0 2025-01-22
选择合适的种植地点,要求土壤深厚、富含腐殖质且排水良好,preferably in a semi-shaded area with a slope of less than 30 degrees. Each hectare should apply 2,500-5,000 kilograms of farm manure as base fertilizer in the autumn before planting, and then cultivate the soil to a depth of 25-30 centimeters in spring, leveling it out finely to create furrows that are 1.2 meters wide.
Seed propagation
(a) Harvesting seeds: When the fruit turns from purple-red to white and becomes soft, it is ready for harvesting. Collect the seeds immediately after harvesting and soak them in water to remove the fruit pulp before sowing.
(b) Seed storage: The seeds have a dormant embryo habit and require low temperature treatment to break dormancy before germination. If immediate sowing is not possible after collection, mix equal parts of fresh seed with river sand and store them underground for inspection every ten days until they are kept at room temperature for four months.
(c) Sowing: Broadcast or row sow or hole sow can be used for sowing seeds mixed with ten times their volume of fine sand on the leveled bed surface.
Transplanting: Fine roots grown from mother plants can be transplanted into nursery beds during early summer when young shoots appear but have not yet unfolded leaves or when they emerge from soil after winter.
Cultivation Management:
(a) Weeding: Since young seedlings grow slowly and are susceptible to early decay, regular weeding is necessary to maintain clear furrows between rows.
(b) Fertilization: As an intensive feeder plant species requires adequate nutrients; annual application of ammonium sulfate or calcium phosphate solution during watering periods will promote growth while using animal dung as base fertilizer applied on fields annually.
(c) Shading: A canopy structure approximately one meter high must be erected over each field section starting mid-June onwards using rice straw or fabric screens that extend beyond furrow edges by about half a meter; this provides partial shading with an estimated coverage rate between 50% and 60%.
(d) Soil care - Covering up crops remains harvested at end October below ground level along with five-fold composted organic matter evenly spread across planting areas prior winter season ensures nutrient replenishment while preventing root exposure protection against frost damage ensuring safe hibernation through winter months ahead.
By following these guidelines on cultivation management techniques specifically tailored towards middle Chinese medicinal herb yellow ginger plantations could potentially increase crop yields while reducing labor costs associated with transplanting operations undertaken within designated areas reserved exclusively for such practices aimed at enhancing overall efficiency levels achieved through optimal resource allocation strategies employed hereunder mentioned above stated elsewhere referred back later again further down below once more afterwards eventually finally so there you go now enjoy your read!