74 2024-04-08
核心提示:勇于不敢 Courage Lies in Not Venturing into Action勇于柔弱或退缩,勇敢地选择不敢做某事。这是老子“柔弱”“无为”智慧的体现。依老子之见,一味逞强直进是危险的,要当进则进,当退则退。真正的勇,不仅表现为敢于做某事,更表现为不敢做某事;不仅要有所为,也要不妄为、有所不为。它提示人们,要有所敬畏,有所遵循;对违背规律、践踏原则、破坏规矩的事
勇于不敢 Courage Lies in Not Venturing into Action
Courage lies in weakness or retreating, in bravely choosing not to venture into doing something. This exemplifies the wisdom in Laozi's concepts of "weakness" and "non-action." According to Laozi, it is dangerous to always push ahead stubbornly. One should advance when advancing is appropriate and retreat when retreating is appropriate. True courage is demonstrated not only in daring to do something, but even more so by not venturing into doing something. One must not only do, but also refrain from doing something rashly. This is a reminder that there are things that one must respect and obey. One should be brave enough to retreat and to refrain from doing something which violates rules, tramples on principles and disrupts norms. This applies to matters as minor as getting along with others and as big as governing a country.
引例 Citation:
Those with the courage to dare are killed; those with the courage to not dare survive. (Laozi)
推荐:教育部 国家语委
供稿:北京外国语大学 外语教学与研究出版社