作物科学云沙龙 III 国际连线 干旱胁迫遗传学基

本站原创 2024-02-10 10:19:00



Genetics, Genomics and Breeding for Drought Stress


时间 Time: 2022-3-15  19:30–22:20

主办 Sponsor: 中国作物学会 Crop Science Society of China (CSSC)

承办 Organizer: The Crop Journal

协办 Co-organizer: 中国作物科学研究所 Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (ICS-CAAS)



报告人:Yunbi Xu (徐云碧) (Deputy Editor-in-Chief of The Crop Journal )

主题:Introduction to the Forum, The Crop Journal and a proposed special issue


徐云碧博士,中国作物科学研究所研究员、CIMMYT-中国玉米分子育种首席科学家、The Crop Journal常务副主编。在Science、Nature Genetics、PNAS等发表论文150余篇,出版专著《分子数量遗传学》和《Molecular Plant Breeding》。长期从事植物分子育种研究,致力于建立和发展分子育种的理论、技术、平台和应用体系。

Dr. Yunbi Xu, professor of Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, principal scientist of CIMMYT, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of The Crop Journal. He has published more than 150 papersin Science, Nature Genetics, PNAS, etc., and two books Molecular Quantitative Genetics and Molecular Plant Breeding.  He has been dedicated to molecular plant breeding and its associated theories, techniques, platforms and applications.



报告人:Rajeev Varshney  (Murdoch University, Australia)

报告题目:Drought tolerance in chickpea: dissection deployment


Rajeev Varshney教授,基因组学和分子育种学家,在国际农业领域耕耘20多年,现任澳大利亚莫道克大学作物与食品创新中心主任、国家农业生物技术中心主任。Varshney教授在高影响因子期刊上发表了400余篇论文,其中包括在Nature期刊上发表的15篇论文。他是印度第一且唯一一个H指数超过100的农业科学家和植物生物学家。 他连续8年被Clarivate Analytics评为“高被引作者”,被《印度时报》评为“印度最具影响力的10位科学家之一”。  

Prof. Rajeev Varshney is an agricultural research scientist specializing in genomics and molecular breeding with 20+ years of service in international agriculture. He is currently serving as Director, State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre and Director, Centre of Crop and Food Innovation, Murdoch University, Australia. He has published more than 400 papers in high impact journals including 15 papers in Nature journals. He is the first and only Indian agricultural scientist/plant biologist with >100 H-index. He has been recognized as highly cited researcher by Thomson Reuters (Clarivate Analytics) for last 8 years and one of 10 most influential Indian scientists by Times of India, a leading Indian daily newspaper.



报告人:Ruilian Jing (景蕊莲) (ICS-CAAS, China)

报告题目:Dissection and breeding practice of drought tolerance in wheat



Dr. Ruilian Jing is a senior scientist at the Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. She has been working plant genetics and breeding. Her research has been focused on drought tolerance, heat tolerance and water use efficiency in wheat, including phenotyping, genotyping and germplasm enhancement, specifically in the evaluation of germplasm resources, genetic diversity, and favourable gene/allele discovery. She has been principal investigator for several national projects and CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme aiming at understanding mechanism and improving drought tolerance of crop plants. She has bred four wheat varieties, published more than 200 papers and won national and ministerial science and technology progress awards.



报告人:Roberto Tuberosa   (University of Bologna, Italy)

报告题目:Root genomics in cereals and how it relates to drought tolerance


Roberto Tuberosa博士在意大利博洛尼亚大学农业与食品科学系教授生物技术应用与植物育种课程。他在博洛尼亚大学获得生物学学士学位,在明尼苏达大学获得植物育种博士学位。研究重点为硬粒小麦、玉米和大麦对干旱和高温响应的主要QTL和基因的鉴定和克隆,特别是根系结构相关QTL的鉴定和它们对产量的影响。在Science、Nature Genetics、PNAS、Plant Physiology等期刊上发表了150余篇论文,并担任Genes杂志植物遗传学和基因组学的主编。组织了第二期InterDrought,并担任第四期InterDrought的主席。与CIMMYT、ICARDA、IPK、JIC等单位合作开展干旱和高温相关的项目。他是小麦协作联盟和国际作物学会的委员会成员。

Dr. Roberto Tuberosa teaches Biotechnology Applied to Plant Breeding at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy. He received a B.S. in Biology from the University of Bologna, and a Ph.D. degree in Plant Breeding from the University of Minnesota. His research focuses on the identification and cloning of major QTLs and genes involved in the response of durum wheat, maize and barley to drought and heat, with particular interest in identifying QTLs for root architecture and evaluating their impact on yield. He has published over 150 papers in Science, Nature Genetics, PNAS, Plant Physiology, etc. and is Editor-in-Chief of the Section on Plant Genetics and Genomics of the journal Genes. He organized InterDrought II and chaired InterDrought IV. He chairs the Advisory Board of Plant Stress.com launched by the late Dr. Abraham Blum. He collaborates with CYMMYT, ICARDA, IPK, JIC, etc. in drought- and heat-related projects. He is a member of the Scientific Board of the Wheat Initiative and of the International Crop Science Society.



报告人:Feng Qin (秦峰)  (China Agricultural University, China)

报告题目:Genetic determinants of drought response and tolerance in maize


秦峰博士,中国农业大学生物学院教授。2004年博士毕业于清华大学;2004-2010年在日本国际农林水产业研究中心从事博士后研究工作。2010年任中科院植物研究所研究员、课题组长。2016年任中国农业大学生物学院教授。主要从事玉米响应干旱胁迫的分子生物学研究及重要抗旱基因的克隆工作。以通讯作者在Nature Genetics、Nature Communications、Genome Biology、Plant Cell等国际期刊上发表多篇研究论文。

Dr. Feng Qin is professor of College of Biological Sciences in China Agricultural University (CAU). She obtained Ph.D. in Tsinghua University in 2004, and worked as a postdoc in Japan International Center of Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) from 2004-2010. In 2010, she became as a research group leader in Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IB-CAS). In 2016, she joined CAU and became a professor. Her research interest is focused on the drought response and gene cloning in maize. The research work was published in Nature Genetics, Nature Communications, Genome Biology and Plant Cell.    



报告人:Matthew Reynolds (CIMMYT, Mexico)

报告题目:Validating traits for climate resilience breeding


Matthew Reynolds博士,国际玉米小麦改良中心杰出科学家,小麦生理学首席科学家,主要从事提高小麦生产系统产量的研究与推广,尤其是针对欠发达国家。采用生理育种方法,创建了新一代小麦品系,拓宽了小麦基因库,提高了对小麦产量潜力和对高温干旱胁迫适应性的认识,开发了高通量表型鉴定方法。Matthew Reynolds正在积极开展全球合作,征集世界各地植物科学家的专业意见,如国际小麦产量合作伙伴关系,以促进干热小麦改良联盟的成立。同时,他还领衔国际农业研究磋商小组大数据平台的作物模型研究。

Dr. Matthew Reynolds, Distinguished Scientist and Head of Wheat Physiology of CIMMYT, develops and transfers technologies to increase productivity of wheat cropping systems worldwide, primarily focusing on less developed countries. At CIMMYT he’s helped create a new generation of advanced lines based on physiological breeding approaches to widen the wheat gen pool, increase understanding of yield potential and adaptation of wheat to drought and heat stress, develop high throughput phenotyping methodologies. To further these goals, Reynolds is developing global collaborations to tap into the expertise of plant scientists worldwide, such as the International Wheat Yield Partnership, and coordinating the formation of the Heat and Drought Wheat Improvement Consortium. He’s also leading the community of practice on crop modeling for the CGIAR Big Data platform.



报告人:Yunbi Xu (徐云碧) (Deputy Editor-in-Chief of  The Crop Journal)

主题:Concluding remarks


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