
本站原创 0 2025-02-02



5、高效定植技术:通常6月初开始,大行距60~70厘米,小行距40~50厘米;株距35厘 米每亩3000多个嫁接点。


①追施与耕作: 蹲眠后的第一穗膨胀直径3cm开始追施复合氮PK 10kg/ha;第二第三穗膨胀期间增加至复合氮PK 30kg/ha;第四五穗膨胀期间减少至复合氮PK 20kg/ha 或者追施尿素15kg/hapersonal manure1500 kg/haweekly, followed by another urea application.

②支架绑蔓: 定植7-10days after heart leaves appear and new roots start to grow, first insert a bamboo stake into the soil at a depth of about 100 cm, then tie the stem of the tomato plant around the stake with twine or tape.

③整枝打杈: Simultaneously perform single-stem pruning and remove all lateral branches and buds, leaving four flowers per cluster for further growth.


Early blight disease control can be done using fungicides such as copper-based compounds or azoxystrobin.

Late blight disease control is achieved through systemic fungicides like metalaxyl.

Leaf spot diseases are treated with chlorothalonil or captan.

Viral diseases prevention involves spraying insecticides like imidacloprid or pyrethroids on infested plants before transplanting them to prevent aphids from spreading viruses.

8., Harvesting at Optimal Time:

Harvest when fruits are fully ripe, but not too soft yet. The ideal time depends on factors such as fruit size and color change (e.g., green → yellow/red).

标签: 农业要闻农业资讯
