Popularization Strategy鈥?(Series 1)
Deeply understand the significance of General Secretary Xi Jinping's 鈥淭wo Wings Theory鈥?on scientific and technological innovation and popularization of science and recommend the implementation of the 鈥淏ig Science Popularization Strategy鈥?(Series 3)