
本站原创 0 2025-01-11




tea tree's shape is like a cucumber vine, its leaves resemble those of the Ziziphus plant, flowers are like white hawthorn blossoms, and fruits are similar to palm nuts. The stalks of the fruit are like cinnamon bark, and the roots resemble dates.

The character "tea" has different forms depending on whether it is derived from the grass or wood radical. There are five names for tea: one is simply called "tea", another is referred to as (), three as J (), four as Zhong () or Mellow Tea, and five as F () or Fermented Tea.

The soil for planting tea trees should be well-drained rock soil; second best is gravelly soil with small stones; worst of all is clay.

Generally speaking, techniques for transplanting tea seedlings are not well understood. Transplanted tea trees rarely thrive. Planting methods resemble cultivating cucumbers - three years later they can be harvested.

Wild-grown teas are considered superior to those cultivated in gardens; sun-exposed slopes with shaded forests yield better teas than shaded slopes alone; unopened buds (like bamboo shoots) are preferred over opened ones; rolled leaves (like a scroll) surpass flat ones.

Teas grown in shady mountain valleys cannot be picked due to their sticky nature that causes digestive problems when consumed raw.

Tea's properties make it cold in nature and suitable for drinking by people who practice frugality and self-discipline. For example, if one experiences feverishness, thirstiness after eating too much food leading to indigestion headache blurred vision fatigue numbness stiffness discomfort while drinking just 4-5 cups of tea will provide relief comparable to consuming ambrosia nectar oil honey wine liquor).

However if picked at an unsuitable time made without care mixed with wild weeds this will lead to illness caused by excessive consumption making it a burden on health also similar fate awaits herbs such as ginseng which comes from specific regions known regions produce high-quality herb effective against six diseases failure leads belief that quality depends solely upon region itself understanding these factors makes clear how crucial land selection impacts both herbal efficacy & quality alike affecting us humans positively negatively accordingly impacting our lives through what we consume eat drink etc...

标签: 农业学术活动
