0 2025-01-21
选择合适的种植地点,要求土壤深厚、富含腐殖质且排水良好,preferably in a semi-shaded area with a slope of less than 30 degrees. Before planting, apply 2500-5000 kg of farm manure per acre as base fertilizer in the fall, and then cultivate to a depth of 25-30 cm in the spring.
Seed propagation
(a) Select mature seeds when the fruit turns from purple-red to white and the pulp is soft.
(b) After harvesting, soak the seeds in water to remove the outer layer, and then plant them immediately for an germination rate of 80%.
(c) If immediate planting is not possible, store the fresh seeds with 3-5 times their volume of clean wet river sand for 40-50 days before planting.
Sowing and transplanting
(a) Broadcast sowing: Mix equal parts seedlings and fine sand before scattering on topsoil.
(b) Row sowing: Plant at intervals of 10 cm between rows and every other seedling along each row.
(c) Hole sowing: Place seeds at intervals of 13 cm between rows and holes that are spaced every other hole containing about seven or ten seeds each.
Transplanting: Fine-sifted soil should be used for covering after broadcasting or row planting; thereafter, keep it moist until new shoots emerge.
Cultivation management:
Regularly control weeds by shallow tilling after rain or watering to prevent soil compaction.
Apply nitrogenous fertilizers during spring growth spurts in May-June followed by phosphorus-rich ones applied at harvest time; also use organic manures like composts as base fertilizer before winter storage.
Shade provision
Provide shade using shed-like structures starting mid-June through early October to maintain optimal light conditions around fine-sieved soil surfaces under which plants grow best while minimizing direct sunlight exposure during hot summer months when temperatures rise high enough without causing excessive heat stress due mainly from increased humidity rather than temperature alone but still require protection against frost damage from cold air masses moving southward across northern latitudes where such crops would typically thrive better under these conditions though they can tolerate some sunlight especially towards late season stages nearing maturity but this needs careful monitoring since overexposure may negatively impact overall yield potential further more considering factors affecting photosynthesis efficiency among others related matters so let us consider all aspects carefully together now shall we?