0 2025-01-30
2007年,当地13户农民,在政府指导下成立泥溪乡南山峡黑木耳专业合作社,采用青杠树段木栽培技术,从此开始规模化黑木耳种植。但起初,由于技术粗放和菌种杂乱,不久之后他们才意识到发展并不顺利,一段 木桩一年只能收获约一两干wood ear,只比普通农民粗放式种植稍好。
关键时候,他们与西南大学和重庆市农科院建立联系,并获得科技支撑。在科学技术指导下,该基地很快取得翻天覆地的变化。不仅收成增加一倍,每段wood ear一年可获二两干wood ear,更重要的是品质得到提升,更肥厚嫩滑。此外,还获得国家有机食品认证,并在第十二届中国国际农业产品交易会上荣获金奖等。
随着经济效益飞跃,现在每根segment wood一年可获纯收入20元左右。而且,与之相伴的是经济效益的大幅度提升:现已吸纳社员575户,其中有200棚以上的大型生产基地20个,同时还辐射带动全镇1072户農民種植black fungus。这一切都归功于“合作社+产业基地+農戶”的产业经营模式,对於fungi farmers实行统一提供fungi spores,统一技术服务,统一培训指导,统一收购销售注册black fungus "Nixie" brand and "Green Branch Tree" brand.
现在,该合作社已经发展成为集food fungi (black fungus and mushrooms) 的研究开发, production and sales of a science-based enterprise. With an annual output of dried black fungi exceeding 70 tons, it has successfully become a city-level leading enterprise in the industry. The town is also recognized as the "Black Fungus Capital" and "National Standardized Production Base".
Their next goal is to create a national famous trademark for their black fungi products. However, they are aware that the black fungus segment planting technology requires wood materials which may lead to deforestation issues if not managed properly. To address this concern, they have established an acacia tree nursery base to implement sustainable development practices such as planting one tree for every harvested log. They have also developed plastic bag cultivation techniques to reduce reliance on trees while maintaining green harmony development principles.
In conclusion, through government guidance and local initiative combined with scientific research support from universities and research institutions like Southwestern University & Chongqing Agricultural Science Institute; these dedicated individuals transformed their community by cultivating high-quality edible mushrooms using native resources effectively leveraging natural assets - thus creating wealth out of poverty in this once impoverished area nestled within China's Three Gorges region.