142 2024-01-13
各省、自治区、直辖市、直辖市科技厅(委、局)、农业厅(局)、水利(水务)厅(局)、林业厅(局)单独的国家规划; 新疆生产建设兵团科技局、农业局、水利局、林业局,中国科学院各单位,中国农业银行各分行:
为深入贯彻落实党的十九大《实施乡村振兴战略》报告精神和中央一号文件关于“提高农业科技兴农建设水平”的要求,科技园区”,我们实施了《国家科技创新“十三五”规划》和“十一五”规划。 《农业农村科技创新“三五”规划》要求进一步加快国家农业科技园区创新发展。 科技部、农业部、水利部、国家林业局、中国科学院、中国农业银行联合制定《国家农业科技园区发展规划(2018年-现印发给你们,请结合各地实际情况认真贯彻执行。
国家林业局 中国科学院 中国农业银行
2018 年 1 月 22 日
当前,我国正处于深入实施创新驱动发展战略、全面深化科技体制改革、推进农业农村现代化的关键时期。 也正处于全面建设小康社会、迈入创新型国家行列的决胜阶段。 为深入贯彻落实党的十九大关于“实施乡村振兴战略”的部署和《中共中央 国务院关于实施乡村振兴战略的意见》精神贯彻落实《乡村振兴战略》,认真贯彻落实《国家科技创新“十三五”规划》和《“十三五”规划》《农业农村科技创新规划》要求,进一步加快乡村振兴创新发展国家农业科技园区(以下简称园区)制定本规划。
为贯彻落实《中共中央 国务院关于做好2000年农业农村工作的意见》(中发[2000]3号),“要抓住建设具有国际先进水平的重点实验室和科技园区并制定配套政策。” 根据《国务院办公厅关于落实2000年中共中央 国务院关于做好农业农村工作的意见》有关政策问题的通知(国办公函[2000]13号):“科技园区由科学技术部领导,会同有关部门制定和建设。 本着“规划、政策措施”的精神,2000年以来,科技部会同农业部、水利部、国家林业局、中科院、农业银行中方等部门启动国家农业科技园区建设。 园区发展经历了试点建设(2001-2005年)、全面推广(2006-2011年)、创新发展(2012年至今)三个阶段。 截至2017年底,已批准建设国家级园区246个,基本覆盖所有省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市和新疆生产建设兵团。 初步形成了特色鲜明、模式典型、科技示范效应显着的园区发展。 图案。 根据建设和运营主体的差异,园区形成了政府主导(占87.0%)、企业主导(占9.7%)、科研单位主导(占3.3%)三种模式。 近年来,园区立足自身发展模式和区域特点,适应创新驱动发展需要,在功能定位、规划布局等方面发生了一系列新变化。 政府主导园区转型为农业高新技术产业培育和产业城镇发展。 杨凌以产村融合模式发展,其他两类园区则向科技服务和成果应用方向发展。
自开工以来,园区建设得到了各级相关部门和政府的大力支持。 中央一号文件对园区工作七次作出部署,为园区有序健康发展提供了坚实保障,同时也为园区发展提供了坚实基础。公园。 科技创新驱动现代农业发展提供了新模式和示范范本。
已在东北平原、华北平原、长江中下游等13个粮食主产省部署了117个园区。 通过国家种业科技创新、粮食高产科技工程、渤海粮仓科技示范工程等重大科技项目的实施,园区已成为创新型新作物示范基地品种与粮食高产技术融合,为粮食连续十二增产做出了重要贡献。 贡献。 截至2015年底,园区增加粮食产量超过5600万吨,增加效益超过1000亿元。 有效带动了园区周边地区粮食增产增效,推动实现“粮藏在地、藏在科技”。
园区重点建设政产学研合作交流平台和技术研发平台,吸引高等院校、科研院所和企业入驻,共同开展农业技术研发。 深入推行科技特派员制度,积极引导科技人员创新创业,鼓励科技特派员兴办农业科技企业,建设明星创造天地,完善新型社会化农业科技服务体系发展星火基地、农科站、专家大院、科技服务超市和农技信息服务,加快农业科技成果转移转化。 目前已建成的246个园区核心面积579万亩,示范面积2亿亩。 园区已引进培育农业企业8700多家,其中高新技术企业1555家。 累计引进培育新品种4.09万个,推广新品种1.46万个,引进推广农业新技术2.2万项,审定省级以上植物、畜禽、水产品新品种642个,并获得专利授权4000余项。
园区坚持以创新为动力,加快现代产业组织方式进入农业领域。 产“质量”有力推动了产业升级和结构调整。园区内粮食、蔬菜、花卉、林果、农产品加工等传统产业不断发展壮大,农产品物流、科技金融等现代服务业不断发展壮大。园区以现代农业技术展示和职业农民培训为重点,加强先进农业技术的组装和融合,促进农村一二三产业融合发展。传统农业升级改造。 2015年,园区实现总产值1.2万亿元,培训农民374万人,为当地农民创造就业170万; 总体劳动生产率14.25万元/人,比全国8.9万元/人提高60.1%。 各项创新指标明显优于全国平均水平。
按照加快转变政府职能、更好发挥市场作用的要求,加强园区间的政策联动、投资联盟、信息共享、产业互动,进一步激发园区活力,形成长效机制。建立园区自主发展长期机制,促进园区自主发展。 产业与城镇、产村融合发展,推动了政府、市场、社会协同创新,提升公共服务水平,推动更多金融资源向农村倾斜。 为建设美丽宜居乡村、加速城乡二元结构破解做出了巨大贡献。 新的贡献。
2. 情况和需求
当前,中国特色社会主义进入新时代。 我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾。 我国经济也已从高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段。 深化供给侧结构性改革,加快建设创新型国家,实施创新驱动发展战略和乡村振兴战略,有力推动农业农村发展进入“方式转变、结构优化、驱动发展”的新时代。力的转变”。 园区的发展既面临许多有利条件和机遇,也面临许多困难和挑战。 必须更多依靠科技进步,实现创新驱动、内生发展。
实施创新驱动发展战略,建设世界科技强国,是以习近平同志为核心的党中央在新的历史方位上立足全局、面向未来作出的重大战略决策。 习近平总书记指出,“实施创新驱动发展战略,必须牢牢抓住科技创新‘窄鼻子’,切实营造实施创新驱动发展的体制机制和良好环境。”战略,加快形成国家发展新动力。” 当前,世界新一轮农业科技革命和产业变革蓄势待发。 信息技术、生物技术、制造技术、新材料技术、新能源技术等广泛渗透到农业农村,带动产业绿色化、智能化、泛在化。 集团重大技术突破。 科技特派员制度深入推行,创新创业进入活跃期,“大众创业、万众创新”深入人心,人才、知识、技术等创新资源流动,资本加速。 园区要准确把握未来发展的阶段特征和新任务要求,以创新驱动发展战略为动力,打造科技先发优势,推动更多农业科技成果直接转化为农业科技成果。新技术、新产品,形成新产业、新业态,培育新动能、新活力。
推进农业供给侧结构性改革任重道远。 一方面,农产品价格受抑,农业生产成本上升,进口农产品冲击,农业资源过度利用和短缺的双重制约日益加剧; 另一方面,农村土地流转加快,规模化经营比重扩大,新型农业经营主体参与支持新农业。 管理体系的需求更加迫切; 特别是在经济发展放缓的背景下,农民继续增收的压力更大。 园区作为农业科技创新、技术应用和产业发展的示范样板,必须加快农业供给侧结构性改革,以提高农产品供给质量和效率为主攻方向,促进农业农村发展。现代化; 要建立创新驱动的现代农业发展新模式,整合科教、资本等资源,探索多种模式和途径,孵化培育农业高新技术企业,增强农业产业整体竞争力,充分发挥发挥科技在农业现代化进程中的支撑和引领作用。
打赢脱贫攻坚战、全面建成小康社会,是中国共产党对全国人民的庄严承诺,也是中国政府向世界的庄严宣言。 当前,我国已进入全面建成小康社会决胜时期,脱贫攻坚进入攻坚冲刺阶段。 园区要加强科技供给,发挥示范带动作用,服务脱贫攻坚主战场。 要充分发挥园区产业集聚、平台载体、政策环境和基础设施优势,加快先进适用科技成果转化应用,培育创新创业主体,加强农民技能培训、推动创业扶贫,以创业带动产业发展。 以产业发展带动精准扶贫,增强贫困地区可持续发展内生动力。
面对农业农村发展新时代和供给侧结构性改革新要求,农业科技园区建设在取得显著成绩的同时,还存在许多需要进一步完善和亟待解决的新问题。 农业发展作用尚未充分凸显,园区创新创业和成果转化水平仍需进一步提升,新产业新业态集聚效应不够,农业产业竞争力不强不坚强; 二是区域布局有待进一步优化,园区发展不平衡,建设水平参差不齐,创新资源和要素流动不顺畅,同质化竞争严重,发展程度不高。支持地区不高。 有待加强,园区的组织领导和业务指导有待加强,园区缺乏配套政策,特别是土地配套政策、金融贷款政策和社会投资政策,导致科教资源集聚不力,园区创新型企业。 因此,要按照党中央、国务院的战略部署,按照十九大提出的战略目标,紧紧抓住战略机遇,乘势而上,推动发展园区建设迈上新台阶。
全面贯彻党的十九大精神,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局,统筹推进“四个全面”战略布局,牢固树立和落实新发展理念,以实施创新驱动发展战略和乡村振兴战略为引领,以深入推进农业供给侧结构性改革为主线以提高农业综合效率和竞争力为目标,以培育壮大新型农业经营主体为抓手,努力推动园区向高端化、集聚化、一体化、绿化,发展农业高新技术产业,提高农业产业竞争力,促进农业整体升级; 着力推进城镇村产融合,统筹城乡发展,建设美丽乡村,促进农村全面进步; 着力推动一二三产业融合发展,积极探索农民二三产业收益共享机制,大幅增加农民收入,促进农民全面发展。
集聚创新资源,培育农业农村发展新动能,着力拓展农村创新创业、成果展示示范、成果转化推广、职业农民培养等功能。 强化创新链、支撑产业链、激活人才链、提升价值链、共享利益链,努力推动园区成为农业创新驱动发展先行区、农业结构性改革试验区。农业供给侧、农业高新技术产业集聚区打造中国特色农业自主创新示范区。
1.坚持创新引领。 深入实施创新驱动发展战略,以科技创新为核心,大力加强农业高新技术应用,培育农业高新技术企业,发展农业高新技术产业,建设一批农业高新技术企业。高新技术产业园区,统筹推进技术、管理、品牌、商业模式等领域的全面创新。
2.加强分类指导。 根据各地区资源禀赋和发展阶段,立足区域农业生态类型和产业布局,分类建设和引导园区,促进区域特色优势产业集聚升级。
3、加强示范引领。 创新完善园区核心区、示范区、辐射区之间的技术扩散联动机制,增强园区科技成果转移转化和辐射带动能力,提高园区科技成果转移转化能力和辐射带动能力。农业生产产出率、资源利用率和劳动生产率。
4、扮演“双重角色”。 更好发挥政府引导作用,整合技术、信息、资本、人才、政策等创新要素,加大对园区的支持力度; 更好发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用,调动园区、高校、科研的积极性。 机关、企业、新型经营主体等各方面的积极性。
——园区布局更加优化。 国家级农业科技园区达到300个,带动省级园区发展到3000个,基本覆盖我国主要农业功能区和优势农产品产业带。
——园区成果转移转化能力不断增强。 累计推广应用农业新技术4000项、新品种6000余个,授权发明专利1000余项。
——园区高新技术产业集聚程度大幅提升。 培育20个产值超过100亿元的园区和30个产值超过50亿元的园区,3000家农业高新技术企业,10000个农业技术成果推广示范基地。
——园区大众创业、万众创新成效显着。 园区累计建成500个“明星创新天地”,创新创业活动不断涌现,创新创业氛围更加浓厚。
——园区带动精准扶贫能力大幅提升。 累计培训农民超过1000万人次,带动周边农民收入增长20%以上,推动园区成为科技扶贫、精准扶贫的重要载体。
到2025年,将园区建设成为农业科技成果培育、转移转化的创新高地、农业高新技术产业及其服务业集聚的核心载体、农村大众创业的重要阵地创新驱动,生产一体化发展、城乡一体化、农村全面发展。 改革的典范。
以体制改革和机制创新为根本途径,积极探索转农业、调结构、促改革的出路,促进农业转型升级,促进农业高新技术转移转化,增加土地产出、资源利用率和劳动生产率。 。 通过“后补贴”等方式支持农业科技创新,进一步推进科研成果权益改革试点。 加快落实农业科技成果转化收入、科技人员兼职报酬等制度规定。 完善政策、金融、社会资本等多元投入机制,着力优化投入结构,创新使用方式,提高支农效率,通过创新驱动将小农纳入现代农业发展轨道。
引导技术、信息、人才、资金等创新要素向园区集聚。 吸引农业科研机构、高等院校等科教资源,在园区发展市场化的农业新技术研发、成果转化和产业孵化机构,建设农业科技成果转化中心、科技成果转化中心人才创业平台、高新技术产业孵化基地。 支持园区企业和科研机构结合区域实际,独立承担或共同参与国家科研项目,开展特色优势产业关键共性技术研发和推广。 吸引和集聚农业科研机构、高等院校等科教资源,建设各类研发机构、检测检测中心、院士专家工作站、技术交易机构等重大功能和科研公共服务平台,促进国际先进技术与原创技术的对接与转化。 引导园区积极开展技术培训、创新创业、企业孵化、信息交流、投融资等综合服务,加强先进实用技术的集成示范,打造科技扶贫模式,充分发挥园区的窗口效应和带动作用。
打造科技创业苗圃、企业孵化器、星创天地、现代农业产业技术创新中心等“双创”载体,培育一批技术水平高、成长潜力大的科技型企业,形成农业高新技术企业集团。 依托园区资源禀赋和产业基础,打造优势特色主导产业,实现标准化生产、区域布局、品牌经营、高值发展,形成一批带动力强的农业高新技术产业集群和鲜明的特点。 发展“互联网+园区”等创新模式和新业态,加强现代服务业与农业高新技术产业融合发展。 加强特色优势产业共性关键技术研发,增强创新能力和发展后劲。 突出“高”“新”特色,加强农业高新技术应用,产业链向中高端延伸,形成现代农业发展和经济增长新业态。
构建以政产学研一体化、科技金融、科技服务等为主要内容的创新体系,提高创新效率。 建设具有区域特色的农民培训基地,提高农民专业技能,优化农业从业人员结构,培养适应现代农业发展需要的新型农民。 In accordance with the requirements of implementing the strategy of strengthening the country through talents, gather a group of strategic scientific and technological talents, leading scientific and technological talents, young scientific and technological talents and high-level innovation teams in the agricultural field to build a team of agricultural science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship talents with excellent quality and reasonable structure. Promote the park to pay more attention to attracting, cultivating, using and motivating talents, pay more attention to the role of innovative entrepreneurs and professional and technical talents in the development of the park, and create an ecological environment that gathers innovative and entrepreneurial talents. We should pay equal attention to the introduction of high-end talents and the cultivation of local talents, and encourage qualified parks to establish entrepreneurial service centers and technology incubators. Encourage college students, business owners, scientific and technological personnel, and people who have returned from studying abroad to innovate and start businesses independently, so that all types of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" entities become the main force in promoting agricultural innovation and development.
(5) Encourage differentiated development and improve the park construction model.
Comprehensively promote the construction of national agricultural science and technology parks, guide the parks to rely on scientific and technological advantages, carry out demonstration promotion and industrial innovation, and cultivate distinctive industrial clusters with strong competitiveness. In accordance with "one park, one leading industry", we will build an agricultural high-tech industrial cluster with brand advantages and improve the competitiveness of the agricultural industry. Build regional agricultural science and technology innovation centers and industrial development centers, form leading industries with regional advantages, explore distinctive models for innovation-driven modern agricultural development, and form experiences and practices that can be replicated and promoted.
(6) Build a beautiful and livable countryside and promote the integrated development of the park.
Take the path of new urbanization with Chinese characteristics and explore a new model of urban-rural integrated development of "integration of parks and cities", "integration of parks and towns", and "integration of parks and villages". Integrate various resources such as park infrastructure, land consolidation, comprehensive agricultural development, new urbanization, etc., and take into account the coordinated development of production, living and ecology in the park. Strengthen resource conservation and environmental friendliness to ensure efficient output and product safety. Promote the efficient use of agricultural resources, improve agricultural total factor productivity, develop circular ecological agriculture, and create a green park with clean water, fresh air, and safe soil. Relying on the green water, green mountains, pastoral scenery, local culture and other resources of the park, we will promote the in-depth integration of agriculture with tourism and leisure, education and culture, health and wellness and other industries, and develop sightseeing agriculture, experiential agriculture, and creative agriculture. Create "one garden, one product", "one garden, one scene", "one garden, one charm", build beautiful villages and characteristic towns that are suitable for industry, living and tourism, and promote rural revitalization.
Establish a work linkage mechanism led by the Ministry of Science and Technology, jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Forestry Bureau, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Agricultural Bank of China and other relevant departments, with business guidance from the provincial science and technology authorities, and specific promotion by the people's government of the city where the park is located, to form a national and local Jointly support the new model of innovative development of the park and establish an operating mechanism with scientific management, efficient operation, departmental coordination, and ministry-provincial linkage. Timely adjust the member units of the park coordination and guidance group to strengthen the organizational leadership and top-level design of the park. Provincial science and technology administrative departments should establish a park work leading group to promote the construction of the park. Each park must establish a management committee to implement necessary management powers and full-time personnel, promote the reform of “delegation, regulation and service” and build a lean and efficient management system. Implement the park's management mechanism of "separation of construction and management, separation of management and evaluation", give full play to the role of various innovative strategic alliances, strengthen training exchanges and achievement docking between parks, and provide demonstration leadership and service support for industrial development. Strengthen the construction of park think tanks, establish a park expert advisory committee, and establish a regional park core expert database system.
(2) Increase policy support.
In conjunction with the management reform of central fiscal science and technology plans (funds, special projects, etc.), the park will be supported to carry out agricultural science and technology achievement transformation demonstrations, innovation and entrepreneurship through technological innovation guidance special projects (funds), "Three Districts" talent support plan scientific and technological personnel special plans, etc. Encourage national key R&D projects in the agricultural field to give priority to R&D experiments and scientific and technological demonstrations in the park. The Ministry of Science and Technology, together with relevant departments, will explore the formulation of special policies on park land, taxation, finance, and encourage scientific and technological personnel to innovate and start businesses, giving them greater power to experiment with reforms. Innovate science and technology financial policies, and attract social capital to the demonstration area through government-private partnership (PPP) and other models to support the construction of infrastructure in the park; encourage social capital to invest in the demonstration area to establish rural financial institutions such as village banks. Innovate credit granting methods and encourage policy and commercial financial institutions to provide credit support for qualified demonstration zone construction projects within their business scope. The people's government where each park is located shall, in light of local conditions, formulate relevant policies to support the development of the park that are in line with local realities and highly operational. Science and technology administrative departments at all levels should increase the integration of resources between agricultural science and technology plan projects and park construction. We should timely summarize and promote new models, new models, and new mechanisms that have emerged from the innovation-driven development of the park, and increase the recognition of advanced units and individuals.
(3) Strengthen coordinated development.
Further transform government functions, improve service efficiency, explore and innovate in investment and financing, technological innovation, achievement transformation, talent management and land transfer, and promote collaborative innovation in the park. Establish a unified information platform, transaction platform, results platform, and expert platform in the park to realize the integration and interconnection of park resources. Guide parks in various regions to establish regional alliances and leading industry alliances, carry out technology, results, market and information sharing, and promote the development of park industries. National agricultural science and technology parks play an exemplary role in promoting the transformation of agricultural science and technology achievements, cultivating emerging agricultural industries, and innovating modern agricultural management models. Provincial agricultural science and technology parks should adapt to local conditions, highlight regional advantages, carry out joint research on bottlenecks in regional agricultural development, and solve major problems that restrict regional agricultural development. We will further accelerate the transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements, strengthen the training of professional farmers, and promote targeted poverty alleviation through scientific and technological poverty alleviation. A park investment management company or park service company can be established in combination with the actual situation, as the executive agency for park engineering construction, technology research and development, and enterprise services, to promote the park's construction and development.
(4) Carry out monitoring and evaluation.
Implement the national innovation survey system, strengthen the monitoring and evaluation research of park innovation capabilities, pay more attention to the quality and efficiency of economic development, and highlight the assessment and evaluation of park scientific and technological innovation, industrial development, enterprise cultivation, radiation drive, and poverty alleviation. Establish the park's annual innovation capability monitoring and evaluation system and work system, organize the park's annual innovation capability monitoring and evaluation, provide targeted guidance based on the evaluation results and regional development needs, and adopt a post-subsidy mechanism and government purchase on the basis of the park's evaluation and monitoring services, focusing on supporting the improvement of scientific and technological innovation capabilities and the transformation and application of high-tech achievements. Strengthen the dynamic management of parks, establish an elimination and exit mechanism, regularly evaluate parks that have been accepted, and give priority to parks with outstanding performance. Parks that fail to meet the evaluation standards will be ordered to make corrections within a time limit, and those that still fail to meet the standards after rectification will be disqualified from the national agricultural science and technology park.