134 2023-12-19
根据党委统一部署,2022年9月22日至10月14日,党委第一巡视组对国家农业科学研究所进行例行巡视。 2022年12月30日,州委第一巡视组对农业科学研究所进行了巡视反馈。 根据检查公开工作相关要求,现将检查整改情况通报如下。
甘孜州农科院坚持把巡视整改作为一项重大政治任务。 按照党的监督从严治党要求,坚持问题导向,坚持全面整改与落实改革相结合,边巡视边改革建立长效机制。 我们狠抓整改落实,不折不扣地落实党委和督察组的要求,阶段性整改工作取得了较为明显的成效。
国家农业科学研究所充分认识到,这次检查是对我们落实全面从严党的责任、落实民主集中制、加强党风廉政建设、严明党规党纪的一次集中检验。 这也是对国家农业科学研究的一次考验。 全面回顾了研究所近年来的工作。 检查组的反馈和要求,充分体现了国家委对国家农科院工作的关心和支持,为我们今后的工作指明了方向、增添了动力。
检查反馈会后,国家农科院立即成立了以主要负责人为组长,各部门、中心、场负责人为成员的整改工作领导小组,研究部署检查整改工作并明确指导思想、工作原则,确定整改目标,领导小组成立办公室,指定专人负责检查整改工作,确保检查整改工作落到实处。有序进行。 要求各部门、各中心、各领域提高政治站位,严格遵守政治规矩,自觉把巡视整顿作为重要政治任务,用最坚决的态度、最有力的措施全面推进落实。 2023年2月22日召开检查反馈专题民主生活会,分析检查中发现的问题,明确下一步整改措施。 检查整顿期间,多次召开会议,研究部署、督促检查整顿工作推进。
通过组织全体干部职工传达巡视检查反馈意见,深入分析存在问题,认真查找问题根源,坚持问题导向,对巡视反馈问题一一进行梳理。 经过反复审议、多方研究,制定了《州委第一巡视组对甘孜州农业科学研究所巡视反馈意见整改方案》,其中包括反映的三个方面10个重大问题巡视期间,由党委第一巡视组带回。 分解为50项整改任务,列出整改台账,明确牵头领导、责任部门、整改措施和完成时限,确保整改工作实施无盲点、无死角。
整改情况:(一)召开职工大会和党支部学习会,加强学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想、党的二十大精神、习总书记习近平关于“三农”和科技创新的重要论述。 及时传达中央、省、州委农村工作会议精神,尽快组织学习,尽快研究落实意见。 检查整顿以来,已召开支部党员学习会3次,干部职工学习会2次。 (二)制定《甘孜州农科院干部职工理论学习制度》,从制度上规范本单位干部职工理论学习,建立月一学制度。 (三)加强专业技术人员能力提升。 一是于2月28日、3月22日召开两次职工大会,安排专业技术人员能力提升相关工作。 要求专业技术人员每季度完成一篇关于我州农业发展的文章。 二是与国家科学技术研究院文献室对接,开通了万方、中国知网等中文论文查询网站,让专业技术人员及时了解农业领域的前沿知识我国的科学研究。 三是邀请省内外专家讲学,开展学术交流和工作研讨。 (四)转变学风,严格执行签到制度,将签到率作为年度考核主要指标之一,营造积极主动的学习环境。
整改情况:(一)围绕我州“三河六带”产业带建设要求,从2月份开始,由单位主要负责人带队,有关部门参与,深入我州农业生产第一线进行调研。 不同县区对不同农业产业进行了11次调查,分析整理了制约我州农业产业发展的技术难点和瓶颈,形成了技术需求清单,制定了“五基于此问题的《甘孜州农业科学研究所年度科学研究发展规划》。 (二)规范项目申报工作。 一是对项目申请实行预审,坚决淘汰不符合我州实际情况的项目,根据自己的喜好确定研究方向和重复申请,协调优化4个省级项目的申请。科技部争取项目经费100万元。 二是结合《甘孜州农业科学院科学研究五年发展规划》建立甘孜州农业科学院项目储备库,加大急需农业科研项目申报力度。 (三)完善科研项目管理机制,制定《甘孜州农业科学研究所科研项目管理办法》。 科研项目实施过程中,科技管理科按照项目任务合同对项目进展情况进行监督检查。 各课题组分阶段向所在单位报告项目实施情况。 财务部对项目资金单独核算,按月汇报资金使用进度,项目实施进展缓慢的及时约谈项目负责人,确保项目有序推进。 (四)加强与企业主体合作科研成果转化。 一是与成都金穗康和生物科技有限公司合作,由我们的食用菌科研团队为企业提供技术支持,以企业为主体推动藏灵芝的人工栽培和产品开发,努力把西藏灵芝发展成为我国的特色。 食用菌产业。
二是与四川金安农业有限公司、鹿火鹿川农业有限公司合作,由公司以授权形式选育康青9号、康青11号青稞品种,面向市场使用意味着加快新品种推广,从而快速提高我州青稞品种覆盖率。 三是印发《甘孜州农业科学研究所科研成果转化率考核办法》,提高科技人员转化科研成果的积极性,让科研团队转化科研成果他们自己。 4月23日,食用菌科研团队与企业就定价方式达成一致,将“康定”灵芝品种权转让给企业,由企业转化生产成果。 (五)加强科研服务能力建设。 一是根据我州粮食产业发展需要,成立了青稞、玉米、马铃薯三个粮食作物专家组指导全州粮食生产,制定了《甘孜州2023年主要粮食作物青稞、玉米《马铃薯、大豆、玉米带综合规划》《种植技术指导方案》由国家农牧农村局印发,作为指导性文件在全州范围内实施。 二是安排16名专业技术人员参加全州农牧系统“领导覆盖、农技人员进驻”工作,深入我州农业生产第一线开展技术服务。 (六)立足我国“三河六带”产业发展,加大科研示范基地建设。 一是与雅江县农牧局合作,共建食用菌科技示范基地,示范推广白毫5亩、灵芝1亩; 二是在新龙、甘孜两县建设400亩青贮玉米核心示范。 基地示范推广高原青贮玉米种植及青贮加工技术。 三是在丹巴县建设现代化低库存密植高标准苹果科技示范园; 通过水、肥、农药综合利用、果草循环利用、病虫害绿色防治等技术措施,开展有机苹果生产试验示范,提高水果产量。 ,保证水果品质,打造“有机国家”建设典范; 同时,在丹巴县推广“金维纳斯”苹果新品种,打造丹巴“美人香”苹果品牌。
四是在甘孜、炉霍开展高产高效康青系列青稞新品种创制示范推广,建设300亩核心示范基地,整合推广一套高产高效栽培技术。 五是结合“民族团结进家庭活动”,运用园林经济模式,在我所对口的甘孜县雅芝村3户30平方米示范推广贝母球茎人工栽培技术。 (七)加强科研诚信管理,印发《甘孜州农业科学研究所科研诚信管理办法》,对“论文互链问题”进行整改和完善。
整改情况:(一)一是加强财务人员业务学习,组织财务人员认真学习《会计法》《事业单位财务规则》等相关法律制度,提高专业知识和工作能力的财务人员。 二是修订完善《甘孜州农科所财务管理制度》,保证单位财务工作规范运行。 (二)一是为了进一步加强对单位内政府采购活动的有效监管,完善政府采购业务内控制度,成立了甘孜州农业科学研究所政府采购领导小组; 二是《甘孜州农科院物资采购与工程《维护管理细则》,从制度上规范物资设备采购和工程维护程序。三是根据年度科研项目采购计划,委托机构实施严格按照政府采购程序采购拟采购的51.8万元实验设备(三)一是成立甘孜州农科院资产清算领导小组,负责国有资产清算工作二是制定《甘孜州农科院固定资产管理办法》,进一步从制度上强化国有资产管理,强化管控,严防国有资产流失三是加强固定资产管理,摸清企业财务状况,委托第三方公司对固定资产进行盘点,防止国有资产流失。 (四)一是研究所财务部加强对八美农实验场财务工作的管理和监督,每季度对八美农实验场财务工作进行检查。 二是整改退还八美农实验场退休职工陈庆荣多发工资6.72万元,并扣除长期病假人员工资9.98万元,上缴甘孜州国库中央分局3月24日消息,今后将按照金融体系进一步规范资金管理,防止此类问题发生。 (五)加强八美农考点负责人和财务经理经营政策的学习。 违规申报的目标奖励6.62万元已整改退还,并于3月24日移交给国库甘孜州中心分局。
整改情况:(一)坚决贯彻落实中央“八项规定”精神。 认真学习《甘孜藏族自治州国家级党政机关国内公务接待管理办法》。 公务接待实行审批制度。 按照“先审批、后接待”的管理流程,根据调度单位的公函制定接待计划。 办公室填写正式接待审批表,报主管主任审批后方可安排接待。 无公函的一律禁止接待,“三单不齐”不予报销。 (二)对违规超标准的执勤费和车辆安全运营奖励进行整改、退还。 一是对2018年至2022年开征的关税进行了梳理统计。 违规、超标准开具的税费91550.00元已于3月24日全额退还并上缴国库甘孜州中心分局。二是清理整顿开具的车辆安全运营奖励2018年至2022年,违法发行的26271.00元已全部退还,并于3月24日上缴国库甘孜州中心分局。 (三)一是严格落实《关于建立积极激励机制充分调动群众积极性的意见》 《关于进一步规范干部职工定期体检工作的通知》(干委发[2017]12号)和《关于进一步规范干部例行体检的补充通知》(干委发[2017]12号) 49号),财务部将联系四川大学华西医院、四川大学华西第四医院,自愿为员工组织体检。 其次,员工进行自检时必须提交医院正式发票报销体检费用。 (四)加强财务人员能力培训,全面提高会计人员整体素质和业务能力,要求财务人员严格执行审核、审批、报销制度,防止违规报销费用再次发生。 整改以来,已安排财务人员参加国家财政局、国家农牧农村局组织的5次财务培训。 (五)严格执行《党政机关使用公务车辆管理办法》,制定《甘孜州农业科学研究所使用公务车辆管理办法》,完善单位使用公务车辆审批流程,规范单位公务用车的使用。
整改情况:(一)2月28日召开主任办公会议,研究部署今年党建工作,拨付资金完善党员活动室和党建文化建设。 利用办公楼的走廊、走廊建设党建和清洁政府文化墙,打造单位党建文化墙。 积极健康、进取的文化氛围。 (二)一是建立每周一次党员学习会、每月一次支委会议、每季度一次党课制度,加强党的理论知识的学习。 检查整改以来,已召开支部委员会会议2次、支部学习会3次。 第二次评价。 二是制定《甘孜州农业科学研究所2023年工作计划》和《甘孜州农业科学研究所党支部2023年党建工作要点》,融入党的二十大精神把中国共产党和习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想纳入“三会一课”必学内容学习。(三)制定全市“主题党日”活动方案甘孜州农科院党支部,每月结合当前党建重点任务提出活动主题,增强党组织的凝聚力和战斗力,教育引导党员以身作则、以身作则。目前已开展3场“主题党日”活动。(四)根据《中国共产党章程》精神,制定《中国共产党关于发展党的细则》 《党员队伍建设》和《关于进一步做好党员发展工作的通知》,梳理党员发展工作流程,党支部书记、副书记、组织委员要落实党员发展工作流程。发展党员。 深入研究工作流程,明确发展党员的5个阶段、25个步骤。 (五)3月31日召开支部会议,研究《中国共产党党费征收、使用和管理条例》,确定每月9日为甘孜州“党费日”县农业科学研究所分院。 负责党费管理的组织委员会成员要严格执行“党费日”制度,认真填写党费凭证和党费缴纳台账,加强党费管理。 (六)制定《甘孜州农科院党支部党员谈心谈话制度》,坚持党内、党员之间谈心谈话全覆盖党支部成员之间、支部成员与党员之间、党员与党员之间、党员与群众之间。 会议期间,从征求意见、劝诫提醒、交流意见、了解困难四个方面进行了谈心谈话。 截至目前,党内谈心谈话已举行15场。 (七)落实责任,规范组织生活会和党员民主评议行为,组织生活会突出主题,按照学习动员、谈心谈话、查找问题、自我评价等方式,对党员进行民主评议。对优秀党员进行考核、互评、组织考核、表彰表彰以及不合格党员的处理等程序。 3月15日严格按照程序召开2022年度党支部组织生活会和党员民主评议会,推荐了3名优秀党员,达到了统一思想、解决问题、增强团结、改进工作、做出成绩的目的。共同进步。
整改情况:(一)加强年轻干部培养,及时安排工作能力强、政治素质优良的干部走上管理岗位,在单位建立一支政治可靠、业务支撑能力强的队伍很有型。 一支副科级以上年轻干部队伍。 由于国家农科院团队人员尚未满员,这项工作将在团队人员满员后逐步开展。 (二)加强中层干部轮岗交流培训,健全本单位中层干部交流轮岗制度,经国家农牧局党组织同意,四部门办公室、财务部、经济作物研究室、培训部主要负责人进行了交流轮换,交流部门负责人全部到岗履职。 (三)加强对干部职工的监督管理。 一是加强员工考勤管理。 从2月份开始,单位员工的考勤情况将于1月1日公布,并于1月1日进行表彰。 对违纪违规行为,将严格按照有关法律法规进行处理。 二是修订完善《甘孜州农科院考勤管理办法》。 三是长期缺勤的司机郝彪于2月份接到通知返岗,并调整工作安排到单位办公室从事后勤管理工作。 (四)一是全面清查职工人事档案,及时补充完善缺失档案,并按照监管要求分类归档。 二是制定甘孜州农科所人事档案管理职责,查核、借用、调拨表格,并由专人管理,确保档案真实、准确、规范。
整改情况:(一)一是加强思想教育,提高政治站位,深入学习领会习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,充分认识意识形态工作的极端重要性,把意识形态工作摆在更加突出的位置牢固树立正确政治方向,把意识形态工作作为职工学习、党员学习的重要内容,及时落实中央和省、州委关于意识形态工作的部署要求。 检查整顿以来,召开职工代表大会2次,支部学习3次,加强思想教育学习。 二是制定《甘孜州农科院意识形态工作责任清单》,进一步落实党管意识形态的原则,加强和改进州农科院意识形态工作,明确工作责任,牢牢掌握领导和思想工作的领导。 倡议。 (二)成立甘孜州农科院意识形态工作领导小组,加强党对意识形态工作的领导,提高意识形态工作能力和水平,确保有专人负责意识形态工作。 (三)压实思想责任。 First, the director's office meeting will be held every quarter, and special research meetings and reporting meetings on ideological work will be held regularly. The director's office meeting will be held on March 22 to conduct special research and arrangements on ideological work. Second, the leaders of the institute signed the "Ideological Work Responsibility Letter" with all employees of the institute to effectively promote the deepening, refinement, and implementation of the main responsibilities, so that all cadres and employees of the institute can enhance their political awareness, overall awareness, and awareness of integrity and self-discipline, and effectively promote the unit's ideology The work is carried out steadily. (4) Strengthen the propaganda of ideological work. The first is to improve the publicity carriers such as the Ganzi Prefecture Institute of Agricultural Science's publicity column and unit WeChat group. During the rectification period, the bulletin board promoted the spirit of the 20th National Congress; the unit WeChat group promptly pushed the information pushed by the Yan Media Action, allowing all employees to accurately grasp and convey the main spiritual content of the central, provincial and state committees in a timely manner. The second is to strengthen public opinion guidance and supervision. The publicity committee member of the branch committee is determined to be responsible for WeChat interaction, public opinion supervision and other work, and organizes effective positive public opinion guidance. (5) Combined with the upcoming study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, further strengthen political guidance for employees, use political guidance to consolidate the foundation of faith, and give full play to the role of theme education activities.
Rectification time limit: Complete the rectification before April 4, 2023
Rectification results: long-term persistence
2. The leadership role of the team is insufficient.
Rectification situation: Due to age and tenure issues in the institute's leadership team since 2018, three directors and deputy directors have retired and been dismissed one after another. The director was dismissed in June 2022, and only one deputy director is still on the job among the current team members. There are three leaders missing. The rectification of the problem of insufficient performance of the leadership role of the team can only be rectified from the establishment of part of the system. Further rectification and improvement will be made after the team is fully formed.
(1) Sort out and complete the list of responsibilities of the leadership team and its members of the Garze Prefecture Institute of Agricultural Sciences, and create a "community" for fulfilling responsibilities in the form of a "responsibility list" to achieve full coverage of responsibilities and enhance the overall synergy of the leadership team. (2) First, carry out in-depth heart-to-heart talk activities. The main leaders have full-coverage heart-to-heart talks with all cadres and employees, timely understand the ideological trends and work difficulties of cadres and employees, and put forward targeted suggestions and solutions. Since the inspection and rectification, main leaders have had 33 heart-to-heart talks with cadres and employees. The second is to formulate the "Heart-to-heart Talk System of the Garze Prefecture Institute of Agricultural Sciences" to guide the team and team members to enhance their role awareness and political responsibility, and create a good atmosphere for joint officers and entrepreneurship. (3) First, in conjunction with the "Annual Assessment Methods for the Staff of the Garze Prefecture Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Rural Affairs Bureau (Trial)" of the Party Group of the State Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Rural Affairs Bureau, the "Annual Assessment Methods for the Staff of the Garze Prefecture Agricultural Science Institute" was formulated and implemented to carry out the annual assessment of employees strictly and practically. 。 The second is to formulate the "Performance Salary Distribution System of Ganzi Prefecture Institute of Agricultural Sciences" in accordance with "Gan Committee Office [2022] No. 41" to create a fair and just incentive mechanism within the unit. (4) Strengthen the ideological and political education of employees, requiring all cadres and employees of the institute to regard being political and observing rules as the bottom line for the correct performance of their duties by public servants, insist on keeping discipline and rules in front, start from small things, and focus on details, Disciplines such as commuting and meetings are clearly stipulated, and employees who are late for commuting and leaving early, who do not implement the leave cancellation system, and who are not strict in work discipline are interviewed in a timely manner, and the work style of the unit has been significantly improved. (5) Organize team members to study the "Several Provisions on Democratic Life Meetings for Party Members and Leading Cadres of Party Members and State Agencies Above County Level", conduct democratic life meetings in strict accordance with procedures and regulations, abandon the idea of good people, and seriously carry out criticism and self-criticism. (6) Organize office staff to study the "Measures for the Processing of Official Documents of National Administrative Agencies", "Implementation Rules for the Processing of Official Documents of National Administrative Agencies of Sichuan Province" and "Standards for the Processing of Official Documents of the People's Government Office of the Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture" and other regulations, and standardize the process of processing official documents, The document proofreading and review mechanism has been strengthened to effectively solve outstanding problems such as untimely and irregular processing of official documents, and further improve the quality and efficiency of official document processing of the State Agricultural Science Institute. (7) Formulate and introduce the "Ganzi Prefecture Agricultural Science Institute Care and Care for Employees System" to care for and care for employees in terms of life, work, spirit and other aspects.
Rectification time limit: Complete the rectification before April 4, 2023
Rectification results: long-term persistence
3. There are gaps in the implementation of democratic centralism.
Rectification situation: (1) First, optimize and improve the unit's discussion system. The unit's "three important and one" matters will be studied and decided by the director's office meeting. The second is to revise three systems: the "Rules of Procedure System of the Garze Prefecture Agricultural Science Institute", the "Rules of Procedure of the Garze Prefecture Institute of Agricultural Sciences for "Three Important and One" Matters", and the "Meeting System of the Director's Office Meeting of the Garze Prefecture Institute of Agricultural Sciences". The third is to standardize the meeting process, collect and organize issues before the meeting, and eliminate ad hoc motions during the meeting. Standardize meeting minutes and resolutely eliminate problems such as mixed recording and incomplete elements of various meeting minutes. (2) Standardize the procedures for discussion and decision-making. Major issues involving the overall situation of the unit, policy issues, power allocation of the unit, recruitment of personnel, use of large amounts of funds, etc. shall be collectively studied and decided by the director's office meeting. Since the inspection and rectification, the director's office meeting has been held 4 times and 32 collective decisions have been made, ensuring that the meeting records are comprehensive and clear, the meeting minutes are rigorous and accurate, and the filing is timely.
Rectification time limit: Complete the rectification before April 4, 2023
Rectification results: long-term persistence
(2) Feedback issues: Focus on corruption and unhealthy practices around the masses
1. Ineffective implementation of the main responsibility for building a clean government.
Rectification situation: (1) Strictly implement "one post, two responsibilities" and solidly build a strong defense line for clean government. The main person in charge of the unit takes the lead in carrying out the party's work style and clean government, and personally deploys, personally inspects and personally supervises the important work of party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption. On April 6, the director's office meeting was held to study the party style and clean government work of the State Agricultural Science Institute, adjust and enrich the leading group for clean government construction, and strengthen the party style and clean government construction work. (2) Carry out case-based education to promote reform, organize all cadres and workers on February 28, and hold a branch meeting on March 15 to focus on studying Comrade Shen Yang, Secretary of the State Party Committee, and how to use cases to promote serious violations of discipline and law in Ganzi Prefecture, including He Kanglin, Kang Guangyou, and Chen Tingquan. The speech at the reform warning education conference requires all cadres and employees of the institute, especially party members and leading cadres, to seriously reflect on their ideals and beliefs, political ethics, discipline and rules, original aspiration and mission, self-cultivation and self-discipline, and the implementation of responsibilities in accordance with the requirements of Secretary Shenyang's speech. Reflect, always implement the policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, tighten the ideological "master switch", strengthen the awareness of rules and disciplines in every word and deed, consciously put oneself in the sun, and accept the supervision of the party and society. (3) Implement the "Implementation Opinions on Reforming and Improving the Management Measures for State-level Financial Scientific Research Funds", improve the management of scientific research funds, and allow scientific researchers to withdraw no more than 20% of stable support scientific research funds such as basic scientific research business expenses as incentive funds to stimulate The innovative vitality of scientific researchers should be encouraged to produce more high-quality scientific and technological achievements, providing strong support and guarantee for enhancing scientific and technological innovation capabilities. (4) Formulate the "Ganzi Prefecture Institute of Agricultural Sciences Scientific Research Project Test and Demonstration Base Management Measures" to standardize the management of test and demonstration bases. All scientific research collaboration behaviors during project implementation shall be in writing and signed by the project leader and the collaborators. Collaboration Contract. This year, the construction of highland barley, edible fungi, specialty fruits and plateau corn planting demonstration bases was implemented. The Science and Management Section reviewed the project task (contract) letter and then the project leader signed a collaboration contract with the collaborator.
Rectification time limit: Complete the rectification before April 4, 2023
Rectification results: long-term persistence
4. Arrangements for the next step of rectification work
1. Further improve political stance and continuously strengthen ideological understanding. Deeply understand the overall requirements of the Party Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping on the "Four Comprehensives" strategic layout, clearly understand the state committee's firm stance and clear attitude in implementing the central government's comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and effectively shoulder the main responsibility of managing and governing the party. In terms of ideological understanding, responsibility, methods and measures, we have always implemented the requirements for comprehensively and strictly governing the party, further implemented the task requirements, and tightened the responsibilities.
2. Further refine work measures to ensure that problems are rectified in place. We deeply realize that rectification work has only a starting point and no end point. We must raise awareness ideologically, further refine work measures, and consistently carry out self-examination and self-correction. We must be more vigilant about potential problems and take timely measures to prevent them. Any problems that arise will be investigated seriously and corrected immediately to ensure that awareness, measures and rectifications are in place.
3. Further strengthen system construction and establish and improve long-term mechanisms. According to the new requirements of the new era and combined with the actual situation of Ganzi Prefecture, we will formulate and improve various rules and regulations in terms of adhering to the party's leadership, strengthening party building, comprehensively and strictly governing the party, and building a clean and honest government. At the same time, we will strengthen the implementation and implementation of the system. We must truly manage people and affairs through systems, establish and improve long-term mechanisms, do agricultural scientific research and transformation of results with care, emotion, and effort, and contribute scientific and technological strength to the construction of modern plateau agricultural and animal husbandry bases and the revitalization of rural revitalization industries in our state.
This inspection by the First Inspection Team of the State Party Committee is a comprehensive political physical examination of the State Agricultural Science Institute. The feedback issues are objective and accurate and worthy of our deep reflection. After three months of concentrated rectification, although phased results have been achieved, there is still a certain gap, and some more complex problems still need to be solved in depth. In the future work, the State Agricultural Science Research Institute will firmly establish the "four consciousnesses", enhance the "four self-confidences", consciously achieve the "two safeguards", fully implement the main responsibilities, and be guided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. We will further change our work style, earnestly implement work, and use our greatest efforts to consolidate the results of inspections and rectifications.