0 2025-02-27
选择合适的种植地点,土壤应深厚、富含腐殖质且排水良好,preferably in a semi-shaded area with a slope of less than 30 degrees. Each hectare should apply 2,500-5,000 kg of farm manure as base fertilizer in the autumn, and then cultivate to a depth of 25-30 cm in the spring, leveling and smoothing the soil to form ridges that are 1.2 meters wide.
Seed propagation
(a) Selecting seeds: The fruit turns from purple-red to white when mature, and the pulp is soft when ripe. Harvest immediately after maturity and soak the seeds in water to remove the skin before planting.
(b) Storage of seeds: The embryo has dormancy characteristics that require low temperature treatment to break dormancy for germination. If immediate sowing is not possible after harvesting seeds, mix them with three to five times their volume of clean wet river sand and store them underground for inspection every ten days until they have been stored for 40-50 days.
(c) Sowing: Broadcasting, row sowing or hole sowing are all feasible methods. For broadcasting, mix the seed with ten times its volume of fine sand before scattering it on the ridges. Row spacing is set at 10 cm while seeding density is four per centimeter along each row.
After two to three years of cultivation by direct seeding method,
early spring or just after bud emergence can be used for transplanting with a spacing between plants at about 20 cm within rows spaced at approximately seven to ten centimeters apart.
Propagation through division:
In June after fruit ripening,
dig out mother plants' roots,
divide into parts containing one or two buds accompanied by rootlets;
plant these divided portions at intervals ranging from fifteen to twenty centimeters between rows but closer together within each row—about ten centimeters—cover over with earth press down firmly;
water well afterward.
5.Cultivation management:
(a) Regular weeding: As young plants grow slowly under unfavorable conditions such as weed growths,
frequent weeding is necessary; soil loosening should be done during rain or irrigation events following rainfall;
this helps prevent soil compaction which could hinder further growth.
(b) Fertilization: Since this plant thrives on fertile soils,
supplementary feeding must be provided either monthly via ammonium sulfate solution applied simultaneously during watering periods twice annually
plus additional composted organic matter spread evenly across plots post-autumn harvest season
Both practices ensure improved crop yields while maintaining environmental balance.
6.Shading protection:
Set up shade structures around one meter high above ground level during growing seasons except early spring where full sun exposure prevails;
commence shading using layers made from straw bales starting mid-June onward until mid-fall period maintain an average canopy cover rate between fifty-five percent up sixty percent; limit lengthwise width dimensions extending thirty cm beyond plot boundaries respectively.
7.Final preparation:
Perform final fertilization activities involving application post-harvest time roughly late October/early November upon onset cold weather setting in wherein local vegetation begins drying up gradually mixing fermented manure thoroughly blended amid equal proportionally distributed decaying organic content scattered evenly atop respective bed areas effectively providing nourishment combined nutrient replenishment preventing exposed roots while protecting sensitive sprouts against harsh winter conditions thus ensuring optimal rooting system development prior entering dormant stage eventually resulting higher yield output once again re-emerging new life cycle phase starts anew cycle begins