0 2024-12-15
我将来和大家聊一聊猪肺炎是什么原因引起的,以及猪肺炎的症状有哪些,快来一起看看吧。 一、猪肺炎是什么原因引起的 1.外界环境的不适 我们知道,猪淋雨了、猪舍潮湿寒冷、拥挤、气候突然变化等情况都可以使猪感冒而得猪肺炎。 2.猪受到了异物刺激 猪吸进了刺激性的气体、误咽了异物、不慎灌药让药液误入了气管等等,致使猪引起异物性肺炎。 3.继发性疾病 在某些情况下,如在治疗过程中,如果不当处理可能会导致其他疾病与之并发,因此在发生瘟疫或其他呼吸道疾病时也容易出现这种状况。
二、 pigs' lung disease symptoms
When a pig is infected, it will show symptoms such as coughing, difficulty breathing, and fever (body temperature above 41 degrees Celsius). The nasal discharge may start off clear but becomes thick and yellowish or greyish in color.
Listening to the lungs with a stethoscope may reveal reduced lung sounds or a sound like small bubbles.
In severe cases, the pig's cough can be loud and difficult to breathe; its skin may turn blue or purple due to lack of oxygen.
If the infection is caused by an object lodged in the lungs, there might be an unpleasant odor coming from the nostrils.
The article concludes that understanding these factors and recognizing these symptoms are crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment of pigs' lung disease, which can help prevent further complications and ensure animal health.