0 2025-03-13
①原生动物的大量繁殖和骚扰,使得fishes' gills produce an excessive amount of mucus, which severely impairs their respiration, resulting in prolonged floating on the surface and even death.
②The parasitic protozoan causes lesions on the epithelial tissue of the gills, visible as white spots or lumps under a microscope.
③Ringworm infection results in swollen gills with a slightly open operculum, increased mucus production and grayish-yellow gill filaments that are observable through microscopy.
④Schistosomatium indicum infestation leads to enlarged and whitened distal ends of the gill filaments filled with numerous worm bodies and attached to them by larvae.
How do we treat fish with diseased gills?
Maintain crystal-clear water quality in fish ponds to enhance their natural purification abilities.
Employ potassium permanganate or copper sulfate alternately for regular pond bottom changes to stabilize water quality while preventing excessive levels of ammonia and nitrite ions.
Conduct periodic treatments against parasites using products containing active ingredients that can directly disrupt oxidative phosphorylation systems within parasite cells, thus effectively killing various internal parasites such as tapeworms, ringworms, and flatworms.
This concludes our discussion about diseased gills in farmed fish species; please feel free to leave comments below!