157 2024-01-19
序号 | 论文题目 | 本单位作者 | 期刊名称 | 卷期号 | 起始页码 | 结束页码 |
1 | 利用SSR标记和SNP芯片对小麦EMS突变体进行真实性鉴定 | 耿皆飞、王娜、蒋宏宝、刘录祥、许喜堂、魏红升、王成社、谢彦周 | 核农学报 | 11-2265/S | 1 | 6 |
2 | 大豆发状根乙醇诱导表达系统的建立及验证 | 洪冰杰、许鑫、侯文胜、于丽杰、韩天富 | 核农学报 | 11-2265/S | 217 | 225 |
3 | 大豆7S球蛋白α亚基缺失新种质中黄608的分子鉴定 | 李俊英、孙如建、李忠峰、魏中艳、任玉龙、王俊、邱丽娟 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 18 | 25 |
4 | 基于簇毛麦No.1026转录组的SSR序列分析及其PCR标记开发 | 陈竟男、马晓兰、王振、李仕金、谢皓、叶兴国、林志珊 | 中国农业科学 | 11-1328/S | 1 | 10 |
5 | 籼稻品种BP360e抗褐飞虱遗传分析及基因定位 | 陶蓉、潘根、江玲、程遐年、刘裕强、万建民 | 南京农业大学学报 | 32-1148/S | 14 | 20 |
6 | 高产节水广适冬小麦新品种中麦122的选育 | 李思敏、王德森、陈新民、肖永贵、张运宏、张艳、郝元峰、何中虎 | 农业科技通讯 | 11-2395/S | 182 | 183 |
7 | 花后增温对双季优质稻产量和品质的影响 | 杨陶陶、孙艳妮、曾研华、黄山、张俊、谭雪明、曾勇军、潘晓华 | 核农学报 | 11-2265/S | 583 | 591 |
8 | 铜仁地区鲜食大豆引种试验初报 | 欧根友、杨粟栋、龙淑君、胡应堂、龙昌文、龙智友、余启发、陈阳松、吴兰英 | 中国种业 | 11-4413/S | 63 | 66 |
9 | 鹰嘴豆种子表型性状多样性评价 | 周生坛、陆艳鹏、郭瑞军、杨涛、刘荣、李冠、王栋、季一山、王晨瑜、黄宇宁、宗绪晓 | 中国种业 | 11-4413/S | 54 | 59 |
10 | 小麦TaDREB1的功能标记作图和表达特性分析 | 雷梦林、毛新国、昌小平、刘霞、景蕊莲 | 农业生物技术学报 | 11-3342/S | 229 | 236 |
11 | 东乡野生稻与日本晴多态性标记的开发 | 马小定、唐江红、张佳妮、崔迪、李慧、黎毛毛、韩龙植 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 316 | 321 |
12 | 我国玉米病虫害发生现状、趋势与防控对策 | 王振营、王晓鸣 | 植物保护 | 11-1982/S | 1 | 11 |
13 | 武陵山区凤凰县荞麦生产存在的问题及对策 | 汤睿、王艳兰、李基光、田仁广、王利群、熊振友、周美亮 | 作物研究 | 43-1110/S | 52 | 54 |
14 | 中国作物种质资源安全保存理论与实践 | 卢新雄、辛霞、尹广鹍、张金梅、陈晓玲、王述民、方沩、何娟娟 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 1 | 10 |
15 | 防范学术不端的实践与思考 | 刘春明 | 中国科技期刊研究 | 11-2684/G3 | 99 | 105 |
16 | 快中子辐照结合组织培养培育花生新品种宇花7号 | 王霞、刘录祥、乔利仙、隋炯明、姜德锋、李冠、赵琳姝、王晶珊 | 生物工程学报 | 11-1998/Q | 270 | 280 |
17 | 小麦代谢组学技术及其研究进展 | 王丽娜、王步军 | 食品安全质量检测学报 | 11-5956/TS | 830 | 836 |
18 | 利用研磨法测试玉米子粒耐破碎性方法及参数优化研究 | 董朋飞、郭亚南、侯俊峰、王克如、谢瑞芝、明博、侯鹏、李潮海、李少昆 | 玉米科学 | 22-1201/S | 124 | 131 |
19 | 黑龙江第1~第3积温带玉米机械粒收现状及品种特性分析 | 李少昆、王克如、初振东、李贺、张万旭、王俊河、杜树海、刘洋、谢瑞芝、侯鹏、明博 | 玉米科学 | 22-1201/S | 110 | 117 |
20 | 宁夏宜机收玉米品种的初步筛选 | 赵如浪、王永宏、李少昆、王克如、张文杰、蔡启明 | 玉米科学 | 22-1201/S | 130 | 135 |
21 | 大麦种质对叶斑病的抗性鉴定与评价 | 姚全杰、郭焕强、陈琳、郎晓威、郭刚刚、刘秀峰、王凤涛、冯晶、徐世昌、蔺瑞明 | 植物病理学报 | 11-2184/S | 75 | 82 |
22 | 天津玉米机械粒收初步研究 | 薛军、王克如、王东生、高磊、谢瑞芝、杨红军、卢永鑫、李少昆 | 玉米科学 | 22-1201/S | 118 | 123 |
23 | 广适高产高蛋白大豆品种中黄13的选育与应用 | 王连铮、孙君明、王岚、李斌、赵荣娟 | 大豆科学 | 23-1227/S | 1 | 6 |
24 | 新疆伊犁河谷藜麦产业发展的SWOT分析 | 崔宏亮、邢宝、姚庆、张琴萍、杨修仕、么杨、任贵兴、秦培友 | 作物杂志 | 11-1808/S | 32 | 37 |
25 | 小麦新品种陕农33的选育及配套栽培技术 | 谢彦周、魏红升、许喜棠、张小燕、刘录祥、王成社 | 中国种业 | 11-4413/S | 86 | 87 |
26 | 外施硫酸根和蛋氨酸对大豆胱硫醚-γ-合成酶基因GmCGS表达的影响 | 刘修杰、陈莉、郭晨、蔡宇鹏、孙石、韩天富、侯文胜 | 中国油料作物学报 | 42-1429/S | 10 | 17 |
27 | 条带深旋小双行精播技术对夏玉米产量调控效应研究 | 梁茜、刘文亚、葛均筑、赵明、侯海鹏、杨永安、辛德财 | 作物杂志 | 11-1808/S | 111 | 122 |
28 | 基于温带和热带玉米群体全基因组F<sub>ST</sub>和XP-EHH的选择信号检测 | 杨宇昕、邹枨 | 中国农业科学 | 11-1328/S | 579 | 590 |
29 | 立体匀播和施氮量对冬小麦产量构成及旗叶光合性能的影响 | 赵凯男、常旭虹、王德梅、陶志强、杨玉双、马瑞琦、朱英杰、徐哲莉、张保军、赵广才 | 作物杂志 | 11-1808/S | 103 | 110 |
30 | 水分胁迫下不同耐旱性糜子叶片保护酶活性及膜脂过氧化特性 | 冯晓敏、张永清 | 干旱地区农业研究 | 61-1088/S | 200 | 207 |
31 | 谷子SSR标记与光周期敏感性的关联分析 | 贾小平、张博、李剑峰、袁玺垒、陆平、戴凌峰 | 华北农学报 | 13-1101/S | 89 | 96 |
32 | 聚天门冬氨酸螯合氮肥减量基施对东北春玉米的增效机制 | 唐会会、许艳丽、王庆燕、马正波、李光彦、董会、董志强 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 431 | 442 |
33 | 光温处理对小豆苗期生理性状及叶绿素合成前体的影响 | 何宁、王雪扬、曹良子、曹大为、洛育、姜连子、孟英、冷春旭、唐晓东、李一丹、万书明、卢环、程须珍 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 460 | 468 |
34 | 通过分子标记辅助选择将耐储藏主效QTL qSS-9<sup>Kas</sup>转入宁粳4号提高其种子贮藏能力 | 张平、姜一梅、曹鹏辉、张福鳞、伍洪铭、蔡梦颖、刘世家、田云录、江玲、万建民 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 335 | 343 |
35 | 利用SSR标记构建云南苦荞种质资源分子身份证 | 李春花、陈蕤坤、王艳青、尹桂芳、卢文洁、孙道旺、吴斌、王莉花 | 分子植物育种 | 46-1068/S | 1575 | 1582 |
36 | 不同产地红米营养成分比较 | 张威毅、侯召华、任贵兴、檀琮萍、薛鹏 | 食品工业科技 | 11-1759/TS | 263 | 276 |
37 | 拟南芥隐花色素CRY2调控因子PRP8基因的功能分析 | 郭亚蓉、王艳艳、刘军、裴雁曦 | 生物技术进展 | 33-1375/Q | 169 | 177 |
38 | 粮食作物生产系统定量调控理论与技术模式 | 赵明、周宝元、马玮、李从锋、丁在松、孙雪芳 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 485 | 498 |
39 | 冬小麦–夏玉米高产模式周年气候资源分配与利用特征研究 | 周宝元、马玮、孙雪芳、丁在松、李从锋、赵明 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 589 | 600 |
40 | 油菜素甾醇调控水稻盐胁迫应答的作用研究 | 栗露露、殷文超、牛梅、孟文静、张晓星、童红宁 | 植物学报 | 11-5705/Q | 185 | 193 |
41 | 水稻全生育期耐盐性鉴定评价方法研究 | 耿雷跃、马小定、崔迪、张启星、韩冰、韩龙植 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 267 | 275 |
42 | 外源基因在转基因玉米中的整合位点分析 | 王翠云、刘艳、刘允军 | 生物技术通报 | 11-2396/Q | 1 | 5 |
43 | 转G2-EPSPS和GAT基因抗草甘膦大豆对土壤微环境的影响 | 陶波、曹宝祥、韩玉军、赵宝广、邱丽娟 | 中国生物防治学报 | 11-5973/S | 203 | 208 |
44 | 7种绿肥作物种子萌发期耐低温性的研究 | 赵阳佳、麻玲源、南张杰、周吉红、王俊英、周继华、宋振伟、李润枝 | 北京农学院学报 | 11-2156/S | 14 | 18 |
45 | 德州市玉米绿色增产增效技术集成创新与示范 | 马兴林、赵同凯、李庆方、夏云、张兆银、夏祯刚、李洪杰、徐安波、王传海、蒋克辉、林治安 | 农业科技通讯 | 11-2395/S | 214 | 217 |
46 | 新个税改革后仍存在的问题与对策 | 郭睿 | 中小企业管理与科技(上旬) | 13-1355/F | 59 | 60 |
47 | 叶面喷施5-氨基乙酰丙酸对不同密度春玉米生长特性和产量的影响 | 唐会会、许艳丽、王庆燕、马正波、李光彦、董会、董志强 | 作物杂志 | 11-1808/S | 136 | 141 |
48 | 我国鲜食玉米相关标准问题分析及对策 | 孙丽娟、赵志宏、贺娟、王步军 | 作物杂志 | 11-1808/S | 46 | 50 |
49 | 小麦立体匀播栽培技术体系 | 常旭虹、王艳杰、陶志强、王德梅、马少康、杨玉双、徐哲莉、张燕、赵广才 | 作物杂志 | 11-1808/S | 168 | 172 |
50 | 作物快速育种技术研究进展 | 房裕东、韩天富 | 作物杂志 | 11-1808/S | 1 | 7 |
51 | 普通菜豆根系相关性状的关联分析 | 吴磊、王兰芬、武晶、王述民 | 作物杂志 | 11-1808/S | 61 | 70 |
52 | 冬小麦不同茎蘖生产力对立体匀播技术的响应 | 陶志强、王艳杰、王德梅、杨玉双、徐哲莉、赵广才、常旭虹 | 作物杂志 | 11-1808/S | 110 | 114 |
53 | 薏苡种质资源ISSR分子标记筛选及亲缘关系分析 | 陆秀娟、潘虹、李祥栋、魏心元、陆平、石明 | 江苏农业科学 | 32-1214/S | 32 | 36 |
54 | 不同水利条件的水稻管水技术策略 | 刘万金、王文希、徐建龙 | 农村实用技术 | 53-1171/S | 27 | 33 |
55 | 黄淮海平原南部玉米机械粒收现状及技术应用前景的生态分析-以河南省为例 | 高尚、明博、慕兰、黄达、张镇涛、王克如、李璐璐、李少昆、谢瑞芝 | 玉米科学 | 22-1201/S | 129 | 137 |
56 | 奇台总场玉米生产技术特征与效益分析 | 王崇桃、李少昆、陈永生 | 玉米科学 | 22-1201/S | 170 | 174 |
57 | 河北夏播区玉米机械粒收质量及影响因素研究 | 李少昆、王克如、杨利华、董志强、杜树海、魏建伟、张万旭、谢瑞芝、侯鹏、明博 | 玉米科学 | 22-1201/S | 120 | 128 |
58 | 剪叶对不同土壤类型及不同品种小麦产量和品质的影响 | 郭丹丹、刘亮、常旭虹、王德梅、陶志强、王艳杰、杨玉双、赵广才 | 核农学报 | 11-2265/S | 1423 | 1431 |
59 | 不同栽培措施对长农粳1号生长特性及产量的影响 | 石垒、姜汉峰、邢丹英、徐建龙、徐印印、姜硕琛 | 湖北农业科学 | 42-1255/S | 12 | 16 |
60 | 大麦转录因子基因HvNAC1的克隆及功能初探 | 董帅、阚金红、杨平、冯宗云 | 麦类作物学报 | 61-1359/S | 379 | 386 |
61 | 玉米穗发芽突变体vp-like8的遗传分析及突变基因鉴定 | 王瑞、陈阳松、孙明昊、张秀艳、杜依聪、郑军 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 656 | 661 |
62 | 甘肃旱作区玉米合理密植机械粒收栽培技术要点 | 孙多鑫、柴宗文、赵贵宾 | 中国农技推广 | 11-2834/S | 46 | 48 |
63 | 施硒对水稻外观品质及籽粒硒、镉和砷含量的影响 | 徐琴、王孟、谢义梅、陈甜甜、周灵、谭亚华、石垒、邢丹英 | 中国农业科技导报 | 11-3900/S | 135 | 140 |
64 | 中国荞麦属植物分类学的修订 | 唐宇、邵继荣、周美亮 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 646 | 653 |
65 | 燕麦分子育种研究进展 | 吴斌、郑殿升、严威凯、申状状、晏林、张宗文 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 485 | 495 |
66 | 玉米抗南方锈病基因的QTL定位 | 陈文娟、路璐、李万昌、张小杰、孙素丽、朱振东、王晓鸣、段灿星 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 521 | 529 |
67 | 利用荧光SSR分析中国糜子的遗传多样性和群体遗传结构 | 寇淑君、霍阿红、付国庆、纪军建、王瑶、左振兴、刘敏轩、陆平 | 中国农业科学 | 11-1328/S | 1475 | 1487 |
68 | 播/收期对冬小麦-夏玉米一年两熟模式周年气候资源分配与利用特征的影响 | 周宝元、马玮、孙雪芳、高卓晗、丁在松、李从锋、赵明 | 中国农业科学 | 11-1328/S | 1501 | 1517 |
69 | 大豆种子老化MDA和4-HNE的含量变化相关性研究 | 高琴梅、卢新雄、朱凌燕、辛霞、姜孝成 | 种子 | 52-1066/S | 1 | 9 |
70 | 区块链技术在种业大数据中的应用 | 刘海洋、曹永生、方沩、陈彦清 | 中国种业 | 11-4413/S | 22 | 27 |
71 | 谷糠营养活性成分及药理功能研究进展 | 侯召华、傅茂润、任贵兴 | 特产研究 | 22-1154/S | 109 | 113 |
72 | 小麦矮秆突变体DC20的转录组分析 | 刘晴、古佳玉、赵紫伟、赵林姝、郭会君、谢永盾、宋希云、刘录祥 | 核农学报 | 11-2265/S | 1451 | 1458 |
73 | 秸秆覆盖免耕条件下玉米和大豆田机械与化学除草效果比较分析 | 李瑞平、罗洋、谢瑞芝、郑洪兵、王浩、刘武仁、郑金玉、李少昆 | 东北农业科学 | 22-1102/S | 1 | 6 |
74 | DNA甲基化对水稻幼苗生长及耐盐性的影响 | 孙帆、籍东武、黄菲、王银晓、谢自艳、王文生 | 中国农业科技导报 | 11-3900/S | 28 | 35 |
75 | 基于多重表型的高粱耐盐性综合评价方法 | 任富莉、潘映红、张笑笑、蒲伟军、牟永莹、李玉斌、张桦、朱莉 | 中国农业科技导报 | 11-3900/S | 152 | 162 |
76 | 基因组编辑产品的安全管理 | 闫元元、朱金洁、谢传晓、刘昌林 | 生物工程学报 | 11-1998/Q | 921 | 930 |
77 | 广西玉米穗腐病致病镰孢种群构成与毒素化学型分析 | 杜青、唐照磊、李石初、上官玲玲、李华娇、段灿星 | 中国农业科学 | 11-1328/S | 1895 | 1907 |
78 | 番茄基因组研究进展 | 唐亚萍、李宁、王娟、王柏柯、杨生保、郭斌、杨涛、郭春苗、马凯、刘君、王欢、余庆辉 | 新疆农业科学 | 65-1097/S | 197 | 206 |
79 | 大豆GmCYP82C4基因克隆与表达分析 | 李银萍、孙素丽、钟超、段灿星、朱振东 | 中国油料作物学报 | 42-1429/S | 383 | 390 |
80 | 我国籽粒苋草业的创新开发模式与国外籽粒苋研发新动态 | 孙鸿良、岳绍先 | 中国种业 | 11-4413/S | 7 | 9 |
81 | 粮食丰产增效科技创新重点专项组织实施进展情况 | 钟大森、赵明、张昭 | 作物杂志 | 11-1808/S | 1 | 9 |
82 | 宁夏引/扬黄灌区玉米密植高产低水分粒收技术模式探索 | 王永宏、赵如浪、李红燕、李少昆 | 玉米科学 | 22-1201/S | 122 | 126 |
83 | 低温胁迫水稻幼芽生长及生理响应 | 唐江红、邓小书、韩龙植、罗安才、刘艳、甘露、张佳妮、赵正武 | 西南农业学报 | 51-1213/S | 1248 | 1252 |
84 | 120份小麦品种(系)重要性状功能基因的KASP检测 | 邹景伟、贾万利、李立鑫、陈旭、贾丹、闫长生、张秀英、肖世和、孙果忠 | 分子植物育种 | 46-1068/S | 3945 | 3959 |
85 | 对我国玉米育种目标的思考与讨论 | 马兴林、崔铁英、徐安波、田大朋、贾晓军、杨久臣、王传海 | 农业科技通讯 | 11-2395/S | 4 | 6 |
86 | 植物多功能调控因子SnRK2研究进展 | 苗丽丽、刘秀林、张宏纪、毛新国、景蕊莲 | 麦类作物学报 | 61-1359/S | 787 | 793 |
87 | 黄淮区不同年代冬小麦主栽品种根系性状及氮素利用率的差异 | 陈欢、陈阜、乔玉强、郑成岩、邓艾兴、曹承富、张卫建 | 麦类作物学报 | 61-1359/S | 692 | 701 |
88 | 利用BSA法发掘野生大豆种子硬实性相关QTL | 陈静静、刘谢香、于莉莉、卢一鹏、张嗣天、张昊辰、关荣霞、邱丽娟 | 中国农业科学 | 11-1328/S | 2208 | 2219 |
89 | 大豆GmbZIP33基因启动子的克隆及瞬时表达分析 | 白丽娟、刘薇、王志莉、王文婷、吴存祥、冯永君 | 大豆科学 | 23-1227/S | 511 | 516 |
90 | 玉米花期根系结构的表型变异与全基因组关联分析 | 张小琼、郭剑、代书桃、任元、李凤艳、刘京宝、李永祥、张登峰、石云素、宋燕春、黎裕、王天宇、邹华文、李春辉 | 中国农业科学 | 11-1328/S | 2391 | 2405 |
91 | 大麦表型多样性分析及优异饲草种质资源筛选 | 蔡羽、杨平、冯宗云 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 920 | 931 |
92 | 玉米CCT基因家族的鉴定与生物信息学分析 | 郭栋、杜媚、周宝元、高卓晗、曹哲统、赵明 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 1001 | 1010 |
93 | 大豆品种耐高温特性的评价方法及耐高温种质筛选与鉴定 | 汪明华、李佳佳、陆少奇、邵文韬、程安东、张文明、王晓波、邱丽娟 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 891 | 902 |
94 | 荞麦种质资源概况 | 范昱、丁梦琦、张凯旋、杨克理、唐宇、张宗文、方沩、严俊、周美亮 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 813 | 828 |
95 | 放管服背景下农业科研单位科研经费管理措施探析 | 晁骏毅 | 中国农业会计 | 11-2907/F | 74 | 76 |
96 | AM真菌对植物虫害防治作用研究进展 | 李洋、严俊鑫、陈晓玲 | 农业生物技术学报 | 11-3342/S | 1692 | 1702 |
97 | 北疆春玉米覆膜、滴灌技术效应研究 | 万晓菊、张国强、王克如、谢瑞芝、沈东萍、陈江鲁、刘朝巍、李少昆 | 作物杂志 | 11-1808/S | 107 | 112 |
98 | 国家食用豆产业技术体系绿豆新品种(系)联合鉴定 | 公丹、潘晓威、王素华、王丽侠、程须珍 | 作物杂志 | 11-1808/S | 30 | 36 |
99 | 6个甘薯品种干物质积累与分配特性的研究 | 程鹏、田欢、王佳佳、李静、黄雨、王璐璐、陈晓玲、傅玉凡 | 热带作物学报 | 46-1019/S | 1700 | 1705 |
100 | 提高立体匀播冬小麦光合效能和产量的最佳追氮时期 | 赵凯男、张保军、王德梅、陶志强、王艳杰、杨玉双、常旭虹、赵广才 | 植物营养与肥料学报 | 11-3996/S | 1354 | 1361 |
101 | 盐胁迫下水稻幼苗存活率的QTL定位 | 段敏、谢留杰、朱亚军、黄善军、潘晓飚、徐建龙 | 中国农业科技导报 | 11-3900/S | 25 | 35 |
102 | 拟南芥膜定位蛋白At CP2调控抗冻性的功能分析 | 齐欣、丁庆倩、苏晨、徐伟亚、牟永莹、葛林豪、徐兆师、陈隽、潘映红、马有志、陈明 | 中国农业科技导报 | 11-3900/S | 58 | 68 |
103 | 规模化种植条件下不同生育期玉米品种合理搭配与布局技术规程 | 马兴林、赵同凯、李庆方、夏云、韩伟、张兆银、夏祯刚、李洪杰、李子双、徐安波、王传海、蒋克辉、林治安 | 农业科技通讯 | 11-2395/S | 219 | 225 |
104 | 一个新的水稻D17/HTD1基因等位突变体的分子鉴定 | 李丛丛、马小定、马建 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 1255 | 1261 |
105 | 作物野生近缘种的原生境保护 | 郑晓明、陈宝雄、宋玥、李飞、王君瑞、乔卫华、张丽芳、程云连、孙玉芳、杨庆文 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 1103 | 1109 |
106 | 低异交率短翼瓣型蚕豆材料的发掘及利用 | 于海天、王丽萍、杨峰、吕梅媛、宗绪晓、杨涛、胡朝芹、杨新、王玉宝、何玉华 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 1334 | 1342 |
107 | 绿豆种质资源抗旱性鉴定评价 | 王兰芬、武晶、彭琳、季良、王述民 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 1141 | 1150 |
108 | 水稻叶片早衰突变体wss1的性状鉴定及基因定位 | 徐飞飞、纪志远、徐江民、王福军、唐永超、郑凯丽、王春连、赵开军 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 1232 | 1239 |
109 | 我国加入《粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约》的选择和建议 | 张小勇、杨庆文 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 1110 | 1117 |
110 | 主要农作物骨干亲本形成与研究利用 | 李永祥、王天宇、黎裕 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 1093 | 1102 |
111 | 抗稻瘟病基因Pib、Pita、Pi5、Pi25和Pi54在我国水稻微核心种质中的分布 | 岂长燕、许兴涛、马建、王帅、田鹏、孟令志、闫文秀、赵志超、王洁、王久林、雷财林 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 1240 | 1253 |
112 | 玉米茎腐病研究进展 | 郭成、王宝宝、杨洋、王春明、周天旺、李敏权、段灿星 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 1118 | 1128 |
113 | 外施硫酸根和蛋氨酸对大豆胱硫醚-γ-合成酶基因GmCGSG表达的影响 | 刘修杰、陈莉、郭晨、蔡宇鹏、孙石、韩天富、侯文胜 | 中国油料作物学报 | NULL | 10 | 17 |
114 | 新个税改革后仍存在的问题与对策 | 郭睿 | 中小企业管理与科技 | NULL | 59 | 60 |
115 | 大麦黄花叶病相关基因WRKY55的克隆及功能研究 | 周之楠、阚金红、栾海业、沈会权、杨平、冯宗云 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 159 | 171 |
116 | 重庆地区豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)种质资源收集与多样性分析 | 龙珏臣、张继君、龚万灼、陈红、王萍、宗绪晓、何玉华、杜成章 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 137 | 145 |
117 | 玉米SAUR基因家族的鉴定与生物信息学分析 | 郭栋、杜媚、周宝元、刘颖慧、赵明 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 11-4996/S | 90 | 99 |
118 | 2018年农业科学热点回眸 | 王艳杰、常旭虹、王德梅、陶志强、杨玉双、赵广才 | 科技导报 | 11-1421/N | 65 | 86 |
119 | 田间密植诱导抽穗期玉米叶片衰老时的光合作用机制 | 吴含玉、张雅君、张旺锋、王克如、李少昆、姜闯道 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 248 | 255 |
120 | 利用WGCNA进行玉米花期基因共表达模块鉴定 | 杨宇昕、桑志勤、许诚、代文双、邹枨 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 161 | 174 |
121 | 一个CRISPR/Cas9-VQR基因编辑系统的构建 | 陈凯、孙国梁、宋高原、李爱丽、谢传晓、毛龙、耿帅锋 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 848 | 855 |
122 | 辽河流域玉米籽粒脱水特点及适宜收获期分析 | 黄兆福、明博、王克如、谢瑞芝、杨飞、王志刚、肖春华、李少昆 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 922 | 931 |
123 | 国审节水抗寒强筋小麦新品种中麦5051的选育 | 陈旭、张秀英、闫长生、孙果忠、肖世和 | 农业科技通讯 | 11-2395/S | 269 | 271 |
124 | 饲用油脂品质初步调查分析 | 刘宏超、武英利、杨莹、郭丽丽、于勇、李俊 | 食品安全质量检测学报 | 11-5956/TS | 3280 | 3285 |
125 | 野生和栽培大豆种质油脂组成特点及其与演化的关系 | 陈影、张晟瑞、王岚、王连铮、李斌、孙君明 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 1038 | 1049 |
126 | 国内外301份小麦品种(系)种子 萌发期抗旱性鉴定及评价 | 任毅、颜安、张芳、夏先春、谢磊、耿洪伟 | 干旱地区农业研究 | 61-1088/S | 1 | 14 |
127 | 对放管服改革背景下科研院所内部控制建设的若干思考 | 王栋一 | 中国农业会计 | 11-2907/F | 23 | 25 |
128 | 基于高斯函数的春玉米叶片功能期模型构建与应用 | 李姚姚、范盼盼、明博、王春霞、王克如、侯鹏、谢瑞芝、李少昆 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 1221 | 1229 |
129 | 小麦类受体蛋白激酶基因TaPK3A的克隆与抗纹枯病功能初步分析 | 苏强、荣玮、张增艳 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 1158 | 1165 |
130 | 控释尿素追施量对冬小麦产量及氮肥偏生产力的影响 | 李亮、陈宗金、蔚大青、鲍晓彤、王瑞东、邓艾兴、郑成岩 | 山东农业科学 | 37-1148/S | 55 | 59 |
131 | 大麦蛋白质二硫键异构酶基因家族的鉴定与表达分析 | 时丽洁、蒋枞璁、王方梅、杨平、冯宗云 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 1365 | 1374 |
132 | 小麦抗逆相关基因TaSAP1的5′非翻译区内含子功能分析 | 常建忠、董春林、张正、乔麟轶、杨睿、蒋丹、张彦琴、杨丽莉、吴佳洁、景蕊莲 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 1311 | 1318 |
133 | 区块链在农作物种质资源数据管理中的应用初探 | 刘海洋、方沩、陈彦清、曹永生 | 农业大数据学报 | 10-1555/G2 | 105 | 113 |
134 | 条带深旋小双行精播技术对京农科728产量的影响 | 梁茜;刘文亚;葛均筑;赵明;吴锡冬;侯海鹏;杨永安;辛德财 | 玉米科学 | 22-1201/S | 122 | 126 |
135 | 玉米雄穗分枝数主效QTL qTBN7定位分析 | 田然;张晓聪;郑雷;李新海;朱汉勇;翁建峰;吕香玲;王宏伟;杜万里;李凤海 | 玉米科学 | 22-1201/S | 79 | 86 |
136 | 黄淮海夏大豆症青发生原因探讨与防治技术 | 徐彩龙;韩天富;吴存祥 | 大豆科技 | 23-1549/S | 22 | 28 |
137 | 新疆、甘肃黍稷资源的遗传多样性与群体遗传结构研究 | 薛延桃;陆平;史梦莎;孙昊月;刘敏轩;王瑞云 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 1511 | 1521 |
138 | 蚂蚱麦和小白麦衍生系的遗传多样性分析 | 白彦明;李龙;王绘艳;柳玉平;王景一;毛新国;昌小平;孙黛珍;景蕊莲 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 1468 | 1477 |
139 | 70份国外小麦品种(系)的苗期和成株期抗叶锈病鉴定 | 郑慧敏;温晓蕾;郝晨阳;张培培;GEBREWAHID Takele Weldu;闫晓翠;刘大群;张学勇;李在峰 | 作物学报 | 11-1809/S | 1455 | 1467 |
140 | 亲和性促生菌DW12-L的定殖及其对大豆生长的影响 | 曹媛媛、陈春、郭婷婷、钱叶、张程飞、何相怡、李婷、Lay Khien Duc、唐欣昀、邵文韬、王晓波、邱丽娟 | 江苏农业学报 | 32-1213/S | 776 | 783 |
141 | Precise gene replacement in rice by RNA transcript-templated homologous recombination. | Shaoya Li, Jingying Li, Jiahui, Zhang, Wenming Du, and Lanqin Xia* | Nature Biotechnology | 2019,37(4) | 445 | 450 |
142 | Resequencing of 683 common bean genotypes identifies yield component trait associations across a north-south cline | 武晶,王兰芬,付俊杰,张杰,陈明丽,朱吉风,雷蕾,耿庆河,,吴磊,李晓明,王晓丽,王述民 | Nature Genetics | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-019-0546-0 | 11 | 21 |
143 | Strategic enhancement of genetic gain for nutraceutical development in buckwheat: Agenomics-driven perspective | 周美亮,张凯旋 | Biotechnology Advances | https://org/10.1016/j.biotechadv.2019.107479 | 103 | 112 |
144 | A cyclic nucleotide-gated channel mediates cytoplasmic calcium elevation and disease resistance in rice | Jiachang Wang, Yulong Ren, Fuqing Wu, Cailin Lei, Shanshan Zhu, Yupeng Wang, Xin Jin, Sheng Luo, Xiao Zhang, Jinling Liu, Shuai Wang, Lingzhi Meng, Qibing Lin, Xin Zhang, Xiuping Guo, Zhijun Cheng, Jiulin Wang, Chuanyin Wu, Haiyang Wang Jianmin Wan | Cell Research | 29 | 820 | 831 |
145 | Genome-wide associated study identifies NAC42-activated nitrate transporter conferring high nitrogen use efficiency in rice | Jianmin Wan | Nature Communications | 10 | 5279 | 5301 |
146 | Acclimation of methane emissions from rice paddy fields to straw addition | 江瑜,钱浩宇,张俊,邓艾兴,张卫建 | Science Advances | 5: eaau9038 | 17 | 25 |
147 | Genome-wide analyses reveal the role of non-coding variation in complex traits during rice domestication | 郑晓明,陈俊,刘莎,高倩,王君瑞,乔卫华,刘君,杨庆文 | Science Advances | 5 : eaax3619 | 69 | 77 |
148 | Nup96 and HOS1 are Mutually Stabilized and Gate CONSTANS Protein Level,Conferring Long-day Photoperiodic Flowering Regulation in Arabidopsis | Zhiyuan Cheng, Xiaomei Zhang, Penghui Huang, Guowen Huang, Jinglong Zhu, Fulu Chen, Yong-Fu Fu*, and Xu Wang* | The Plant Cell | DOI:10.1105/tpc.19.00661 | 56 | 67 |
149 | OsSHI1 Regulates Plant Architecture Through Modulating the Transcriptional Activity of IPA1 in Rice | Qibing Lin, Yupeng, Jiulin Wang, Cailin Lei,Xin Zhang, Xiuping Guo,Haiyang Wang,and Jianmin Wan | The Plant Cell | 31 | 1026 | 1042 |
150 | Harnessing Wheat Fhb1 for Fusarium Resistance | Yuanfeng Hao, Awais Rasheed, Zhanwang Zhu, Zhonghu He | Trends in plant science | DOI: 10.1016/j.tplants.2019.10.006 | 1 | 3 |
151 | Optimized agronomic management as a double-win option for higher maize productivity and less global warming intensity: a case study of Northeastern China | 张卫健 | Advances in Agronomy | 157 | 253 | 292 |
152 | Deacetylation of 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol in wheat flour is mediated by water-soluble proteins during the making of Chinese steamed bread. | Wu Li, Huijie Zhang, Xuexu Hu, Yan Zhang, Wang Bujun | Food Chemistry | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125341 | 115 | 129 |
153 | Folate content analysis of wheat cultivars developed in the North China Plain | Bisma R,Wang K, Bisma R,Zhang CY, Ye XG | Food Chemistry | 289 | 377 | 383 |
154 | Identification and dissipation of omethoate and its main metabolite DMP in wheat determined by UPLC-QTOF/MS | Lili Yu, Lina Wang, Yang Zhao, Bujun Wang | Journal of agricultural and food chemistry | 2019(67) | 5891 | 5898 |
155 | The blue light receptor CRY1 interacts with BZR1 and BIN2 to modulate the phosphorylation and nuclear function of BZR1 in repressing BR signaling in Arabidopsis | 何冠华、董慧雪、孙加强 | Molecular Plant | 12(5) | 689 | 703 |
156 | Integrated meta-omics approaches to understand the microbiome of spontaneous fermentation of traditional Chinese pu-erh tea | Dao Wang,Ying Pan | mSystems | 2019, 4(6):e00680-19 | 15 | 28 |
157 | DEGENERATED PANICLE AND PARTIAL STERILITY 1 (DPS1) encodes a CBS domain containing protein required for anther cuticle and panicle development in rice | Syed Adeel Zafar, Suyash B Patil, Muhammad Uzair, Jingjing Fang, Jinfeng Zhao, Tingting Guo, Xueyong Li | New Phytologist | doi.org/10.1111/nph.16133 | 58 | 70 |
158 | DNA methylation dynamics during the interactions of the wheat progenitor Aegilops tauschii and the obligate biotrophic fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. Tritici. | Geng S, Song G, Jia M, Guan J, Wang F, Li A, and Mao L | New Phytologist | 221 | 1023 | 1035 |
159 | Fungal resistance mediated by maize wall-associated kinase ZmWAK-RLK1 correlates with reduced benzoxazinoid content | 杨平 | New Phytologist | 221 | 976 | 987 |
160 | JAZ proteins modulate seed germination through interacting with ABI5 in bread wheat and Arabidopsis | 荆叶醒、孙加强 | New Phytologist | 223 | 246 | 260 |
161 | OsPEX5 regulates rice spikelet development through modulating jasmonic acid biosynthesis | Shanshan Zhu, Weiwei Chen,Yulong Ren, Qibing Lin, Zhijun Cheng, Xin Zhang, Cailin Lei, Haiyang Wang and Jianmin Wan | New Phytologist | 224 | 712 | 724 |
162 | Post-transcriptional regulation of Ghd7 protein stability by phytochrome and OsGI in photoperiodic control of flowering in rice | Shanshan Zhu, Mingming Wu, Yihua Wang, Ling Jiang, Huqu Zhai, Haiyang Wang, Jianmin Wan | New Phytologist | 224 | 306 | 320 |
163 | Rice FLOURY ENDOSPERM10 encodes a pentatricopeptide repeat protein that is essential for the trans-splicing of mitochondrial nad1 intron 1 and endosperm development | Yulong Ren, Shanshan Zhu,Cailin Lei, Xin Zhang, Xiuping Guo, Zhijun Cheng, Qibing Lin, Jie Wang,and Jianmin Wan | New Phytologist | 223(2) | 736 | 750 |
164 | A high‐throughput BAC‐end analysis protocol (BAC‐anchor) for profiling genome assembly and physical mapping | Jiantao Guan,Jun Liu | Plant Biotechnology Journal | doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13203 | 93 | 102 |
165 | Base editing in crops: current advances, limitations and future implications. | Zhao KJ | Plant Biotechnology Journal | doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13225 | 66 | 78 |
166 | DELAYED HEADING DATE1 interacts with OsHAP5C/D, delays flowering time and enhances yield in rice | Shanshan Zhu,Tianzhen Liu, Zhijun Cheng,Xin Zhang, Peike Sheng, Chaonan Li, Zhe Zhang, Cailin Lei, Xiuping Guo, Jiulin Wang, Jie Wang, Chuanyin Wu and Jianmin Wan | Plant Biotechnology Journal | 17 | 531 | 539 |
167 | Disruption of gene SPL35, encoding a novel CUE domain-containing protein, leads to cell death and enhanced disease response in rice | Jian Ma, Xiaoding Ma, Lingzhi Meng, Shuai Wang, Zhijun Cheng, Xin Zhang, Jiulin Wang, Jie Wang, Zhichao Zhao, Xiuping Guo, Qibing Lin, Fuqing Wu, Shanshan Zhu, Chuanyin Wu#, Yulong Ren#, Cailin Lei#, Huqu Zhai, and Jianmin Wan | Plant Biotechnology Journal | 17(8) | 1679 | 1693 |
168 | FLOURY ENDOSPERM16 encoding a NAD-dependent cytosolic malate dehydrogenase plays an important role in starch synthesis and seed development in rice | Yulong Ren, Xiuping Guo, Jianmin Wan | Plant Biotechnology Journal | 17(10) | 1914 | 1927 |
169 | FtMYB16 interacts with Ftimportin-a1 to regulate rutin biosynthesis in tartary buckwheat | 周美亮,张凯旋 | Plant Biotechnology Journal | 10.1111/pbi.13121 | 1479 | 1481 |
170 | Identification of loci controlling adaptation in Chinese soybean landraces via a combination of conventional and bioclimatic GWAS | Li YH, Li YF, Li HH, Liu B, Liu ZX, Tian Y, Guo Y, Guan RX, Zhang LJ, Chang RZ, Qiu LJ | Plant Biotechnology Journal | doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13206 | 56 | 62 |
171 | Mutagenesis of GmFT2a and GmFT5a mediated by CRISPR/Cas9 contributes for expanding the regional adaptabilityof soybean | Yupeng Cai, Liwei Wang, Li Chen, Tingting Wu, Luping Liu, Shi Sun, Cunxiang Wu, Weiwei Yao,Bingjun Jiang, Shan Yuan, Tianfu Han and Wensheng Hou | Plant Biotechnology Journal | doi:10.1111/pbi.13199 | 102 | 115 |
172 | Silencing an essential gene involved in infestation and digestion in grain aphid through plant-mediated RNA interference generates aphid-resistant wheat plants | Yongwei Sun, Wenming Du and Lanqin Xia* | Plant Biotechnology Journal | 2019,17 | 852 | 854 |
173 | TaDA1, a conserved negative regulator of kernel size, has an additive effect with TaGW2 in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) | 李甜张学勇 | Plant Biotechnology Journal | 10.1111/pbi.13298 | 20 | 29 |
174 | The draft genome of a wild barley genotype reveals its enrichment in genes related to biotic and abiotic stresses compared to cultivated barley | Yanling Ma(马燕玲) | Plant Biotechnology Journal | https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13210 | 1 | 14 |
175 | The retromer protein ZmVPS29 regulates maize kernel morphology likely through an auxin-dependent process (es) | Lin Chen, Yong-xiang Li, Chunhui Li, Yunsu Shi, Yanchun Song, Dengfeng Zhang, Yu Li and Tianyu Wang | Plant Biotechnology Journal | doi: 10.1111/pbi.13267 | 1 | 11 |
176 | Towards a deeper haplotype mining of complex traits in rice with RFGB v2.0 | 王春超,王文生,M. Faruquee,张帆,赵秀琴,傅彬英,黎志康,徐建龙,郑天清 | Plant Biotechnology Journal | doi: 10.1111/pbi.13215 | 1 | 3 |
177 | Supersweet and waxy: meeting the diverse demands for specialty maize by genome editing | Le Dong1,?, Xiantao Qi1,2,?, Jinjie Zhu1, Changlin Liu1, Long Mao1,* and Chuanxiao Xie1, | Plant Biotechnology Journal | doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13144. | 1853 | 1855 |
178 | Hybrid breeding of rice via genomic selection | Fan Zhang, Zhikang Li | Plant Biotechnology Journal | doi.org/10.1111/pbi.13170 | 57 | 67 |
179 | BES/BZR Transcription Factor TaBZR2 Positively Regulates Drought Responses by Activation of TaGST1 | Xiao-Yu Cui, Yuan Gao,Tai-Fei Yu,Jun Chen,Zhao-Shi Xu,and You-Zhi Ma | Plant Physiology | 180(1) | 605 | 620 |
180 | Earlier Degraded Tapetum1?(EDT1) Encodes an ATP-Citrate Lyase Required for Tapetum Programmed Cell Death. | Chuanyin Wu, Jianmin Wan | Plant Physiology | 181 | 1223 | 1238 |
181 | Ubiquitin Specific Protease 15 has an important role in regulating grain width and size in rice | Cuilan Shi, Yulong Ren, Peng Tian, Tian Pan, Tianzhen Liu, Fuqing Wu, Qibing Liu, Cailin Lei, Xin Zhang, Shanshan Zhu, Xiuping Guo, Jiulin Wang, Zhichao Zhao, Jie Wang, Huqu Zhai, Zhijun Cheng, and Jianmin Wan | Plant Physiology | 180(1) | 381 | 391 |
182 | A wheat protein kinase gene TaSnRK2.9-5A associated with yield contributing traits | 王景一 昌小平 张学勇 毛新国 景蕊莲 | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 2019, 132: 907–919 (DOI: 10.1007/ s00122-018-3247-7) | 907 | 919 |
183 | Bulked segregant RNA?sequencing (BSR?seq) identified a novel rare allele of eIF4E effective against multiple isolates of BaYMV/BaMMV | Lijie Shi,Congcong Jiang,Ping Yang | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 132(6) | 1777 | 1788 |
184 | Characterization and fine mapping of qkrnw4, a major QTL controlling kernel row number in maize | Ningning Nie, Xiaoyu Ding, Lin Chen, Xun Wu, Yixin An, Chunhui Li, Yanchun Song, Dengfeng Zhang,Tianyu Wang, Yu Li, Yong?xiang Li, Yunsu Shi | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | doi.org/10.1007/s00122-019-03427-9 | 3321 | 3331 |
185 | Fine mapping of the wheat powdery mildew resistance gene Pm52 using comparative genomics analysis and the Chinese Spring reference genomic sequence | Wu Peipei, Hu Jinghuang, Zou Jingwei, Qiu Dan, Qu Yunfeng, Li Yahui, Li Teng, Zhang Hongjun, Yang Li, Liu Hongwei, Zhou Yang, Li Hongjie | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 132 | 1451 | 1461 |
186 | From markers to genome-based breeding in wheat | Awais Rasheed, Xianchun Xia | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 132(3) | 767 | 784 |
187 |
Genetic architecture of henotypic means and plasticities of kernel size and weight in maize |
Chunhui Li, Xun Wu, Yongxiang Li, Yunsu Shi, Yanchun Song, Dengfeng Zhang, Yu Li, Tianyu Wang | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 132 | 3309 | 3320 |
188 |
Genetic dissection of a major QTL for kernel weight spanning the Rht-B1 locus in bread wheat |
Dengan Xu, Weie Wen, Luping Fu, Faji Li, Jihu Li, Li Xie, Xianchun Xia, Zhonghu He, Shuanghe Cao | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 132(11) | 3191 | 3200 |
189 | Genome-wide variation patterns between landraces and cultivars uncover divergent selection during modern wheat breeding | Jindong?Liu, Awais?Rasheed, Zhonghu?He, Weie?Wen, Xianchun?Xia | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 132(9) | 2509 | 2523 |
190 | QTL mapping pod dehiscence resistance in soybean (Glycine max L.Merr.) using specific?locus amplified fragment sequencing | Jianan Han,Yong Guo,Zhongyan Wei,Yu Tian, Lijuan Qiu | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 132:2253–2272 | 2253 | 2272 |
191 | Recent developments and applications of genetic transformation and genome editing technologies in wheat | Wang K, Gong Q, and Ye XG | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | doi.org/10.1007/s00122-019-03464-4 | 85 | 96 |
192 | Deletion mapping and verification of an enhanced-grain number per spike locus from the 6PL chromosome arm of Agropyron cristatum in common wheat |
Haiming?Han ?,Weihua?Liu,Jinpeng?Zhang,Shenghui?Zhou, Xinming?Yang,Xiuquan?Li,Lihui?Li |
Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 132 | 2815 | 2827 |
193 | Genome-wide association study reveals genomic regions controlling root and shoot traits at late growth stages in wheat | 李 龙,毛新国 ,王景一,昌小平 , 景蕊莲 | Annals of Botany. | 124 | 993 | 1006 |
194 | TaARF4 genes are linked to root growth and plant height in wheat | 王景一,毛新国,李 龙,昌小平,张学勇,景蕊莲 | Annals of Botany. | 124 | 903 | 915 |
195 |
Impacts of wheat photosynthate allocation on soil N2O emission during post-anthesis period |
邓艾兴, 张鑫,张卫健 | Biology and Fertility of Soils | 55 | 643 | 648 |
196 | Continuous salt stress-induced long non-coding RNAs and DNA methylation patterns in soybean roots | 孙现军, 蒋奇彦, 张辉,胡正 | BMC Genomics | https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864- 019-6101-7 | 33 | 41 |
197 | Development of PCR markers specific to Dasypyrum villosum genome based on transcriptome data and their application in breeding Triticum aestivum-D. villosum#4 alien chromosome lines. | 王轲,杜丽璞,林志珊,叶兴国 | BMC Genomics | 20(289) | 63 | 69 |
198 | Genome-wide analysis and identification of the low potassium stress responsive gene SiMYB3 in foxtail millet (Setariaitalica L.) | 徐兆师,李连成,周永彬,陈明,马有志 | BMC Genomics | 20(1) | 96 | 101 |
199 | Integrated transcriptome, small RNA, and degradome analysis reveals the complex network regulating starch biosynthesis in maize | Han Jienan, Hao Zhuanfang, Li Mingshun, Zhang Degui, Yong Hongjun, Weng Jianfeng, Li Xinhai | BMC Genomics | 20(574) | 1 | 16 |
200 | Natural variations of FT family genes in soybean varieties covering a wide range of maturity groups. | Jiang B, S Zhang, W Song, M A A Khan, S Sun, C Zhang, T Wu, C Wu, T Han. | BMC Genomics | DOI: 10.1186/s12864-019-5577-5 | 1 | 13 |
201 | Candidate loci for the kernel row number in maize revealed by a combination of transcriptome analysis and regional association mapping | Yixin An, Lin Chen, Yong-Xiang Li, Chunhui Li, Yunsu Shi, Yanchun Song, Dengfeng Zhang, Yu Li and Tianyu Wang | BMC Plant Biology | doi.org/10.1186/s12870-019-1811-1 | 1 | 12 |
202 |
Genetic architecture of grain yield in bread wheat based on genome-wide association studies |
Faji Li, Weie Wen, Jindong Liu, Yong Zhang, Shuanghe Cao, Zhonghu He, Awais Rasheed, Hui Jin, Xianchun Xia | BMC Plant Biology | 19(1) | 1 | 19 |
203 | Global status of 47 major wheat loci controlling yield, quality, adaptation and stress resistance selected over the last century | 张学勇,郝晨阳 | BMC Plant Biology | 19(5) | 41 | 53 |
204 | Identification of TaPPH-7A haplotypes and development of a molecular marker associated with important agronomic traits in common wheat | 昌小平,景蕊莲 | BMC Plant Biology | 19(296) | 66 | 80 |
205 | OsNHX5-mediated pH homeostasis is required for post-Golgi trafficking of seed storage proteins in rice endosperm cells | Yulong Ren, Jianmin Wan | BMC Plant Biology | 19(295) | 103 | 115 |
206 |
Rapid identification and characterization of genetic loci for defective kernel in bread wheat |
Chao Fu, Xiuling Tian, Zhonghu He, Luping Fu, Yue Wang, Dengan Xu, Xiaoting Xu, Xianchun Xia, Yan Zhang, Shuanghe Cao | BMC Plant Biology | 19(1) | 1 | 11 |
207 | The ABA-induced soybean ERF transcription factor gene GmERF75 plays a role in enhancing osmotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis and soybean | Meng-Jie Zhao,Ying Liu,Jin-Dong Fu, Ming Chen, Zhao-Shi Xu and You-Zhi Ma | BMC Plant Biology | 19(1) | 82 | 90 |
208 | Responses of indica rice yield and quality to extreme high and low temperatures during the reproductive period | Siddik, M. A., Zhang, J., Qian, H., Jiang, Y., kareem Raheem, A., Deng, A., Song, Z., Zheng, C., Zhang, W | European Journal of Agronomy | 106 | 30 | 38 |
209 | Water management to mitigate the global warming potential of rice systems: A global meta-analysis | Yu Jiang | Field Crops Research | 234 | 47 | 54 |
210 | Creation of Early Flowering Germplasm of Soybean by CRISPR/Cas9 Technology | Jianan Han , Yong Guo, Li-Juan Qiu | Frontiers in Plant Science | 10 | 1446 | 1446 |
211 | Genome-Wide Characterization and Expression Analysis of Soybean TGATranscription Factors Identified a Novel TGA Gene Involved in Droughtand Salt Tolerance | Ying Liu, Jin-Dong Fu, Yong-Bin Zhou, Ming Chen, You-Zhi Ma, Zhao-Shi Xu | Frontiers in Plant Science | 10:549 | 1320 | 1336 |
212 | Genomic Analysis of Stress Associated Proteins (SAPs) in Soybean and the Role of GmSAP16 in Abiotic Stress Responses in Arabidopsis and Soybean | Tai-Fei Yu, Jun Chen, Yong-Bin Zhou, Ming Chen, Shou-Cheng Chai, Zhao-Shi Xu, You-Zhi Ma | Frontiers in Plant Science | 10:1453 | 1566 | 1572 |
213 | Improving Genomic Selection With Quantitative Trait Loci and Nonadditive Effects Revealed by Empirical Evidence in Maize | 刘小刚、王红武、胡小娇、李坤、刘志芳、吴宇锦、黄长玲 | Frontiers in Plant Science | 10.3389/fpls.2019.01129 | 1576 | 1588 |
214 | The Roles of GmERF135 in Improving Salt Tolerance and Decreasing ABA Sensitivity in Soybean | Meng-Jie Zhao,Jin-Dong Fu, Ming Chen, Zhao-Shi Xu and You-Zhi Ma | Frontiers in Plant Science | 10:940 | 92 | 99 |
215 | Transcriptome Profiling Predicts New Genes to Promote Maize Callus Formation and Transformation | Xuemei Du, Ting Fang, Yan Liu, Guoying Wang, Yunjun Liu, Junjie Fu | Frontiers in Plant Science | doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01633 | 1022 | 1031 |
216 | A nucleus-localized PPR protein OsNPPR1 is important for mitochondrial function and endosperm development in rice | Jianmin Wan | Journal of Experimental Botany | 70(18) | 4705 | 4719 |
217 | Editing TaMTL gene induces haploid plants efficiently by optimized Agrobacterium-mediated CRISPR system in wheat | Liu HY, Wang K, Jia ZM, Gong Q, Lin ZS, Du LP, Ye XG | Journal of Experimental Botany | doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erz529. | 516 | 523 |
218 | Engineering abiotic stress tolerance via CRISPR-Cas mediated genome editing | Syed Adeel Zafar, Xueyong Li | Journal of Experimental Botany | doi: 10.1093/jxb/erz476 | 772 | 781 |
219 | Improved folate accumulation in genetically modified maize and wheat | Wang K, Bisma R, Ye XG,Zhang CY | Journal of Experimental Botany | 70(5) | 1539 | 1551 |
220 | SiSTL1 encoding a large subunit of RNR, is crucial for plant growth, chloroplast biogenesis, and cell cycle progression in Setaria italica | Chanjuan Tang,Sha Tang,Shuo Zhang,Mingzhao Luo,Guanqing Jia, Hui Zhi,Xianmin Diao | Journal of Experimental Botany | 70(4) | 1167 | 1182 |
221 | TaBT1, affecting starch synthesis and thousand kernel weight, underwent strong selection during wheat improvement | 张学勇 | Journal of Experimental Botany | 70(5) | 1497 | 1511 |
222 | The maize glossy6 gene is involved in cuticular wax deposition and drought tolerance | Li L., Du Y., He C., Li J., Wang R., Wang G., Zheng J. | Journal of Experimental Botany | 2019, 70(12) | 3089 | 3099 |
223 | The small GTPase Rab5a and its guanine nucleotide exchange factors are involved in post-Golgi trafficking of storage proteins in developing soybean cotyledon | Yulong Ren, Lijuan Qiu | Journal of Experimental Botany | doi:10.1093/jxb/erz454 | 1 | 15 |
224 | The wheat LLM-domain-containing transcription factor TaGATA1 positively modulates host immune response to Rhizoctonia cerealis | Xin Liu, Xiuliang Zhu, Xuening Wei, Fangdi Shen, and Zengyan Zhang* | Journal of Experimental Botany | doi:10.1093/jxb/erz409 | 36 | 48 |
225 | An efficient TILLING platform for cultivated tobacco | Chun-Ming Liu(刘春明) | Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | doi: 10.1111/jipb.12784 | online | online |
226 |
CLE25 peptide regulates phloem initiation in Arabidopsis through a CLERK‐CLV2 receptor complexFA |
Chun-Ming Liu(刘春明) | Journal of Integrative Plant Biology |
doi: 10.1111/jipb.12846 2019,61(10) |
1043 | 1061 |
227 | GW5-Like, a homolog of GW5, negatively regulates grain width, weight and salt resistance in rice | Peng Tian*, Jiafan Liu*, Cuilan Shi, Huan Zhang, Zhichao Zhao, Qibing Lin, Jie Wang, Jiulin Wang, Xin Zhang, Xiuping Guo, Zhijun Cheng, Shanshan Zhu, Yulong Ren#, Cailin Lei#, Haiyang Wang, and Jianmin Wan | Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 61(11) | 1171 | 1185 |
228 | Photoexcited phytochrome B interacts with BZR1 to repress brassinosteroid signaling in Arabidopsis | 董慧雪、孙加强 | Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | doi:10.1111/jipb.12822 | 116 | 128 |
229 | TaZIM-A1 negatively regulates flowering time in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) | 张学勇 | Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 61(3) | 359 | 376 |
230 | Research Progress and Perspective on Drought Stress in Legumes: A Review | ijuan Qiu | Molecular Sciences | doi:10.3390/ijms20102541 | 1 | 32 |
231 | Bulk pollen pollination in maize for efficient construction of introgression populations with high genome coverage | Zhang Hongwei,Li Dongdong, Wang Guoying | Plant Breeding | 卷:?138 期:?3 | 252 | 258 |
232 | Density enhancement of a faba bean genetic linkage map (Vicia faba) based on simple sequence repeats markers | Tao Yang, Junye Jiang, Hongyan Zhang, Rong Liu, Xuxiao Zong | Plant Breeding | 138卷,第2期 | 207 | 215 |
233 | Genetic relatedness and the ratio of subpopulation‐common alleles are related in genomic prediction across structured subpopulations in maize | Li Dongdong, Fu Junjie, Wang Guoying, Zhang Hongwei | Plant Breeding | 卷:?138 期:?6 | 802 | 809 |
234 | Male sterility in soybean: Occurrence, molecular basis and utilization | Lijuan Qiu | Plant Breeding | DOI: 10.1111/pbr.12751 | 1 | 18 |
235 | Quantitative trait locus mapping for seed artificial aging traits using an F2:3 population and a recombinant inbred line population crossed from two highly related maize inbreds | Zhang Hongwei,Wang Guoying | Plant Breeding | 卷: 138 期: 1 | 29 | 37 |
236 | Constitutive expression of a stabilized transcription factor group VII ethylene response factor enhances waterlogging tolerance in wheat without penalizing grain yield | Xuening Wei, Huijun Xu, Wei Rong, Xingguo Ye, Zengyan Zhang* | Plant Cell and Environment | 2019;42:1471–1485. | 1471 | 1485 |
237 | Genetic dissection of drought and heat-responsive agronomic traits in wheat. | 李 龙 毛新国 王景一 昌小平 景蕊莲 | Plant Cell and Environment | 2019, 42: 2540–2553 (DOI: 10.1111/ pce.13577) | 2540 | 2553 |
238 | Early heading 7 interacts with DTH8, and regulates flowering time in rice | Chaonan?Li, Yulong?Ren,Xiuping?Guo, Xin?Zhang, Cailin?Lei, Zhijun?Cheng,Jie?Wang, Huqu?Zhai, Haiyang?Wang, Shanshan?Zhu, Jianmin Wan | Plant Cell Reports | 38(5) | 521 | 532 |
239 | FLA, which encodes a homolog of UBP, is required for chlorophyll accumulation and development of lemma and palea in rice | 马小定,韩冰,崔迪,韩龙植 | Plant Cell Reports | 38 | 321 | 331 |
240 | FLOURY ENDOSPERM15 encodes a glyoxalase I involved in compound granule formation and starch synthesis in rice endosperm | Shanshan Zhu, Jianmin Wan | Plant Cell Reports | 38 | 345 | 359 |
241 | Nucleoporin Nup98 participates in flowering regulation in a CONSTANS-independent mode | Shanshan Jiang, Penghui Huang,Zhiyuan Cheng,Fulu Chen,Yong-Fu Fu,Xiao-Mei Zhang | Plant Cell Reports | 2019, 38: | 1263 | 1271 |
242 | OsVIN2 encodes a vacuolar acid invertase that affects grain size by altering sugar metabolism in rice | Yulong Ren, Jun Chen, Shanshan Zhu, Xiuping Guo, and Jianmin Wan | Plant Cell Reports | 38(10) | 1273 | 1290 |
243 | Purine nucleotide biosynthetic gene GARS controls early chloroplast development in rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Jianmin?Wan | Plant Cell Reports | 38 | 183 | 194 |
244 | First report of anthracnose leaf blight of maize caused by Colletotrichum graminicola in China | C. X. Duan, Z. H. Yang, S. L. Sun, Z. D. Zhu, X. M. Wang | Plant Disease | 103(7) | 1770 | 1770 |
245 | First Report of Charcoal Rot Caused Caused by Macrophomina phaseolina on Faba Bean in China | Suli Sun, Zhendong Zhu, Canxing Duan,Pan Zhao, Feifei Sun, Dong Deng | Plant Disease | 103(6) | 1415 | 1415 |
246 | First report of maize ear rot caused by Fusarium sacchari in China | C. X. Duan, B. B. Wang | Plant Disease | 103(10) | 2674 | 2674 |
247 | First report of maize ear rot caused by Fusarium sporotrichioides in China | Baobao Wang, Suli Sun, Zhendong Zhu, and Canxing Duan | Plant Disease | https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-08-19-1669-PDN | 98 | 106 |
248 | Identification of a recessive gene PmQ coferffing resistance to powdery mildew in wheat landrace Qingxinmai using BSR-Seq analysis | Yahui Li, Xiaohan Shi, Jinghuang Hu, Peipei Wu, Dan Qiu, Yunfeng Qu, Hongjun Zhang, Li Yang, Hongwei Liu, Yang Zhou, Hongjie Li | Plant Disease | https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-08-19-1745-RE | 11 | 23 |
249 | Occurrence of maize ear rot caused by Fusarium fujikuroi in China | Canxing Duan, Baobao Wang, Feifei Sun, Zhihuan Yang, Zhendong Zhu, and Xiaoming Wang | Plant Disease | https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-01-19-0154-PDN | 78 | 85 |
250 | Genomic?Prediction?using?Existing?Historical?Data?Contributing?to?Selection?in?BiparentalPopulations:?A?Study?of?Kernel?Oil?in?Maize | Wang Hongwu,?Zhang Hongwei,?Li Dongdong,?Li Huihui,?Wang Guoying,?Fu Junjie | Plant Genome | DOI:?10.3835/plantgenome2018.05.0025 | 502 | 511 |
251 | A GARP transcription factor anther dehiscence defected 1 (OsADD1) regulates rice anther dehiscence | Jianmin?Wan | Plant Molecular Biology | 101 | 403 | 414 |
252 | A U?box E3 ubiquitin ligase OsPUB67 is positively involved in droughttolerance in rice | Xiuqin Zhao Zhikang LiWensheng Wang Binying Fu | Plant Molecular Biology | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-019-00933-8 | 17 | 23 |
253 | WSL6 encoding an Era?type GTP?binding protein is essential for chloroplast development in rice | Jianmin?Wan | Plant Molecular Biology | 100 | 635 | 645 |
254 | Soybean adaption to high-latitude regions is associated with natural variations of GmFT2b, an ortholog of FLOWERING LOCUS T | Li Chen, Yupeng Cai, Liwei Wang, Bingjun Jiang, Tingting Wu, Luping Liu, Shi Sun, Cunxiang Wu, Weiwei Yao, Shan Yuan, Tianfu Han, Wensheng Hou | Plant Cell and Environment | doi:10.1002/PCE.13695 | 701 | 713 |
255 |
Revisiting the versatile buckwheat: reinvigorating genetic gains through integrated breeding and genomics approach |
周美亮,张凯旋 | Planta | 10.1007/s00425-018-03080-4 | 783 | 801 |
256 | A combined association mapping and t-test analysis of SNP loci and candidate genes involving in resistance to low nitrogen traits by a wheat mutant population | Xiong H, Guo H, Zhou C, Xie Y, Zhao L, Gu J, Zhao S, Ding Y, Liu L | PLoS ONE | 14 | 1492 | 1499 |
257 | Arabidopsis TRM5 encodes a nuclear-localised bifunctional tRNA guanine and inosine-N1-methyltransferase that is important for growth | Qianqian Guo,Shanshan Shi,Diwen Fan,Ming Zhao,Wwnbin Zhou | PLoS ONE | 14(11) | e0225064 | e0225064 |
258 | Enhancing genomic selection by fitting largeeffect SNPs as fixed effects and a genotypeby-environment effect using a maize BC1F3:4 population | Li Dongdong, Xu Jialiang, Zhang Hongwei, Wang Guoying | PLoS ONE | doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0223898 | 142 | 150 |
259 | Genome-wide identification and comparative analysis of drought-related microRNAs in two maize inbred lines with contrasting drought tolerance by deep sequencing |
Xuyang Liu, Xiaojing Zhang, Luyang Hao, Dengfeng Zhang,Chunhui Li, Yongxiang Li, Yunsu Shi,Yanchun Song, Tianyu Wang, Yu Li |
PLoS ONE | doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0219176 | 1 | 22 |
260 | The synergistic effects of TaAGP.L-B1 and TaSSIVb-D mutations in wheat lead to alterations of gene expression patterns and starch content in grain development | Zhang S, Guo H, Irshad A, Xie Y, Zhao L, Xiong H, Gu J, Zhao S, Ding Y, Liu L | PLoS ONE | 14 | 77 | 80 |
261 | Genome-wide association analysis of the genetic basis for sheath blight resistance in rice | 张帆,周永力 | Rice | Manuscript ID:9643146272024603 | 1 | 17 |
262 | Identification of genes for salt tolerance and yield-related traits in rice plants grown hydroponically and under saline fieldconditions by genome-wide associationstudy | Xiuqin Zhao,Jianlong Xu | Rice | (2019) 12:88 | 12 | 18 |
263 | RNA-Seq analysis of gene expression changes triggered by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in a susceptible rice genotype | Tariq R., Ji ZY., Wang CL., Tang YC., Sun HD., and Zhao KJ*, | Rice | 12:44 | 12 | 44 |
264 | Stress-Activated Protein Kinase OsSAPK9 Regulates Tolerance to Salt Stress and Resistance to Bacterial Blight in Rice | 张帆,周永力 | Rice | 12 | 80 | 91 |
265 |
A transient expression system in soybean mesophyll protoplasts reveals the formation of cytoplasmic GmCRY1 photobody-like structures |
李宏宇、赵涛、刘军、刘斌 | SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11427-018-9496-5 | 1 | 8 |
266 | Genetic dissection of seedling vigour in a diverse panel from the 3,000 Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genome project | Tian-Qing Zheng, Jian-Long Xu, Zhi-Kang Li | Scientific Reports | 9 | 4804 | 4811 |
267 | Construction of a high density linkage map and genome dissection of bruchid resistance in zombi pea (Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich). | Lixia Wang, Suhua Wang Xuzhen Cheng | Scientific Reports | 9:11719 | 1632 | 1642 |
268 | Identifcation of P genome chromosomes in Agropyron cristatum and wheat-A. cristatumderivative lines by FISH | Haiming Han, Weihua Liu, JinpengZhang, ShenghuiZhou, XinmingYang, Xiuquan Li Lihui Li | Scientific Reports | doi:10.1038/s41598-019-46197-6 | 502 | 513 |
269 | Identification of wheat stress-responding genes and TaPR-1-1 function by screening a cDNA yeast library prepared following abiotic stress | 王景一 毛新国 李 昂 赵光耀 赵金凤 景蕊莲 | Scientific Reports | 2019, 9: 141 (DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-37859-y) | 1260 | 1269 |
270 | Improving maize grain yield by matching maize growth and solar radiation. Scientific Reports | 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、薛军、刘广周 | Scientific Reports | doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-40081-z | 1 | 11 |
271 | Overexpression of TaJAZ1 increases powdery mildew resistance through promoting reactive oxygen species accumulation in bread wheat | 荆叶醒、孙加强 | Scientific Reports | 9(1) | 5691 | 5700 |
272 | Transcriptome analysis of a rice cultivar reveals the differentially expressed genes in response to wild and mutant strains of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae | Wang CL., Tariq R., Ji ZY., Wei Z., Zheng KL., Mishra R and Zhao KJ*, | Scientific Reports | 9:3757 | 102 | 111 |
273 | Comprehensive analysis of Q gene near isogenic lines reveals key molecular pathways for wheat domestication and improvement | Li, Aili; Song, Gaoyuan; Geng, Shuaifeng; Mao, Long | The Plant Journal | doi:10.1111/TPJ.14624 | 96 | 105 |
274 | Plasticity in Triticeae centromere DNA sequences: a wheat × tall wheatgrass (decaploid) model | 张学勇 | The Plant Journal | 100(2) | 314 | 327 |
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The florigen interactor BdES43 represses flowering in the model temperate grass Brachypodium distachyon |
Shuanghe Cao, Xumei Luo, Li Xie, Xianchun Xia | The Plant Journal | DOI: 10.1111/tpj.14622 | 1 | 37 |
276 | The nuclear transporter SAD2 plays a role in calcium- and H2O2-mediated cell death in Arabidopsis | Zheng Yuan; Zhan Qidi; Shi Tiantian; Liu Jun; Zhao Kaijun; Gao Ying | The Plant Journal | doi.org/10.1111/tpj.14544 | 1420 | 1432 |
277 | Analysis of evolutionary relationships provides new clues to the origins of weedy rice | 韩冰,马小定,崔迪,王艳杰,曹桂兰,张辉,韩龙植 | Ecology and Evolution | DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5948 | 63 | 75 |
278 | TaSAUR78 enhances multiple abiotic stress tolerance by regulating the interacting gene TaVDAC1 | GUO Yuan#,SUN Xian-jun,HU Zheng,JIANG Qi-yan*,ZHANG Hui | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 18(12) | 2682 | 2690 |
279 | Canopy morphological changes and water use efficiency in winter wheat under different irrigation treatments | XU Cai-long | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | DOI:10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62750-4 | 1203 | 1211 |
280 | dCAPS markers developed for nitrate transporter genes TaNRT2L12s associating with thousand grain weight in wheat | 毛新国,王景一,李超男 景蕊莲 | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 2019.18(0): 2–12 (doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62683-3) | 1330 | 1341 |
281 | Diurnal variation of gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and photosynthetic response of six parental lines of maize released in three eras | LI Cong-feng, DING Zai-song, ZHAO Ming* | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 2019, 18(12): | 2732 | 2741 |
282 | Evaluation of drought tolerance in ZmVPP1-overexpressing transgenic inbred maize lines and their hybrids | ZHANG Dengfeng | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | doi:10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62828-5 | 1 | 12 |
283 | Evolution of varieties and development of production technology in Egypt wheat: A review | Kishk Abdelmageed, Chang Xu-hong, Wang De-mei, Wang Yan-jie, Yang Yu-shuang, Zhao Guang-cai, Tao Zhi-qiang | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 2019,18(3) | 483 | 495 |
284 | Genetic analysis and QTL mapping of a novel reduced height gene in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) | Zhou C, Xiong H, Li Y, Guo H, Xie Y, Zhao L, Gu J, Zhao S, Ding Y, Liu L | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | In Press | 1 | 11 |
285 | Genetic and agronomic traits stability of marker-free transgenicwheat plants generated from Agrobacterium mediated co-transformationin T2 and T3 generation | Liu HY, Wang K, Wang J, Du LP, Ye XG | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62601-8 | 107 | 115 |
286 | Genetic progress in lodging resistance of the dominant wheat cultivars adapted to the Yellow-Huai River Valleys Winter Wheat Zone in China since 1965 | Hongjun Zhang, Teng Li, Hongwei Liu, Lingzhi Meng, Li Yang, Hongjie Li*, Yang Zhou* | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62627-4 | 156 | 163 |
287 | Genome-wide identification and comparative analysis of drought related genes in roots of two maize inbred lines with contrasting drought tolerance by RNA sequencing |
HAO Lu-yang, LIU Xu-yang, ZHANG Xiao-jing, ZHANG Deng-feng, LI Chun-hui, LI Yong-xiang, SHI Yun-su,SONG Yan-chun, WANG Tian-yu, LI Yu |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture | doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62660-2 | 1 | 17 |
288 | GmNMH7, a MADS-box transcription factor, inhibits root development and nodulation of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) | MA Wen-ya, LIU Wei, HOU Wen-sheng, SUN Shi, JIANG Bing-jun, HAN Tian-fu, WU Cun-xiang | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 2019, 18(3) | 553 | 562 |
289 | Heat stability of winter wheat depends on cultivars, timing, and protective methods | CHANG Xu-hong | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62760-7 | 95 | 106 |
290 | M43 domain-containing metalloprotease RcMEP1 in Rhizoctonia cerealis is a pathogenicity factor during the fungus infection to wheat | PAN Li-jun1, LU Lin, ZHANG Zeng-yan* | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 已接收 | 1 | 9 |
291 | Molecular detection of the powdery mildew resistance genes in winter wheat cultivars DH51302 and Shimai 26 | Yunfeng Qu, Peipei, Jinghuang, Yongxing, Zhanliang, Dan, Yahui, Hongjun, Yang, Li, Hongwei, Hongjie Li*. | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62644-4 | 15 | 23 |
292 | Quantitative design of yield components to simulate yield formation for maize in China | Wei, M., Noor, M. A., Congfeng, L., Zaisong, D., Ming, Z. | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 2019, 18(0): 2–13 | 2 | 13 |
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Transcriptomic profiling of sorghum leaves and roots responsive to drought stress at the seedling stage |
ZHANG Deng-feng, ZENG Ting-ru, LIU Xu-yang, GAO Chen-xi, LI Yong-xiang, LI Chun-hui, SONG Yan- chun, SHI Yun-su, WANG Tian-yu, LI Yu |
Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 18(9) | 1980 | 1995 |
294 | TaSnRK2.4 is a vital regulator in control of thousand-kernel weight and response to abiotic stress in wheat. | 王景一 昌小平 毛新国 景蕊莲 | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 2019(doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62830-3) | 36 | 48 |
295 | Transcriptome and metabolome profiling of unheading in F1 hybrid rice | Wang Jie,Wei Shao-bo, Wang Chun-chao, , Wang Wen-sheng, Zhao Xiu-qin, Gao Yong-ming | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(19)62838-8 | 2–17 | 17 |
296 | Breeding new cultivars for sustainable wheat production | Hongjie Li, Y. Zhou | The Crop Journal | 7(6) | 715 | 717 |
297 | Breeding wheat for resistance to Fusarium head blight in the Global North: China, USA and Canada | Zhanwang Zhu, Yuanfeng Hao, Xianchun Xia, Zhonghu He | The Crop Journal | DOI: 10.1016/j.cj.2019.06.003 | 77 | 89 |
298 | Deep genotyping of the gene GmSNAP facilitates pyramiding resistance to cyst nematode in soybean | Tian Y, Liu B, Guan RX, Li YH, Qiu LJ | The Crop Journal | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2019.04.003 | 1123 | 1136 |
299 | Deep neural network algorithm for estimating maizebiomass based on simulated Sentinel 2A vegetationindices and leaf area index | 李少昆、金秀良 | The Crop Journal | doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2019.06.005. | 26 | 38 |
300 | Developing green super rice varieties with high nutrient use efficiency by phenotypic selection under varied nutrient conditions | Jianlong Xu, Zhikang Li | The Crop Journal | 7 | 368 | 377 |
301 | Development and genetic analysis of wheat double substitution lines carrying Hordeum vulgare 2H and Thinopyrum intermedium 2Ai#2 chromosomes | Jing Wang,Ke Wang,Lipu Du,Zhishan Lin,Xingguo Ye | The Crop Journal | 2019,7 | 163 | 175 |
302 | Development of P genome-specific SNPs and their application in tracing Agropyron cristatum introgressions in common wheat | Jinpeng Zhang, Shenghui Zhou, Haiming Han, Weihua Liu, Xinming Yang, Xiuquan Li, Lihui Li* | The Crop Journal | 7 | 151 | 162 |
303 | Dissecting conserved cis-regulatory modules of Glu-1 promoters which confer the highly active endosperm-specific expression via stable wheat transformation | Jihu Li, Ke Wang, Yong Zhang, Xingguo Ye, Xianchun Xia, Zhonghu He, Shuanghe Cao | The Crop Journal | 7(1) | 8 | 18 |
304 | Effects of Fhb1 gene on Fusarium head blight resistance and agronomic performances in winter wheat | Li Teng, Zhang Hongjun, Huang Yiwen, Liu Hongwei, Yang Li, Li Hongjie*, Zhou Yang* | The Crop Journal | 7(6) | 799 | 808 |
305 | Effects of tridimensional uniform sowing on water consumption, nitrogen use, and yield in winter wheat | Zhiqiang Tao*, Shaokang Ma*, Xuhong Chang, Demei Wang, Yanjie Wang,Yushuang Yang, Guangcai Zhao, Jiancang Yang | The Crop Journal | 2019,7(4) | 480 | 493 |
306 | Feeding of Riptortus pedestris on soybean plants, the primary cause of soybean staygreen syndrome in the Huang-Huai-Hai river basin | C Wu, T Han | The Crop Journal | 2019, 7:3 | 360 | 367 |
307 | Genetic analysis and QTL mapping of stalk cell wall components and digestibility in maize recombinant inbred lines from B73 × By804 | 王琪、李坤、胡小娇、石慧敏、刘志芳、吴宇锦、王红武、黄长玲 | The Crop Journal | 10.1016/j.cj.2019.06.009 | 56 | 71 |
308 | Identification of a novel seed size associated locus SW9-1 in soybean | Yinghui Li, Lijuan Qiu | The Crop Journal | doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2018.12.010 | 548 | 559 |
309 | Integrated agronomic practice increases maize grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency under various soil fertility conditions | Baoyuan Zhou,Zaisong Ding, Congfeng Li, Wei Ma, Ming Zhao | The Crop Journal | 2019, 7 | 527 | 538 |
310 | Involvement of sulfur assimilation in the low βsubunit content of soybean seed storage protein revealed by comparative transcriptome analysis | Yongzhe Gu, Yong Guo, Lijuan Qiu | The Crop Journal | doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2019.01.001 | 504 | 515 |
311 | Linkage analysis and integrated software GAPL for pure-line populations derived from four-way and eight-way crosses | Luyan Zhang, Lei Meng, Jiankang Wang | The Crop Journal | 7 | 283 | 293 |
312 | Precise Base Editing of Acetolactate Synthase Gene Confers Sulfonylurea Herbicide Resistance in Maize | Yanmin Lia, Jinjie Zhua, Changlin Liu, Changling Huang, Chuanxiao Xie* | The Crop Journal | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2019.10.001 | 162 | 178 |
313 | Profiling of seed fatty acid composition in 1,025 Chinese soybean accessions from different ecoregions | Abdelghany M A, Zhang S, Azam M, Shaibu S A, Feng, Y, Li Y, Tian Y, Hong H, Li B*, Sun J* | The Crop Journal | 10.1016/j.cj.2019.11.002 | 1 | 9 |
314 | Retrotransposon-mediated DELLA transcriptional reprograming underlies semi-dominant dwarfism in foxtail millet | Meichang Zhao,Hui Zhi,Xue Zhang,Guanqing Jia,Xianmin Diao | The Crop Journal | 7(4) | 458 | 468 |
315 | TaCML36, a wheat calmodulin-like protein,positively participates in an immune response to Rhizoctonia cerealis | Lin Lu, Wei Rong,Zengyan Zhang* | The Crop Journal | 2019;7:608-618 | 608 | 618 |
316 | The soft glumes of common wheat are sterile-lemmas as determined by the domestication gene Q. | Song G, Sun G, Kong X, Jia M, Geng S, Mao L,Li A. | The Crop Journal | 7(1) | 113 | 117 |
317 | Using irrigation intervals to optimize water-use efficiency and maize yield in Xinjiang, northwest China | 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、薛军、张国强,金秀良 | The Crop Journal | 2019,7(3) | 322 | 334 |
318 | Variation in allele frequencies of the loci associated with kernel weight and their effects on kernel weight-related traits of winter wheat | Li Teng, Liu Hongwei, Meng Lingzhi,Yang Li, Zhou Yang, Zhang Hongjun, Li Hongjie | The Crop Journal | 7(1) | 30 | 37 |
319 | Wheat breeding in northern China: Achievements and technical advances | Hongjie Li, Yang Zhou, | The Crop Journal | 7(6) | 718 | 729 |
320 | Wheat elongator subunit 4 is required for epigenetic regulation of host immune response to Rhizoctonia cerealis | Kai Wang, Wei Rong, Zengyan Zhang* | The Crop Journal | 已接收 | 1 | 15 |
321 | Estimation of maize yield by assimilating biomass and canopy cover derived from hyperspectral data into the AquaCrop model | 李少昆、金秀良 | Agricultural Water Management | doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2019.105846 | 1 | 10 |
322 | An improved mesocotyl elongation assay for the rapid identification and characterization of strigolactone-related rice mutants | 赵金凤、房静静、李学勇 | Agronomy | doi:10.3390/agronomy9040208 | 66 | 78 |
323 | Effects of Soil Tillage and Canopy Optimization on Grain Yield, Root Growth, and Water Use Efficiency of Rainfed Maize in Northeast China | 赵明,李丛锋 | Agronomy | doi: 10.3390/ 9060336 | 1 | 14 |
324 | Domestication and Spread of Broomcorn Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) Revealed by Phylogeography of Cultivated and Weedy populations. | 刘敏轩、陆平 | Agronomy-baseI | doi:10.3390/agronomy9120835 | 159 | 164 |
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Nitrous oxide emission, global warming potential,and denitrifier abundances as affected by longterm fertilization on Mollisols of Northeastern China |
冯晓敏,宋振伟,张卫健 | Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science | 65(13) | 1831 | 1844 |
326 | Enhancing the CRISPR/Cas9 system based on multiple GmU6 promoters in soybean | 孙晓军, 胡正, 蒋奇彦,张辉 | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 519 | 819 | 823 |
327 | Membrane phospholipids remodeling upon imbibition in Brassica napus L. seeds | 辛霞, 尹广鹍, 何娟娟, 卢新雄* | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 515 | 289 | 295 |
328 | Radicleless 1 (RL1)-mediated nad4 intron 1 splicing is crucial for embryo and endosperm development in rice (Oryza sativa L.) | 刘春明 | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2019.11.084 | online | online |
329 | Improved antibacterial effects of alkali-transformed saponin from quinoa husks against halitosis-related bacteria | 孙晓燕, 杨修仕, 薛鹏, 任贵兴 | BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine | https://doi.org/10.1186/s12906-019-2455-2 | 151 | 163 |
330 | Natural variation in the THICK TASSEL DWARF1(TD1) gene in the regulation of maize (Zea mays L.) ear-related traits | Weng Jianfeng, Li Xinhai | Breeding Science | 69 | 323 | 331 |
331 | Overexpression of TaBADH increases the salt tolerance in Arabidopsis | Yinglu Sun | Canadian Journal of Plant Science | 201 | 1 | 19 |
332 | Effects of bran hydration and autoclaving on processing quality of Chinese steamed bread and noodles produced from whole grain wheat flour | Zhang Yan, Zhonghu He | Cereal Chemistry | 96(1) | 104 | 114 |
333 | Quinoa Industry Development in China | 杨修仕,秦培友,郭慧敏,任贵兴 | Ciencia e Investigacion Agraria | 46(2) | 208 | 219 |
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MYB Transcription Repressors Regulate Plant Secondary Metabolism |
周美亮,张凯旋 | Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences | 10.1080/07352689.2019.1632542 | 159 | 170 |
335 | Evaluate changes in the contribution of roots to shoot development and biomass production in soybean cultivars released from 1929 to 2006 in China using a grafting technique | Cao X, T Wu, S Sun, C Wu, C Wang, B Jiang, J Tao, W Yao, W Hou, T Han*. | Crop Pasture Science | 2019, 70 | 585 | 594 |
336 | Confirmation of Fusarium oxysporum as a causal agent of mung bean wilt in China | Feifei Sun, Suli Sun, Lin Zhu, Canxing Duan, Zhendong Zhu | Crop Protection | 2019(117) | 77 | 85 |
337 | Improvement of three commercial spring wheat varieties for powdery mildew resistance by marker-assisted selection | Ye XG, Li SJ, Wang J, Chen HQ, Wang K, Lin ZS, Du LP | Crop Protection | 125 (104889) | 105 | 112 |
338 | Critical Photoperiod Measurement of Soybean Genotypes in Different Maturity Groups | Wenying Yang, Tingting Wu, Xinyue Zhang, Wenwen Song, Cailong Xu, Shi Sun, Wensheng Hou, Bingjun Jiang, Tianfu Han, Cunxiang Wu | Crop Science | 2019, 59(5) | 2055 | 2061 |
339 | Nitrogen uptake and response to radiation distribution in the canopy of high-yield maize | 李少昆、谢瑞芝、王克如、侯鹏、明博、薛军、刘广周 | Crop Science | doi: 10.2135/cropsci2018.09.0567 | 1236 | 1247 |
340 | Preliminary Exploration of the Source, Spread, and Distribution of Rht24 Reducing Height in Bread Wheat | Xiuling Tian, Zhanwang Zhu, Li Xie, Dengan Xu, Jihu Li, Chao Fu, Xinmin Chen, Desen Wang, Xianchun Xia, Zhonghu He, Shuanghe Cao | Crop Science | 59(1) | 19 | 24 |
341 | Standard Cultivar Selection and Digital Quantification for Precise Classification of Maturity Groups in Soybean | Wenwen Song, Shi Sun, Tingting Wu, Bingjun Jiang, Wensheng Hou, Cunxiang Wu, Tianfu Han | Crop Science | doi: 10.2135/cropsci2019.02.0095 | 502 | 512 |
342 | Straw mulching under a drip irrigation system improves maize grain yield and water use efficiency | Baoyuan Zhou, Zaisong Ding, Congfeng Li, Wei Ma, Ming Zhao | Crop Science | 2019, 59 | 2806 | 2819 |
343 | Contribution of rice variety renewal and agronomic innovations toyield improvement and greenhouse gas mitigation in China | 张俊,邓艾兴,宋振伟,张卫建 | Environmental Research Letters | doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab488d | 56 | 71 |
344 | Breeding potential of inbred lines derived from five maize (Zea mays L.) populations | Yong Hongjun, Li Mingshun, Zhang Degui, Hao Zhuanfang, Weng Jianfeng, Li Xinhai | Euphytica | Doi:org/10.1007/s10681-018-2319-8 | 1 | 12 |
345 | Genome-wide association mapping of root system architecture traits in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) | Xianchun Xia, Zhonghu He | Euphytica | 215(7) | 1 | 12 |
346 | Mapping of QTL for partial resistance to powdery mildew in two Chinese common wheat cultivars | Xiaoting Xu, Zhanwang Zhu, Aolin Jia, Fengju Wang, Jinping Wang, Chao Fu, Luping Fu, Guihua Bai, Xianchun Xia, Yuanfeng Hao, Zhonghu He | Euphytica | 216(1) | 1 | 12 |
347 | QTL analysis of wheat kernel traits, and genetic effects of qKW-6A on kernel width | 景蕊莲 | Euphytica | 215(11) | 12 | 14 |
348 | Genomic analyses reveal selection footprints in rice landraces grown under on‐farm conservation conditions during a shortterm period of domestication | 崔迪,马小定,王艳杰,曹桂兰,韩龙植 | Evolutionary Applications | DOI: 10.1111/eva.12866 | 106 | 118 |
349 | Effect of extruded adzuki bean flour on the quality and α‐glucosidase inhibitory activity of Chinese steamed bread | 陈银焕#,杨修仕#,郭慧敏,任贵兴* | Food Science Nutrition | 7 | 3244 | 3252 |
350 | Functional properties and adipogenesis inhibitory activity of protein hydrolysates from quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) | 石振兴#,郝宇琼#,滕聪#,么杨*,任贵兴 | Food Science Nutrition | 7 | 2103 | 2112 |
351 | Genome-Wide Analyses Reveal Footprints of Divergent Selection and Drought Adaptive Traits in Synthetic-Derived Wheats | Huihui Li, Xianchun Xia, Zhonghu He, Awais Rasheed | G3 GenesGenomesGenetics | 9(6) | 1957 | 1973 |
352 | EcoTILLING Reveals Natural Allelic Variations in Starch Synthesis Key Gene TaSSIV and Its Haplotypes Associated with Higher Thousand Grain Weight | Irshad A, Guo H, Zhang S, Gu J, Zhao L, Xie Y, Xiong H, Zhao S, Ding Y, Ma Y, Liu L | Genes | 10 | 307 | 319 |
353 | Genome-wide association study of vitamin E using genotyping by sequencing in sesame (Sesamum indicum) | Qiang He, Feifei Xu, Myeong-Hyeon Min, Sang-Ho Chu, Kyu-Won Kim Yong-Jin Park | Genes Genomics | 26 | 26 | 35 |
354 | Characterization of genetic diversity and structures in natural Glycine tomentella populations on the southeast islands of China | Xiang-Hua Li,Ke-Jing Wang | Genet Resour Crop Evol | 66 | 47 | 59 |
355 | Genetic diversity and genetic structure of naturalpopulations in an extremely narrowly distributed perennialspecies Glycine tabacina (Labill.) Benth. on the southeast islands in China | Xiang-Hua Li,Ke-Jing Wang | Genet Resour Crop Evol | 66 | 989 | 1008 |
356 | The Battle to Sequence the Bread Wheat Genome: A Tale of the Three Kingdoms | Gua, J., Diego, Li, A., and Mao, L. | Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics | accepted | 1 | 12 |
357 | Greenhouse gas emissions from a rice-rice-green manure cropping system in South China | Raheem, A, Zhang, J, Siddik, MA, Deng, AX, Zhang, WJ* | Geoderma | 353 | 331 | 339 |
358 | Global Profiling of Alternative Splicing in Callus Induction of Immature Maize Embryo | Xuemei Du, Ting Fang, Yan Liu, Xiaoli Wang, Guoying Wang, Junjie Fu and Yunjun Liu | In Vitro Cellular Developmental Biology - Plant | DOI : 10.1007/s11627-019-10024-4 | 102 | 108 |
359 | Relationship between antimicrobial activity and amphipathic structure of ginsenosides | 杨修仕,任贵兴* | Industrial Crops and Products | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2019.111929 | 1 | 19 |
360 | Mapping quantitative trait loci for important agronomic traits and developing potential near-isogenic lines in wheat | 景蕊莲 | International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. | 2019, 22: 20–28 DOI: 10.17957/ IJAB/15.1028 | 20 | 28 |
361 | Development of SNP, KASP, and SSR markers by BSR-RNA-Seq technology for saturation of genetic linkage map and efficient detection of wheat powdery mildew resistance gene Pm61 | Hu Jinghuang, Wu Peipei, Li Yahui, Qiu Dan, Qu Yunfeng, Zhang Hongjun, Yang Li, Liu Hongwei,Zhou Yang Hongjie Li | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 20 | 750 | 759 |
362 | Genetic Mapping and Molecular Characterization of a Broad-spectrum Phytophthora sojae Resistance Gene in Chinese Soybean | Chao Zhong, Suli Sun, Canxing Duan and Zhendong Zhu | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 2019(20) | 1809 | 1812 |
363 | Mutations in the rice OsCHR4 gene, encoding a CHD3 family chromatin remodeler, induce narrow and rolled leaves with increased cuticular wax | Daofeng Wang, Jingjing Fang, Jinfeng Zhao,Xueyong Li | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | doi.org/10.3390/ijms20102567 | 107 | 115 |
364 | Resistance to cereal cyst nematodes in wheat and barley: An emphasis on classical and modern approaches | Hongjie Li | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 20 | 432 | 450 |
365 | Two Novel er1 Alleles Conferring Powdery Mildew (Erysiphe pisi) Resistance Identified in a Worldwide Collection of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Germplasms | Suli Sun, Dong Deng, Canxing Duan, Xuxiao Zong, Zhendong Zhu | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 2019(20) | 5071 | 5083 |
366 | Overexpression of maize ZmC1 and ZmR transcription Factors in wheat regulates anthocyanin biosynthesis in a tissue-specific manner | Riaz B, Chen HQ, Wang J, Du LP, Wang K, and Ye XG | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 20 (5906) | 69 | 78 |
367 | Pairing and Exchanging between Dasypyrum villosum Chromosomes 6V#2 and 6V#4 in the Hybrids of Two Different Wheat Alien Substitution Lines. | Xiaolan Ma, Zhiying Xu, Jing Wang, Haiqiang Chen, Xingguo Ye and Zhishan Lin | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 2019, 20, 6063; doi:10.3390/ijms20236063 | 1 | 17 |
368 | A Combined Linkage and GWAS Analysis Identifies QTLs Linked to Soybean Seed Protein and Oil Content,International Journal of Molecular Sciences | Zhang T, T Wu, L Wang, B Jiang, C Zhen, S Yuan, W Hou, C Wu, T Han, S Sun. | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 2019, 20, 5915; doi:10.3390/ijms20235915IF=4.183 | 915 | 930 |
369 | Functional Analysis of the Soybean GmCDPK3 Gene Responding to Drought and Salt Stresses | Jun Chen,Yong-Bin Zhou,Ming Chen, You-Zhi Ma,Zhao-Shi Xu | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 20(23) | 651 | 663 |
370 | Genome-Wide Analysis of LIM Family Genes in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica L.) and Characterization of the Role of SiWLIM2b in Drought Tolerance | Ming Chen, Jun Chen, Zhao-Shi Xu , Yong-Bin Zhou, You-Zhi Ma | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 20(6) | 14 | 21 |
371 | Genome-Wide Analysis of the DYW Subgroup PPR Gene Family and Identfication of GmPPR4 Responses to Drought Stress | Jun Chen,Yong-Bin Zhou,Ming Chen,Zhao-Shi Xu and You-Zhi Ma | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 20(22) | 1302 | 1310 |
372 | Jasmonic Acid Signaling Pathway in Plants | 周美亮,张凯旋 | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 10.3390/ijms20102479 | 1 | 17 |
373 | Overexpression of TaCOMT Improves Melatonin Production and Enhances Drought Tolerance in Transgenic Arabidopsis | Yong-Tao Du,Yong-Bin Zhou,Jun Chen,Zhao-Shi Xu ,You-Zhi Ma,Ming Chen | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 20(3) | 116 | 122 |
374 | SiMYB3 in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica) Confers Tolerance to Low-Nitrogen Stress by Regulating Root Growth in Transgenic Plants | Linhao Ge,Yining Dou,Zhang He ,Y Liu,Zhaoshi Xu,Jun Chen,Ming Chen,and Youzhi Ma | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 20(22) | 93 | 101 |
375 | The Elongation Factor GmEF4 Is Involved in the Response to Drought and Salt Tolerance in Soybean | Yuan Gao, Jun Chen, Ming Chen, Yong-Bin Zhou, Jin-Dong Fu,Zhao-Shi Xu and You-Zhi Ma | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | 20(12) | 86 | 91 |
376 | Overexpression of the bioactive lunsin peptide in soybean and evaluation of its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities in vitro | 郝宇琼,范鑫,郭慧敏,任贵兴,杨修仕* | Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiosc.2019.11.001 | 12 | 23 |
377 | Allelic effects and variations for key bread-making quality genes in bread wheat using high-throughput molecular markers | Awais Rasheed, Hui Jin, Yonggui Xiao, Yan Zhang, Yuanfeng Haoa, Yong Zhang, Xianchun Xia, Zhonghu He | Journal of cereal science | 85 | 305 | 309 |
378 | Plant genome editing using xCas9 with expanded PAM compatibility | Li JY, Luo JM, Xu ML, Li SY, Zhang JH, Li HY, Yan L, and Xia LQ * | Journal of Genetics and Genomics | 2019,46 | 277 | 280 |
379 | Genetic mapping with background control for quantitative trait locus (QTL) in 8-parental pure-line populations | Jinhui Shi, Jiankang Wang, Luyan Zhang | Journal of Heredity | DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esz050 | 130 | 141 |
380 | FLOURY ENDOSPERM12 encoding alanine aminotransferase 1 regulates carbon and nitrogen metabolism in rice | Xiuping Guo, Jianmin Wan | Journal of Plant Biology | 62 | 61 | 73 |
381 | Composition of mitochondrial complex I during the critical node of seed aging in Oryza sativa | Guangkun, Xin Xia, He Juanjuan, Chen Xiaoling, Zhang Jinmei, Lu Xinxiong* | Journal of plant Physiology | 236 | 7 | 14 |
382 | Transcriptome sequencing reveals hotspot mutation regions and dwarfing mechanisms in wheat mutants induced by γ-ray irradiation and EMS | Xiong H, Zhou C, Guo H, Xie Y, Zhao L, Gu J, Zhao S, Ding Y, Liu L | Journal of Radiation Research | doi: 10.1093/jrr/rrz075 | 79 | 89 |
383 | Revealing the regional distribution of soybean lunasin content in China and the effects of climate factors by sampling extensively | 朱莹莹#,宋雯雯#,石振兴,韩天富*,任贵兴* | Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | 99 | 2802 | 2807 |
384 | QTL analysis for yield-related traits under different water regimes in maize | Xuyang Liu, Dengfeng Zhang, Yongxiang Li, Chunhui Li, Yanchun Song , Yunsu Shi, Tianyu Wang , Yu Li | Maydica | 64(2) | 64 | M16 |
385 | Use of near-infrared spectroscopy for the rapid evaluation of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merri.] water soluble protein content | ijuan Qiu | Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy | 224 (2020) 117400 | 1 | 8 |
386 | Development of multiple SNP marker panels affordable to breeders through genotyping by target sequencing (GBTS) in maize | Guo Zifeng, Hongwu Wang, Cheng Xu, Cheng Zou,and Yunbi Xu | Molecular Breeding | 39: 37 | 1 | 12 |
387 | Genome-wide association study and genomic prediction analysis of drought stress tolerance in China in a collection of off-PVP maize inbred lines | Yong Hongjun, Weng Jianfeng, Zhang Degui, Li Mingshun, Hao Zhuanfang, Zhang Xuecai, Li Xinhai | Molecular Breeding |
39(113) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11032-019-1013-4 |
1 | 16 |
388 | Genome-wide association study and linkage analysis on resistance to rice black-streaked dwarf virus disease | Jianmin?Wan | Molecular Breeding | 39 | 73 | 82 |
389 | High-density quantitative trait locus mapping revealed genetic architecture of leaf angle and tassel size in maize | Xuyang Liu, Luyang Hao, Abdelghany Mohamed, Chenxi Gao , Dengfeng Zhang, Yongxiang Li, Chunhui Li, Yanchun Son, Yunsu Shi, Tianyu Wang, Yu Li | Molecular Breeding | doi.org/10.1007/s11032-018-0914-y | 7 | 13 |
390 | Identification of QTL for seed dormancy from weedy rice and its application to elite rice cultivar ‘Ninggeng 4’ | Jianmin?Wan | Molecular Breeding | 39 | 123 | 134 |
391 | Identifying loci with breeding potential across temperate and tropical adaptation via EigenGWAS and EnvGWAS | Li J, Wang J, Li H | Molecular Ecology | 2019,28 | 3544 | 3560 |
392 | Microbial Transformation of Flavonoids byIsaria fumosorosea ACCC 37814 | 窦方敏、王智、李桂英、顿宝庆 | Molecules | doi.org/10.3390/molecules24061028 | 115 | 127 |
394 | Biologiy functions of Arabidopsis MBP-1-like protein (AtMBP-1) encoded by AtENO2 especially in response to drought and salt stresses | Li Hongjie | Physiologia Plantarum | https://doi.org/10.1111/ppl.13013 | 102 | 119 |
395 | Resistance to Heterodera filipjevi and H. avenae in the winter wheat cultivar Madsen is conferred by different QTLs on chromosomes 7DL and 2AS | Cui Lei, Qiu Dan, Zhang Hongjun, Zou Jingwei, Wu Peipei, Liu Hongwei, Yang Li, Zhou Yang, Liu Li Hongjie | Phytopathology | https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-04-19-0135-R | 15 | 21 |
396 | Characterization and molecular mapping of two novel genes resistance to Pythium stalk rot in maize | Canxing Duan, Fengjing Song, Suli Sun, Zhendong Zhu, and Xiaoming Wang | Phytopathology | 109(5) | 804 | 809 |
397 | The Sucrose Non-fermenting 1-Related Protein Kinase 2 (SnRK2) genes are multifaceted players in plant growth, development and response to environmental stimuli. | 毛新国 王景一 李超男 景蕊莲 | Plant Cell Physiology | doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcz230 | 68 | 75 |
398 |
Maize Empty Pericarp602 Encodes a P-Type PPR Protein That Is Essential for Seed Development |
Zhenjing Ren, Kaijian Fan, Ting Fang, Jiaojiao Zhang, Li Yang, Guoying Wang, Yunjun Liu | Plant Cell Physiology | 2019,60(8) | 1734 | 1746 |
399 | Enhancing genetic gain through genomic selection: from livestock to plants | Yunbi Xu, Xiaogang Liu, Junjie Fu, Hongwu Wang, Jiankang Wang, Changling Huang, Guoying Wang | Plant Communications | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xplc.2019.100005 | 1 | 21 |
400 | TaPP2AbB?-γ, a wheat regulatory subunit of PP2A enhanced abiotic stress tolerance | 毛新国 李 昂 昌小平 景蕊莲 | Plant Growth Regulation | 2019, 89: 345–355 (DOI:10.1007/ s10725-019-00540-z) | 345 | 355 |
401 | Accuracy assessment of plant height using an unmanned aerial vehicle for quantitative genomic analysis in bread wheat | Muhammad Adeel Hassan, Mengjiao Yang, Luping Fu, Awais Rasheed, Xianchun Xia, Yonggui Xiao, Zhonghu He | Plant Methods | 15(37) | 1 | 12 |
402 | Structure Parameters of X-ray Micro-computed Tomography (μCT) and Their Relations with Breakage Rate of Maize Varieties | 李少昆 | Plant Methods | 暂无 | 1 | 11 |
403 | Construction of chromosome segment substitution lines of Dongxiang common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) in the background of the japonica rice cultivar Nipponbare (Oryza sativa L.) | 马小定,韩冰,崔迪,韩龙植 | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | 144 | 274 | 282 |
404 | Phenotypic and Proteomic Characteristics of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) Albino Lethal Mutant sbe6-a1 | Daoping Wang, Yongying Mu, Guiying Li, Yinghong Pan * | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | 2019, 139 | 400 | 410 |
405 | Physiological and iTRAQ-based proteomic analyses reveal that melatonin alleviates oxidative damage in maize leaves exposed to drought stress | Lin Guo(郭林) | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | 142 (2019) | 263 | 274 |
406 | Rice albino 1, encoding a glycyl-tRNA synthetase, is involved in chloroplast development and establishment of the plastidic ribosome system in rice | Jianmin?Wan | Plant Physiology and Biochemistry | 139 | 495 | 503 |
407 | Stability analysis of seven agronomic traits for soybean [(Glycine max (L.) Merr.] Tokachi nagaha and its derived cultivars using the AMMI model | Zhangxiong?Liu, Lijuan?Qiu | Plant Production Science | 0.855555555555556 | 1 | 8 |
408 |
A rapid monitoring of NDVI across the wheat growth cycle for grain yield prediction using a multi-spectral UAV platform |
Muhammad Adeel Hassan, Mengjiao Yang, Awais Rasheed, Xianchun Xia, Yonggui Xiao, Zhonghu He | Plant Science | 282 | 95 | 103 |
409 | OsLUGL is involved in the regulating auxin level and OsARFs expression in rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Jianmin?Wan | Plant Science | 288 | 110239 | 110249 |
410 | Overexpression of soybean miR169c confers increased drought stress sensitivity in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana | Zheng Hu, Qiyan Jiang, Xianjun Sun, Hui Zhang | Plant Science | 285 | 68 | 78 |
411 | Small Grain and Dwarf 2, encoding an HD-Zip II family transcription factor, regulates plant development by modulating gibberellin biosynthesis in rice | Weiwei Chen, Zhijun Cheng, Min Wang, Jian Wang,Feng Zhang, Zhe Zhang, Yupeng Wang,Sheng Luo, Jinhui Zhang, Jiulin Wang, Jie Wang, Zhichao Zhao, Xiuping Guo, Cailin Lei,Xin Zhang, Qibing Lin, Yulong Ren, Shanshan Zhua,Jianmin Wan | Plant Science | 288 | 110208 | 110218 |
412 | Comparative transcriptome analysis of two common wheat varieties induced by 7Li-ion beam irradiation reveals mutation hotspot regions and associated pathways. | Xiong H, Guo H, Xie Y, Gu J, Zhao L, Zhao S, Ding Y, Liu L | Radiation Physics and Chemistry | doi: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2019.108650 | 1015 | 1021 |
413 | Construction and Implementation of Big Data Framework for Crop Germplasm Resources | Furong Jing,Yongsheng Cao,Wei Fang,Yanqing Chen | The 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering | doi>10.1145/3331453.3361308 | 23 | 32 |
414 | 629份国内外玉米种质及杂交种对丝黑穗病的抗性评价 | 段灿星 | 草地学报 | 20(5) | 1118 | 1128 |
415 | 油菜超氧化物歧化酶基因家族生物信息学分析 | 郭栋, 周宝元,赵明 | 分子植物育种 | http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/46.1068.S.20190319.1115.012.html | 1 | 14 |
416 | 吨田宝对冬小麦生长发育及产量的影响 | 赵广才 | 湖北农业科学 | 2019,58(3) | 55 | 56,64 |
417 | 不同类型土壤对小麦籽粒产量和蛋白质含量的影响 | 魏鑫 常旭虹 王德梅 陶志强 王艳杰 杨玉双 赵广才 | 麦类作物学报 | 2019,39(12) | 1 | 5 |
418 | 甘肃省河西灌区玉米籽粒含水率对机械粒收质量的影响 | 柴宗文,王克如,李少昆 | 农业机械 | 2018,(10)Doi: 10.16167/j.cnki.1000-9868.2018.10.027 | 98 | 101 |
419 | 不同土壤条件下追钾肥对小麦产量和品质的影响 | 李博 常旭虹 王德梅 陶志强 王艳杰 杨玉双 赵广才 | 农业科技通讯 | 2019,11 | 75 | 79 |
420 | 不同玉米品种间作抗逆丰产增效技术规程 | 马兴林,徐安波,王传海 | 农业科技通讯 | 2019.11 | 292 | 296 |
421 | 夏玉米花生间作绿色增产增效技术规程 | 马兴林,徐安波,王传海 | 农业科技通讯 | 2019.1 | 194 | 196 |
422 | 不同品种藜麦粉对馒头品质及抗氧化活性的影响 | 陈银焕,杨修仕,郭慧敏,任贵兴 | 食品与发酵工业 | https://doi.org/10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021861 | 254 | 261 |
423 | 密植是挖掘大豆产量潜力的重要栽培途径 | 徐彩龙,宋雯雯,吴存祥 | 土壤与作物 | 2019,04 | 361 | 367 |
424 | 新疆玉米机械收获籽粒含水率与相关性状的关系 | 王克如,谢瑞芝,明博,侯鹏,李少昆. | 西北农业学报 | 2019,28(09) | 1419 | 1427 |
425 | 矮壮素配合氮肥基施对夏玉米氮代谢及氮素利用特征的影响 | 马正波,唐会会,王庆燕,李瑞杰,董雪瑞,张瑞栋,董志强 | 玉米科学 | 已接收、待刊 | 136 | 141 |
426 | 拔节期淹水对不同株高夏玉米产量、形态特征及物质生产的影响 | 李从锋,陶志强,赵明 | 玉米科学 | 2019(136) | 1 | 5 |
427 | 北京地区玉米子粒脱水特性与适宜收获期研究 | 明 博,王克如,谢瑞芝,侯 鹏。李少昆 | 玉米科学 | 2019, 27 (05) | 130 | 136 |
428 | 持续阴雨对不同播期玉米子粒含水率和机械粒收质量的影响 | 李少昆,王克如 | 玉米科学 | 2019,27 (05) | 137 | 142 |
429 | 基于RNA-Seq技术的o2胚乳差异表达分析 | 李明顺 | 玉米科学 | 27(5) | 28 | 33 |
430 | 吉林玉米机械粒收质量影响因素研究及品种筛选 | 李少昆,王克如,谢瑞芝,侯鹏,明博. | 玉米科学 | 2018,26(04) | 55 | 62 |
431 | 玉米opaque2突变体籽粒表型及营养成分分析 | 韩洁楠,李明顺 | 玉米科学 | 140 | 1 | 5 |
432 | 玉米粉淀粉含量近红外模型建立与优化 | 韩洁楠,李明顺,张德贵,郝转芳,翁建峰,雍洪军,李新海 | 玉米科学 | 142 | 1 | 9 |
433 | 根瘤菌对生态农业的重要意义及其影响因素 | 宗绪晓* | 园艺与种苗 | 2019,39(03) | 72 | 75 |
434 | 植物响应联合胁迫机制的研究进展 | 郭倩倩,周文彬 | 植物学报 | 54(5) | 662 | 672 |
435 | TrMYB308 基因的克隆及在苦荞毛状根中的功能分析 | 周美亮,张凯旋 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 20(6) | 1542 | 1553 |
436 | 不同年代水稻品种主要农艺性状的表型评价 | 崔迪,马小定,韩龙植 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 20(6) | 1566 | 1578 |
437 | 不同种质渗入对 2 个玉米复合群体的改良效果分析 | 李明顺, 张德贵, 李新海,雍洪军 | 植物遗传资源学报 | DOI:10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20190426003 | 1 | 10 |
438 | 贵州21个资源调查县的种质资源地理空间分布特征 | 陈彦清,曹永生,井福荣,刘海洋,方沩 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20190902003 | 65 | 71 |
439 | 基于地方品种的种质创新:现状及展望 | 李春辉,王天宇,黎裕 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 20(6) | 1372 | 1379 |
440 | 基于染色体置换系的普通野生稻耐盐性QTL定位 | 许睿,张莉珍,王艳艳,黄婧芬,郑晓明,张丽芳,程云连,乔卫华,杨庆文 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20190627004 | 102 | 110 |
441 |
基于作物种质资源的优异等位 基因挖掘:进展与展望 |
武晶,黎裕 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 20(6) | 1380 | 1389 |
442 | 苦荞突变体库构建与突变体中芦丁合成相关基因表达分析 | 周美亮 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20190425002 | 74 | 79 |
443 | 盐胁迫下大豆转录因子GmTFIIIC功能研究 | 牛风娟, 孙现军, 胡正, 姜奇彦, 张辉 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 20(6) | 1536 | 1542 |
444 | 玉米抗腐霉茎腐病种质标记基因型鉴定与遗传多样性分析 | 杨洋,孙素丽,朱振东,王晓鸣,段灿星 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 20(6) | 1418 | 1427 |
445 | 云南金荞麦野生资源考察及遗传多样性分析 | 周美亮,张凯旋 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20190223001 | 1438 | 1446 |
446 | 中国大豆微核心种质光温综合反应敏感性的鉴定 | 宋雯雯,曾海燕,杨光明,吴存祥,韩天富 | 植物遗传资源学报 | DOI:10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20190606004 | 1 | 19 |
447 | 中品661 EMS 诱变后代高蛋白的选择效果及新种质创制 | 魏中艳,刘章雄,邱丽娟 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 2019,20(6) | 1579 | 1587 |
448 | 主要农作物驯化研究进展与展望 | 贾冠清, 孟强, 汤沙, 张仁梁 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 20(6) | 1355 | 1371 |
449 | 追氮量对强筋和中筋小麦产量与品质的影响 | 马瑞琦 陶志强 王德梅 王艳杰 杨玉双 朱英杰 赵凯男 李俊志 王玉娇 常旭虹 赵广才 | 植物营养与肥料学报 | 2019, 25(10) | 1799 | 1807 |
450 | 遮阴对小麦生理和品质特性影响的研究进展 | 常旭虹 | 中国农学通报 | 2019,35(35) | 11 | 15 |
451 | 禾谷类杂粮作物耐逆和栽培技术研究新进展 | 刁现民 | 中国农业科学 | 52(22) | 3943 | 3949 |
452 | 水稻粉质皱缩胚乳突变体fse4的表型分析与基因克隆 | 万建民 | 中国水稻科学 | 33(6) | 499 | 512 |
453 | 一个水稻低温移栽白条纹突变体wltt 的鉴定和基因定位 | 万建民 | 中国水稻科学 | 33(1) | 1 | 11 |
454 | 玉米新品种云瑞 505 在楚雄地区的产量效应比较研究 | 高尚,侯俊峰,范盼盼,明博. | 中国种业 | 2019,9 | 1 | 4 |
455 | 大豆出苗期耐盐性鉴定方法建立及耐盐种质筛选 | 刘谢香;常汝镇;关荣霞;邱丽娟 | 作物学报 | http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.1809.S.20190903.1632.008.html | 5 | 13 |
456 | 基于多重表型分析的准确评价高粱抗旱性方法的建立 | 陆平、李桂英 | 作物学报 | 2019, 45(11) | 1735 | 1745 |
457 | 利用 EST-SSR 标记评价羽扇豆属(Lupinus L.)遗传多样性 | 张红岩,杨涛,刘荣,王栋,宗绪晓 | 作物学报 | http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.1809.S.20191108.1915.002.html | 102 | 115 |
458 | 水稻资源全生育期耐盐性鉴定筛选 | 孙现军,姜奇彦,胡正,张惠媛,徐长兵,邸一桓,韩龙植,张辉 | 作物学报 | 45(11) | 1656 | 1663 |
459 | 普通小麦‘Holdfast’条锈病成株抗性 QTL 定位 | 杨芳萍, 刘金栋, 贾奥琳, 闻伟鄂, 董亚超, 夏先春 | 作物学报 | 45(12) | 1832 | 1840 |
460 | 小麦转录因子基因TaNAC67参与调控穗长和每穗小穗数 | 王景一,李超男 毛新国,景蕊莲 | 作物学报 | 2019, 45 (11): 1615–1627. (doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2019.91009) | 1615 | 1627 |
461 | 5- 氨基乙酰丙酸 和乙烯利复配剂 对东北春玉米光合特性及产量的影响 | 李瑞杰 唐会会 王庆燕 许艳丽 房孟颖 闫鹏 董志强 | 作物杂志 | 已接收、待刊 | 136 | 141 |
462 | 北疆玉米密植高产宜粒收品种筛选 | 李少昆,王克如,张国强,,柳枫贺,谢瑞芝,侯 鹏,明 博. | 作物杂志 | 2019, (4) | 62 | 68 |
463 | 不同土壤条件下追施硼肥对小麦产量和品质的影响初报 | 王丽娜 常旭虹 王德梅 陶志强 王艳杰 杨玉双 赵广才 | 作物杂志 | 2019(6) | 82 | 86 |
464 | 不同土壤条件下追施锌肥对小麦产量及品质的影响 | 张艳华 常旭虹 王德梅 陶志强 王艳杰 杨玉双 赵广才 | 作物杂志 | 2019(6) | 109 | 113 |
465 | 潮盐土条件下不同小麦品种(系)子粒品质差异分析 | 赵广才 | 作物杂志 | 2019(6) | 104 | 109 |
466 | Analysis of evolutionary relationships provides new clues to the origins of weedy rice Journal: | Han Bing, Ma Xiaoding, Cui Di, Wang Yanjie, Geng Leiyue, Cao Guilan, Zhang Hui, Koh Heejong, Han Longzhi | Ecology and Evolution | DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5948 | 1 | 17 |
467 | 481份国内外绿豆种质农艺性状季豆象抗性鉴定评价及遗传多样性分析 | 陈红霖,胡亮亮,王素华,王丽侠,程须珍 | 植物遗传资源学报 | doi:10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20190717003 | 1 | 8 |
468 | ZmEHD1-mediated CME regulates auxin homeostasis | Jihua Tang, Wen-Xue Li | Plant Physiology Preview | DOI:10.1104/pp.19.01336 | 1 | 42 |
469 | Precise base editing of non-allelic acetolactate synthase genes confers sulfonylurea herbicide resistance in maize | Yanmin Lia, Jinjie Zhu, Hao Wu, Changlin Liu, Changling Huang, Jinhao Lan,Yanming Zhao, Chuanxiao Xie | The crop journal | 10.1016/j.cj.2019.10.001 | 1 | 8 |
470 | 基于作物种质资源的优异等位 基因挖掘:进展与展望 | 武晶,黎裕 | 植物遗传资源学报 | 20(6) | 1380 | 1389 |
471 | 江西省稻米中总砷和无机砷含量的测定 | 董晓丽,王步军 | 食品科学技术学报 | 2019,37(6) | 82 | 87 |
472 | Full-length transcriptome sequences of Agropyron cristatum facilitate the prediction of putative genes for thousand-grain weight in a wheat-A. cristatum translocation line | Shenghui Zhou; Jinpeng Zhang; Haiming Han; Jing Zhang; Huihui Ma; Zhi Zhang; Yuqing Lu; Weihua Liu; Xinming Yang; Xiuquan Li; Lihui Li | BMC Genomics | DOI: 10.1186/s12864-019-6416-4 | 1 | 9 |