0 2025-01-19
敖汉旗贝子府镇地区培养羊羊改良站,改良品种的推广,同时促进成功的养殖经验,促进农民提高效率通过品种改良和技术更新。 贝子府镇高度重视肉羊产业发展,在推广良种良法。First, through fiscal Yijiangdaibu way the introduction of improved varieties of Dorper rams, the construction of the regional distribution of sheep improvement station, which is currently a sheep station improvements in Huang Zhang Zi Cun Xing cooperatives as the keeper of the sheep base put into operation. 其次,积极推进贝子府镇营子村宗功能陶瓷木羊、温室、洞穴绵羊产羔青贮的成功经验,促进肉羊饲养技术,提高科技含量要效益。