2020年 发表论文统计表

本站原创 7 2024-08-26

序号 论文题目 通讯作者 期刊名称 ISSN 卷期号 起始页 结束页 1 Principles and practices of the photo-thermal adaptability improvement in soybean 韩天富 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19(2) 295 310 2 Allele combinations of maturity genes E1-E4 affect adaptation of soybean to diverse geographic regions and farming systems in China 韩天富 PLoS ONE 1932-6203 15.7: e0235397 1 15 3 利用高代回交导入群体定位大豆品质性状QTL 韩粉霞 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21(5) 1255 1262 4 Co-silencing E1 and its homologs in an extremely late-maturing soybean cultivar confers super-early maturity and adaptation to high-latitude short-season regions 韩天富 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19(0) 2 11 5 Natural Variation In Fatty Acid Composition Of Diverse World Soybean Germplasms Grown In China 孙君明;李斌 Agronomy-Basel 2073-4395 2020, 10, 24 1 18 6 Seed isoflavone profiling of 1168 soybean accessions from major growing ecoregions in China 孙君明;;李斌 Food Research International 0963-9969 2020, 130, 108957 1 9 7 Soybean cyst nematode resistance: Gene identification and breeding strategies 孙君明;李斌 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 2020 1 13 8 Molecular-Assisted Distinctness And Uniformity Testing Using Slaf-Sequencing Approach In Soybean 孙君明 GENES 2073-4425 2020, 11(2), 175 1 18 9 A Domestication-Associated Gene Gmprr3B Regulates The Circadian Clock And Flowering Time In Soybean 邱丽娟;刘斌 Molecular Plant 1674-2052 13(5) 745 759 10 GmCRY1s Modulate Gibberellin Metabolism to Regulate Soybean Shade Avoidance in Response to Reduced Blue Light 刘斌 Molecular Plant 1674-2052 10.1016/j.molp.2020.11.016 online online 11 Soybean Dicer-Like 2 Regulates Seed Coat Color via Production of Primary 22-nt Small Interfering RNAs from Long Inverted Repeats 刘斌 Plant Cell 1040-4651 2020 Oct 19 1 13 12 Cryptochrome 1 Inhibits Shoot Branching by Repressing the Self-Activated Transciption Loop of PIF4 in Arabidopsis 刘军;;刘斌 Plant Communications 2590-3462 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xplc.2020.100042 1 9 13 我国野生大豆的皂角苷成分研究进展 王克晶 遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21(6) 1372 1384 14 半野生大豆起源及野生大豆稀有性状来源的形态学证据 王克晶 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21(6) 1357 1371 15 野生大豆遗传多样性研究进展 王克晶 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21(6) 1344 1356 16 Development And Identification Of Glyphosate-Tolerant Transgenic Soybean Via Direct Selection With Glyphosate 郭勇;邱丽娟 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19(5) 1186 1196 17 Pseudomonas sp. TK35-L enhances tobacco root development and growth by inducing HRGPnt3 expression in plant lateral root formation 邱丽娟 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19(10) 2549 2560 18 Establishment and application of an accurate identification method for fragrant soybeans 邱丽娟 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19(0) 2 12 19 Gmgpa3 Is Involved In Post-Golgi Trafficking Of Storage Proteins And Cell Growth In Soybean Cotyledons 邱丽娟 Plant Science 0168-9452 294 1 11 20 Map-based cloning of a novel QTL qBN-1 influencing branch number in soybean (Glycine max) 邱丽娟 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 8(5) 793 801 21 QTL mapping of drought tolerance traits in soybean with SLAF sequencing 刘章雄;;邱丽娟 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 46(12) 977 989 22 QTL mapping of qSCN3-1 for resistance to soybean cyst nematode in soybean line Zhongpin 03-5373 李英慧 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 CJ-00517 1 9 23 Use Of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy For The Rapid Evaluation Of Soybean [Glycine Max (L.) Merri.] Water Soluble Protein Content 邱丽娟 SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY 1386-1425 224 1 8 24 The Small Gtpase Rab5A And Its Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factors Are Involved In Post-Golgi Trafficking Of Storage Proteins In Developing Soybean Cotyledon 邱丽娟 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 0022-0957 71(3) 808 822 25 Differential proteomic analysis of soybean anthers by iTRAQ under high-temperature stress 邱丽娟;;王晓波 Journal of Proteomics 1874-3919 229 1 12 26 Genome‑wide association study of soybean seed germination under drought stress 祁旭升;;邱丽娟 MOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS 1617-4615 doi.org/10.1007/s00438-020-01646-0 661 673 27 大豆种质田间耐旱性评价及优异种质筛选 刘章雄;;邱丽娟 大豆科学 1000-9841 https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/23.1227.S.20201112.0851.004.html 1 3 28 转 G2_EPSPS 和 GAT 基因大豆栽培地生存竞争能力以及对节肢动物多样性的影响 栾凤侠 中国生物防治学报 2095-039X 10.16409/j.cnki.2095-039x.2020.06.006 10.16409/j.cnki.2095-039x.2020.06.006 10.16409/j.cnki.2095-039x.2020.06.006 29 大豆茸毛突变体的鉴定及相关基因表达分析 郭勇;邱丽娟 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21(1) 121 129138 30 大豆高蛋白种质中引1106蛋白质含量的QTL分析 王俊;邱丽娟 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21(1) 130 138 31 耐草甘膦转 EPSPS /GAT 大豆多重 PCR 检测体系的建立及应用 邱丽娟 中国农业科学 0578-1752 23(20) 4127 4236 32 大豆分枝数相关分子标记开发及qBN-18位点精细定位 邱丽娟 作物学报 0496-3490 46(11) 1667 1677 33 基于BSA-seq技术挖掘大豆中黄622的多小叶基因 刘章雄;;邱丽娟 作物学报 0496-3490 46(12) 1839 1849 34 大豆种质田间耐旱性评价及优异种质鉴定 刘章雄;;邱丽娟 作物学报 0496-3490 46(12) 1839 1849 35 大豆出苗期耐盐性鉴定方法建立及耐盐种质筛选 邱丽娟 作物学报 0496-43490 52(13) 1 8 36 Spatial Divergence of PHR-PHT1 Modules Maintains Phosphorus Homeostasis in Soybean Nodules 傅永福 Plant Physiology 0032-0889 184 236 250 37 Two nucleoporin98 Homologous Genes Jointly Participate In The Regulation Of Starch Degradation To Repress Senescence Inarabidopsis 张晓玫;傅永福;山 BMC Plant Biology 1471-2229 20 292 307 38 大豆GmGRF5基因的组织表达模式与生物信息学分析 刘志雄;张晓玫 分子植物育种 1672-416X 18(5) 1393 1400 39 逆境启动子的鉴定及在大豆中的应用 张晓玫 分子植物育种 1672-416X 18(8) 2556 2562 40 Gmnmhc5, A Neoteric Positive Transcription Factor Of Flowering And Maturity In Soybean 冯永君;吴存祥 PLANTS-BASEL 2223-7747 9 1 15 41 Analysis of soybean yield formation differences across different production regions in China 韩天富;吴存祥 Agronomy Journal 0002-1962 112 1 12 42 甘肃省大豆品种生育期组的划分及地理分布研究 韩天富 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21 2 16 43 Bymovirus‑induced yellow mosaic diseases in barley and wheat: viruses, genetic resistances and functional aspects 杨平 Theoretical and Applied Genetics 0040-5752 133 1623 1640 44 Genome-wide diversity analysis of TCP transcription factors revealed cases of selection from wild to cultivated barley 杨平 FUNCTIONAL INTEGRATIVE GENOMICS 1438-793X 10.1007/s10142-020-00759-4 1 12 45 Marker-Assisted Selection In A Global Barley (Hordeum Vulgare Subsp. Vulgare) Collection Revealed A Unique Genetic Determinant Of The Naked Barley Controlled By The Nud Locus 冯宗云;杨平 GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION 0925-9864 67 273 280 46 DROOPY LEAF1 controls leaf architecture by orchestrating early brassinosteroid signaling 刘西岗,刁现民 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 0027-8424 117 21766 21774 47 QTL mapping for foxtail millet plant height in multi‑environment using an ultra‑high density bin map 刁现民 Theoretical and Applied Genetics 0040-5752 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-020-03714-w 1 3 48 Identification of blast resistance loci through genome wide association analysis in foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.) Beauv.) 刁现民 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19 2 10 49 SiMADS34, an E‑class MADS‑box transcription factor, regulates inflorescence architecture and grain yield in Setaria italica 刁现民 PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 0167-4412 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-020-01097-6 1 3 50 黄金苗谷子苗期的生理基础和黄苗基因初定位 刁现民 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21 1068 1077 51 几个谷子穗发育突变体的表型分析 刁现民 西北农业学报 1004-1389 29 1 3 52 How to increase maize production without extra nitrogen input 李少昆 Resources, Conservation Recycling 0921-3449 160 104913 104913 53 Quantitative effects of solar radiation on maize lodging resistance mechanical properties 侯鹏;;李少昆 Field Crops Research 0378-4290 255 2 10 54 Response of maize barrenness to density and nitrogen increases in Chinese cultivars released from the 1950s to 2010s 谢瑞芝,高聚林 Field Crops Research 0378-4290 250 107766 107766 55 Relationship between stalk and cob mechanical strength during the late growth stage of maize 李少昆 Agronomy 2073-4395 10 1592 1592 56 Leaf removal affects maize morphology and grain yield 侯鹏;李少昆 Agronomy-Basel 2073-4395 10 269 269 57 Traits of plant morphology, stalk mechanical strength, and the biomass accumulation in the selection of lodging-resistant maize cultivars 李少昆 European Journal of Agronomy 1161-0301 117 126073 126073 58 Contribution of total dry matter and harvest index to maize grain yield—A multisource data analysis 侯鹏;李少昆 Food and Energy Security 2048-3694 00:e256 1 12 59 Difference in corn kernel moisture content between pre- and post harvest 李少昆;明博 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19卷 1 3 60 Does the amount of nitrogen application affect the moisture content of corn grains? 李少昆 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19(0) 无 无 61 Kernel crack characteristics for X-ray computed microtomography (μCT) and their relationship with the breakage rate of maize varieties 李少昆 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 2020,19(11) 2 11 62 Key indicators affecting maize stalk lodging resistance of different growth periods under different sowing dates 李少昆 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19(10) 2419 2428 63 Maize grain yield and water use efficiency in relation to climatic factors and plant population in northern China 李少昆 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 2020 1 3 64 Reducing maize yield gap by matching plant density and solar radiation 侯鹏;李少昆 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19 2 9 65 Study of corn kernel breakage susceptibility as a function of its moisture content by using a laboratory grinding method 李少昆;;王克如 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19 2 9 66 Systemic regulation of photosynthetic function in maize plants at graining stage under vertically heterogeneous light environment 李少昆;姜闯道;张旺峰 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19 2 12 67 The effect of solar radiation change on the maize yield gap from the perspectives of dry matter accumulation and distribution 侯鹏;;李少昆 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19 2 13 68 Evaluation of maize lodging resistance based on the critical wind speed of stalk breaking during the late growth stage 李少昆 Plant Methods 1746-4811 16 1 3 69 Marginal superiority of maize: an indicator for density tolerance under high plant density 侯鹏;李少昆 Scientific Reports 2045-2322 10 15378 15378 70 Identifying Ways To Narrow Maize Yield Gaps Based On Plant Density Experiments 李少昆;谢瑞芝 AGRONOMY-BASEL 2073-4395 2020, 10(2) 281 281 71 Identifying Ways To Narrow Maize Yield Gaps Basedon Plant Density Experiments 王克如,明博,谢瑞芝,李少昆 AGRONOMY 2073-4395 10(2) 281 294 72 Improvement in Photosynthetic Rate and Grain Yield in Super-High-Yield Maize (Zea mays L.) by Optimizing Irrigation Interval under Mulch Drip Irrigation 王克如 Agronomy 2073-4395 10 1 3 73 Spatio-temporal characteristics of agro-climatic indices and extreme weather events during the growing season for summer maize (Zea mays L.) in Huanghuaihai region, China 李少昆 International Journal of Biometeorology 0020-7128 64(5) 827 839 74 Change in Maize Final Leaf Numbers and Its Effects on Biomass and Grain Yield Across China 侯鹏 Agriculture 2077-0472 10 1 3 75 A Regional Analysis Model of Maize Kernel Moisture 李少昆;谢瑞芝 Agronomy Journal 0002-1962 10.1002/agj2.20532 1 3 76 Maize nitrogen use efficiency improved due to density tolerance increase since 1950S 李少昆,谢瑞芝 Agronomy Journal 0002-1962 112(3) 1537 1548 77 Optimizing Planting Density to Improve Nitrogen Use of Super High-yield Maize 李少昆;王克如 Agronomy Journal 0002-1962 112 4147 4158 78 Synergistic development of maize stalk morphology, carbohydrate, and strength as a strategy to reduce lodging risk 李少昆 Agronomy Journal 0002-1962 6 1 14 79 Weak border effects and great uniformity increase yield of maize (Zea mays) under dense population 侯鹏;李少昆 Crop Pasture Science 1836-0947 71 653 659 80 The stability and variability of maize kernel moisture content at physiological maturity 李少昆 Crop Science 1435-0653 DOI: 10.1002/csc2.20289 1 11 81 Allocation of corn varieties according to temperature for use in mechanical kernel harvesting in Ningxia, China 李少昆 International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 1934-6344 14卷(1期) 1 3 82 Analysis of factors affecting the impurity rate of mechanically-harvested maize grain in China 李少昆 International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 1934-6344 13 17 22 83 Combine losses for maize and influencing factors: A review 李少昆 International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 1934-6344 13(6) 1 3 84 Device for determining critical wind speed of stalk breaking to evaluate maize lodging resistance 李少昆 International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 1934-6344 13(5) 1 7 85 Evaluation of grain breakage sensitivity of maize varieties mechanically-harvested by combine harvester 李少昆 International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 1934-6344 13(5) 8 16 86 Harvest lossin mechanically-harvested maize grain and affecting factors in China 李少昆 International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 1934-6344 13 1 10 87 Kernel position effects of grain morphological characteristics by X-ray micro-computed tomography (μCT) 谢瑞芝;李少昆 International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 1934-6344 14卷(1期) 1 3 88 Nitrogen Split Application Can Improve the Stalk Lodging Resistance of Maize Planted at High Density 薛军 Agriculture 2077-0472 10.3390/agriculture10080364 1 3 89 遮阴对不同密度条件下玉米子粒含水率的影响 李少昆 玉米科学 1005-0906 28 142 147 90 施氮量对滴灌密植春玉米茎秆抗倒伏性状的影响 李少昆 玉米科学 1005-0906 201146 1 6 91 玉米果穗不同部位子粒水分动态差异研究 薛军、李少昆 玉米科学 1005-0906 28(5) 102 109 92 玉米倒伏对机械粒收损失的影响及倒伏减损收获技术 李少昆 玉米科学 1005-0906 28(6) 无 无 93 灌溉量对玉米生育后期脱水阶段子粒水分的影响 王克如,明博,侯鹏,谢瑞芝,李少昆 玉米科学 1005-0906 28(2) 100 105 94 新疆生产建设兵团第四师71团玉米密植高产全程机械化生产技术模式发展调研 王克如,李少昆 玉米科学 1005-0906 28(1) 132 136 95 东北春玉米子粒生理成熟期含水率差异分析 明博,谢瑞芝,王克如,侯鹏,李少昆 玉米科学 1005-0906 28(6) 59 64 96 2019年我国英文科技期刊发展回顾 无 科技与出版 1000-0590 39(3) 6 13 97 学术期刊“代理”网站对论文写作与出版的干预和影响:基于对科研人员和编辑出版人员的问卷调查分析 程维红 出版科学 1009-5853 28(4) 75 81 98 巨型OA期刊的发展现状及相关思考 程维红 中国科技期刊研究 1001-7143 31(10) 1171 1180 99 Resequencing of global Tartary buckwheat accessions reveals multiple domestication events and key loci associated with agronomic traits 周美亮 Genome Biology 1474-760X 10.1186/s13059-020-02217-7 1 17 100 Treasure from garden: Bioactive compounds of buckwheat 周美亮 Food Chemistry 0308-8146 335 (2021) 127653 1 14 101 Jasmonic acid-responsive RRTF1 transcription factor controls DTX18 gene expression in hydroxycinnamic acid amide secretion 周美亮 Plant Physiology 0032-0889 10.1093/plphys/kiaa043/6017182 1 21 102 Tartary Buckwheat: An Under-utilized Edible and Medicinal Herb for Food and Nutritional Security 阮景军;;张凯旋 FOOD REVIEWS INTERNATIONAL 8755-9129 10.1080/87559129.2020.1734610 1 3 103 Fagopyrum esculentum ssp. ancestrale-A Hybrid Species Between Diploid F. cymosum and F. esculentum 周美亮;严明理 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11(1073) 1 12 104 First Report of Nigrospora osmanthi Causing Leaf Spot on Tartary Buckwheat in China 王海华;周美亮 Plant Disease 0191-2917 10.1094/PDIS-08-20-1773-PDN 1 3 105 First report of Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 HGI Causing Stem Canker on Fagopyrum tataricum (Tartary buckwheat) in China 徐秉良;周美亮 Plant Disease 0191-2917 10.1094/PDIS-06-20-1253-PDN 1 3 106 花青素代谢调控植物彩叶研究进展 周美亮 中国农业科技导报 1008-0864 22(2) 30 38 107 药饲两用金荞麦中金1 号的选育与效益分析 周美亮 作物杂志 1001-7283 2020(1) 29 34 108 苦荞鼠李糖基转移酶FtF3GT1 基因的克隆与转化毛状根研究 廖志勇;周美亮 作物杂志 1001-7283 2020(5) 33 40 109 中国野生荞麦种质资源概况与利用进展 周美亮 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 2020,21(06) 1395 1406 110 FtMYB1 转录因子调控苦荞毛状根黄酮醇合成的机理研究 严明理;周美亮 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 2020,21(5) 1270 1278 111 芥菜型油菜BjuB.KAN4 基因调控类黄酮途径的初步研究 张凯旋;严明理 作物学报 0496-3490 46(9) 1333 1342 112 芥菜型油菜BjuB.KAN4基因调控类黄酮的途径 张凯旋;严明理 作物学报 0496-3490 46(9) 1322 1331 113 Construction of a high-density adzuki bean genetic map and evaluation of its utility based on a QTL analysis of seed size 程须珍 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(20)63343-3 1 3 114 Construction of a high-density genetic map and its application for QTL mapping of leaflet shapes in Mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) 程须珍,王丽侠 Frontier in Genetics 1664-8021 doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.01032 1 3 115 Identification of QTLs for Domestication-Related Traits in Zombi Pea [Vigna vexillata (A.) Rich ], a Lost Crop of Africa Prakit Somta,王丽侠 Frontier in Genetics 1664-8021 doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.00803 1 3 116 普通豇豆应用核心种质的SSR指纹图谱构建及多样性分析 程须珍;王丽侠 作物杂志 1001-7283 4 79 83 117 481份国内外绿豆种质农艺性状及豆象抗性鉴定评价及遗传多样性分析 程须珍 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21(3) 549 559 118 豇豆属野生近缘种资源研究进展 程须珍 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21(6) 1407 1417 119 Marker-Trait Association Analysis of Seed Traits in Accessions of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in China 武晶 Frontier in Genetics 1664-8021 11:698 1 12 120 菜豆属野生资源概述 武晶 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21(6) 1424 1434 121 Population genetic structure and classification of cultivated and wild pea (Pisum sp.) based on morphological traits and SSR markers 宗绪晓 Journal of Systematics and Evolution 1674-4918 10.1111/jse.12710 1 3 122 RNA-Seq analysis and development of SSR and KASP markers in lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus subsp. culinaris) 宗绪晓;;丁汉凤 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 10.1016/j.cj.2020.04.007 1 3 123 Simultaneous determination of the herbicide bixlozone and its metabolites in plant and animal samples by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry 何裕建;;袁龙飞 JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE 1615-9306 https://doi.org/10.1002/jssc.202000992 1 3 124 Genetic diversity analysis for narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) by SSR markers 杨涛;;宗绪晓 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS 0301-4851 47 5215 5224 125 蚕豆异交率相关因素研究及应用进展 宗绪晓;何玉华 作物杂志 1001-7283 4 9 15 126 基于选择消除分析挖掘豌豆耐冻相关基因 宗绪晓;;杨涛 中国蔬菜 1000-6346 11 33 42 127 160份外引鹰嘴豆种质主要农艺性状的遗传多样性分析 梁杰;宗绪晓 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21(4) 875 883 128 豌豆及其野生近缘种质资源研究进展 宗绪晓 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21(6) 1415 1423 129 利用2个F2群体整合中国豌豆高密度SSR遗传连锁图谱 宗绪晓 作物学报 0496-3490 46(10) 1496 1506 130 利用EST-SSR标记评价羽扇豆属(Lupinus L.)遗传多样性 宗绪晓;;何玉华 作物学报 0496-3490 46(3) 330 340 131 Towards A Deeper Haplotype Mining Of Complex Traits In Rice With Rfgb V2.0 徐建龙;郑天清 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 1467-7644 18 14 16 132 Hybrid Breeding Of Rice Via Genomic Selection 黎志康 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL 1467-7644 18 57 67 133 Comparative Proteomic Analysis Reveals Novel Insights into Interaction between Rice and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae 周永力 BMC Plant Biology 1471-2229 202012 1 14 134 Pleiotropic Effect of GNP1 Underlying Grain Number per Panicle on Sink, Source and Flow in Rice 徐建龙 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11:933 1 13 135 Identification Of New Qtl For Salt Tolerance From Rice Variety Pokkali 徐建龙;周美学 JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE 0931-2250 206:202-213 202 213 136 Overexpression Of The Transcription Factor Gene OsSTAP1 Increases Salt Tolerance In Rice 王文生;傅彬英;赵祥强 RICE 1939-8425 13 5 5 137 Stress-activated protein kinase OsSAPK7 regulates salt-stress tolerance by modulating diverse stress-defensive responses in rice 周永力 Rice Science 1672-6308 2021:28 1 10 138 Transcriptome and genome sequencing elucidates the molecular basis for the high yield and good quality of the hybrid rice variety Chuanyou6203 任光俊 Scientific Reports 2045-2322 10 19935 19935 139 Genetic Bases Of Source-, Sink-, And Yield-Related Traits Revealed By Genome-Wide Association Study In Xian Rice 徐建龙 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 13:13 119 131 140 MicroRNAs profiling for identification of miRNAs involved in resistant response to bacterial blight in rice 周永力 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 2020 1 21 141 Integrated analysis of the transcriptome and metabolome revealed the molecular mechanisms underlying the enhanced salt tolerance of rice due to the application of exogenous melatonin 傅彬英 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 10.3389/fpls.2020.618680_Fu 1 18 142 Natural Sequence Variations And Combinations Of Gnp1 And Nal1 Determine The Grain Number Per Panicle In Rice 徐建龙 RICE 1939-8425 13:14 1 15 143 A U-Box E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Ospub67 Is Positively Involved In Drought Tolerance In Rice 王文生、傅彬英 PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 0167-4412 102(1-2) 89 107 144 Genome-Wide Association Analysis Dissects The Genetic Basis Of The Grain Carbon And Nitrogen Contents In Milled Rice 张帆 RICE 1939-8425 12 1 16 145 Identification Of Genes For Salt Tolerance And Yield-Related Traits In Rice Plants Grown Hydroponically And Under Saline Field Conditions By Genome-Wide Association Study 徐建龙、赵秀琴 RICE 1939-8425 12 1 13 146 Dominant early heading without yield drag in a sister-line BC breeding progeny DEH_229 is controlled by multiple genetic factors with main-effect loci 郑天清、傅彬英 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 2020 1 12 147 Genetic Bases of the Stomata-Related Traits Revealed by a Genome-Wide Association Analysis in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) 王韵;徐建龙 Frontier in Genetics 1664-8021 11:611 1 18 148 Genome-wide association mapping for grain shape in rice accessions 徐建龙 International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 1814–9596 23(3) 582 588 149 Effects of exogenous α-Ketoglutaric acid on 2-Acetyl-1-Pyrroline, yield formation and grain quality characters of aromatic rice 徐建龙;朱建强 Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 0031-9457 012903 1 11 150 Characterizing the metabolites related to rice salt tolerance with introgression lines exhibiting contrasting performances in response to saline conditions 徐建龙;赵秀琴 PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 0167-6903 10 1 11 151 Identify QTLs and candidate genes underlying source-, sink-, and grain yield-related traits in rice by integrated analysis of bi-parental and natural populations 徐建龙 PLoS ONE 1932-6203 15(8) e0237774 e0237774 152 水稻核心种质资源的苗期耐冷性鉴定与评价 徐建龙 分子植物育种 1672-416X 18(9) 3068 3078 153 水稻不同源库相关基因聚合的产量效应分析 徐建龙 核农学报 1000-8551 34(6) 1129 1137 154 全基因组关联分析解析水稻剑叶及单株产量的遗传基础 邱先进;徐建龙 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21(3) 663 673 155 DHD4, A CONSTANS-like Family Transcription Factor, Delays Heading Date through Affecting the Formation of FAC Complex in Rice 万建民 Molecular Plant 1674-2052 1 1 12 156 Transcriptional Activation and Phosphorylation of OsCNGC9 Confer Enhanced Chilling Tolerance in Rice 万建民 Molecular Plant 1752-9867 1(1) 1 44 157 White Panicle2 encoding thioredoxin z, regulates plastid RNA editing by interacting with Multiple Organellar RNA Editing Factors in rice 万建民 New Phytologist 0028-646X 1(1) 1 37 158 Enhanced OsNLP4-OsNiR cascade confers nitrogen use efficiency by promoting tiller number in rice 万建民 Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7644 1 1 12 159 OsRE1 interacts with OsRIP1 to regulate rice heading date by finely modulating Ehd1 expression 万建民 Plant Biotechnology Journal 1457-7644 1 1 11 160 Gpa5 Encodes A Rab5A Effector Required For Post-Golgi Trafficking Of Rice Storage Proteins 万建民 Plant Cell 1040-4651 32(3) 758 777 161 The APC/CTE E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Complex Mediates the Antagonistic Regulation of Root Growth and Tillering by ABA and GA 林启冰;万建民 Plant Cell 1040-4651 32(6) 1973 1987 162 An R2R3 MYB Transcription Factor Confers Brown Planthopper Resistance by Regulating the Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase Pathway in Rice. 万建民 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 0027-8424 117 271 277 163 Transcriptional repression specifies the central cell for double fertilization 李红菊 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 0027-8424 1 1 12 164 Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of heading date in rice 朱杉杉 万建民 New Phytologist 0028-646X 10.1111/nph.17158 1 3 165 Heterosis‑associated genes confer high yield in super hybrid rice 万建民 Theoretical and Applied Genetics 0040-5752 133 3287 3297 166 Rice stripe virus suppresses jasmonic acid-mediated immunity by hijacking brassinosteroid signaling pathway in rice, 万建民 PLoS Pathogens 1553-7366 100081 1 23 167 Osmfs1/Oshop2 Complex Participates In Rice Male And Female Development 万建民;赵志刚 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11 1 15 168 Wrky Transcription Factoroswrky29Represses Seed Dormancy In Rice By Weakening Abscisic Acid Response 万建民 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11 1 15 169 A locus TUTOU2, determines the panicle apical abortion phenotype of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in tutou2 mutant 程治军 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19 2 11 170 Rice FLOURY ENDOSPERM 18 encodes a pentatricopeptide repeat protein required for 5′ processing of mitochondrial nad5 mRNA and endosperm development 万建民 Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 1672-9072 1(1) 1 28 171 Fine Mapping Ofqsdr9, A Novel Locus For Seed Dormancy (Sd) In Weedy Rice, And Development Of Nils With A Strong Sd Allele 万建民;江铃 MOLECULAR BREEDING 1380-3743 40 1 12 172 WHITE STRIPE LEAF8, encoding a deoxyribonucleoside kinase, is involved in chloroplast development in rice. 万建民 Plant Cell Reports 1432-203X 39 19 33 173 Small grain and semi-dwarf 3, a WRKY transcription factor, negatively regulates plant height and grain size by stabilizing SLR1 expression in rice 江铃;万建民 PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 0167-4412 104 429 450 174 Rice Osbt1 Regulates Seed Dormancy Through The Glycometabolism Pathway 万建民;江铃 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 0981-9428 151 469 476 175 Osdog1L-3 Regulates Seed Dormancy Through The Abscisic Acid Pathway In Rice 江铃;万建民 Plant Science 0168-9452 298 1 11 176 Wsl9Encodes An Hnh Endonuclease Domain-Containing Protein That Is Essential For Early Chloroplast Development In Rice 万建民 RICE 1939-8425 13:45 1 13 177 Mitochondrion-targeted PENTATRICOPEPTIDE REPEAT5 is required for cis-splicing of nad4 intron 3 and endosperm development in rice 万建民;; 任玉龙 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 1(1) 1 24 178 WRKY Transcription Factor OsWRKY29 Represses Seed Dormancy in Rice by Weakening Abscisic Acid Response 万建民 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11 1 15 179 Genome‐wide association study identifies QTLs conferring salt tolerance in rice 王春明;万建民 Plant Breeding 0179-9541 139 73 82 180 水稻包穗突变体sui2 的遗传分析和基因精细定位 程治军;邹德堂 作物学报 0496-3490 46 (10) 1546 1554 181 CRISPR/Cas9 induces exon skipping that facilitates development of fragrant rice 赵开军;王春连 Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7644 doi: 10.1111/pbi.13514 1 3 182 Variability in Nutritional Composition, Kernel Morphology and Cooking Quality of Selected Rice in Xingan Meng from Northeast China 朱宏; 纪志远 E3S Web of Conferences 00000 189 1 5 183 Xa1 allelic R genes activate rice blight resistance suppressed by interfering TAL effectors 杨兵 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M.;Hameed, Amjad FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY 1445-4408 47(5) 440 453 198 Argonaute2 Enhances Grain Length And Salt Tolerance By Activating Big Grain3 To Modulate Cytokinin Distribution In Rice 童红宁 Plant Cell 1040-4651 32(7) 2292 2306 199 Regulation of Brassinosteroid Signaling and Salt Resistance by SERK2 and Potential Utilization for Crop Improvement in Rice 童红宁 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 1 1 2 200 GSK2 stabilizes OFP3 to suppress brassinosteroid responses in rice 童红宁;;储成才 Plant Journal 0960-7412 102(6) 1187 1201 201 Endoplasmic Reticulum-Localized PURINE PERMEASE1 Regulates Plant Height and Grain Weight by Modulating Cytokinin Distribution in Rice 童红宁 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.618560 1 10 202 A rare gain of function mutation in a wheat tandem kinase confers resistance to powdery mildew 李洪杰 Nature Communications 2041-1723 11 680 680 203 A CNL Protein in Wild Emmer Wheat Confers Powdery Mildew Resistance 李洪杰 New Phytologist 0028-646X 228 1027 1037 204 A rare single nucleotide variant in Pm5e confers powdery mildew resistance in common wheat 李洪杰 New Phytologist 0028-646X 228 1011 1026 205 Identification ofQTL forresistance toleaf blast infoxtail millet bygenome re‑sequencing analysis 田伯红; 李洪杰 Theoretical and Applied Genetics 0040-5752 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-020-03730-w 1 3 206 Characterization of agronomic performance, end-use quality parameters, and resistance to cereal cyst nematode in four perennial wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium lines 孙玉; 李洪杰 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11 594197 594197 207 Toward precision genome editing in crop plants 夏兰琴 Molecular Plant 1674-2052 13,6 811 813 208 Precise Modifications Of Both Exogenous And Endogenous Genes In Rice By Prime Editing 夏兰琴 Molecular Plant 1674-2052 13 671 674 209 CRISPR-Cas12a Enables Efficient Biallelic Gene Targeting In Rice 夏兰琴 Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7644 18,6 1351 1353 210 Base Editing In Plants: Current Status And Challenges 夏兰琴 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 8, 3 384 395 211 Precise gene replacement in plants through CRISPR/Cas genome editing technology:current status and future perspectives 夏兰琴 aBIOTECH 2662-1738 1 58 73 212 Homology-mediated inter-chromosomal 3 interactions in hexaploid wheat lead to 4 specific subgenome territories following 5 polyploidization and introgression 贾继增 Genome Biology 1474-760X doi.org/10.1186/s13059-020-02225-7 1 3 213 Identification Of A Novel Erf Gene,Taerf8, Associated With Plant Height And Yield In Wheat 高丽锋 BMC Plant Biology 1471-2229 20:263 1 12 214 The Circadian Clock Gene, Taprr1, Is Associated With Yield-Related Traits In Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) 贾继增 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11-285 1 14 215 TaIAA15s genes regulated plant architecture in wheat 贾继增;任正隆 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 2020, 19(0) 2 11 216 黄淮和长江中下游冬麦区小麦品种(系)农艺性状及其聚类分析 景蕊莲 中国生态农业学报(中英文) 1671-3990 2020, 28(3): 395 404 217 Wheat FRIZZY PANICLE activates VERNALIZATION1‐A and HOMEOBOX4‐A to regulate spike development in wheat 景蕊莲 Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7644 doi: 10.1111/PBI.13535 1 38 218 Mining The Stable Quantitative Trait Loci For Agronomic Traits In Wheat (Triticum Aestivuml.) 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Width Using Two Related Introgression Line Populations In Wheat 景蕊莲;孙黛珍 PLoS ONE 1932-6203 15(3) 1 15 225 A wheat stress induced WRKY transcription factor TaWRKY32 confers drought stress tolerance in Oryza sativa 毛新国 Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology 2307-8553 2020;8(x) 1 7 226 小麦E3泛素连接酶基因TaAIRP2-1B克隆及功能分析 奚亚军;景蕊莲 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 2020,21(5) 1237 1244 227 WheatGmap: A Comprehensive Platform for Wheat Gene Mapping and Genomic Studies 刘旭,孔秀英 Molecular Plant 1674-2052 doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2020.11.018 1 3 228 The bZIP transcription factor TabZIP15 improves salt stresstolerance in wheat 孔秀英; 周永力 Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7644 doi: 10.1111/pbi.13453 1 3 229 Combining a New Exome Capture Panel With an Effective varBScore Algorithm Accelerates BSA-Based Gene Cloning in Wheat 刘旭;; 孔秀英 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11:1249 1 12 230 Resequencing of 145 Landmark Cultivars Reveals Asymmetric Sub-genome Selection and Strong Founder Genotype Effects on Wheat Breeding in China 张学勇 Molecular Plant 1674-2052 13 1 19 231 Starch Metabolism in Wheat: Gene Variation and Association Analysis Reveal Additive Effects on Kernel Weight 张学勇 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11 562008 562008 232 The NAC transcription factor NAC019-A1 is a negative regulator of starch synthesis in wheat developing endosperm 张学勇 Journal of Experimental Botany 0022-0957 71 5794 5807 233 miR164-targeted TaPSK5 encodes aphytosulfokine precursor thatregulates root growth andyield traits incommon wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 张学勇;李甜 PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 0167-4412 doi.org/10.1007/s11103-020-01064-1 1 3 234 Functional markers developed from TaGS3, a negative regulator of grain weight and size, for marker-assisted selection in wheat 张学勇 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 8 943 952 235 Genomic footprints of wheat evolution in China reflected by a Wheat660K SNP array 郝晨阳;张学勇 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2020.08.006 1 3 236 Diversity And Sub-Functionalization Of Tagw8 Homoeologs Hold Potential For Genetic Yield Improvement In Wheat 马琳;李甜;张学勇;侯健;郝晨阳;刘红霞 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 0 830 844 237 Kompetitive Allele Specifific Pcr (Kasp): A Singleplex Genotyping Platform And Its Application Uzma Majeed;张学勇;Shoaib Ur Rehman JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE 1916-9752 11 11 11 238 SiMYB56 Confers Drought Stress Tolerance in Transgenic Rice by Regulating Lignin Biosynthesis and ABA Signaling Pathway 马有志;陈明 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11 1 3 239 Overexpression of soybean DREB1 enhances drought stress tolerance of transgenic wheat in the field 王成社;马有志 Journal of Experimental Botany 0022-0957 71(6) 1 3 240 Overexpression Of Gmnfya5 Confers Drought Tolerance To Transgenic Arabidopsis And Soybean Plants 徐兆师;张俊华 BMC Plant Biology 1471-2229 20:123 1 18 241 Genome-Wide Analysis of the GRAS Gene Family and Functional Identification of GmGRAS37 in Drought and Salt Tolerance 危文亮;徐兆师 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11 1 45 242 Genome-Wide Identification, Evolution, And Expression Of Gdsl-Type Esterase/Lipase Gene Family In Soybean 闵东红;徐兆师 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11 1 19 243 GmNFYA13 improves salt and drought tolerance in transgenic soybean plants 徐兆师 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11 1 17 244 Overexpression of GmUBC9 Gene Enhances Plant Drought Resistance and Affects Flowering Time via Histone H2B Monoubiquitination 陈明;李海燕 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11 1 21 245 The Ankyrin-Repeat Gene GmANK114 Confers Drought and Salt Tolerance in Arabidopsis and Soybean 徐兆师;闵东红 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11 1 20 246 Expression Analyses Of Soybean Voz Transcription Factors And The Role Of Gmvoz1G In Drought And Salt Stress Tolerance 徐兆师 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 21(6) 1 18 247 The Soybean Bzip Transcription Factor Gene Gmbzip2 Confers Drought And Salt Resistances In Transgenic Plants 危文亮;徐兆师 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 21(2) 1 19 248 Overexpression Of V-Type H+ Pyrophosphatase Gene Edvp1 From Elymus Dahuricus Increases Yield And Potassium Uptake Of Transgenic Wheat Under Low Potassium Conditions 程宪国;马有志;陈明 Scientific Reports 2045-2322 10(1) 1 12 249 TaNAC48 positively regulates drought tolerance and ABA responses in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 郭长虹;马有志 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 11 1 22 250 采用优化的数字PCR 方法分析转基因小麦外源基因拷贝数 陈明;孙黛珍 中国农业科学 0578-1752 53(10) 1931 1939 251 Ecotopic Expression Of The Antimicrobial Peptide DmAMP1W Improves Resistance Of Transgenic Wheat To Two Diseases: Sharp Eyespot And Common Root Rot 张增艳 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 21(2) 1 16 252 Genome-Wide Identification Of M35 Family Metalloproteases In Rhizoctonia Cerealis And Functional Analysis Of RcMEP2 As a Virulence Factor During The Fungal Infection To Wheat 张增艳 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 21(8) 1 18 253 Global Characterization Of GH10 Family Xylanase Genes In Rhizoctonia Cerealis And Functional Analysis of Xylanase RcXYN1 During Fungus Infection In Wheat 张增艳 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 21(5) 1 17 254 The Cysteine-Rich Repeat Protein TaCRR1 Participates in Defense against Both Rhizoctonia cerealis and Bipolaris sorokiniana in Wheat 张增艳 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 21(16) 1 17 255 The M43 domain-containing metalloprotease RcMEP1 in Rhizoctonia cerealis is a pathogenicity factor during the fungus infection to wheat 张增艳 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19(0) 2 13 256 The wheat receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase TaRLCK1B is required for host immune response to the necrotrophic pathogen Rhizoctonia cerealis 张增艳 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19(11) 2616 2627 257 Pairing?And?Exchanging?Between?Daypyrum?Villosum?Chromosomes?6V#2?And?6V#4?In The?Hybrids?Of?Two?Different?Wheat?Alien Substitution Lines 林志珊 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 20 E6063-1 E6063-17 258 TaVrt2, an SVP-like gene, cooperates with TaVrn1 to 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Seed Development 崔钰,刘允军,付俊杰,王国英 PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY 0032-0781 doi.org/10.1093/pcp/pcaa161 1 31 306 Early Drought-Responsive Genes Are Variable And Relevant To Drought Tolerance 郑军;刘三震 G3-Genes Genomes Genetics 2160-1836 10 1657 1670 307 Raffinose Synthase Enhances Drought Tolerance Through Raffinose Synthesis Or Galactinol Hydrolysis In Maize And Arabidopsis Plants 赵天永;王国英 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 0021-9258 295(23) 8064 8077 308 玉米穗发芽突变体vp-like8的转录组分析 郑军;李润植 山西农业大学学报自然科学版 1671-8151 40 98 109 309 玉米穗发芽突变体vp⁃like8 的转录组分析 郑军;李润植 山西农业大学学报自然科学版 1671-8151 40(3): 098 98 109 310 玉米阳离子/质子逆向转运蛋白ZmNHX7的功能鉴定 郑军;郑军 作物学报 0496-3490 46 1185 1194 311 玉米ZmCIPK24-2基因在盐胁迫应答中的功能研究 郑军;郑军 作物学报 0496-3490 46 1351 1358 312 玉米耐深播主效QTL qMES20-10的精细定位及差异表达基因分析 郑军 作物学报 0496-3490 46 1016 1024 313 Zmehd1 Is Required For Kernel Development And Vegetative Growth Through Regulating Auxin Homeostasis(1) 李文学 Plant Physiology 0032-0889 182 1467 1480 314 Large-Scale Analysis Of Combining Ability And Heterosis 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novel major locus for resistance to gray leaf spot in maize 翁建峰;李新海 MOLECULAR BREEDING 1380-3743 40 59 59 331 Coordinated regulation of starch synthesis in maize endosperm by microRNAs and DNA methylation 张军杰;李新海;黄玉碧 Plant Journal 0960-7412 104 1 16 332 Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with stem‑related traits in maize (Zea mays L.) 李新海;史利玉 PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 0167-4412 104 1 13 333 Applications of genotyping‑by‑sequencing (GBS) in maize genetics and breeding 李新海;张学才 Scientific Reports 2045-2322 10 16308 16308 334 Mapping QTL for flowering time-related traits under three plant densities in maize 宋炜;李新海 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 8 1 19 335 Effect of five modified mass selection cycles on combining ability in two Chinese maize populations 李新海 Euphytica 0014-2336 216 57 58 336 Marker-assisted selection of qMrdd8 to improve maize resistance to rough dwarf disease 翁建峰;王振华 Breeding Science 1344-7610 70 183 192 337 农作物基因设计育种发展现状与展望 万建民 中国农业科技导报 1008-0864 22(8) 1 4 338 我国玉米自交系茎秆性状多样性分析 李新海;史利玉 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21(2) 321 329 339 不同种质渗入对2个玉米复合群体的改良效果分析 雍洪军;兰海 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20201124003 1 9 340 转Cry1Ab-Ma基因玉米CM8101对亚洲玉米螟抗性研究 李新海;翁建峰 玉米科学 1005-0906 28(1) 59 64 341 玉米株高qPH10的QTL定位及候选基因预测 李明顺 玉米科学 1005-0906 28(1) 37 44 342 玉米 opaque2突变体子粒表型及营养成分分析 李明顺 玉米科学 1005-0906 28(4) 26 32 343 25份美国玉米自交系的利用潜力分析 雍洪军;王宏伟 玉米科学 1005-0906 28(6) 25 30 344 关于玉米种植密度的思考与讨论 马兴林 玉米科学 1005-0906 28(2) 96 99 345 Effects of Straw-Return Method for the Maize–Rice Rotation System on Soil Properties and Crop Yields 展茗;赵明 Agronomy-Basel 2073-4395 10,461 2 17 346 Nitrogen supply regulates vascular bundle structure and matter transport characteristics of spring maize under high plant density 李从锋;;齐华 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 1 123 134 347 Innovation of the double-maize cropping system based on cultivar growing degree days for adapting to changing weather conditions in the North China Plain 赵明 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19(12) 2997 3012 348 Wheat Growth And Grain Yield Responses To Sowing Date-Associated Variations In Weather Conditions 赵明 Agronomy Journal 0002-1962 112 985 997 349 Wheat straw mulch improves summer maize productivity and soil properties 马玮 Italian Journal of Agronomy 1125-4718 1 123 134 350 我国多类型水肥一体化技术进展 赵明 作物杂志 1001-7283 1 199 200 351 新型负压渗灌技术对农田土壤水分精准控制应用 马玮 作物杂志 1001-7283 6 175 179 352 黄淮海平原南部不同种植体系周年气候资源分配与利用特征研究 马玮;赵明 作物学报 0496-3490 46(6) 937 949 353 不同栽培技术因子对雨养春玉米产量与氮素效率差异的影响 王永军;李从锋 中国农业科学 0578-1752 53(15) 3036 3047 354 综合农艺管理推动玉米缩差增效 李从锋 中国农业科学 0578-1752 53(15) 3020 3023 355 优化栽培措施对春玉米密植群体冠层结构及产量形成的调控效应 李从锋;;赵明 中国农业科学 0578-1752 53(15) 3048 3058 356 Genome-wide association studies and whole-genome prediction reveal the genetic architecture of KRN in maize 黎裕;王天宇 BMC Plant Biology 1471-2229 20 490-1 490-11 357 Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of qKW7b, a major QTL for kernel width in maize 王天宇;李永祥 MOLECULAR BREEDING 1380-3743 40 67-1 67-10 358 Transcriptome and GWAS analyses reveal candidate gene for seminal root length of maize seedlings under drought stress 王天宇;黎裕 PLANT SCIENCE 0168-9452 292 110380-1 110380-12 359 Identification of genomic insertion and flanking sequences of the transgenic drought tolerant maize line 王天宇;张登峰 PLoS ONE 1932-6203 15(4) e0226455-1 e0226455-14 360 玉米叶向值的全基因组关联分析 王天宇;黎裕 作物学报 0496-3490 2020, 46(6) 819 831 361 中国玉米骨干亲本黄早四优势形成的遗传基础解析 王天宇;黎裕 中国农业科学 0578-1752 53(20) 4113 4126 362 Natural variation and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutation in GmPRR37 affect photoperiodic flowering and contribute to regional adaptation of soybean 韩天富;侯文胜 Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7644 18 1869 1881 363 Target base editing in soybean using a modified CRISPR/ Cas9 system 侯文胜 Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7644 18 1996 1998 364 Co-silencing E1 and its homologs in an extremely late-maturing soybean cultivar confers super-early maturity and adaptation to high-latitude short-season regions 韩天富;侯文胜 Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2095-3119 19 2 11 365 Elevated methionine content in soybean seed by overexpressing maize β-zein protein. 侯文胜;孙石 Oil Crop Science 2096-2428 5 11 15 366 Generation Of Transgene-Free Semidwarf Maize Plants By Gene Editing Ofgibberellin-Oxidase20-3Using Crispr/Cas9 任珍静;刘允军 Frontiers in Plant Science 1664-462X 11 1048 1048 367 Global Profiling Of N-6-Methyladenosine Methylation In Maize Callus Induction 刘允军;付俊杰;王国英 PLANT GENOME 1940-3372 e20018 e20018 e20018 368 A mini foxtail millet with an Arabidopsis-like life cycle as a C4 model system 隋毅 Nature Plants 2055-026X 6 1167 1178 369 The Sweet Sorghum Sbwrky50 Is Negatively Involved In Salt Response By Regulating Ion Homeostasis 隋娜 PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 0167-4412 102 603 614 370 Fertility recovery of wheat male sterility controlled by Ms2 using CRISPR/Cas9. 王轲;叶兴国 Plant Biotechnology Journal 1467-7644 1 3 371 Effects of 1Dy12 subunit silencing on seed storage protein accumulation and flour-processing quality in a common wheat somatic variation line 王轲;;叶兴国 Food 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water-soluble proteins during the making of Chinese steamed bread 王步军 Food Chemistry 0308-8146 15 1 6 380 Conversion of Deoxynivalenol-3-Glucoside to Deoxynivalenol during Chinese Steamed Bread Processing 王步军 Toxins 2072-6651 12 225 232 381 影响米粉品质的稻米质量指标分析 王步军 农产品质量安全 1674-8255 3 78 81 382 国家小麦品种试验品质分类标准研究 胡学旭;王步军 农产品质量安全 1674-8255 (1) 16 20 383 First Report Of Southern Blight Of Mung Bean Caused By Sclerotium Rolfsii In China 朱振东 CROP PROTECTION 0261-2194 130 105055 105055 384 Discovery And Fine Mapping Of Qscr6.01, A Novel Major Qtl Conferring Southern Rust Resistance In Maize 段灿星,翁建峰 Plant Disease 0191-2917 104(7) 1918 1924 385 Pathotype diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. mungcola causing wilt on mungbean (Vigna radiata) 朱振东 Crop Pasture Science 1836-0947 71 873 883 386 Fine Mapping, Candidate Gene Identification And Co-Segregating Marker Development For The Phytophthora Root Rot Resistance Generpsyd25 朱振东 Frontier in Genetics 1664-8021 2020 799 799 387 First Report Of Maize Ear Rot Caused By Fusarium Concentricum In China 朱振东 Plant Disease 388 黑龙江省玉米穗腐病致病镰孢菌分离鉴定及产毒基因型分析 段灿星 草业学报 1004-5759 29(1) 163 174 389 河南大豆新品系抗大豆疫霉根腐病基因鉴定 朱振东 作物学报 0496-3490 46 1 3 390 玉米病害和病原名称整理及其汉译名称规范化探讨 王晓鸣 中国农业科学 0578-1752 53(2) 288 316 391 大豆品种郑97196抗疫霉病基因RpsZheng精细定位 孙素丽;朱振东 作物学报 0496-3490 46(7) 997 1005 392 玉米种质资源大规模多年多点多病害的自然发病抗性鉴定 王晓鸣 作物学报 0496-3490 46(8) 1135 1145 393 玉米穗腐病致病禾谷镰孢复合种的遗传多样性、 致病力与毒素化学型分析 段灿星 中国农业科学 0578-1752 53(23) 4777 4790 394 中国玉米南方锈病初侵染源的多源性 王晓鸣 玉米科学 1005-0906 28(3) 1 14 395 a NAC domain transcription factor enhances salt stress tolerance in soybean 张辉;胡正 PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 0167-4412 42 1 3 396 Metabolic profiling of DREB-overexpressing transgenic wheat seeds by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry 姜奇彦;张辉 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2020.02.006 1 3 397 Genome-wide identification of microRNAs and phased siRNAs in soybean roots under long-term salt stress 胡正;陈锐 Genes Genomics 1976-9571 42 1239 1249 398 CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Targeted Mutagenesis of Wild Soybean (Glycine soja) Hairy Roots Altered the Transcription Profile of the Mutant 姜奇彦;张辉 Journal of Agricultural Science 1916-9752 12(9) 14 33 399 转基因小麦外源基因向近缘野生植物漂移的风险评估-以转TaDREB4小麦为例 张辉 植物遗传资源学报 1672-1810 21(04) 966 974 400 Structural characterization and antioxidant activity of alkali-extracted polysaccharides from quinoa 么杨;;任贵兴 FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS 0268-005X 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2020.106392 1 3 401 Yield, Agronomic and Forage Quality Traits of Different Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) 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Inhibit 3T3-L1 Adipocytes Differentiation 石振兴、么杨、任贵兴 APPLIED SCIENCE 2076-3417 11(1) 167 174 413 小米营养及功能成分研究进展 任贵兴 粮食与油脂 1008-9578 33(5) 1 3 414 藜麦饲用研究进展与应用前景分析 秦培友 中国草地学报 1673-5021 42(2) 162 168 415 Integrated proteomics and metabolomics analysis of tea leaves fermented by Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus tamarii and Aspergillus fumigatus 潘映红;赵明 Food Chemistry 0308-8146 334 1 28 416 Integrated Meta-omics Approaches To Understand the Microbiome of Spontaneous Fermentation of Traditional Chinese Pu-erh Tea 潘映红;马燕 mSystems 2379-5077 4(6) 1 17 417 Phenotypic and proteomic characteristics of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) albino lethal mutant sbe6-a1 李玉斌;潘映红 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 0981-9428 139 400 410 418 大豆种子蛋白质组样品制备与数据分析方法 潘映红 生物技术通报 1002-5464 36(12) 247 255 419 High-ThroughputEstimation of Crop Traits 金秀良;李少昆 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine 2168-6831 10.1109/MGRS.2020.2998816 1 3 420 Editorial for the Special Issue “Estimation of Crop Phenotyping Traits using Unmanned Ground Vehicle and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imageryʺ 金秀良 REMOTE SENSING 2072-4292 12 940 949 421 Editorial For The Special Issue “Estimation Of Crop Phenotyping Traits Using Unmanned Ground Vehicle And Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery? 金秀良;李振海;Atzberger, Clement REMOTE SENSING 2072-4292 12 940 949 422 Lower-than-expected CH4 emissions from rice paddies with rising CO2 concentrations 张卫建 Global Change Biology 1354-1013 26 2368 2376 423 How Incorporation Depth Of Corn Straw Affects Straw Decomposition Rate And CN Release In The Wheat-Corn Cropping System 郑成岩 AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS ENVIRONMENT 0167-8809 300 107000 107000 424 Global warming and shifts in cropping systems together reduce Chinas rice production 张卫建;;江瑜 Global Food Security 2211-9124 24 100359 100359 425 Maize-based intercropping systems achieve higher productivity and profitability with lesser environmental footprint in a waterscarce region of northwest China 宋振伟 Food and Energy Security 2048-3694 10.1002/fes3.260 1 3 426 Optimal Nitrogen Supply Improves Grain Yield and Resource Use Efficiency in Winter Wheat under Supplemental Irrigation 郑成岩 International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 1560-8530 24 1135 1141 427 Grassland conversion along a climate gradient in northwest China: Implications for soil carbon and nutrients 张卫建 Soil Use and Management 0266-0032 0266-0032 410 419 428 中国农田减缓气候变化的潜力与技术途径 王利 中国农学通报 1000-6850 36 98 102 429 西北绿洲区间作模式对土壤团聚体组成及其有机碳含量的影响 宋振伟 农业资源与环境学报 1005-4944 00 1 11 430 气候变暖对我国水稻生产的综合影响及其应对策略 张卫建 农业环境科学学报 1672-2043 39 805 811 431 Leaf photosynthetic and anatomical insights into mechanisms of acclimation in rice in response to long‐term fluctuating light 周文彬;宋宪亮 PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 0140-7791 doi: 10.1111/pce.13954. 1 3 432 Maize Golden2-Like Genes Enhance Biomass And Grain Yields In Rice By Improving Photosynthesis And Reducing Photoinhibition 周文彬 COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY 2399-3642 3 0 0 433 Influence of plastic film mulching and planting density on yield, leaf anatomy, and root characteristics of maize on the Loess Plateau 周文彬 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 8 548 564 434 A novel plant growth regulator ameliorates chilling tolerance for spring maize in Northeast China 董志强 PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 0167-6903 91 249 261 435 5-氨基乙酰丙酸和乙烯利复配剂对东北春玉米光合特性及产量的影响 董志强;张凤路 作物杂志 1001-7283 2 125 133 436 四甲基戊二酸对夏玉米光合生产特征的调控效应 董志强 作物学报 0496-3490 46(10) 1617 1627 437 5-氨基乙酰丙酸和乙烯利对东北春玉米源库碳平衡的调控效应 董志强;张凤路 作物学报 0496-3490 46(7) 1063 1075 438 矮壮素配合氮肥全基施对华北夏玉米氮素利用的调控效应 董志强 应用生态学报 1001-9332 10.13287/j.1001-9332.202103.021 1 14 439 Genomic Prediction For Grain Yield And Yield-Related Traits In Chinese Winter Wheat 张鲁燕 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES 1422-0067 21(4) 无 无 440 Genome-wide analyses reveal footprints of divergent selection and popping-related traits in CIMMYT’s maize inbred lines 李慧慧 Journal of Experimental Botany 0022-0957 28 3544 3560 441 Construction And Integration Of Genetic Linkage Maps From Three Multi-Parent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross Populations In Rice 张鲁燕;;徐建龙 RICE 1939-8425 13 1 3 442 Modeling and simulation of recurrent phenotypic and genomic selections in plant breeding under the presence of epistasis 李慧慧 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 8 866 877 443 Ordering of high-density markers by the k-Optimal algorithm for the traveling-salesman problem 王建康 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 8(5) 701 712 444 Quantitative genetic studies with applications in plant breeding in the omics era 王建康 The Crop Journal 2095-5421 8 683 687 445 Characterization of Genetic Diversity and Genome-Wide Association Mapping of Three Agronomic Traits in Qingke Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.) in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Dondrup Dawa;李慧慧 Frontier in Genetics 1664-8021 11 638 638 446 Timing for antioxidant‑priming against rice seed ageing: optimal only in non‑resistant stage 卢新雄、辛霞 Scientific Reports 2045-2322 10 1 13 图片本地化 行首缩进 清除格式 半角切换全角 保存 保存新建 发布新建 保存发布 智能提取 关闭

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